public void SetUp() { var parkingDate = new DateTime(2013, 10, 06, 12, 0, 0); var parkingReceipt = ParkingReceipt.Create(parkingDate); DateTime checkoutTime = parkingDate.AddHours(5).AddMinutes(30); var priceCalculator = new PriceCalculator(new List<IParkingPriceRule> { new OneHourPriceRule(), new TwoHourPriceRule(), new ThreeOrMoreHoursPriceRule() }); var checkoutService = new CheckoutService(new TestableTimeService(checkoutTime), priceCalculator); _invoice = checkoutService.Checkout(parkingReceipt); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CartService" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="cartRepository">The cart repository.</param> /// <param name="mapper">The mapper.</param> /// <param name="eventDispatcher">The event dispatcher.</param> /// <param name="checkoutDomainService">The checkout domain service.</param> /// <param name="customerRepository">The customer repository.</param> /// <param name="productRepository">The product repository.</param> /// <param name="unitOfWork">The unit of work.</param> public CartService(ICartRepository cartRepository, IMapper mapper, IEventDispatcher eventDispatcher, CheckoutService checkoutDomainService, ICustomerRepository customerRepository, IProductRepository productRepository, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork) { _cartRepository = cartRepository; _mapper = mapper; _eventDispatcher = eventDispatcher; _checkoutDomainService = checkoutDomainService; _customerRepository = customerRepository; _productRepository = productRepository; _unitOfWork = unitOfWork; MessageType = GetType().Name; }
public CheckoutController(IConfiguration configuration) { var connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("ConnectionString"); this.checkoutService = new CheckoutService(new CustomerRepository(connectionString), new OrderItemsRepository(connectionString)); }
public override void UpdateProductDiscount(Product product) { base.UpdateProductDiscount(product); Total.Text = string.Format(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("pt-BR"), "{0:C}", CheckoutService.TotalProduct(product)); }
public CheckoutServiceTests() { this.checkoutService = new CheckoutService(); }
public StoreController(IShoppingContext shoppingContext, CheckoutService checkoutService) { _shoppingContext = shoppingContext; _checkoutService = checkoutService; }
public CheckoutServiceTests() { repositoryMock = new Mock <IProductRepository>(); sut = new CheckoutService(repositoryMock.Object); }
public override Template GetTemplate(IResultResponse response) { var template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.GeneralError }; try { if (this.OverrideBlockXDocumentConversion) // JSON { if (this.OverrideStopAutoRedirects) { if (response.ResponseHeaders != null) { var location = string.Empty; if (response.ResponseHeaders.TryGetValue("Location", out location) && location.Contains(".paypal.")) { var service = new CheckoutService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.PayPalRedirect, Service = service, Method = service.ParsePayPalRedirect }; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location)) { if (response.RawData.Contains(".paypal.")) { var startIndex = response.RawData.IndexOf("url="); var endIndex = response.RawData.IndexOf("><meta http-equiv=\"Robots\""); location = response.RawData.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex).Replace("url=", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); var service = new CheckoutService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.PayPalRedirect, Service = service, Method = service.ParsePayPalRedirect }; } } } } } else if (response.XDocument != null) // HTML and XML { var xDoc = response.XDocument; _ns = xDoc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace(); // Regular HTML Pages var title = xDoc.Descendants(_ns + "title") .FirstOrNewXElement() .ElementValue(); if (title.IndexOf("****", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { if (xDoc.Descendants(_ns + "span") .FirstOrNewXElement() .AttributeValue("class") .Equals("shopping-bag")) { var service = new CartService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.CartMini, Service = service, Method = service.ParseCartMini }; } else if (xDoc.Descendants(_ns + "legend") .FirstOrNewXElement() .ElementValue() .IndexOf("Select Shipping Method", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var service = new CheckoutService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.CheckoutShipping, Service = service, Method = service.ParseShippingOptions }; } else if (xDoc.ToString().IndexOf("shoebox", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var service = new HomeService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.FindMyPerfectShoe, Service = service, Method = service.ParseFindMyPerfectShoe }; } } else if (title.IndexOf("My Payless Bag", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var service = new CartService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.CartDetail, Service = service, Method = service.ParseCart }; } else if (title.IndexOf("Account Login", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var header = ParsingHelper.GetTemplateHeader(xDoc, _ns); if (header.IndexOf("Account Login", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var service = new AccountService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.Login, Service = service, Method = service.ParseLogin }; } else { var service = new CheckoutService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.CheckoutBegin, Service = service, Method = service.ParseCheckoutBegin }; } } else if (title.IndexOf("My Order History", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var service = new AccountService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.OrderHistory, Service = service, Method = service.ParseAccountOrderHistory }; } else if (title.IndexOf("Sites-payless-Site", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var service = new AccountService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.OrderDetail, Service = service, Method = service.ParseAccountOrderDetail }; } else if (title.IndexOf("My Account", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.AccountDashboard }; } else if (title.IndexOf("Checkout", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var checkoutService = new CheckoutService(Core); var step = xDoc.Descendants(_ns + "div") .WhereAttributeContains("class", "step-") .WhereAttributeContains("class", " active") .FirstOrNewXElement() .ElementValue(); var breadCrumb = xDoc.Descendants(_ns + "div") .WhereAttributeEquals("class", "breadcrumb") .FirstOrNewXElement() .ElementValue(); var csrfToken = ParsingHelper.GetCheckout_CsrfToken(xDoc); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csrfToken)) { var strCsrfToken = csrfToken.Split('=').GetValue(1).ToString(); if (_session == null) { _session = new PaylessSession(Core); } var checkout = _session.GetCheckout(); checkout.CsrfToken = strCsrfToken; _session.SetCheckout(checkout); } if (step.IndexOf("Shipping", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.CheckoutShipping, Service = checkoutService, Method = checkoutService.ParseShipping }; } else if (step.IndexOf("Billing", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.CheckoutBilling, Service = checkoutService, Method = checkoutService.ParseBilling }; } else if (step.IndexOf("Review Order", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1 || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(step) && title.IndexOf("Confirmation", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == -1)) { template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.CheckoutReview, Service = checkoutService, Method = checkoutService.ParseReview }; } else if (title.IndexOf("Confirmation", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.CheckoutConfirmation, Service = checkoutService, Method = checkoutService.ParseConfirmation }; } else if (breadCrumb.IndexOf("Login", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.CheckoutBegin, Service = checkoutService, Method = checkoutService.ParseCheckoutBegin }; } else if (breadCrumb.IndexOf("My Account", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var header = ParsingHelper.GetTemplateHeader(xDoc, _ns); if (header.IndexOf("Account Login", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var service = new AccountService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.Login, Service = service, Method = service.ParseLogin }; } else if (header.IndexOf("ORDER SUMMARY", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var service = new AccountService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.OrderDetail, Service = service, Method = service.ParseAccountOrderDetail }; } else if (breadCrumb.IndexOf("Order History", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var service = new AccountService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.OrderDetail, Service = service, Method = service.ParseAccountOrderDetail }; } } } else { var legend = xDoc.Descendants(_ns + "legend") .FirstOrNewXElement() .ElementValue(); if (legend.IndexOf("Select Shipping Method", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var service = new CheckoutService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.CheckoutShipping, Service = service, Method = service.ParseShippingOptions }; } else if (legend.IndexOf("Order Summary", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { var service = new CheckoutService(Core); template = new Template { TemplateName = Config.TemplateEnum.CheckoutBilling, Service = service, Method = service.ParseUpdateSummary }; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Errors.Add(e.Handle("ExtendedComRequest.GetTemplate", ErrorSeverity.FollowUp, ErrorType.Parsing)); } return(template); }
