Пример #1
        // Protected Methods (13) 

        protected virtual void AddInlineSearch(ChildrenField field, string prefix, StringBuilder element, string type, string id, string guid)
            //string inlineSearch = string.Empty;
            Durados.ParentField parentField = null;
            Durados.ParentField fkField     = null;
            View searchView = (View)field.GetOtherParentView(out parentField, out fkField);

            if (field.InlineSearch && prefix != filterPrefix && searchView.IsAllow())
                element.Insert(0, "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>");

                //inlineSearch += element;

                string title     = "Search for " + searchView.DisplayName;
                string className = "Search-icon";
                guid = searchView.Name + "_" + Durados.Web.Mvc.Infrastructure.ShortGuid.Next() + "_";
                string onClick = "SearchDialog.CreateAndOpen('" + searchView.Name + "','" + searchView.DisplayName + "','" + type + "','" + id + "','" + searchView.GetIndexUrl() + "?firstTime=true&disabled=true" + "', '" + guid + "')";

                element.Append(GetInlineAddingImg(guid, title, className, onClick));

            //return inlineSearch;
Пример #2
        protected virtual string GetCheckList(ChildrenField field, string prefix, bool disabled, string pk, string guid, bool forFilter)
            StringBuilder selectList = new StringBuilder();
            string        insideTriggerAttributes = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.InsideTriggerFieldName))
                insideTriggerAttributes = " hasInsideTrigger='hasInsideTrigger' triggerName='" + field.InsideTriggerFieldName + "' ";

            string id = guid + prefix + field.Name.ReplaceNonAlphaNumeric();

            selectList.Append("<select " + GetDisabledHtmlAttribute(disabled) + " id='" + id + "' name='" + field.Name + "' viewName='" + field.View.Name + "' pk='" + pk + "' style='display:none' multiple='multiple' d_loaded='d_loaded' role='childrenCheckList'" + insideTriggerAttributes + " class='dropdownchecklist' d_minWidth='" + field.MinWidth.ToString() + "'>");

            selectList.Append("<option value=''>(All)</option>");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.InsideTriggerFieldName))
                IEnumerable <SelectListItem> selectListItems = field.GetSelectList(pk, forFilter);

                foreach (SelectListItem item in selectListItems)
                    selectList.Append("<option value='" + item.Value + "' " + (item.Selected ? "selected='selected'>" : ">").ToString() + item.Text + "</option>");

            if (field.InlineSearch)
                AddInlineSearch(field, prefix, selectList, "CheckList", id, guid);

Пример #3
        protected virtual string GetDiv(ChildrenField field, string prefix, string guid, string url, bool disabled)
            string div = string.Empty;
            //string src = General.GetRootPath() + "Content/Images/Plus.jpg";
            string title = "";

            //string title = "Expand";
            if (disabled)
                //src = General.GetRootPath() + "Content/Images/PlusDisabled.jpg";
                title = string.Format(field.SubgridInstructions, field.DisplayName);

            string id = guid + prefix + field.Name.ReplaceNonAlphaNumeric();

            string updateParent = " updateParent='" + field.UpdateParent.ToString() + "' ";
            string itemsFilter  = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.DependencyFieldName))
                itemsFilter = "itemsFilter='" + field.DependencyFieldName + "' ";
            //string expand = "<input id='" + id + "' style='display:none' state='collapsedEmpty' type='image' class='inlineAddingImg expand' title='expand' alt='expand' src='" + src + "' onclick=\"expand(this, false,null,false,'" + guid + "');\" " + GetDisabledHtmlAttribute(disabled) + " title='" + title + "' alt='" + title + "'" + updateParent + "/>";
            string expand = "<span id='" + id + "' state='collapsedEmpty' class='inlineAddingImg expand' " + GetDisabledHtmlAttribute(disabled) + updateParent + ">" + title + "</span>";

            //string label = ((Durados.Web.Mvc.View)field.View).DataRowView == DataRowView.Divs ? string.Empty : field.DisplayName;
            div = "<div><div>" + expand + "</div><div url='" + url + "' class='childrenViewer' " + itemsFilter + " pk=''></div></div>";

