Пример #1
        private void buscar()
            string tipoVenta, tipoComprobante;

            //TIPO DE VENTA
            if (rbtnDelivery.Checked == true)
                tipoVenta = " AND v.TipoVenta = 'VD'";
            else if (rbtnSalon.Checked == true)
                tipoVenta = " and v.TipoVenta = 'VS'";
                tipoVenta = "";

            string sucursal = "";

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cboSucursal.Text) == false)
                sucursal = " and c.IDSucursal = '" + cboSucursal.SelectedValue + "'";

            if (cbxTipoComp.Text == "FACTURA Y BOLETA")
                tipoComprobante = "not like '%TICKET%'";
            else if (cbxTipoComp.Text == "TODOS")
                tipoComprobante = "LIKE '%%'";
                tipoComprobante = "LIKE '%" + cbxTipoComp.Text + "%'";

            if (chbxAnuladas.Checked == false)
                //Mostramos Ventas Generales
                fn.ActualizarGrid(dgVentas, "select iif(v.TipoVenta = 'VS','SALON','DELIVERY') AS TipoVenta,v.IDVenta,v.Fecha,v.Hora,tc.NombreComprobante as TipoComprobante,v.Serie,v.Numero,v.NombreCliente,tp.TipoPago,iif(v.Anulada = 1,'0',v.SubTotal) as SubTotal,iif(v.Anulada = 1,'0',v.Igv) as IGV,iif(v.Anulada = 1,'0',v.Total) as Total,v.CreditoConfirmado,r.Nombres as Repartidor,u.Usuario,mo.Nombres as Mozo,me.Mesa,v.Pagado AS PagadoDelivery,v.Estado as EstadoDelivery,iif(v.Anulada = 1,'ANULADA','OK') as EstadoVenta,v.MotivoNoPago from Venta v left join TipoPago tp on v.IDTipoPago = tp.IDTipoPago left join TipoComprobante tc on v.IDTipoCom = tc.IDTipoComprobante left join Repartidor r on v.IDRepartidor = r.IDRepartidor left join Usuario u on v.IDEmpleado = u.IDUsuario left join Mozo mo on v.IDMozo = mo.IDMozo left join Mesa me on v.IDMesa = me.IDMesa inner join CAJA c on v.IDCaja = c.ID where cast(c.FECHA_HORA as date) between '" + dtpFecha.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and '" + dtpFin.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and tp.TipoPago like '%" + cbxTipoPago.Text + "%' and tc.NombreComprobante " + tipoComprobante + " and v.Serie like '%" + txtSerie.Text + "%' " + sucursal + " and v.Numero like '%" + txtNumero.Text + "%' " + tipoVenta + "");
                lblTotal.Text = fn.selectValue("select sum(v.Total) from Venta v left join TipoPago tp on v.IDTipoPago = tp.IDTipoPago left join TipoComprobante tc on v.IDTipoCom = tc.IDTipoComprobante inner join CAJA c on v.IDCaja = c.ID where cast(c.FECHA_HORA as date) between '" + dtpFecha.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and '" + dtpFin.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and tp.TipoPago like '%" + cbxTipoPago.Text + "%' and tc.NombreComprobante " + tipoComprobante + " and v.Serie like '%" + txtSerie.Text + "%' " + sucursal + " and v.Numero like '%" + txtNumero.Text + "%' " + tipoVenta + " and v.Anulada = 0");

                //SI ESTA VACIO LE DEVOLVEROS 0
                lblTotal.Text = fn.remplazarNulo(lblTotal.Text);
                fn.ActualizarGrid(dgVentas, "select iif(v.TipoVenta = 'VS','SALON','DELIVERY') AS TipoVenta,v.IDVenta,v.Fecha,v.Hora,tc.NombreComprobante as TipoComprobante,v.Serie,v.Numero,v.NombreCliente,tp.TipoPago,v.SubTotal,v.Igv,v.Total,v.CreditoConfirmado,r.Nombres as Repartidor,u.Usuario,mo.Nombres as Mozo,me.Mesa,v.Pagado AS PagadoDelivery,v.Estado as EstadoDelivery,iif(v.Anulada = 1,'ANULADA','OK') as EstadoVenta,v.MotivoNoPago from Venta v left join TipoPago tp on v.IDTipoPago = tp.IDTipoPago left join TipoComprobante tc on v.IDTipoCom = tc.IDTipoComprobante left join Repartidor r on v.IDRepartidor = r.IDRepartidor left join Usuario u on v.IDEmpleado = u.IDUsuario left join Mozo mo on v.IDMozo = mo.IDMozo left join Mesa me on v.IDMesa = me.IDMesa inner join CAJA c on v.IDCaja = c.ID where cast(c.FECHA_HORA as date) between '" + dtpFecha.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and '" + dtpFin.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and tp.TipoPago like '%" + cbxTipoPago.Text + "%' and tc.NombreComprobante " + tipoComprobante + " and v.Serie like '%" + txtSerie.Text + "%' " + sucursal + " and v.Numero like '%" + txtNumero.Text + "%' " + tipoVenta + " and v.Anulada = 1");

                lblTotal.Text = "00.00";

            fn.ActualizarGrid(dgvDetalle, "select i.Insumo,CAST(sum(r.Cantidad * dv.Cantidad) AS DECIMAL(18,2)) as Cantidad   from venta v   inner join CAJA c on v.IDCaja = c.id   inner join Sucursal s on c.IDSucursal = s.IDSucursal  inner join VentaDetalle dv on v.IDVenta = dv.IDVenta   inner join Presentacion p on dv.IDPresentacion = p.IDPresentacion   inner join Receta r on p.IDPresentacion = r.IDPresentacion   inner join StockAlmacen sa on r.IDStockAlmacen = sa.IDStockAlmacen   inner join Insumo i on sa.IDInsumo = i.IDInsumo    inner join Almacen a on sa.IDAlmacen = a.IDAlmacen inner join TipoComprobante tc on v.IDTipoCom = tc.IDTipoComprobante inner join TipoPago tp on v.IDTipoPago = tp.IDTipoPago where v.Anulada = 'False' and cast(c.fecha_hora as date) between '" + dtpFecha.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and '" + dtpFin.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and tp.TipoPago like '%" + cbxTipoPago.Text + "%' " + tipoVenta + " AND tc.NombreComprobante " + tipoComprobante + " " + sucursal + " group by i.Insumo");