public CheckoutController(ProyectoContext context) { _checkoutservice = new CheckoutService(context); }
public void StartUp() { checkoutService = new CheckoutService(); }
public CheckoutServiceTest() { checkoutService = new CheckoutService(); milk_7 = new Product(7, "Milk", Category.Milk); bread_3 = new Product(3, "Bread"); }
protected void CreateOrderConfirmationEmailTest(object sender, EventArgs e) { var order = CheckoutService.GetFullOrder("3E397EA0-CB22-46B4-84A0-7AA31CF0F29E"); CreateOrderConfirmationEmail(order); }
public CartController(IHttpContextAccessor httpContext, IShoppingContext shoppingContext, CheckoutService checkoutService) { _httpContext = httpContext; _shoppingContext = shoppingContext; _checkoutService = checkoutService; }
public CheckoutController(WebshopDbContext context, SignInManager <ApplicationUser> signInManager, UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, AddressService addressService, CartService cartService, CheckoutService checkoutService) { _context = context; _signInManager = signInManager; _userManager = userManager; _addressService = addressService; _cartService = cartService; _checkoutService = checkoutService; }
public SuperTests() { _mockHttpContext = new Mock <IHttpContextAccessor>(); _mockShoppingContext = new Mock <IShoppingContext>(); _checkoutService = new CheckoutService(_mockHttpContext.Object, _mockShoppingContext.Object); }
public static int Checkout(string skus) { CheckoutService checkServ = new CheckoutService(); return(checkServ.ProcessBasket(skus)); }
//一筆訂單的總價 public int GetOrderPrice(int memberId) { CheckoutService checkoutService = new CheckoutService(); return(checkoutService.GetOrderPrice(memberId)); }
public IActionResult Index() { var listService = new CheckoutService(_context, HttpContext.Request.Cookies); return(View(listService.GetCheckoutList())); //convert cookie into ImmutableList<CheckoutItemDto> }
public AccountController() { _accountService = new AccountService(); _checkoutService = new CheckoutService(); }
public void CheckIn_Checks_Out_To_Earliest_Hold() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <LibraryDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("Checks_out_to_earliest_hold") .Options; using (var context = new LibraryDbContext(options)) { var book = new Book { Id = 155, Status = new Status { Name = "Checked Out" } }; var checkout = new Checkout { Id = 2309, LibraryAsset = book, LibraryCard = new LibraryCard { Id = 5 } }; context.Checkouts.Add(checkout); var libraryCard = new LibraryCard { Id = 682 }; var earliestHold = new Hold { Id = 221, LibraryCard = libraryCard, LibraryAsset = book, HoldPlaced = new DateTime(1954, 12, 30) }; var latestHold = new Hold { Id = 1423, LibraryCard = new LibraryCard { Id = 12 }, LibraryAsset = book, HoldPlaced = new DateTime(2018, 2, 14) }; context.Holds.Add(latestHold); context.Holds.Add(earliestHold); context.SaveChanges(); } using (var context = new LibraryDbContext(options)) { var service = new CheckoutService(context); service.CheckInItem(155); context.LibraryAssets.Find(155).Status.Name.Should().Be("Checked Out"); context.LibraryCards.Find(682).Checkouts.Should().Contain(v => v.LibraryAsset.Id == 155); } }
public void Test_LineItems_In_Save_Order() { var applicationUser = new ApplicationUser { FullName = "qwe rty", UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "AQAAAAEAACcQAAAAEFhb4f6tea+M5ljLQQv6paGE6/eo+IHQmiD0vlNdhJ66vPRY0rpFdoCW9XoeYm5/DQ==", Email = "*****@*****.**", EmailConfirmed = true, LockoutEnabled = false }; orderLineItems = new List<OrderLineItemDTO>(); var orderShippingPaymentDTO = new OrderShippingPaymentDTO { FullName = "qwe rty", PaymentMethod = "qwe rty", OrderDate = DateTime.UtcNow, PaymentStatus = "Paid", ShipAddress = "34c ,Test address ", ShippingMethod = "UPS", Email = "*****@*****.