private ChromeTab CreatePrinterTab(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme) { // Printer page is in fixed position var tab1 = tabControl.AllTabs.FirstOrDefault(); var printerTabPage = tab1?.TabContent as PrinterTabPage; if (printerTabPage == null || printerTabPage.printer != printer) { // TODO - call save before remove // printerTabPage.sceneContext.SaveChanges(); if (printerTabPage != null) { tabControl.RemoveTab(tab1); } var printerTab = new ChromeTab( printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.printer_name), printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.printer_name), tabControl, new PrinterTabPage(printer, theme, "unused_tab_title"), theme, tabImageUrl: ApplicationController.Instance.GetFavIconUrl(oemName: printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.make))) { Name = "3D View Tab", MinimumSize = new Vector2(120, theme.TabButtonHeight) }; printerTab.CloseClicked += (s, e) => { ApplicationController.Instance.ClosePrinter(printer); }; printer.Settings.SettingChanged += Printer_SettingChanged; // Unregister listener on Tab close printerTab.Closed += (s, e) => printer.Settings.SettingChanged -= Printer_SettingChanged; // Add printer into fixed position if (tabControl.AllTabs.Any()) { tabControl.AddTab(printerTab, 3); } else { tabControl.AddTab(printerTab); } return(printerTab); } else if (tab1 != null) { tabControl.ActiveTab = tab1; return(tab1 as ChromeTab); } return(null); }
private ChromeTab CreatePrinterTab(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme) { // Printer page is in fixed position var tab1 = tabControl.AllTabs.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault(); var printerTabPage = tab1?.TabContent as PrinterTabPage; if (printerTabPage == null || printerTabPage.printer != printer) { // TODO - call save before remove // printerTabPage.sceneContext.SaveChanges(); if (printerTabPage != null) { tabControl.RemoveTab(tab1); } printerTab = new ChromeTab( printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.printer_name), printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.printer_name), tabControl, new PrinterTabPage(printer, theme, "unused_tab_title"), theme, tabImageUrl: ApplicationController.Instance.GetFavIconUrl(oemName: printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.make)), hasClose: false) { Name = "3D View Tab", MinimumSize = new Vector2(120, theme.TabButtonHeight) }; PrinterSettings.SettingChanged.RegisterEvent((s, e) => { string settingsName = (e as StringEventArgs)?.Data; if (settingsName != null && settingsName == SettingsKey.printer_name) { printerTab.Title = printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.printer_name); } }, ref unregisterEvents); // Add printer into fixed position tabControl.AddTab(printerTab, 1); return(printerTab); } else if (printerTab != null) { tabControl.ActiveTab = tab1; return(tab1 as ChromeTab); } return(null); }
private ChromeTab CreatePrinterTab(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme, string tabTitle) { // Printer page is in fixed position var tab1 = tabControl.AllTabs.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault(); var printerTabPage = tab1?.TabContent as PrinterTabPage; if (printerTabPage == null || printerTabPage.printer != printer) { // TODO - call save before remove // printerTabPage.sceneContext.SaveChanges(); if (printerTabPage != null) { tabControl.RemoveTab(tab1); } printerTab = new ChromeTab( tabTitle, tabControl, new PrinterTabPage(printer, theme, tabTitle.ToUpper()), theme, tabImageUrl: ApplicationController.Instance.GetFavIconUrl(oemName: printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.make)), hasClose: false) { Name = "3D View Tab", MinimumSize = new Vector2(120, theme.TabButtonHeight) }; // Add printer into fixed position tabControl.AddTab(printerTab, 1); return(printerTab); } else if (printerTab != null) { tabControl.ActiveTab = tab1; return(tab1 as ChromeTab); } return(null); }
