public override bool GetChromatogram( int id, Target modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor, out ChromExtra extra, out TimeIntensities timeIntensities) { bool loaded = false; extra = null; timeIntensities = null; int idRemain = id; for (int iTaskList = 0; iTaskList < _chromatogramRequestProviders.Length; iTaskList++) { ChromatogramRequestProvider requestProvider = _chromatogramRequestProviders[iTaskList]; if (requestProvider.ChromKeys.Count <= idRemain) { idRemain -= requestProvider.ChromKeys.Count; continue; } ChromTaskList chromTaskList = _chromTaskLists[iTaskList]; if (null == chromTaskList) { chromTaskList = _chromTaskLists[iTaskList] = new ChromTaskList(CheckCancelled, _document, _chorusAccount, requestProvider.ChorusUrl, ChromTaskList.ChunkChromatogramRequest(requestProvider.GetChromatogramRequest(), 1000)); chromTaskList.SetMinimumSimultaneousTasks(3); } ChromKey chromKey = requestProvider.ChromKeys[idRemain]; loaded = chromTaskList.GetChromatogram(chromKey, out timeIntensities); if (loaded) { extra = new ChromExtra(id, chromKey.Precursor == 0 ? 0 : -1); if (chromKey.Precursor.IsNegative) { _sourceHasNegativePolarityData = true; } else { _sourceHasPositivePolarityData = true; } if (timeIntensities.NumPoints > 0 && Status is ChromatogramLoadingStatus) { ((ChromatogramLoadingStatus)Status).Transitions.AddTransition( modifiedSequence, peptideColor, extra.StatusId, extra.StatusRank, timeIntensities.Times, timeIntensities.Intensities); } } break; } int percentComplete = _chromTaskLists.Sum(taskList => taskList == null ? 0 : taskList.PercentComplete) / _chromTaskLists.Length; percentComplete = Math.Min(percentComplete, 99); SetPercentComplete(percentComplete); return(loaded); }
public override bool GetChromatogram( int id, string modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor, out ChromExtra extra, out float[] times, out int[] scanIndexes, out float[] intensities, out float[] massErrors) { return(_cachedChromatogramDataProvider.GetChromatogram( id, modifiedSequence, peptideColor, out extra, out times, out scanIndexes, out intensities, out massErrors)); }
public override bool GetChromatogram( int id, string modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor, out ChromExtra extra, out float[] times, out int[] scanIndexes, out float[] intensities, out float[] massErrors) { bool loaded = false; extra = null; times = null; scanIndexes = null; intensities = null; massErrors = null; int idRemain = id; for (int iTaskList = 0; iTaskList < _chromatogramRequestProviders.Length; iTaskList++) { ChromatogramRequestProvider requestProvider = _chromatogramRequestProviders[iTaskList]; if (requestProvider.ChromKeys.Count <= idRemain) { idRemain -= requestProvider.ChromKeys.Count; continue; } ChromTaskList chromTaskList = _chromTaskLists[iTaskList]; if (null == chromTaskList) { chromTaskList = _chromTaskLists[iTaskList] = new ChromTaskList(CheckCancelled, _document, _chorusAccount, requestProvider.ChorusUrl, ChromTaskList.ChunkChromatogramRequest(requestProvider.GetChromatogramRequest(), 1000)); chromTaskList.SetMinimumSimultaneousTasks(3); } ChromKey chromKey = requestProvider.ChromKeys[idRemain]; loaded = chromTaskList.GetChromatogram(chromKey, out times, out scanIndexes, out intensities, out massErrors); if (loaded) { extra = new ChromExtra(id, chromKey.Precursor == 0 ? 0 : -1); if (times.Length > 0) { LoadingStatus.Transitions.AddTransition( modifiedSequence, peptideColor, extra.StatusId, extra.StatusRank, times, intensities); } } break; } int percentComplete = _chromTaskLists.Sum(taskList => taskList == null ? 0 : taskList.PercentComplete) / _chromTaskLists.Length; percentComplete = Math.Min(percentComplete, 99); SetPercentComplete(percentComplete); return(loaded); }
