Пример #1
    public void Authenticated(CipheriseAuthenticationResponse eResponse, string strUserName, string strDeviceName, string strDeviceID)
        m_strUserName   = strUserName;
        m_strDeviceName = strDeviceName;
        m_strDeviceID   = strDeviceID;

        m_eResponse = eResponse;
        static async Task <string> CipheriseExample(string strCipheriseServer, bool bVerbose)
            Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out));
            Cipherise.CipheriseSP.SetTraceLevel(bVerbose ? TraceLevel.Verbose : TraceLevel.Error);

            ICipheriseServiceProvider SP = Cipherise.CipheriseSP.CreateServiceProvider(strCipheriseServer);

            //Server Version
            ServerInfo SI = new ServerInfo();

            if (false == await SP.Info(SI))
                Console.WriteLine("\nInfo() error: {0}", SI.m_strCipheriseError);
                return("Cipherise failed during Info()");

            //Register a service provider
            // This should happen only once.
            if (false == await SP.Register("My New Cipherise Service Provider"))
                return("Cipherise failed during Register()");

            string strServiceID = SP.GetServiceProviderID();

            Console.WriteLine("Service Provider created with ID: {0}", strServiceID);

            //Verify registration of the service provider.
            //  Uses the current Service Id.
            //  One could call SP.SetPreviousSessionID( otherID ) to change the Service Id.
            if (false == await SP.IsRegistered())
                return("Cipherise failed during IsRegistered()");

            //Set a user name.
            const string strUserName = "******";

            //Enrol a user
            EnrolUser EU = new EnrolUser(strUserName);

            if (false == await SP.EnrolUser(EU))
                return("Cipherise failed during EnrolUser()");

            //Query a users devices
            DeviceData Device = new DeviceData(strUserName);

            if (false == await SP.RetrieveUsersDevices(Device))
                return("Cipherise failed during RetrieveUsersDevices()");

            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("P) Push Authentication");
                Console.WriteLine("W) Wave  Authentication");
                Console.WriteLine("X) Exit");
                Console.Write("Press P, W or X: ");
                char ch = GetChar("PWX");

                if (ch == 'X')

                CipheriseAuthenticationResponse eResponse = CipheriseAuthenticationResponse.eCAR_Cancel;
                string strAuthUserName = strUserName;
                string strAuthDeviceID = Device.GetDeviceID();

                AuthenticateBase Auth = null;
                if (ch == 'P')
                    //Send an authentication request to the users device.
                    Console.WriteLine("Sending an authentication request to the device.  Please acknowledge it...");
                    Auth = new AuthPush(strAuthUserName, strAuthDeviceID);

                if (ch == 'W')
                    //Start a Wave authentication request, which will give the
                    //  user a WaveCode to scan with their phone/device.
                    Auth = new WaveAuth();

                if (Auth != null)
                    if (false == await SP.Authenticate(Auth))
                        return("Cipherise failed during Authenticate()");

                    eResponse = Auth.GetResponse();

                if (eResponse == CipheriseAuthenticationResponse.eCAR_Accept)
                    Console.WriteLine("User '{0}' accepted authentication on device '{1}'.", Auth.GetUserName(), Auth.GetDeviceID());
                else if (eResponse == CipheriseAuthenticationResponse.eCAR_Cancel)
                    Console.WriteLine("Authentication was cancelled!");
                else if (eResponse == CipheriseAuthenticationResponse.eCAR_Report)
                    Console.WriteLine("Authentication was reported!");

            //Revoke a users device from using this service provider.
            // The user will no long be able to use the device ID to authenticate.
            // Re-enrolling the user and their device will rectivate the device for this service provider.
            // Pass in an empty device ID list to revoke all devices for a user.
            RevokeUser RU = new RevokeUser(strUserName, new string[1] {

            if (false == await SP.RevokeUser(RU))
                return("Cipherise failed during RevokeUser()");
            if (RU.GetInvalidDeviceIDCount() > 0)
                return("Cipherise failed during RevokeUser() - contained a invalid ID");

            Console.WriteLine("User and device were revoked.");

            //Revoke a service provider.
            // This should happen only once.
            // The service ID will no longer be usable.
            // Users will no longer be able to authenticate.
            if (false == await SP.Revoke())
                return("Cipherise failed during Revoke()");

            Console.WriteLine("Service Provider was revoked.");

            return("Cipherise completed successfully.");