private void AddStandardUi(ThemeConfig theme) { var extensionArea = new LeftClipFlowLayoutWidget() { BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Padding = new BorderDouble(left: 8) }; SearchPanel searchPanel = null; bool searchPanelOpenOnMouseDown = false; var searchButton = theme.CreateSearchButton(); searchButton.Name = "App Search Button"; searchButton.MouseDown += (s, e) => { searchPanelOpenOnMouseDown = searchPanel != null; }; searchButton.Click += SearchButton_Click; extensionArea.AddChild(searchButton); async void SearchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (searchPanel == null && !searchPanelOpenOnMouseDown) { void ShowSearchPanel() { searchPanel = new SearchPanel(this.TabControl, searchButton, theme); searchPanel.Closed += SearchPanel_Closed; var systemWindow = this.Parents <SystemWindow>().FirstOrDefault(); systemWindow.ShowRightSplitPopup( new MatePoint(searchButton), new MatePoint(searchPanel), borderWidth: 0); } if (HelpIndex.IndexExists) { ShowSearchPanel(); } else { searchButton.Enabled = false; try { // Show popover var popover = new Popover(ArrowDirection.Up, 7, 5, 0) { TagColor = theme.AccentMimimalOverlay }; popover.AddChild(new TextWidget("Preparing help".Localize() + "...", pointSize: theme.DefaultFontSize - 1, textColor: theme.TextColor)); popover.ArrowOffset = (int)(popover.Width - (searchButton.Width / 2)); this.Parents <SystemWindow>().FirstOrDefault().ShowPopover( new MatePoint(searchButton) { Mate = new MateOptions(MateEdge.Right, MateEdge.Bottom), AltMate = new MateOptions(MateEdge.Right, MateEdge.Bottom), Offset = new RectangleDouble(12, 0, 12, 0) }, new MatePoint(popover) { Mate = new MateOptions(MateEdge.Right, MateEdge.Top), AltMate = new MateOptions(MateEdge.Left, MateEdge.Bottom) }); await Task.Run(async() => { // Start index generation await HelpIndex.RebuildIndex(); UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { // Close popover popover.Close(); // Continue to original task ShowSearchPanel(); }); }); } catch { } searchButton.Enabled = true; } } else { searchPanel?.CloseOnIdle(); searchPanelOpenOnMouseDown = false; } } void SearchPanel_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Unregister searchPanel.Closed -= SearchPanel_Closed; // Release searchPanel = null; } tabControl = new ChromeTabs(extensionArea, theme) { VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor, BorderColor = theme.MinimalShade, Border = new BorderDouble(left: 1), }; tabControl.PlusClicked += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { this.CreatePartTab().ConfigureAwait(false); }); // Force the ActionArea to be as high as ButtonHeight tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.ButtonHeight); tabControl.TabBar.BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground; tabControl.TabBar.BorderColor = theme.BackgroundColor; // Force common padding into top region tabControl.TabBar.Padding = theme.TabbarPadding.Clone(top: theme.TabbarPadding.Top * 2, bottom: 0); if (Application.EnableNetworkTraffic) { // add in the update available button updateAvailableButton = new LinkLabel("Update Available".Localize(), theme) { Visible = false, Name = "Update Available Link", ToolTipText = "There is a new update available for download".Localize(), VAnchor = VAnchor.Center, Margin = new BorderDouble(10, 0) }; // Register listeners UserSettings.Instance.SettingChanged += SetLinkButtonsVisibility; SetLinkButtonsVisibility(this, null); updateAvailableButton.Click += (s, e) => { UpdateControlData.Instance.CheckForUpdate(); DialogWindow.Show <CheckForUpdatesPage>(); }; tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.AddChild(updateAvailableButton); UpdateControlData.Instance.UpdateStatusChanged.RegisterEvent((s, e) => { SetLinkButtonsVisibility(s, new StringEventArgs("Unknown")); }, ref unregisterEvents); } this.AddChild(tabControl); ApplicationController.Instance.NotifyPrintersTabRightElement(extensionArea); // Store tab tabControl.AddTab( new ChromeTab("Store", "Store".Localize(), tabControl, new StoreTabPage(theme), theme, hasClose: false) { MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.TabButtonHeight), Name = "Store Tab", Padding = new BorderDouble(15, 0), }); // Library tab var libraryWidget = new LibraryWidget(this, theme) { BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor }; tabControl.AddTab( new ChromeTab("Library", "Library".Localize(), tabControl, libraryWidget, theme, hasClose: false) { MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.TabButtonHeight), Name = "Library Tab", Padding = new BorderDouble(15, 0), }); // Hardware tab tabControl.AddTab( new ChromeTab( "Hardware", "Hardware".Localize(), tabControl, new