public override bool GetChromatogram(int id, Target modifiedSequence, Color color, out ChromExtra extra, out TimeIntensities timeIntensities) { // No mass errors in SRM if (_readChromatograms == 0) { _readStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; // Said to be 117x faster than Now and this is for a delta } float[] times, intensities; if (!_globalChromatogramExtractor.GetChromatogram(id, out times, out intensities)) { _dataFile.GetChromatogram(id, out string chromId, out times, out intensities); } timeIntensities = new TimeIntensities(times, intensities, null, null); // Assume that each chromatogram will be read once, though this may // not always be completely true. _readChromatograms++; if (!System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { double predictedMinutes = ExpectedReadDurationMinutes; if (_readMaxMinutes > 0 && predictedMinutes > _readMaxMinutes) { // TODO: This warning isn't checked in the command line version of Skyline. Maybe we should do that. if (Status is ChromatogramLoadingStatus) { Status = ((ChromatogramLoadingStatus)Status).ChangeWarningMessage(Resources.ChromatogramDataProvider_GetChromatogram_This_import_appears_to_be_taking_longer_than_expected__If_importing_from_a_network_drive__consider_canceling_this_import__copying_to_local_disk_and_retrying_); } } } if (_readChromatograms < _chromIds.Count) { SetPercentComplete(50 + _readChromatograms * 50 / _chromIds.Count); } int index = _chromIndices[id]; extra = new ChromExtra(index, -1); // TODO: is zero the right value? // Display in AllChromatogramsGraph var loadingStatus = Status as ChromatogramLoadingStatus; if (loadingStatus != null) { loadingStatus.Transitions.AddTransition( modifiedSequence, color, index, -1, times, intensities); } return(true); }
public override bool GetChromatogram( int id, string modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor, out ChromExtra extra, out float[] times, out int[] scanIndexes, out float[] intensities, out float[] massErrors) { var chromKeyIndices = _chromKeyIndices[id]; if (_lastChromGroupInfo == null || _lastIndices.GroupIndex != chromKeyIndices.GroupIndex) { _lastChromGroupInfo = _cache.LoadChromatogramInfo(chromKeyIndices.GroupIndex); _lastChromGroupInfo.ReadChromatogram(_cache); } _lastIndices = chromKeyIndices; var tranInfo = _lastChromGroupInfo.GetTransitionInfo(chromKeyIndices.TranIndex); times = tranInfo.Times; intensities = tranInfo.Intensities; massErrors = null; if (tranInfo.MassError10Xs != null) { massErrors = tranInfo.MassError10Xs.Select(m => m / 10.0f).ToArray(); } scanIndexes = null; if (tranInfo.ScanIndexes != null) { scanIndexes = tranInfo.ScanIndexes[(int)chromKeyIndices.Key.Source]; } // Assume that each chromatogram will be read once, though this may // not always be completely true. _readChromatograms++; // But avoid reaching 100% before reading is actually complete SetPercentComplete(Math.Min(99, 100 * _readChromatograms / _chromKeyIndices.Length)); extra = new ChromExtra(chromKeyIndices.StatusId, chromKeyIndices.StatusRank); // Display in AllChromatogramsGraph if (chromKeyIndices.Key.Precursor != 0 && Status is ChromatogramLoadingStatus) { ((ChromatogramLoadingStatus)Status).Transitions.AddTransition( modifiedSequence, peptideColor, chromKeyIndices.StatusId, chromKeyIndices.StatusRank, times, intensities); } return(true); }
public override bool GetChromatogram( int id, string modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor, out ChromExtra extra, out float[] times, out int[] scanIndexes, out float[] intensities, out float[] massErrors) { var chromKeyIndices = _chromKeyIndices[id]; if (_lastChromGroupInfo == null || _lastIndices.GroupIndex != chromKeyIndices.GroupIndex) { _lastChromGroupInfo = _cache.LoadChromatogramInfo(chromKeyIndices.GroupIndex); _lastChromGroupInfo.ReadChromatogram(_cache); } _lastIndices = chromKeyIndices; var tranInfo = _lastChromGroupInfo.GetTransitionInfo(chromKeyIndices.TranIndex); times = tranInfo.Times; intensities = tranInfo.Intensities; massErrors = null; if (tranInfo.MassError10Xs != null) { massErrors = tranInfo.MassError10Xs.Select(m => m / 10.0f).ToArray(); } scanIndexes = null; if (tranInfo.ScanIndexes != null) { scanIndexes = tranInfo.ScanIndexes[(int)chromKeyIndices.Key.Source]; } SetPercentComplete(100 * id / _chromKeyIndices.Length); extra = new ChromExtra(chromKeyIndices.StatusId, chromKeyIndices.StatusRank); // Display in AllChromatogramsGraph if (chromKeyIndices.Key.Precursor != 0) { LoadingStatus.Transitions.AddTransition( modifiedSequence, peptideColor, chromKeyIndices.StatusId, chromKeyIndices.StatusRank, times, intensities); } return(true); }
