public static bool IsSupport(this ChatMsg msg) { if (msg == null) { return(false); } ContactMgr.UserType type = ContactMgr.getUserType(msg.strTalker); if (msg.strTalker == "sysnotice") { return(false); } if (msg.strTalker == "pc_share") { return(false); } switch (type) { case ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeChatRoom: case ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeNormal: case ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeQQ: return(true); } switch (type) { case ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeQQ: return(true); case ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeBottle: return(true); } //return (((type == ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypePlugin) && (((msg.strTalker == "weixin") || ((msg.strTalker == "fmessage") && (FMsgMgr.getFMsgType(msg) == FMsgType.other))) || (((msg.strTalker == ConstantValue.TAG_BLOGAPP) || (msg.strTalker == ConstantValue.TAG_NEWS)) || (msg.strTalker == ConstantValue.TAG_QQMAIL)))) || msg.IsPushMsg()); return(((type == ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypePlugin) && (((msg.strTalker == "weixin") || ((msg.strTalker == "fmessage"))) || (((msg.strTalker == ConstantValue.TAG_BLOGAPP) || (msg.strTalker == ConstantValue.TAG_NEWS)) || (msg.strTalker == ConstantValue.TAG_QQMAIL)))) || msg.IsPushMsg()); }
public void AddMsg(string text) { ChatMsg msg = new ChatMsg(); msg.text = text; msgs.AddLast(msg); }
private void ExecuteSendTextCommand(string strText) { var MessageCollection = ConnectionHelper.DB.GetCollection <MessageEntity>("MessageEntity"); var NewMessage = new MessageEntity(this.RoomSID, strText, (int)MsgStatus.Sending, (int)ContentType.Text, AuthRepository.MQKeyInfo.UserSid, 0, null); MessageCollection.Save(NewMessage); var SendMessage = new ChatMsg(NewMessage.Id.ToString(), null, this.RoomSID, strText, ContentType.Text, 0, MsgStatus.Sending, 0, AuthRepository.MQKeyInfo.NickName, AuthRepository.MQKeyInfo.ThumbnailPath, this.m_AnonymousThumbnailDictionary[AuthRepository.MQKeyInfo.UserSid]); this.Messages.Add(SendMessage); this.EndSendTextCommand(SendMessage); Task.Run(() => { var RoomCollection = ConnectionHelper.DB.GetCollection <RoomEntity>("RoomEntity"); var FindRoomQuery = Query <RoomEntity> .EQ(r => r.Sid, this.RoomSID); var FindedRoom = RoomCollection.FindOne(FindRoomQuery); if (null != FindedRoom) { var ActiveMemberSids = FindedRoom.ActiveMemberSids; ActiveMemberSids.Remove(AuthRepository.MQKeyInfo.UserSid); SendingMsg WillSendMsg = new SendingMsg(ActiveMemberSids, this.RoomSID, (int)ContentType.Text, strText, AuthRepository.MQKeyInfo.UserSid, SendMessage); var Result = this.m_SendMessageService.SendMessage(WillSendMsg); this.UpdateSendMessage(Result, SendMessage, MessageCollection, strText, NewMessage.Id.ToString()); } }); }
public static void SendChatMsg(ChatMsg Type, Languages Language, string Message) { if (Type != ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER || Type != ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL) { SendChatMsg(Type, Language, Message, ""); } }
protected override void onFailed(SendMsgRequest request, SendMsgResponse response) { if ((base.getLastError() == PackResult.PACK_TIMEOUT) && (mMsgRetryTimes < 1)) { Log.e("NetSceneSendMsg", "doScene: send message timeout! retry doscene mMsgRetryTimes = " + mMsgRetryTimes); if ((request != null) && (request.Count > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < request.Count; i++) { string clientMsgId = request.GetList(i).ClientMsgId; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientMsgId) && sendingHash.ContainsKey(clientMsgId)) { ChatMsg msg = sendingHash[clientMsgId]; if (msg != null) { List <ChatMsg> chatMsgList = new List <ChatMsg> { msg }; this.doScene(chatMsgList, 1); } } } } mMsgRetryTimes++; } else { Log.e("NetSceneSendMsg", "send msg fail because of net error"); mMsgRetryTimes = 0; this.doSendMsgFailProc(request, null); } }
public bool Execute(JHSNetworkMessage msg) { ChatMsg packet = msg.ReadMessage <ChatMsg>(); if (packet != null) { if (userManager == null) { userManager = UserManager.Instance; } if (chatmanager == null) { chatmanager = ChatManager.Instance; } uint connectionId = msg.conn.connectionId; User user = userManager.GetUserByConnectionId(connectionId); if (user != null) { chatmanager.SendToAll(user.UserName, packet.msg, JHSTime.TimeStamp); } } return(true); }