Пример #4
 protected virtual void LoadChildren(ChildrenField childrenField, DataRow row, DataRow xmlRow, DataRelation xmlRelation, DataView dataView)
     foreach (DataRowView childRow in dataView)
         LoadElement(xmlRow.Table.DataSet, childrenField.ChildrenView, childRow.Row, xmlRelation, xmlRow);
Пример #5
        public string Export(DataView dataView, View view, string[] roles, ITableViewer tableViewer, string guid)
            //Load SubGrids Data once
            Dictionary <string, DataView> SubGrids = new Dictionary <string, DataView>();

            Dictionary <string, Field> excluded = new Dictionary <string, Field>();

            foreach (Field field in view.Fields.Values.OrderBy(f => f.Order))
                if (field.FieldType == FieldType.Children && field.GetFieldControlType() != "CheckList" && !field.IsHiddenInTable() && !IsDenied(field.DenySelectRoles, roles) && tableViewer.IsVisible(field, excluded, guid))
                    ChildrenField c_field = (ChildrenField)field;

                    if (c_field.SubGridExport)
                        View c_view = (View)c_field.ChildrenView;

                        SubGrids.Add(c_view.Name, GetSubGridData(c_view));

            string header = GetColumnsHeaders(view, roles, tableViewer, guid, true, SubGrids, false) + charNewLine;

            //Columns Data - CSV
            return(header + GetColumnsData(dataView, view, roles, tableViewer, guid, SubGrids) + charNewLine);
Пример #6
        protected virtual string GetDivForTable(ChildrenField field, string prefix, string guid, string url, bool disabled, DataRow dataRow)
            string div   = string.Empty;
            string src   = General.GetRootPath() + "Content/Images/Plus.gif";
            string title = "Expand";

            //if (disabled)
            //    src = General.GetRootPath() + "Content/Images/PlusDisabled.gif";
            //    title = "Please save first";

            disabled = !field.IsDerivationEditable(dataRow);
            string disabledStr  = disabled ? "true" : "false";
            string updateParent = " updateParent='" + field.UpdateParent.ToString() + "' ";
            string itemsFilter  = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.DependencyFieldName))
                itemsFilter = "itemsFilter='" + field.DependencyFieldName + "' ";
            string nocache = (field.NoCache) ? " nocache='nocache' " : string.Empty;
            string expand  = "<img state='collapsedEmpty' class='inlineAddingImg expand' title='expand' alt='expand' src='" + src + "' onclick=\"expand(this, false, " + field.SubGridPlacement + "," + disabledStr + ",'" + guid + "');\" " + GetDisabledHtmlAttribute(false) + " title='" + title + "' alt='" + title + "' " + updateParent + nocache + " selectedClass='tablecommand' />&nbsp;";

            //string label = field.ConvertToString(dataRow);
            string label = "<a href='" + url + "'>" + field.ConvertToString(dataRow) + "</a>";

            div = "<div><div>" + expand + label + "</div><div url='" + url + "' class='childrenViewer' " + itemsFilter + " pk=''></div></div>";

Пример #7
 private Durados.Web.Mvc.UI.Json.Field GetChildrenJsonField(ChildrenField childrenField, string value)
     Json.Field jsonField = new Json.Field()
         Name = childrenField.Name, Value = value, Type = childrenField.GetHtmlControlType().ToString(), DependencyData = childrenField.DependencyData
Пример #8
        protected virtual string GetCheckListUrl(ChildrenField field, string guid, string url, string prefix)
            string query = "?";

            query += "guid=" + guid + "&fieldName=" + field.Name + "&pk=$$&prefix=" + prefix;

            return(url + query);
Пример #9
        public static string GetSelectedChildrenPKDelimited(this ChildrenField childrenField, string fk)
            string[] pks = GetSelectedChildrenPK(childrenField, fk);

            string delimited = string.Empty;

            foreach (string pk in pks)
                delimited += pk + ",";

            delimited = delimited.TrimEnd(',');