public override bool GetChromatogram(int id, Target modifiedSequence, Color color, out ChromExtra extra, out TimeIntensities timeIntensities) { float[] times, intensities; if (!_globalChromatogramExtractor.GetChromatogram(id, out times, out intensities)) { _dataFile.GetChromatogram(id, out _, out times, out intensities); } timeIntensities = new TimeIntensities(times, intensities, null, null); // Assume that each chromatogram will be read once, though this may // not always be completely true. _readChromatograms++; if (_readChromatograms < _chromIds.Count) { SetPercentComplete(50 + _readChromatograms * 50 / _chromIds.Count); } int index = _chromIndices[id]; extra = new ChromExtra(index, -1); // TODO: is zero the right value? // Display in AllChromatogramsGraph var loadingStatus = Status as ChromatogramLoadingStatus; if (loadingStatus != null) { loadingStatus.Transitions.AddTransition( modifiedSequence, color, index, -1, times, intensities); } return(true); }
public override bool GetChromatogram(int id, Target modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor, out ChromExtra extra, out TimeIntensities timeIntensities) { var chromKeyIndices = _chromKeyIndices[id]; if (_lastChromGroupInfo == null || _lastIndices.GroupIndex != chromKeyIndices.GroupIndex) { _lastChromGroupInfo = _cache.LoadChromatogramInfo(chromKeyIndices.GroupIndex); _lastChromGroupInfo.ReadChromatogram(_cache); } _lastIndices = chromKeyIndices; var tranInfo = _lastChromGroupInfo.GetTransitionInfo(chromKeyIndices.TranIndex); timeIntensities = tranInfo.TimeIntensities; // Assume that each chromatogram will be read once, though this may // not always be completely true. _readChromatograms++; // But avoid reaching 100% before reading is actually complete SetPercentComplete(Math.Min(99, 100 * _readChromatograms / _chromKeyIndices.Length)); extra = new ChromExtra(chromKeyIndices.StatusId, chromKeyIndices.StatusRank); // Display in AllChromatogramsGraph if (chromKeyIndices.Key.Precursor != 0 && Status is ChromatogramLoadingStatus) { ((ChromatogramLoadingStatus)Status).Transitions.AddTransition( modifiedSequence, peptideColor, chromKeyIndices.StatusId, chromKeyIndices.StatusRank, timeIntensities.Times, timeIntensities.Intensities); } return(true); }
public abstract bool GetChromatogram(int id, string modifiedSequence, Color color, out ChromExtra extra, out float[] times, out int[] scanIndexes, out float[] intensities, out float[] massErrors);
public abstract bool GetChromatogram(int id, Target modifiedSequence, Color color, out ChromExtra extra, out TimeIntensities timeIntensities);
public override bool GetChromatogram( int id, string modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor, out ChromExtra extra, out float[] times, out int[] scanIndexes, out float[] intensities, out float[] massErrors) { var chromKeyIndices = _chromKeyIndices[id]; if (_lastChromGroupInfo == null || _lastIndices.GroupIndex != chromKeyIndices.GroupIndex) { _lastChromGroupInfo = _cache.LoadChromatogramInfo(chromKeyIndices.GroupIndex); _lastChromGroupInfo.ReadChromatogram(_cache); } _lastIndices = chromKeyIndices; var tranInfo = _lastChromGroupInfo.GetTransitionInfo(chromKeyIndices.TranIndex); times = tranInfo.Times; intensities = tranInfo.Intensities; massErrors = null; if (tranInfo.MassError10Xs != null) massErrors = tranInfo.MassError10Xs.Select(m => m/10.0f).ToArray(); scanIndexes = null; if (tranInfo.ScanIndexes != null) scanIndexes = tranInfo.ScanIndexes[(int) chromKeyIndices.Key.Source]; SetPercentComplete(100 * id / _chromKeyIndices.Length); extra = new ChromExtra(chromKeyIndices.StatusId, chromKeyIndices.StatusRank); // Display in AllChromatogramsGraph if (chromKeyIndices.Key.Precursor != 0) { LoadingStatus.Transitions.AddTransition( modifiedSequence, peptideColor, chromKeyIndices.StatusId, chromKeyIndices.StatusRank, times, intensities); } return true; }