public static bool IsSupportConversation(this ChatMsg msg) { if (msg == null) { return(false); } ContactMgr.UserType type = ContactMgr.getUserType(msg.strTalker); if (msg.strTalker == "sysnotice") { return(false); } if (msg.strTalker == "pc_share") { return(false); } if ((type == ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeNormal) && ContactHelper.IsInVerifiedEntryContact(msg.strTalker)) { return(false); } if (type == ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeQQ) { return(false); } if (type == ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeBottle) { return(false); } //if ((((type != ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeChatRoom) && (type != ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeNormal)) && (type != ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeQQ)) && ((type != ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypePlugin) || (((msg.strTalker != "weixin") && ((msg.strTalker != "fmessage") || (FMsgMgr.getFMsgType(msg) != FMsgType.other))) && ((!(msg.strTalker == ConstantValue.TAG_BLOGAPP) && !(msg.strTalker == ConstantValue.TAG_NEWS)) && !(msg.strTalker == ConstantValue.TAG_QQMAIL))))) if ((((type != ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeChatRoom) && (type != ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeNormal)) && (type != ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypeQQ)) && ((type != ContactMgr.UserType.UserTypePlugin) || (((msg.strTalker != "weixin") && ((msg.strTalker != "fmessage"))) && ((!(msg.strTalker == ConstantValue.TAG_BLOGAPP) && !(msg.strTalker == ConstantValue.TAG_NEWS)) && !(msg.strTalker == ConstantValue.TAG_QQMAIL))))) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void OnChatMessage(ref ChatMsg message, ref bool cancel) { // TODO player manager to cache these objects var player = new Player { Name = message.CustomAuthorName, SteamId = message.Author }; var text = message.Text; if (_commands.IsCommand(text)) { _commands.Execute(player, text.TrimStart(CommandPrefix), s => SendMessageTo(s, player.SteamId)); cancel = true; } else { var e = new ChatMessageEvent(message.Author, message.CustomAuthorName, text); ChatMessageReceived?.Invoke(ref e); cancel |= e.IsCancelled; if (!cancel) { _chatLog.Info($"{e.SenderName}: {e.Content}"); } } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void SendMessageAsOther(ulong authorId, string message, ulong targetSteamId = 0) { if (targetSteamId == Sync.MyId) { RaiseMessageRecieved(new TorchChatMessage(authorId, message, ChatChannel.Global, 0)); return; } if (MyMultiplayer.Static == null) { if ((targetSteamId == MyGameService.UserId || targetSteamId == 0) && HasHud) { MyHud.Chat?.ShowMessage(authorId == MyGameService.UserId ? (MySession.Static.LocalHumanPlayer?.DisplayName ?? "Player") : $"user_{authorId}", message); } return; } if (MyMultiplayer.Static is MyDedicatedServerBase dedicated) { var msg = new ChatMsg() { Author = authorId, Text = message }; _dedicatedServerBaseSendChatMessage.Invoke(ref msg); _dedicatedServerBaseOnChatMessage.Invoke(dedicated, new object[] { msg }); } }
public static bool Prefix(ref ChatMsg msg) { var cancel = false; ChatMessageReceived?.Invoke(ref msg, ref cancel); return(!cancel); }
public bool doSceneResume(ChatMsg msg) { if (msg == null) { return(false); } string strClientMsgId = msg.strClientMsgId; Log.i("UploadVideoService", "cmd to scene resume, clientMsgId = " + strClientMsgId); if (UploadVideoContextMgr.getInstance().findByClientMsgID(strClientMsgId) != null) { Log.e("UploadVideoService", "already running,clean first. " + strClientMsgId); UploadVideoContextMgr.getInstance().clearnFinishedContext(); if (UploadVideoContextMgr.getInstance().findByClientMsgID(strClientMsgId) != null) { Log.e("UploadVideoService", "already running, ignored! clientMsgId = " + strClientMsgId); return(false); } } //if (!resumeByClientMsgID(msg)) //{ // return false; //} checkReadyContextDispatcher(); return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { IHubProxy _hub; string url = @"http://localhost:8080/"; string userName; var connection = new HubConnection(url); _hub = connection.CreateHubProxy("ChatHub"); connection.Start().Wait(); //Event subscription _hub.On <ChatMsg>("ReceiveMsg", x => OnReceiveMsg(x)); Console.WriteLine("Enter Name:"); userName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the chat " + userName + "\n"); //Msg object to send ChatMsg msg = new ChatMsg(); msg.Sender = userName; string line; while ((line = Console.ReadLine()) != null) { msg.MsgBody = line; _hub.Invoke <ChatMsg>("SendMsg", msg).Wait(); } }
private void Instance_MessageRecieved(ChatMsg msg, ref bool sendToOthers) { var message = ChatMessage.FromChatMsg(msg); ChatHistory.Add(message); MessageReceived?.Invoke(message, ref sendToOthers); }