**", PhoneNumber = "0123456789", OrderTotalPrice = 568.00, OrderStatus = "Completed", ZipCode = "10001", UserName = "******", OrderLineItems = orderLineItems }; var applicationUserlist = new List<ApplicationUser>(); applicationUserlist.Add(applicationUser); var userManager = MockUserManager(applicationUserlist); userManager.Setup(x => x.FindByNameAsync(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(applicationUser)); var order = new Order { OrderDate = DateTime.UtcNow, ShippedDate = DateTime.UtcNow, ShipAddress = orderShippingPaymentDTO.ShipAddress, ShippingMethod = orderShippingPaymentDTO.ShippingMethod, Email = orderShippingPaymentDTO.Email, PhoneNumber = orderShippingPaymentDTO.PhoneNumber, TotalPrice = orderShippingPaymentDTO.OrderTotalPrice, OrderStatus = orderShippingPaymentDTO.OrderStatus }; orderRepository.Setup(mr => mr.Save(It.IsAny<Order>())).Returns(order); var orderId = order.Id; foreach (var item in mapper.Map<IList<OrderLineItem>>(orderShippingPaymentDTO.OrderLineItems)) { item.OrderID = orderId; orderLineItemsRepository.Setup(mr => mr.Save(It.IsAny<OrderLineItem>())).Returns(item); } var payment = new Payment { PaidDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Description = "", TotalPrice = order.TotalPrice, PaymentStatus = orderShippingPaymentDTO.PaymentStatus, PaymentMethod = orderShippingPaymentDTO.PaymentMethod, OrderID = order.Id, UserID = "" }; paymentRepository.Setup(mr => mr.Save(It.IsAny<Payment>())).Returns(payment); var checkoutService = new CheckoutService(mapper, orderRepository.Object, orderLineItemsRepository.Object, paymentRepository.Object, userManager.Object); var result = checkoutService.SaveOrder(orderShippingPaymentDTO); var ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync<InvalidOperationException>( () => checkoutService.SaveOrder(orderShippingPaymentDTO)); Assert.AreEqual("Can not save order Line items.", ex.Message); }
public CheckoutServiceTests() { _checkoutService = new CheckoutService(_context, _httpContextAccessor); _cartService = new CartService(_context, _httpContextAccessor); _addressService = new AddressService(_context); }
public Response <CheckoutResponse> ProcessCart(IResultResponse response, IRequestParameter parameters) { CheckoutService s = new CheckoutService(_core); return(s.ProcessCoupon(response, parameters)); }
public void SetUp() { Fake <ShippingOptionInfo, ShippingOptionInfoProvider>(); Fake <PaymentOptionInfo, PaymentOptionInfoProvider>(); Fake <ShoppingCartInfo, ShoppingCartInfoProvider>(); Fake <CountryInfo, CountryInfoProvider>(); Fake <StateInfo, StateInfoProvider>(); Fake <ShoppingCartCouponCodeInfo, ShoppingCartCouponCodeInfoProvider>().WithData(); mShoppingCartInfo = new ShoppingCartInfo(); var cart = new ShoppingCart(mShoppingCartInfo); var paymentMethodRepository = Substitute.For <IPaymentMethodRepository>(); var shippingOptionRepository = Substitute.For <IShippingOptionRepository>(); var countryRepository = Substitute.For <ICountryRepository>(); var addressRepository = Substitute.For <ICustomerAddressRepository>(); var shoppingService = Substitute.For <ShoppingService>(); var pricingService = Substitute.For <PricingService>(); shoppingService.GetCurrentShoppingCart().Returns(cart); var shippingUSPS = new ShippingOptionInfo() { ShippingOptionID = SHIPPING_OPTION_ID, ShippingOptionName = "ShippingUSPS" }; var paymentCashOnDelivery = new PaymentOptionInfo { PaymentOptionID = PAYMENT_METHOD_ID, PaymentOptionName = "CashOnDelivery" }; var paymentNotApplicable = new PaymentOptionInfo { PaymentOptionID = PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_APPLICABLE_ID, PaymentOptionName = "PaymentNotApplicable" }; // Override method IsPaymentOptionApplicableInternal to make payment method not applicable PaymentOptionInfoProvider.ProviderObject = new LocalPaymentOptionInfoProvider(); var countryUSA = new CountryInfo { CountryName = "USA", CountryID = COUNTRY_ID }; var stateOregon = new StateInfo { StateName = "Oregon", StateID = STATE_ID, CountryID = COUNTRY_ID }; shippingOptionRepository.GetAllEnabled().Returns(new List <ShippingOptionInfo> { shippingUSPS }); paymentMethodRepository.GetAll().Returns(new List <PaymentOptionInfo> { paymentCashOnDelivery, paymentNotApplicable }); countryRepository.GetCountryStates(COUNTRY_ID).Returns(new List <StateInfo> { stateOregon }); countryRepository.GetCountryStates(COUNTRY_WITHOUT_STATES_ID).Returns(new List <StateInfo> { }); countryRepository.GetCountry(COUNTRY_ID).Returns(countryUSA); checkoutService = new CheckoutService(shoppingService, pricingService, addressRepository, paymentMethodRepository, shippingOptionRepository, countryRepository); }
