private void LoadGameData()
        string filePath = Application.dataPath + choicesDataProjectFilePath;

        if (File.Exists(filePath))
            string dataAsJson = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
            m_ChoicesGameData = JsonUtility.FromJson <ChoicesGameData>(dataAsJson);
            m_ChoicesGameData = new ChoicesGameData();
    private void LoadGameData()
        // Path.Combine combines strings into a file path
        // Application.DataPath points to the "Assets" folder in the Editor
        string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, gameDataFileName);

        if (File.Exists(filePath))
            // Read the json from the file into a string
            string dataAsJson = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
            // Pass the json to JsonUtility, and tell it to create a ChoicesGameData object from it
            ChoicesGameData loadedData = JsonUtility.FromJson <ChoicesGameData>(dataAsJson);

            // Retrieve the allChoicesData property of loadedData
            allChoicesData = loadedData.allChoicesData;
            Debug.LogError("Cannot load game data at: " + filePath);