HardwareTabPage(theme) { BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor }, theme, hasClose: false) { MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.TabButtonHeight), Name = "Hardware Tab", Padding = new BorderDouble(15, 0), }); SetInitialTab(); var brandMenu = new BrandMenuButton(theme) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit, BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground, Padding = theme.TabbarPadding.Clone(right: theme.DefaultContainerPadding) }; tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.AddChild(brandMenu, 0); // Restore active workspace tabs foreach (var workspace in ApplicationController.Instance.Workspaces) { ChromeTab newTab; // Create and switch to new printer tab if (workspace.Printer?.Settings.PrinterSelected == true) { newTab = this.CreatePrinterTab(workspace, theme); } else { newTab = this.CreatePartTab(workspace); } if (newTab.Key == ApplicationController.Instance.MainTabKey) { tabControl.ActiveTab = newTab; } tabControl.RefreshTabPointers(); } statusBar = new Toolbar(theme) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Absolute, Padding = 1, Height = 22, BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor, Border = new BorderDouble(top: 1), BorderColor = theme.BorderColor20, }; this.AddChild(statusBar); statusBar.ActionArea.VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch; tasksContainer = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.LeftToRight) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, BackgroundColor = theme.MinimalShade, Name = "runningTasksPanel" }; statusBar.AddChild(tasksContainer); stretchStatusPanel = new GuiWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Padding = new BorderDouble(right: 3), Margin = new BorderDouble(right: 2, top: 1, bottom: 1), Border = new BorderDouble(1), BackgroundColor = theme.MinimalShade.WithAlpha(10), BorderColor = theme.SlightShade, Width = 200 }; statusBar.AddChild(stretchStatusPanel); var panelBackgroundColor = theme.MinimalShade.WithAlpha(10); statusBar.AddChild( this.CreateThemeStatusPanel(theme, panelBackgroundColor)); statusBar.AddChild( this.CreateNetworkStatusPanel(theme)); this.RenderRunningTasks(theme, ApplicationController.Instance.Tasks); }
private ChromeTab CreatePrinterTab(PartWorkspace workspace, ThemeConfig theme) { var printer = workspace.Printer; // Printer page is in fixed position var tab1 = tabControl.AllTabs.FirstOrDefault(); var printerTabPage = tab1?.TabContent as PrinterTabPage; if (printerTabPage == null || printerTabPage.printer != printer) { // TODO - call save before remove // printerTabPage.sceneContext.SaveChanges(); if (printerTabPage != null) { tabControl.RemoveTab(tab1); } var printerTab = new ChromeTab( printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.printer_name), printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.printer_name), tabControl, new PrinterTabPage(workspace, theme, "unused_tab_title"), theme, tabImageUrl: ApplicationController.Instance.GetFavIconUrl(oemName: printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.make))) { Name = "3D View Tab", MinimumSize = new Vector2(120, theme.TabButtonHeight) }; void Tab_CloseClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { ApplicationController.Instance.ClosePrinter(printer); } void Widget_Closed(object sender, EventArgs args) { // Unregister listeners printerTab.CloseClicked -= Tab_CloseClicked; printerTab.Closed -= Widget_Closed; printer.Settings.SettingChanged -= Printer_SettingChanged; } // Register listeners printer.Settings.SettingChanged += Printer_SettingChanged; printerTab.CloseClicked += Tab_CloseClicked; printerTab.Closed += Widget_Closed; // Add printer tab tabControl.AddTab(printerTab); return(printerTab); } else if (tab1 != null) { tabControl.ActiveTab = tab1; return(tab1 as ChromeTab); } return(null); }