public CheckoutController(IConfiguration configuration) { this.connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("ConnectionString"); this.checkoutService = new CheckoutService(new CheckoutRepository(this.connectionString), new CartRepository(this.connectionString)); }
private static void Main() { // See: Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; Console.WriteLine("Press any key to start checkout process!"); Console.ReadKey(true); var service = new CheckoutService(); service.Start(); string code; Console.Write($"Set credit limit - or continue '{SkipCode}'"); code = Console.ReadLine(); if (code != SkipCode) { try { var rawLimit = Decimal.Parse(code); service.CreditLimit = new Domain.Limiter.CreditLimit { CashLimit = rawLimit }; } catch (FormatException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } catch (OverflowException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } do { Console.Write($"Bar code (use '{StornoCode}' at the front of barcode) - or '{ExitCode}' to close checkout / '{ShowCode}' to show bill so far: "); code = Console.ReadLine(); if (code == ExitCode) { continue; } if (code == ShowCode) { Console.WriteLine("Partial bill so far:"); Console.WriteLine(service.GetCurrentBill()); continue; } try { if (code.StartsWith(StornoCode)) { Console.WriteLine("Storno from:"); Console.WriteLine(service.GetCurrentBill()); var nakedBarCode = code.Substring(StornoCode.Length); Console.WriteLine(service.Storno(nakedBarCode)); Console.WriteLine("To:"); Console.WriteLine(service.GetCurrentBill()); } else { Console.WriteLine(service.Scan(code)); } } catch (InvalidBarCodeException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } while (code != ExitCode); service.Close(); Console.WriteLine($"{Environment.NewLine}BILL:"); Console.WriteLine(service.GetCurrentBill()); }
protected void CompletePaypalCheckout(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsValid) { return; } var orderId = string.Empty; var bCheckoutCompleted = false; try { // end create new user var newUser = CreateUser(); _session.InCheckoutProccess = false; _session.InOrderCreationProcess = true; AuthenticationService.UpdateSession(_session); if (_session.BasketId == null) { Log("Invalid or missing basket in session. Id:" + _session.Id); return; } //_basket = BasketService.GetBasket(_session.BasketId.Value); var isoCurrencyCode = CurrencyService.GetCurrencyIsoCodeById(_session.CurrencyId); Log("Paypal log- payment to take next, next is order"); var payPalReturn = PaypalService.ConfirmPayment((_basket.Total.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), isoCurrencyCode, _session.PayPalToken, _session.PayPalPayerId); Log("Paypal log- payment taken, next is order, paypal return status: " + payPalReturn.ErrorMessage); _session.PayPalOrderId = payPalReturn.Transaction_Id; AuthenticationService.UpdateSession(_session); if (payPalReturn.IsError) { throw new Exception(payPalReturn.ErrorMessage); } //create the order. var order = CheckoutService.CreateOrderPayPal(_session, _basket, newUser, GetClientIpAddress(), CurrentLanguageId, MicrositeId); //persist address CheckoutService.CreateAddressPaypal(order, _session, newUser); //create barcodes Log("Payment success - Generate barcode"); GenerateOrderBarcodes(order); //send booking to ECR. Log("Sending booking to ECR basketid: " + _basket.Id); var result = SendBookingToEcr(order); //result from booking must be there. if (result == null) { JumpToOrderCreationError("Booking_failed", "SendBooking() to Ecr Failed"); return; } //clear cookie sessions and remove session from checkout mode ClearCheckoutCookies(); //Prepare email notifications CreateOrderConfirmationEmail(order); orderId = order.Id.ToString(); bCheckoutCompleted = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Log("Paypal Payment Error: " + ex.Message); bCheckoutCompleted = false; } finally { UnlockSessionFromOrderCreationLock(_session); Log("PayPal Payment - Session unlocked"); } //Redirect user to order confirmation page or error Response.Redirect(bCheckoutCompleted ? string.Format("~/BookingCompleted.aspx?oid={0}", orderId) : @"~/ErrorPages/BookingError.aspx"); }
public CheckoutController( CheckoutService checkoutService) { _checkoutService = checkoutService; }
public CheckoutController() { _checkoutService = new CheckoutService(); }
public static Garage GarageWithRandomTime() { var checkoutService = new CheckoutService(new RandomTimeService(), GetPriceCalculator()); return new Garage(checkoutService); }
public static Garage DefaultGarage() { var checkoutService = new CheckoutService(new DefaultTimeService(), GetPriceCalculator()); return new Garage(checkoutService); }
public ProductEventHandler() { _checkoutService = new CheckoutService(); }