public void LongArray() { int[] ints = new int[20]; for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { ints[i] = i; } foreach (var i in ints) { Assert.Equal(i, Chopper.Chop(i, ints)); } }
static void Execute() { string structPath = @"../../../ExportedPlansEclipse/spstudy_test_008/0Gy/RS.dcm"; string dosePath = @"../../../ExportedPlansEclipse/spstudy_test_008/0Gy/RD.dcm"; //define the number of slices desired in the x,y,z directions: int numCutsX = 2; int numCutY = 1; int numCutsZ = 2; int SSFactor = 4; //supersampling factors int SSFactorZ = 1; //First load the RT struct dicom file. Console.WriteLine("Reading Dicom Struct file..."); var structFile = DicomFile.Open(structPath).Dataset; //Get patient ID: string patientID = structFile.GetString(DicomTag.PatientID); //Get the desired ROI, and close all contours List <double[, ]> contoursTemp = DicomParsing.FindROI(structFile, "paro", true, true); string organName = DicomParsing.ROIName; //Chop it! List <List <double[, ]> > contours = Chopper.Chop(contoursTemp, numCutsX, numCutY, numCutsZ, organName); //Plot it! Console.WriteLine("Would you like to plot the chopped up ROI? (y/n)"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); input.ToLower(); if ((input == "y") || (input == "yes")) { ContourPlotting.Plot(contours); } //Now load a dose file. DicomDose.MeanDoses(contours, dosePath, patientID, SSFactor, SSFactorZ); Testing.RunTests(contours, organName); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to end the program."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void EmptyArray() { Assert.Equal(-1, Chopper.Chop(3, new int[] { })); }
public void NotInArray() { Assert.Equal(-1, Chopper.Chop(3, new[] { 1 })); }