Пример #1
        public async Task <byte[]> HandleEncryption(CipherAction cipherAction, SymmetricCipherMode cipherMode, CipherBlockSize cipherBlockSize,
                                                    Stream data, Stream keyStream, Stream initilizationVectorStream)
            var dataToProcess = await ReadAllBytesFromStream(data);

            var key = await ReadAllBytesFromStream(keyStream);

            _symmetricCipherManager.Key             = key;
            _symmetricCipherManager.CipherMode      = cipherMode;
            _symmetricCipherManager.CipherBlockSize = cipherBlockSize;

            if (cipherMode is not SymmetricCipherMode.ElectronicCodeBook)
                var initializationVector = await ReadAllBytesFromStream(initilizationVectorStream);

                _symmetricCipherManager.InitializationVector = initializationVector;

            var processedData = new byte[] {};

            switch (cipherAction)
            case CipherAction.Encrypt:
                processedData = _symmetricCipherManager.Encrypt(dataToProcess);

            case CipherAction.Decrypt:
                processedData = _symmetricCipherManager.Decrypt(dataToProcess);

Пример #2
        public static string Cipher(CipherAction action, CipherType type, string data)
                byte[] iv;
                byte[] key;

                switch (type)
                case CipherType.UserPassword:
                    iv  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("B?E(H+MbQeThWmZq");
                    key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("(H+MbQeThWmZq4t7w!z%C*F-J@NcRfUj");

                case CipherType.Token:
                    iv  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("aNdRgUkXp2s5v8y/");
                    key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(")H@McQfTjWnZr4u7x!A%D*G-JaNdRgUk");

                default: return(null);

                switch (action)
                case CipherAction.Encrypt: return(Encrypt(iv, key, data));

                case CipherAction.Decrypt: return(Decrypt(iv, key, data));

                default: return(null);
Пример #3
        private byte[] EncryptionConvertion(byte[] data, CipherAction cipherAction)
            var message = new BitArray(data);


            var twoParts = message.DevideByParts(2);
            var L        = twoParts[0];
            var R        = twoParts[1];

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                var keyIndex = cipherAction == CipherAction.Encrypt ? i : 16 - i;
                var tempL    = L.Clone() as BitArray;
                L = R.Clone() as BitArray;
                R = tempL ^ F(R, _roundKeys[keyIndex]);

            var res = R.JoinArr(L);


        private List <byte[]> EncryptionConvertion(ISymmetricCipher symmetricCipher, List <byte[]> data, CipherAction cipherAction)
            var encryptedMessageblocks = new byte[data.Count][];

            Func <byte[], byte[]> cipherConvertion = cipherAction switch
                CipherAction.Encrypt => symmetricCipher.Encrypt,
                CipherAction.Decrypt => symmetricCipher.Decrypt

            var parallelForResult = Parallel.For(0, data.Count, blockNumber =>
                encryptedMessageblocks[blockNumber] = cipherConvertion(data[blockNumber]);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Encrypts/Decrypts using OFB
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blockCipher"></param>
        /// <param name="cipherAction"></param>
        /// <param name="inputStream"></param>
        /// <param name="outputStream"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="iv"></param>
        /// <param name="padding"></param>
        /// <param name="stop"></param>
        /// <param name="progressChanged"></param>
        /// <param name="lastInputBlock"></param>
        /// <param name="blocksize"></param>
        public static void ExecuteOFB(BlockCipher blockCipher,
                                      CipherAction cipherAction,
                                      ref ICrypToolStream inputStream,
                                      ref ICrypToolStream outputStream,
                                      byte[] key,
                                      byte[] iv,
                                      PaddingType padding,
                                      ref bool stop,
                                      ProgressChanged progressChanged,
                                      ref byte[] lastInputBlock,
                                      int blocksize = 8)
            using (CStreamReader reader = inputStream.CreateReader())
                using (CStreamWriter writer = new CStreamWriter())
                    byte[] lastBlock = iv;
                    int    readcount = 0;

                    while (reader.Position < reader.Length && !stop)
                        //we always try to read a complete block
                        byte[] inputBlock = new byte[blocksize];
                        readcount = 0;
                        while ((readcount += reader.Read(inputBlock, readcount, blocksize - readcount)) < blocksize &&
                               reader.Position < reader.Length && !stop)
                        if (stop)

                        //Show progress in UI
                        progressChanged(reader.Position, reader.Length);

                        byte[] outputblock = null;
                        //we read a complete block
                        if (readcount == blocksize)
                            //Compute XOR with lastblock for OFB mode
                            if (cipherAction == CipherAction.Encrypt)
                                outputblock = blockCipher(lastBlock, key);
                                lastBlock   = outputblock;
                                outputblock = XOR(outputblock, inputBlock);
                                outputblock = blockCipher(lastBlock, key);
                                lastBlock   = outputblock;
                                outputblock = XOR(outputblock, inputBlock);
                        //we read an incomplete block, thus, we are at the end of the stream
                        else if (readcount > 0)
                            //Compute XOR with lastblock for CFB mode
                            if (cipherAction == CipherAction.Encrypt)
                                byte[] block = new byte[blocksize];
                                Array.Copy(inputBlock, 0, block, 0, readcount);
                                outputblock = blockCipher(lastBlock, key);
                                outputblock = XOR(outputblock, block);
                                byte[] block = new byte[blocksize];
                                Array.Copy(inputBlock, 0, block, 0, readcount);
                                outputblock = blockCipher(inputBlock, key);
                                outputblock = XOR(outputblock, lastBlock);

                        //check if it is the last block and we decrypt, thus, we have to remove the padding
                        if (reader.Position == reader.Length && cipherAction == CipherAction.Decrypt && padding != PaddingType.None)
                            int valid = StripPadding(outputblock, blocksize, padding, blocksize);
                            if (valid != blocksize)
                                byte[] newoutputblock = new byte[valid];
                                Array.Copy(outputblock, 0, newoutputblock, 0, valid);
                                outputblock = newoutputblock;
                            else if (valid == 0)
                                outputblock = null;

                        //if we crypted something, we output it
                        if (outputblock != null)
                            writer.Write(outputblock, 0, outputblock.Length);
                            //if we wrote to the stream, we memorize the last input block for the visualization
                            lastInputBlock = inputBlock;

                    outputStream = writer;