Пример #10
        private string GetColumnsHeaders(View view, string[] roles, ITableViewer tableViewer, string guid, bool withSubgrids, Dictionary <string, DataView> SubGrids, bool isSubGrid)
            string header = string.Empty;

            string columnHeader = string.Empty;

            Dictionary <string, Field> excluded = new Dictionary <string, Field>();

            foreach (Field field in view.Fields.Values.OrderBy(f => f.Order))
                if (!field.IsHiddenInTable() && !IsDenied(field.DenySelectRoles, roles) && tableViewer.IsVisible(field, excluded, guid))
                    if (field.FieldType == FieldType.Children && field.GetFieldControlType() != "CheckList")
                        ChildrenField c_field = (ChildrenField)field;

                        if (withSubgrids && (c_field.SubGridExport))
                            View c_view = (View)c_field.ChildrenView;

                            DataView c_grid = SubGrids[c_view.Name];

                            tableViewer.DataView = c_grid;

                            header += GetColumnsHeaders(c_view, roles, tableViewer, "", false, null, true);
                        columnHeader = tableViewer.GetDisplayName(field, null, guid);

                        if (field.Equals(view.Fields.First()) && columnHeader.ToLower() == "id")
                            columnHeader = " " + columnHeader;

                        if (isSubGrid)
                            header += view.DisplayName + " ";

                        header += ValidCsvContent(columnHeader, false) + charDelimeter;
Пример #11
        protected virtual string GetNavigationUrl(ChildrenField field, DataRow dataRow, string url, string guid, bool isMainPage)
            string query = "?";

            for (int i = 0; i < field.DataRelation.ChildColumns.Count(); i++)
                DataColumn childColumn  = field.DataRelation.ChildColumns[i];
                DataColumn parentColumn = field.DataRelation.ParentColumns[i];
                string     key          = (dataRow == null) ? "$$" : dataRow[parentColumn.ColumnName].ToString();
                query += childColumn.ColumnName + "=" + System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(key) + "&";

            string display = (dataRow == null) ? "xx" : field.View.DisplayField.ConvertToString(dataRow);

            query += "__" + field.Name + "__=" + System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(display);

            return(url + query + (((View)field.ChildrenView).Check(TriggerDataAction.Open, dataRow) ? "&disabled=True" : "") + (isMainPage ? "&isMainPage=True" : "") + "&BackTo=" + System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(field.View.Name));
Пример #12
        public virtual string GetElementForTableView(ChildrenField field, DataRow dataRow, string guid)
            View childrenView = ((View)field.ChildrenView);

            if (!childrenView.IsAllow())
                if (dataRow == null)
                if (field.FieldType == FieldType.Children && ((ChildrenField)field).ChildrenHtmlControlType == ChildrenHtmlControlType.CheckList)
                    if (dataRow == null)
                        return(GetNavigationUrl(field, null, guid));

                    //if (field.ChildrenHtmlControlType == ChildrenHtmlControlType.Grid)
                    //    return GetNavigationUrl(field, null);
                    //else if (field.ChildrenHtmlControlType == ChildrenHtmlControlType.CheckList)
                    //    return GetNavigationUrl(field, null, GetUrlWithoutQuery(field, childrenView.CheckListAction));
                    //    return string.Empty;
                        return(GetDivForTable(field, string.Empty, guid, GetNavigationUrl(field, dataRow, guid, true), false, dataRow));

                    //return "<a href='" + GetNavigationUrl(field, dataRow) + "'>" + field.ConvertToString(dataRow) + "</a>";
Пример #13
        public virtual string GetElementForEdit(ChildrenField field, string pk, string value, string guid)
            View childrenView = ((View)field.ChildrenView);
            View view         = ((View)field.View);

            if (field.ChildrenHtmlControlType == ChildrenHtmlControlType.CheckList)
                //return GetDiv(field, editPrefix, guid, GetCheckListUrl(field, guid, GetUrlWithoutQuery(view, view.CheckListAction), editPrefix), false);
                return(GetCheckList(field, editPrefix, false, pk, guid, false));
            else if (field.ChildrenHtmlControlType == ChildrenHtmlControlType.Grid)
                return(GetDiv(field, editPrefix, guid, GetNavigationUrl(field, null, guid), false));
Пример #14
        // <summary>
        /// Try get parent field of a field
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewName"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ParentField GetParentField(this Field field)
            ParentField parentField = null;

            if (field.FieldType == FieldType.Children)
                ChildrenField childrenField = field as ChildrenField;
                if (childrenField != null)
                    parentField = childrenField.GetFirstNonEquivalentParentField() as ParentField;
                parentField = field as ParentField;