public MainViewWidget(ThemeConfig theme) : base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { this.AnchorAll(); this.theme = theme; this.Name = "PartPreviewContent"; this.BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor; // Push TouchScreenMode into GuiWidget GuiWidget.TouchScreenMode = UserSettings.Instance.IsTouchScreen; var extensionArea = new LeftClipFlowLayoutWidget() { BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Padding = new BorderDouble(left: 8) }; tabControl = new ChromeTabs(extensionArea, theme) { VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor, BorderColor = theme.MinimalShade, Border = new BorderDouble(left: 1), }; tabControl.PlusClicked += (s, e) => { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { this.CreatePartTab().ConfigureAwait(false); }); }; tabControl.ActiveTabChanged += (s, e) => { if (this.tabControl.ActiveTab?.TabContent is PartTabPage tabPage) { var dragDropData = ApplicationController.Instance.DragDropData; // Set reference on tab change dragDropData.View3DWidget = tabPage.view3DWidget; dragDropData.SceneContext = tabPage.sceneContext; ApplicationController.Instance.PrinterTabSelected = true; } else { ApplicationController.Instance.PrinterTabSelected = false; } ApplicationController.Instance.MainTabKey = tabControl.SelectedTabKey; }; // Force the ActionArea to be as high as ButtonHeight tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.ButtonHeight); tabControl.TabBar.BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground; tabControl.TabBar.BorderColor = theme.BackgroundColor; // Force common padding into top region tabControl.TabBar.Padding = theme.TabbarPadding.Clone(top: theme.TabbarPadding.Top * 2, bottom: 0); // add in a what's new button seeWhatsNewButton = new LinkLabel("What's New...".Localize(), theme) { Name = "What's New Link", ToolTipText = "See what's new in this version of MatterControl".Localize(), VAnchor = VAnchor.Center, Margin = new BorderDouble(10, 0), TextColor = theme.TextColor }; seeWhatsNewButton.Click += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { UserSettings.Instance.set(UserSettingsKey.LastReadWhatsNew, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DateTime.Now)); DialogWindow.Show(new HelpPage("What's New")); }); tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.AddChild(seeWhatsNewButton); // add in the update available button updateAvailableButton = new LinkLabel("Update Available".Localize(), theme) { Visible = false, Name = "Update Available Link", ToolTipText = "There is a new update available for download".Localize(), VAnchor = VAnchor.Center, Margin = new BorderDouble(10, 0) }; // Register listeners UserSettings.Instance.SettingChanged += SetLinkButtonsVisibility; RunningInterval showUpdateInterval = null; updateAvailableButton.VisibleChanged += (s, e) => { if (!updateAvailableButton.Visible) { if (showUpdateInterval != null) { UiThread.ClearInterval(showUpdateInterval); showUpdateInterval = null; } return; } showUpdateInterval = UiThread.SetInterval(() => { double displayTime = 1; double pulseTime = 1; double totalSeconds = 0; var textWidgets = updateAvailableButton.Descendants <TextWidget>().Where((w) => w.Visible == true).ToArray(); Color startColor = theme.TextColor; // Show a highlight on the button as the user did not click it Animation flashBackground = null; flashBackground = new Animation() { DrawTarget = updateAvailableButton, FramesPerSecond = 10, Update = (s1, updateEvent) => { totalSeconds += updateEvent.SecondsPassed; if (totalSeconds < displayTime) { double blend = AttentionGetter.GetFadeInOutPulseRatio(totalSeconds, pulseTime); var color = new Color(startColor, (int)((1 - blend) * 255)); foreach (var textWidget in textWidgets) { textWidget.TextColor = color; } } else { foreach (var textWidget in textWidgets) { textWidget.TextColor = startColor; } flashBackground.Stop(); } } }; flashBackground.Start(); }, 120); }; SetLinkButtonsVisibility(this, null); updateAvailableButton.Click += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { UpdateControlData.Instance.CheckForUpdate(); DialogWindow.Show <CheckForUpdatesPage>(); }); tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.AddChild(updateAvailableButton); this.AddChild(tabControl); ApplicationController.Instance.NotifyPrintersTabRightElement(extensionArea); // Store tab tabControl.AddTab( new ChromeTab("Store", "Store".Localize(), tabControl, new StoreTabPage(theme), theme, hasClose: false) { MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.TabButtonHeight), Name = "Store Tab", Padding = new BorderDouble(15, 0), }); // Library tab var libraryWidget = new LibraryWidget(this, theme) { BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor }; tabControl.AddTab( new