public override bool GetChromatogram( int id, string modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor, out ChromExtra extra, out float[] times, out int[] scanIndexes, out float[] intensities, out float[] massErrors) { var statusId = _collectors.ReleaseChromatogram(id, _chromGroups, out times, out intensities, out massErrors, out scanIndexes); extra = new ChromExtra(statusId, LoadingStatus.Transitions.GetRank(id)); // TODO: Get rank // Each chromatogram will be read only once! _readChromatograms++; UpdatePercentComplete(); return times.Length > 0; }
public override bool GetChromatogram( int id, string modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor, out ChromExtra extra, out float[] times, out int[] scanIndexes, out float[] intensities, out float[] massErrors) { bool loaded = false; extra = null; times = null; scanIndexes = null; intensities = null; massErrors = null; int idRemain = id; for (int iTaskList = 0; iTaskList < _chromatogramRequestProviders.Length; iTaskList++) { ChromatogramRequestProvider requestProvider = _chromatogramRequestProviders[iTaskList]; if (requestProvider.ChromKeys.Count <= idRemain) { idRemain -= requestProvider.ChromKeys.Count; continue; } ChromTaskList chromTaskList = _chromTaskLists[iTaskList]; if (null == chromTaskList) { chromTaskList = _chromTaskLists[iTaskList] = new ChromTaskList(CheckCancelled, _document, _chorusAccount, requestProvider.ChorusUrl, ChromTaskList.ChunkChromatogramRequest(requestProvider.GetChromatogramRequest(), 1000)); chromTaskList.SetMinimumSimultaneousTasks(3); } ChromKey chromKey = requestProvider.ChromKeys[idRemain]; loaded = chromTaskList.GetChromatogram(chromKey, out times, out scanIndexes, out intensities, out massErrors); if (loaded) { extra = new ChromExtra(id, chromKey.Precursor == 0 ? 0 : -1); if (times.Length > 0) { LoadingStatus.Transitions.AddTransition( modifiedSequence, peptideColor, extra.StatusId, extra.StatusRank, times, intensities); } } break; } int percentComplete = _chromTaskLists.Sum(taskList => taskList == null ? 0 : taskList.PercentComplete)/ _chromTaskLists.Length; percentComplete = Math.Min(percentComplete, 99); SetPercentComplete(percentComplete); return loaded; }
public override bool GetChromatogram( int id, string modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor, out ChromExtra extra, out float[] times, out int[] scanIndexes, out float[] intensities, out float[] massErrors) { return _cachedChromatogramDataProvider.GetChromatogram( id, modifiedSequence, peptideColor, out extra, out times, out scanIndexes, out intensities, out massErrors); }
public override bool GetChromatogram(int id, Target modifiedSequence, Color peptideColor, out ChromExtra extra, out TimeIntensities timeIntensities) { return(_cachedChromatogramDataProvider.GetChromatogram( id, modifiedSequence, peptideColor, out extra, out timeIntensities)); }
public override bool GetChromatogram(int id, string modifiedSequence, Color color, out ChromExtra extra, out float[] times, out int[] scanIndexes, out float[] intensities, out float[] massErrors) { // No mass errors in SRM massErrors = null; if (_readChromatograms == 0) { _readStartTime = DateTime.Now; } string chromId; _dataFile.GetChromatogram(id, out chromId, out times, out intensities); scanIndexes = null; // Assume that each chromatogram will be read once, though this may // not always be completely true. _readChromatograms++; if (!System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { double predictedMinutes = ExpectedReadDurationMinutes; if (_readMaxMinutes > 0 && predictedMinutes > _readMaxMinutes) { // TODO: This warning isn't checked in the command line version of Skyline. Maybe we should do that. Status = Status.ChangeWarningMessage(Resources.ChromatogramDataProvider_GetChromatogram_This_import_appears_to_be_taking_longer_than_expected__If_importing_from_a_network_drive__consider_canceling_this_import__copying_to_local_disk_and_retrying_); } } if (_readChromatograms < _chromIds.Count) SetPercentComplete(50 + _readChromatograms * 50 / _chromIds.Count); int index = _chromIndices[id]; extra = new ChromExtra(index, -1); // TODO: is zero the right value? // Display in AllChromatogramsGraph LoadingStatus.Transitions.AddTransition( modifiedSequence, color, index, -1, times, intensities); return true; }