Пример #15
        protected virtual ChildrenField GetApprovalProcessUsersChildrenField(IApprovalProcess controller, View view)
            ChildrenField usersChildrenField = controller.GetApprovalProcessUsersChildrenField(view);

            if (usersChildrenField != null)
            string approvalProcessUserViewName = GetApprovalProcessUserViewName(controller);

            usersChildrenField = (ChildrenField)view.Fields.Values.Where(f => f.FieldType == FieldType.Children && ((ChildrenField)f).ChildrenView.Name == approvalProcessUserViewName).FirstOrDefault();

            if (usersChildrenField == null)
                throw new WorkflowEngineException("Could not found the Approval Process Users field on view " + view.Name + " that connect to the Approval Process Users View by the name " + approvalProcessUserViewName + ".");

Пример #16
        private void Notify(int id, View view, string document)
            ChildrenField childrenField = (ChildrenField)view.Fields["FK_ApprovalProcessUser_ApprovalProcess_Children"];

            DataView approvalProcessUserDataView = childrenField.GetDataView(id.ToString());

            foreach (System.Data.DataRowView row in approvalProcessUserDataView)
                int    userId = (int)row.Row["UserId"];
                int    approvalProcessUserId = (int)row.Row["Id"];
                string subject = GetSubject((View)childrenField.ChildrenView, approvalProcessUserId);
                string message = GetMessage((View)childrenField.ChildrenView, approvalProcessUserId);

                string to   = string.Empty;
                string name = string.Empty;
                GetEmailInfo(userId.ToString(), out to, out name);
                SendEmail(GetDefaultFrom(), to, string.Empty, message, subject, new string[1] {
Пример #17
        public static DataView GetDataView(this ChildrenField childrenField, string key)
            ParentField parentField = childrenField.GetEquivalentParentField();
            View        view        = parentField.View;

            Dictionary <string, object> values = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            values.Add(parentField.Name, key);

            int rowCount = 0;

            Dictionary <string, SortDirection> sortColumns = new Dictionary <string, SortDirection>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.OrdinalColumnName) && view.DataTable.Columns.Contains(view.OrdinalColumnName))
                sortColumns.Add(view.OrdinalColumnName, SortDirection.Asc);

            DataView dataView = view.FillPage(1, 1000, values, false, sortColumns, out rowCount, null, null);

Пример #18
    private void AddToSelectable(Component parentSelectableComponent)
        _selectable.transform.SetParent(parentSelectableComponent.transform, true);

        object thisSelectable   = _selectable.GetComponent(SelectableType);
        object parentSelectable = parentSelectableComponent.GetComponent(SelectableType);

        ParentField.SetValue(thisSelectable, parentSelectable);

        Array parentChildren    = (Array)ChildrenField.GetValue(parentSelectable);
        Array newParentChildren = Array.CreateInstance(SelectableType, parentChildren.Length + 1);

        Array.Copy(parentChildren, newParentChildren, holdableChildIndex);
        newParentChildren.SetValue(thisSelectable, holdableChildIndex);
        Array.Copy(parentChildren, holdableChildIndex, newParentChildren, holdableChildIndex + 1, parentChildren.Length - holdableChildIndex);

        ChildrenField.SetValue(parentSelectable, newParentChildren);
        ChildRowLengthField.SetValue(parentSelectable, ((int)ChildRowLengthField.GetValue(parentSelectable)) + 1);

        InitMethod.Invoke(parentSelectable, null);