ChromeTab("Library", "Library".Localize(), tabControl, libraryWidget, theme, hasClose: false) { MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.TabButtonHeight), Name = "Library Tab", Padding = new BorderDouble(15, 0), }); // Hardware tab tabControl.AddTab( new ChromeTab( "Hardware", "Hardware".Localize(), tabControl, new HardwareTabPage(theme) { BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor }, theme, hasClose: false) { MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.TabButtonHeight), Name = "Hardware Tab", Padding = new BorderDouble(15, 0), }); if (ApplicationController.Instance.Workspaces.Count == 0) { this.CreatePartTab().ConfigureAwait(false); } string tabKey = ApplicationController.Instance.MainTabKey; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tabKey)) { tabKey = "Hardware"; } // HACK: Restore to the first printer tab if PrinterTabSelected and tabKey not found. This allows sign in/out to remain on the printer tab across different users if (!tabControl.AllTabs.Any(t => t.Key == tabKey) && ApplicationController.Instance.PrinterTabSelected) { var key = tabControl.AllTabs.Where(t => t.TabContent is PrinterTabPage).FirstOrDefault()?.Key; if (key != null) { tabKey = key; } } var brandMenu = new BrandMenuButton(theme) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit, BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground, Padding = theme.TabbarPadding.Clone(right: theme.DefaultContainerPadding) }; tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.AddChild(brandMenu, 0); // Restore active tabs foreach (var workspace in ApplicationController.Instance.Workspaces) { this.CreatePartTab(workspace); } tabControl.SelectedTabKey = tabKey; statusBar = new Toolbar(theme) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Absolute, Padding = 1, Height = 22, BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor, Border = new BorderDouble(top: 1), BorderColor = theme.BorderColor20, }; this.AddChild(statusBar); statusBar.ActionArea.VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch; tasksContainer = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.LeftToRight) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, BackgroundColor = theme.MinimalShade, Name = "runningTasksPanel" }; statusBar.AddChild(tasksContainer); var tasks = ApplicationController.Instance.Tasks; tasks.TasksChanged += (s, e) => { RenderRunningTasks(theme, tasks); }; stretchStatusPanel = new GuiWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Padding = new BorderDouble(right: 3), Margin = new BorderDouble(right: 2, top: 1, bottom: 1), Border = new BorderDouble(1), BackgroundColor = theme.MinimalShade.WithAlpha(10), BorderColor = theme.SlightShade, Width = 200 }; statusBar.AddChild(stretchStatusPanel); var panelBackgroundColor = theme.MinimalShade.WithAlpha(10); statusBar.AddChild( this.CreateThemeStatusPanel(theme, panelBackgroundColor)); statusBar.AddChild( this.CreateNetworkStatusPanel(theme)); this.RenderRunningTasks(theme, tasks); // Register listeners PrinterSettings.AnyPrinterSettingChanged += Printer_SettingChanged; ApplicationController.Instance.OpenPrintersChanged += OpenPrinters_Changed; UpdateControlData.Instance.UpdateStatusChanged.RegisterEvent((s, e) => { SetLinkButtonsVisibility(s, new StringEventArgs("Unknown")); }, ref unregisterEvents); ApplicationController.Instance.MainView = this; }
private ChromeTab CreatePrinterTab(PartWorkspace workspace, ThemeConfig theme) { var printer = workspace.Printer; // Printer page is in fixed position var tab1 = tabControl.AllTabs.FirstOrDefault(); var printerTabPage = tab1?.TabContent as PrinterTabPage; if (printerTabPage == null || printerTabPage.Printer != printer) { // TODO - call save before remove // printerTabPage.sceneContext.SaveChanges(); if (printerTabPage != null) { tabControl.CloseTab(tab1); } var printerTab = new ChromeTab( printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.printer_name), printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.printer_name), tabControl, new PrinterTabPage(workspace, theme, "unused_tab_title"), theme, tabImageUrl: ApplicationController.Instance.GetFavIconUrl(oemName: printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.make))) { Name = $"3D View Tab {debugPrinterTabIndex++}", }; // add a right click menu printerTab.Click += (s, e) => { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { AddRightClickTabMenu(tabControl, printerTab, printer, null, e); } }; EnableReduceWidth(printerTab, theme); void Tab_CloseClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { ApplicationController.Instance.ClosePrinter(printer); } void Widget_Closed(object sender, EventArgs args) { // Unregister listeners printerTab.CloseClicked -= Tab_CloseClicked; printerTab.Closed -= Widget_Closed; printer.Settings.SettingChanged -= Printer_SettingChanged; } // Register listeners printer.Settings.SettingChanged += Printer_SettingChanged; printerTab.CloseClicked += Tab_CloseClicked; printerTab.Closed += Widget_Closed; // Add printer tab tabControl.AddTab(printerTab); return(printerTab); } else if (tab1 != null) { tabControl.ActiveTab = tab1; return(tab1 as ChromeTab); } return(null); }
public PartPreviewContent(ThemeConfig theme) : base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { this.AnchorAll(); var extensionArea = new LeftClipFlowLayoutWidget() { BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Padding = new BorderDouble(left: 8) }; tabControl = new ChromeTabs(extensionArea, theme) { VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, BackgroundColor = ActiveTheme.Instance.PrimaryBackgroundColor, BorderColor = theme.MinimalShade, Border = new BorderDouble(left: 1), NewTabPage = () => { return(new StartTabPage(this, theme)); } }; tabControl.ActiveTabChanged += (s, e) => { if (this.tabControl.ActiveTab?.TabContent is PartTabPage tabPage) { var dragDropData = ApplicationController.Instance.DragDropData; // Set reference on tab change dragDropData.View3DWidget = tabPage.view3DWidget; dragDropData.SceneContext = tabPage.sceneContext; } }; // Force the ActionArea to be as high as ButtonHeight tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.ButtonHeight); tabControl.TabBar.BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground; tabControl.TabBar.BorderColor = theme.ActiveTabColor; // Force common padding into top region tabControl.TabBar.Padding = theme.TabbarPadding.Clone(top: theme.TabbarPadding.Top * 2, bottom: 0); // add in a what's new button var seeWhatsNewButton = new LinkLabel("What's New...".Localize(), theme) { Name = "What's New Link", ToolTipText = "See what's new in this version of MatterControl".Localize(), VAnchor = VAnchor.Center, Margin = new BorderDouble(10, 0), TextColor = theme.Colors.PrimaryTextColor }; seeWhatsNewButton.Click += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { UserSettings.Instance.set(UserSettingsKey.LastReadWhatsNew, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(DateTime.Now)); DialogWindow.Show(new HelpPage("What's New")); }); tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.AddChild(seeWhatsNewButton); // add in the update available button var updateAvailableButton = new LinkLabel("Update Available".Localize(), theme) { Visible = false, }; // make the function inline so we don't have to create members for the buttons EventHandler SetLinkButtonsVisibility = (s, e) => { if (UserSettings.Instance.HasLookedAtWhatsNew()) { // hide it seeWhatsNewButton.Visible = false; } if (UpdateControlData.Instance.UpdateStatus == UpdateControlData.UpdateStatusStates.UpdateAvailable) { updateAvailableButton.Visible = true; // if we are going to show the update link hide the whats new link no matter what seeWhatsNewButton.Visible = false; } else { updateAvailableButton.Visible = false; } }; UserSettings.Instance.Changed += SetLinkButtonsVisibility; Closed += (s, e) => UserSettings.Instance.Changed -= SetLinkButtonsVisibility; RunningInterval showUpdateInterval = null; updateAvailableButton.VisibleChanged += (s, e) => { if (!updateAvailableButton.Visible) { if (showUpdateInterval != null) { showUpdateInterval.Continue = false; showUpdateInterval = null; } return; } showUpdateInterval = UiThread.SetInterval(() => { double displayTime = 1; double pulseTime = 1; double totalSeconds = 0; var textWidgets = updateAvailableButton.Descendants <TextWidget>().Where((w) => w.Visible == true).ToArray(); Color startColor = theme.Colors.PrimaryTextColor; // Show a highlight on the button as the user did not click it Animation flashBackground = null; flashBackground = new Animation() { DrawTarget = updateAvailableButton, FramesPerSecond = 10, Update = (s1, updateEvent) => { totalSeconds += updateEvent.SecondsPassed; if (totalSeconds < displayTime) { double blend = AttentionGetter.GetFadeInOutPulseRatio(totalSeconds, pulseTime); var color = new Color(startColor, (int)((1 - blend) * 255)); foreach (var textWidget in textWidgets) { textWidget.TextColor = color; } } else { foreach (var textWidget in textWidgets) { textWidget.TextColor = startColor; } flashBackground.Stop(); } } }; flashBackground.Start(); }, 120); }; updateAvailableButton.Name = "Update Available Link"; SetLinkButtonsVisibility(this, null); updateAvailableButton.ToolTipText = "There is a new update available for download".Localize(); updateAvailableButton.VAnchor = VAnchor.Center; updateAvailableButton.Margin = new BorderDouble(10, 0); updateAvailableButton.Click += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { UpdateControlData.Instance.CheckForUpdate(); DialogWindow.Show <CheckForUpdatesPage>(); }); }); tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.AddChild(updateAvailableButton); UpdateControlData.Instance.UpdateStatusChanged.RegisterEvent(SetLinkButtonsVisibility, ref unregisterEvents); this.AddChild(tabControl); ActiveSliceSettings.SettingChanged.RegisterEvent((s, e) => { if (e is StringEventArgs stringEvent && stringEvent.Data == SettingsKey.printer_name && printerTab != null) { printerTab.Text = ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.GetValue(SettingsKey.printer_name); } }, ref unregisterEvents); ActiveSliceSettings.ActivePrinterChanged.RegisterEvent((s, e) => { var activePrinter = ApplicationController.Instance.ActivePrinter; // If ActivePrinter has been nulled and a printer tab is open, close it var tab1 = tabControl.AllTabs.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault(); if ((activePrinter == null || !activePrinter.Settings.PrinterSelected) && tab1?.TabContent is PrinterTabPage) { tabControl.RemoveTab(tab1); } else { this.CreatePrinterTab(activePrinter, theme); } }, ref unregisterEvents); ApplicationController.Instance.NotifyPrintersTabRightElement(extensionArea); // Show fixed start page tabControl.AddTab( new ChromeTab("Start".Localize(), tabControl, tabControl.NewTabPage(), theme, hasClose: false) { MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.TabButtonHeight), Name = "Start Tab", Padding = new BorderDouble(15, 0) }); // Add a tab for the current printer if (ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.PrinterSelected) { this.CreatePrinterTab(ApplicationController.Instance.ActivePrinter, theme); } // Restore active tabs foreach (var bed in ApplicationController.Instance.Workspaces) { this.CreatePartTab("New Part", bed, theme); } }
public MainViewWidget(ThemeConfig theme) : base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { this.AnchorAll(); this.theme = theme; this.Name = "PartPreviewContent"; this.BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor; // Push TouchScreenMode into GuiWidget GuiWidget.TouchScreenMode = UserSettings.Instance.IsTouchScreen; var extensionArea = new LeftClipFlowLayoutWidget() { BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Padding = new BorderDouble(left: 8) }; tabControl = new ChromeTabs(extensionArea, theme) { VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor, BorderColor = theme.MinimalShade, Border = new BorderDouble(left: 1), }; tabControl.PlusClicked += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { this.CreatePartTab().ConfigureAwait(false); }); // Force the ActionArea to be as high as ButtonHeight tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.ButtonHeight); tabControl.TabBar.BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground; tabControl.TabBar.BorderColor = theme.BackgroundColor; // Force common padding into top region tabControl.TabBar.Padding = theme.TabbarPadding.Clone(top: theme.TabbarPadding.Top * 2, bottom: 0); if (Application.EnableNetworkTraffic) { // add in the update available button updateAvailableButton = new LinkLabel("Update Available".Localize(), theme) { Visible = false, Name = "Update Available Link", ToolTipText = "There is a new update available for download".Localize(), VAnchor = VAnchor.Center, Margin = new BorderDouble(10, 0) }; // Register listeners UserSettings.Instance.SettingChanged += SetLinkButtonsVisibility; SetLinkButtonsVisibility(this, null); updateAvailableButton.Click += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { UpdateControlData.Instance.CheckForUpdate(); DialogWindow.Show <CheckForUpdatesPage>(); }); tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.AddChild(updateAvailableButton); UpdateControlData.Instance.UpdateStatusChanged.RegisterEvent((s, e) => { SetLinkButtonsVisibility(s, new StringEventArgs("Unknown")); }, ref unregisterEvents); } this.AddChild(tabControl); ApplicationController.Instance.NotifyPrintersTabRightElement(extensionArea); // Store tab tabControl.AddTab( new ChromeTab("Store", "Store".Localize(), tabControl, new StoreTabPage(theme), theme, hasClose: false) { MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.TabButtonHeight), Name = "Store Tab", Padding = new BorderDouble(15, 0), }); // Library tab var libraryWidget = new LibraryWidget(this, theme) { BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor }; tabControl.AddTab( new ChromeTab("Library", "Library".Localize(), tabControl, libraryWidget, theme, hasClose: false) { MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.TabButtonHeight), Name = "Library Tab", Padding = new BorderDouble(15, 0), }); // Hardware tab tabControl.AddTab( new ChromeTab( "Hardware", "Hardware".Localize(), tabControl, new HardwareTabPage(theme) { BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor }, theme, hasClose: false) { MinimumSize = new Vector2(0, theme.TabButtonHeight), Name = "Hardware Tab", Padding = new BorderDouble(15, 0), }); string tabKey = ApplicationController.Instance.MainTabKey; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tabKey)) { tabKey = "Hardware"; } // HACK: Restore to the first printer tab if PrinterTabSelected and tabKey not found. This allows sign in/out to remain on the printer tab across different users if (!tabControl.AllTabs.Any(t => t.Key == tabKey) && ApplicationController.Instance.PrinterTabSelected) { var key = tabControl.AllTabs.Where(t => t.TabContent is PrinterTabPage).FirstOrDefault()?.Key; if (key != null) { tabKey = key; } } var brandMenu = new BrandMenuButton(theme) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit, BackgroundColor = theme.TabBarBackground, Padding = theme.TabbarPadding.Clone(right: theme.DefaultContainerPadding) }; tabControl.TabBar.ActionArea.AddChild(brandMenu, 0); // Restore active workspace tabs foreach (var workspace in ApplicationController.Instance.Workspaces) { // Create and switch to new printer tab if (workspace.Printer?.Settings.PrinterSelected == true) { tabControl.ActiveTab = this.CreatePrinterTab(workspace, theme); } else { tabControl.ActiveTab = this.CreatePartTab(workspace); } tabControl.RefreshTabPointers(); } tabControl.SelectedTabKey = tabKey; statusBar = new Toolbar(theme) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Absolute, Padding = 1, Height = 22, BackgroundColor = theme.BackgroundColor, Border = new BorderDouble(top: 1), BorderColor = theme.BorderColor20, }; this.AddChild(statusBar); statusBar.ActionArea.VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch; tasksContainer = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.LeftToRight) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, BackgroundColor = theme.MinimalShade, Name = "runningTasksPanel" }; statusBar.AddChild(tasksContainer); stretchStatusPanel = new GuiWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Padding = new BorderDouble(right: 3), Margin = new BorderDouble(right: 2, top: 1, bottom: 1), Border = new BorderDouble(1), BackgroundColor = theme.MinimalShade.WithAlpha(10), BorderColor = theme.SlightShade, Width = 200 }; statusBar.AddChild(stretchStatusPanel); var panelBackgroundColor = theme.MinimalShade.WithAlpha(10); statusBar.AddChild( this.CreateThemeStatusPanel(theme, panelBackgroundColor)); statusBar.AddChild( this.CreateNetworkStatusPanel(theme)); this.RenderRunningTasks(theme, ApplicationController.Instance.Tasks); // Register listeners PrinterSettings.AnyPrinterSettingChanged += Printer_SettingChanged; ApplicationController.Instance.WorkspacesChanged += Workspaces_Changed; ApplicationController.Instance.Tasks.TasksChanged += Tasks_TasksChanged; tabControl.ActiveTabChanged += TabControl_ActiveTabChanged; ApplicationController.Instance.ShellFileOpened += this.Instance_OpenNewFile; ApplicationController.Instance.MainView = this; }