//public string Process(int id)
        //    //Create DiscoveryClient
        //    DiscoveryClient discoveryClient = new DiscoveryClient(new UdpDiscoveryEndpoint());

        //    //Create the search criteria for the specified scope
        //    FindCriteria findCriteria = new FindCriteria(typeof(IBilling));

        //    //Add discovery scopes
        //    //findCriteria.Scopes.Add(new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/insurance"));
        //    //findCriteria.Scopes.Add(new Uri("ldap:///ou=insurance,o=contoso,c=us"));
        //    //findCriteria.ScopeMatchBy = FindCriteria.ScopeMatchByExact;

        //    //Find BillingService endpoint
        //    FindResponse findResponse = discoveryClient.Find(findCriteria);

        //    if (findResponse.Endpoints.Count == 0)
        //        return "";

        //    //Pick the first discovered endpoint
        //    EndpointAddress address = findResponse.Endpoints[0].Address;

        //    //Create the target service client
        //    ChannelFactory<IBilling> factory = new ChannelFactory<IBilling>(new BasicHttpBinding(), address);
        //    IBilling client = factory.CreateChannel();

        //    //Call the Billing Service
        //    string status = client.ProcessClaim(id, findResponse.Endpoints.Count, address.Uri.AbsoluteUri);

        //    factory.Close();

        //    //return  a new status of the processed claim
        //    return status;


        //public string RentCar(int id)
        //    //Check if the destination endpoint has been announced (discovered) yet
        //    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(MvcApplication.CarRentalEndpoint))
        //        return "No rental car";

        //    //Create the target service client
        //    ChannelFactory<ICarRental> factory = new ChannelFactory<ICarRental>(new BasicHttpBinding(), MvcApplication.CarRentalEndpoint);
        //    ICarRental client = factory.CreateChannel();

        //    //Call the Car Rental Service
        //    string status = client.FindRentalCar(id);

        //    factory.Close();

        //    //return  a new status of the processed claim
        //    return status;


        //public string Billing(int id)
        //    // Create a Discovery Endpoint that points to the proxy service.
        //    Uri probeEndpointAddress = new Uri("net.tcp://localhost:9001/Probe");
        //    DiscoveryEndpoint discoveryEndpoint = new DiscoveryEndpoint(
        //        new NetTcpBinding(), new EndpointAddress(probeEndpointAddress));

        //    // Create DiscoveryClient using the previously created discoveryEndpoint
        //    DiscoveryClient managedDiscoveryClient = new DiscoveryClient(discoveryEndpoint);

        //    // Find IChapter6Discovery endpoints
        //    FindResponse findResponse = managedDiscoveryClient.Find(new FindCriteria(typeof(IBilling)));

        //    if (findResponse.Endpoints.Count == 0) return "";

        //    // Pick the first discovered endpoint
        //    EndpointAddress address = findResponse.Endpoints[0].Address;

        //    //Create the target service client
        //    ChannelFactory<IBilling> factory = new ChannelFactory<IBilling>(new BasicHttpBinding(), address);
        //    IBilling client = factory.CreateChannel();

        //    //Call the Billing Service
        //    string status = client.ProcessClaim(id, findResponse.Endpoints.Count, address.Uri.AbsoluteUri);

        //    factory.Close();

        //    //return  a new status of the processed claim
        //    return status;


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="claim"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ProcessClaim(Claim claim)
            bool isSuccess = false;

            using (Claims.Web.ProcessClaim.WF.ProcessClaimServiceClient client =
                       new Claims.Web.ProcessClaim.WF.ProcessClaimServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IProcessClaimService"))
                //Invoke ProcessClaim Operation
                isSuccess = (bool)client.ProcessClaim(claim);

        //public string Process(int id)
        //    //Create DiscoveryClient
        //    DiscoveryClient discoveryClient = new DiscoveryClient(new UdpDiscoveryEndpoint());

        //    //Create the search criteria for the specified scope
        //    FindCriteria findCriteria = new FindCriteria(typeof(IBilling));

        //    //Add discovery scopes
        //    //findCriteria.Scopes.Add(new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/insurance"));
        //    //findCriteria.Scopes.Add(new Uri("ldap:///ou=insurance,o=contoso,c=us"));
        //    //findCriteria.ScopeMatchBy = FindCriteria.ScopeMatchByExact;

        //    //Find BillingService endpoint
        //    FindResponse findResponse = discoveryClient.Find(findCriteria);

        //    if (findResponse.Endpoints.Count == 0)
        //        return "";

        //    //Pick the first discovered endpoint
        //    EndpointAddress address = findResponse.Endpoints[0].Address;

        //    //Create the target service client
        //    ChannelFactory<IBilling> factory = new ChannelFactory<IBilling>(new BasicHttpBinding(), address);
        //    IBilling client = factory.CreateChannel();

        //    //Call the Billing Service
        //    string status = client.ProcessClaim(id, findResponse.Endpoints.Count, address.Uri.AbsoluteUri);

        //    factory.Close();

        //    //return  a new status of the processed claim
        //    return status;


        //public string RentCar(int id)
        //    //Check if the destination endpoint has been announced (discovered) yet
        //    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(MvcApplication.CarRentalEndpoint))
        //        return "No rental car";

        //    //Create the target service client
        //    ChannelFactory<ICarRental> factory = new ChannelFactory<ICarRental>(new BasicHttpBinding(), MvcApplication.CarRentalEndpoint);
        //    ICarRental client = factory.CreateChannel();

        //    //Call the Car Rental Service
        //    string status = client.FindRentalCar(id);

        //    factory.Close();

        //    //return  a new status of the processed claim
        //    return status;


        //public string Billing(int id)
        //    // Create a Discovery Endpoint that points to the proxy service.
        //    Uri probeEndpointAddress = new Uri("net.tcp://localhost:9001/Probe");
        //    DiscoveryEndpoint discoveryEndpoint = new DiscoveryEndpoint(
        //        new NetTcpBinding(), new EndpointAddress(probeEndpointAddress));
        //    // Create DiscoveryClient using the previously created discoveryEndpoint
        //    DiscoveryClient managedDiscoveryClient = new DiscoveryClient(discoveryEndpoint);

        //    // Find IChapter6Discovery endpoints
        //    FindResponse findResponse = managedDiscoveryClient.Find(new FindCriteria(typeof(IBilling)));

        //    if (findResponse.Endpoints.Count == 0) return "";

        //    // Pick the first discovered endpoint
        //    EndpointAddress address = findResponse.Endpoints[0].Address;

        //    //Create the target service client
        //    ChannelFactory<IBilling> factory = new ChannelFactory<IBilling>(new BasicHttpBinding(), address);
        //    IBilling client = factory.CreateChannel();

        //    //Call the Billing Service
        //    string status = client.ProcessClaim(id, findResponse.Endpoints.Count, address.Uri.AbsoluteUri);

        //    factory.Close();

        //    //return  a new status of the processed claim
        //    return status;


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="claim"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ProcessClaim(Claim claim)
            bool isSuccess = false;

            using (Claims.Web.ProcessClaim.WF.ProcessClaimServiceClient client =
                new Claims.Web.ProcessClaim.WF.ProcessClaimServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IProcessClaimService"))
                //Invoke ProcessClaim Operation
                isSuccess = (bool) client.ProcessClaim(claim);

            return isSuccess;