Пример #19
        protected override DataView GetDataView(ChildrenField childrenField, DataRow dataRow)
            DataView dataView = base.GetDataView(childrenField, dataRow);

            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();

            string[] fieldsNames = new string[6]

            foreach (string name in fieldsNames)

            foreach (DataRow row in dataView.Table.Rows)
                List <object> values = new List <object>();
                foreach (string name in fieldsNames)
                    string value = childrenField.ChildrenView.Fields[name].ConvertToString(row);


            return(new DataView(dataTable));
Пример #20
        protected virtual Dictionary <int, string> Notify(IApprovalProcess controller, string messageKey, string subjectKey, int id, Dictionary <string, Parameter> parameters, View view, Dictionary <string, object> values, DataRow prevRow, string pk)
            ChildrenField childrenField = GetApprovalProcessUsersChildrenField(controller, view);

            DataView approvalProcessUserDataView = GetApprovalProcessUserDataView(id, childrenField, controller);

            if (approvalProcessUserDataView == null)
                throw new WorkflowEngineException("Could not load the Approval Process Users view .");

            Dictionary <int, string> messages = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            string siteWithoutQueryString = ((INotifier)controller).GetSiteWithoutQueryString();

            int currentUserId = controller.GetCurrentUserId();

            foreach (System.Data.DataRowView row in approvalProcessUserDataView)
                int    userId = (int)row.Row["UserId"];
                int    approvalProcessUserId = (int)row.Row["Id"];
                string subject = controller.GetSubject((View)childrenField.ChildrenView, subjectKey, approvalProcessUserId);
                string message = controller.GetMessage((View)childrenField.ChildrenView, messageKey, approvalProcessUserId);

                string urlAction = ((INotifier)controller).GetUrlAction(childrenField.ChildrenView, approvalProcessUserId.ToString());
                string to        = string.Empty;
                string name      = string.Empty;
                controller.GetEmailInfo(userId.ToString(), out to, out name);
                messages.Add(approvalProcessUserId, message);
                SendEmail(controller, to, string.Empty, message, subject);
                string messageBoardId = ((INotifier)controller).SaveInMessageBoard(parameters, childrenField.ChildrenView, values, prevRow, approvalProcessUserId.ToString(), siteWithoutQueryString, urlAction, subject, message, currentUserId, null, new Dictionary <int, bool>());
                ((INotifier)controller).SaveMessageAction(view, messageBoardId, "True", 5, userId); // Required Action

Пример #21
 public static IEnumerable <SelectListItem> GetSelectList(this ChildrenField childrenField, bool forFilter)
     return(GetSelectList(childrenField, null, forFilter));
Пример #22
 public NoLongerChecklistException(ChildrenField childrenField) : base("The field " + childrenField.JsonName + " is no longer checklist. Please try again or call the administrator.")
     ChildrenField = childrenField;
Пример #23
        protected virtual string GetCheckListForFilter(ChildrenField field, string prefix, bool disabled, string selectedValue, string guid)
            string        style      = GetFilterStyle(field);
            StringBuilder selectList = new StringBuilder();
            string        id         = guid + prefix + field.Name.ReplaceNonAlphaNumeric();
            bool          load       = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedValue) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.DefaultFilter);
            //Changed by br
            bool isGroupFilter = field.View != null && field.View.FilterType == FilterType.Group ? true : false;

            selectList.Append("<select " + style + " " + GetDisabledHtmlAttribute(disabled) + " id='" + id + "' name='" + field.Name + "' isGroupFilter='" + isGroupFilter + "' viewName='" + field.View.Name + "' role='childrenCheckListFilter' style='display:none' multiple='multiple' filter='filter' class='dropdownchecklist' onkeypress='handleEnterFilter(this, event, \"" + guid + "\")' >");
            selectList.Append("<option value=''>(All)</option>");

            if (load)
                string[] selectedValues = field.GetFirstNonEquivalentParentField().SplitValues(selectedValue);

                bool empty = selectedValues.Contains(Database.EmptyString);
                if (prefix == filterPrefix)
                    selectList.Append("<option value='" + Database.EmptyString + "' " + (empty ? "selected='selected'" : "").ToString() + ">" + field.View.Database.EmptyDisplay + "</option>");

                IEnumerable <SelectListItem> selectListItems = field.GetSelectList(true);

                foreach (SelectListItem item in selectListItems)
                    bool selected = selectedValues.Contains(item.Value);
                    selectList.Append("<option value='" + item.Value + "' " + (selected ? "selected='selected'>" : ">").ToString() + item.Text + "</option>");


            if (!load)
                //Changed by br
                string widthStyle   = GetFilterWidthStyle(field);
                string displayStyle = "display: " + (isGroupFilter ? "inline-block" : "block") + ";";
                string onclicked    = "";

                string onhovered = "";
                if (!disabled && string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.InsideTriggerFieldName))
                    onclicked = " onclick='LoadCheckListFilter($(\"#" + id + "\"), \"" + guid + "\")'";
                    onhovered = " onmouseover='$(this).addClass(\"ui-state-hover\")' onmouseout='$(this).removeClass(\"ui-state-hover\")'";
                string icon = "";

                if (Map.Database.Localizer.Direction != "RTL")
                    icon = "<div style='float: left;' class='ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e'></div>";
                    icon = "<div style='float: right;' class='ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-w'></div>";
                selectList.Append("<span d_ph='ph' class='ui-dropdownchecklist ui-dropdownchecklist-selector-wrapper ui-widget' style='cursor: default; overflow: hidden; " + displayStyle + widthStyle + "'><span tabindex='0'" + onclicked + " class='ui-dropdownchecklist-selector ui-state-default' style='overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; " + displayStyle + widthStyle + "'" + onhovered + ">" + icon + "<span style='display: inline-block; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden' class='ui-dropdownchecklist-text'></span></span></span>");
Пример #24
        public static IEnumerable <SelectListItem> GetSelectList(this ChildrenField childrenField, string fk, string pk)
            List <SelectListItem> selectList = new List <SelectListItem>();

            View childrenView = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)childrenField.ChildrenView;

            View view = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)childrenField.View;

            ParentField fkField = null;

            ParentField parentField = null;

            View parentView = null;

            foreach (ParentField field in childrenView.Fields.Values.Where(f => f.FieldType == FieldType.Parent))
                if (!field.ParentView.Base.Equals(view.Base))
                    parentField = field;
                    parentView  = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)field.ParentView;
                    fkField = field;

            if (parentField == null)

            Dictionary <string, object> filterParent = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fk) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(childrenField.DependencyFieldName))
                filterParent.Add(childrenField.DependencyFieldName, fk);

            int      rowCount       = 0;
            DataView parentDataView = parentView.FillPage(1, 1000000, filterParent, false, null, out rowCount, null, null);

            if (childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReportInProgress)
                if (parentDataView.Count > childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.OverLoadLimit)
                    Map.Logger.Log(parentView.Name, childrenField.Name, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.Name, string.Empty, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.GetStackTrace(), -parentDataView.Count, string.Empty, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.DateTime);
            //Selected values = rows in many-to-many view
            Dictionary <object, object> keys = new Dictionary <object, object>();

            Dictionary <string, object> filter = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pk) && fkField != null)
                filter.Add(fkField.Name, pk);

                DataView childrenDataView = childrenView.FillPage(1, 1000000, filter, false, null, out rowCount, null, null);

                if (childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReportInProgress)
                    if (parentDataView.Count > childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.OverLoadLimit)
                        Map.Logger.Log(childrenView.Name, childrenField.Name, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.Name, string.Empty, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.GetStackTrace(), -parentDataView.Count, string.Empty, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.DateTime);

                foreach (System.Data.DataRowView row in childrenDataView)
                    string key = parentField.GetValue(row.Row);
                    if (!keys.ContainsKey(key))
                        keys.Add(key, key);

            //Create Options
            foreach (System.Data.DataRowView row in parentDataView)
                string text     = parentView.GetDisplayValue(row.Row);
                string value    = parentView.GetPkValue(row.Row);
                bool   selected = keys.ContainsKey(value);

                SelectListItem item = new SelectListItem();
                item.Text     = text;
                item.Value    = value;
                item.Selected = selected;


Пример #25
        protected virtual string GetNavigationUrl(ChildrenField field, DataRow dataRow, string guid, bool isMainPage)
            string url = GetUrlWithoutQuery(field);

            return(GetNavigationUrl(field, dataRow, url, guid, isMainPage));
Пример #26
        // Public Methods (10) 

        public static string GetListPKDelimitedByValuesForImport(this ChildrenField childrenField, List <string> displayValues, Importer importer)
            View childrenView = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)childrenField.ChildrenView;
            View view         = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)childrenField.View;
            View parentView   = null;
            //ParentField parentField = null;

            string pks = "";
            string temp;
            string msg;

            GetPKValueByDisplayValueStatus status;

            ParentField parentField = null;

            foreach (ParentField field in childrenView.Fields.Values.Where(f => f.FieldType == FieldType.Parent))
                if (!field.ParentView.Base.Equals(view.Base))
                    parentField = field;
                    parentView  = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)field.ParentView;

            string displayName = childrenField.DisplayName;

            foreach (string displayValue in displayValues)
                temp = parentView.GetPKValueByDisplayValue(displayValue.Trim(), out status);

                if (childrenField.Import && status == GetPKValueByDisplayValueStatus.NotFound)
                    temp = importer.CreateParentRecord(parentField, displayValue);

                    if (temp != string.Empty)
                        status = GetPKValueByDisplayValueStatus.FoundUnique;

                if (status == GetPKValueByDisplayValueStatus.FoundUnique)
                    pks += temp + ",";
                    if (status == GetPKValueByDisplayValueStatus.FoundMoreThanOne)
                        msg = "(SelectList) The display value [" + displayValue + "] is not a unique identifier of the parent record [" + displayName + "]";
                        msg = "(SelectList) Primary key for parent record [" + displayName + "] was not found by value [" + displayValue + "]";

                    throw new DuradosException(msg);

Пример #27
        //public static View GetOtherParentView(this ChildrenField childrenField, ParentField parentField, ParentField fkField)
        //    View childrenView = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)childrenField.ChildrenView;
        //    View view = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)childrenField.View;
        //    View parentView = null;

        //    foreach (ParentField field in childrenView.Fields.Values.Where(f => f.FieldType == FieldType.Parent))
        //    {
        //        if (!field.ParentView.Base.Equals(view.Base))
        //        {
        //            parentField = field;
        //            parentView = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)field.ParentView;
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            fkField = field;
        //        }
        //    }

        //    return parentView;
        public static IEnumerable <SelectListItem> GetSelectList(this ChildrenField childrenField, string fk, bool forFilter)
            View childrenView = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)childrenField.ChildrenView;
            View view         = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)childrenField.View;

            //ParentField parentField = null;
            //ParentField fkField = null;
            //View parentView = null;

            //foreach (ParentField field in childrenView.Fields.Values.Where(f => f.FieldType == FieldType.Parent))
            //    if (!field.ParentView.Base.Equals(view.Base))
            //    {
            //        parentField = field;
            //        parentView = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)field.ParentView;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        fkField = field;
            //    }
            Durados.ParentField parentField = null;
            Durados.ParentField fkField     = null;
            View parentView = (View)childrenField.GetOtherParentView(out parentField, out fkField);

            Dictionary <string, string> selectOptions = parentField.GetSelectOptions(fk, null, forFilter);

            //int rowCount = 0;
            //DataView parentDataView = parentView.FillPage(1, 1000000, null, false, null, out rowCount, null, null);

            //if (childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReportInProgress)
            //    if (parentDataView.Count > childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.OverLoadLimit)
            //    {
            //        Map.Logger.Log(parentView.Name, childrenField.Name, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.Name, string.Empty, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.GetStackTrace(), -parentDataView.Count, string.Empty, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.DateTime);
            //    }

            //Dictionary<object, object> keys = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fk))
            //    Dictionary<string, object> filter = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //    filter.Add(fkField.Name, fk);

            //    DataView childrenDataView = childrenView.FillPage(1, 1000000, filter, false, null, out rowCount, null, null);

            //    if (childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReportInProgress)
            //    {
            //        if (parentDataView.Count > childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.OverLoadLimit)
            //        {
            //            Map.Logger.Log(childrenField.View.Name, childrenField.Name, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.Name, string.Empty, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.GetStackTrace(), -parentDataView.Count, string.Empty, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.DateTime);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    foreach (System.Data.DataRowView row in childrenDataView)
            //    {
            //        string key = parentField.GetValue(row.Row);
            //        keys.Add(key, key);
            //    }

            List <SelectListItem> selectList = new List <SelectListItem>();

            //foreach (System.Data.DataRowView row in parentDataView)
            //    string text = parentView.GetDisplayValue(row.Row);
            //    string value = parentView.GetPkValue(row.Row);
            //    bool selected = keys.ContainsKey(value);

            //    SelectListItem item = new SelectListItem();
            //    item.Text = text;
            //    item.Value = value;
            //    item.Selected = selected;

            //    selectList.Add(item);

            foreach (string key in selectOptions.Keys)
                SelectListItem item = new SelectListItem();
                item.Text     = selectOptions[key];
                item.Value    = key;
                item.Selected = false;

Пример #28
 protected virtual string GetUrlWithoutQuery(ChildrenField field, string action)
     return(GetUrlWithoutQuery((View)field.ChildrenView, action));
Пример #29
        public static string[] GetSelectedChildrenPK(this ChildrenField childrenField, string fk)
            childrenField = (ChildrenField)childrenField.Base;
            View        childrenView = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)childrenField.ChildrenView;
            View        view         = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)childrenField.View;
            View        parentView   = null;
            ParentField parentField  = null;
            ParentField fkField      = null;

            var parentFields = childrenView.Fields.Values.Where(f => f.FieldType == FieldType.Parent);

            foreach (ParentField field in childrenView.Fields.Values.Where(f => f.FieldType == FieldType.Parent))
                if (!field.ParentView.Equals(view))
                    parentField = field;
                    parentView  = (Durados.Web.Mvc.View)field.ParentView;
                    fkField = field;

            if (parentView == null)
                if (parentFields.Count() == 2)
                    if (((ParentField)parentFields.FirstOrDefault()).ParentView.Equals(((ParentField)parentFields.LastOrDefault()).ParentView))
                        ParentField p1 = (ParentField)parentFields.FirstOrDefault();
                        ParentField p2 = (ParentField)parentFields.LastOrDefault();

                        if (!p1.DataRelation.ChildColumns[0].Equals(childrenField.DataRelation.ChildColumns[0]))
                            parentField = p1;
                            fkField     = p2;
                            parentField = p2;
                            fkField     = p1;
                        parentView = (View)parentField.ParentView;

            //int rowCount = 0;

            //List<string> keys = new List<string>();
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fk))
            //    Dictionary<string, object> filter = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //    filter.Add(fkField.Name, fk);

            //    DataView childrenDataView = childrenView.FillPage(1, 1000000, filter, false, null, out rowCount, null, null);
            //    if (childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReportInProgress)
            //    {
            //        if (childrenDataView.Count > childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.OverLoadLimit)
            //        {
            //            Map.Logger.Log(childrenView.Name, childrenField.Name, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.Name, string.Empty, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.GetStackTrace(), -childrenDataView.Count, string.Empty, childrenField.View.Database.DiagnosticsReport.DateTime);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    foreach (System.Data.DataRowView row in childrenDataView)
            //    {
            //        string key = parentField.GetValue(row.Row);
            //        keys.Add(key);
            //    }

            //return keys.ToArray();

            if (parentField == null)
                throw new NoLongerChecklistException(childrenField);

            return(childrenView.GetKeys(parentField, fkField.Name, fk));
Пример #30
        protected virtual string GetUrlWithoutQuery(ChildrenField field)
            View childrenView = ((View)field.ChildrenView);

            return(GetUrlWithoutQuery(field, childrenView.IndexAction));