public bool addVoiceChatMsg(bool isShortVideo) { if (this.mChatMsg != null) { return(false); } this.mChatMsg = new ChatMsg(); this.mChatMsg.strMsg = ""; this.mChatMsg.strTalker = this.mVideoTrans.strToUserName; if (isShortVideo) { this.mChatMsg.nMsgType = 0x3e; } else { this.mChatMsg.nMsgType = 0x2b; } this.mChatMsg.nStatus = convertStatus(this.mStatus); this.mChatMsg.nCreateTime = (long)(Util.getNowMilliseconds() / 1000.0); this.mChatMsg.nIsSender = 1; this.mChatMsg.strClientMsgId = this.mVideoTrans.strClientMsgId; this.mChatMsg.strThumbnail = this.mVideoTrans.strThumbnail; this.mChatMsg.strPath = this.mVideoTrans.strImagePath; this.updateChatMsgContent(); //StorageMgr.chatMsg.addMsg(this.mChatMsg); this.mVideoTrans.nMsgLocalID = this.mChatMsg.nMsgLocalID; this.updateToVideoTransMsg(); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 显示发出的消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="msg"></param> private void ShowSendMsg(ChatMsgData msg) { try { ChatMsg chatmsg = new ChatMsg(); chatmsg.Image = _me.Icon; //此处的Paragraph必须是新New的 if (msg.Type == 9) { Paragraph imgper = new Paragraph(); imgper.Inlines.Add(new InlineUIContainer(msg.MsgImg)); chatmsg.Message.Blocks.Add(imgper); } else { StrToFlDoc(msg.Msg, chatmsg.Message); } chatmsg.FlowDir = FlowDirection.RightToLeft; chatmsg.TbColor = (System.Windows.Media.Brush) new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString("#FF98E165"); ChatList.Add(chatmsg); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 显示收到的信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="msg"></param> private void ShowReceiveMsg(ChatMsgData msg) { ChatMsg chatmsg = new ChatMsg(); Contact_all.ForEach(p => { if (p is ChatUser) { if ((p as ChatUser).UserName == msg.From) { chatmsg.Image = (p as ChatUser).Icon; return; } } }); if (msg.Type == 9) { Paragraph imgper = new Paragraph(new Floater(new BlockUIContainer(msg.MsgImg))); chatmsg.Message.Blocks.Add(imgper); } else { StrToFlDoc(msg.Msg, chatmsg.Message); } chatmsg.FlowDir = FlowDirection.LeftToRight; chatmsg.TbColor = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.White; ChatList.Add(chatmsg); }
public void Initialize(ChatMsg chatType, Language language, WorldObject sender, WorldObject receiver, string message, uint achievementId = 0, string channelName = "", Locale locale = Locale.enUS, string addonPrefix = "") { // Clear everything because same packet can be used multiple times Clear(); SenderGUID.Clear(); SenderAccountGUID.Clear(); SenderGuildGUID.Clear(); PartyGUID.Clear(); TargetGUID.Clear(); SenderName = ""; TargetName = ""; _ChatFlags = ChatFlags.None; SlashCmd = chatType; _Language = language; if (sender) { SetSender(sender, locale); } if (receiver) { SetReceiver(receiver, locale); } SenderVirtualAddress = Global.WorldMgr.GetVirtualRealmAddress(); TargetVirtualAddress = Global.WorldMgr.GetVirtualRealmAddress(); AchievementID = achievementId; Channel = channelName; Prefix = addonPrefix; ChatText = message; }
public ActionResult SetMessage() { //1.0 接收ajax发送过来的数据 string touserid = Request.Params["touserid"]; string torealname = Request.Params["torealname"]; string msgbody = Request.Params["msgbody"]; //2.0 参数合法性验证 ChatMsg msg = new ChatMsg() { ToUserId = int.Parse(touserid), ToRealName = torealname, FromRealName = UserMgr.GetCurrentUserInfo().uRealName , FromUserId = UserMgr.GetCurrentUserInfo().uID, SendTime = DateTime.Now, MessageBody = msgbody }; //3.0包装成chatmsg对象发送给WCF聊天服务 ChatMgrClient c = new ChatMgrClient(); c.SetMessage(msg); return(WriteSuccess("消息发送成功")); }
public void RelayTaggedMessage(string message) { this.Locker.WaitOne(); if (this.CurrentMatch == null) { this.Locker.Release(); return; } var msg = new ChatMsg { MsgId = this.CurrentMatch.MsgCount, MsgContent = message }; Player opponent = this.CurrentMatch.GetOpponent(this); var tryAction = new Action(async() => { await Task.WhenAll( this.Client.WriteMessageToChatAsync(msg, true), opponent.Client.WriteMessageToChatAsync(msg, false)); }); TryToRunIt(tryAction); this.CurrentMatch.MsgCount++; this.Locker.Release(); }
public ChatMsgDataItem(ChatMsg chatMsg) { DateTime dateTimeFromTimeStamp = Miscs.GetDateTimeFromTimeStamp(chatMsg.get_time()); string nickname = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(chatMsg.get_nickname()) ? chatMsg.get_nickname() : ("ID. " + chatMsg.get_uid()); this.Init((int)chatMsg.get_uid(), nickname, dateTimeFromTimeStamp, chatMsg.get_msg(), Type.MSG); }
public new void Deserialize(ref byte[] data) { msgSOF = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0); msgID = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 4); msgSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 8); msgType = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 12); msgErr = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 16); msgUser = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 20, 50).TrimEnd('\0'); msgTime = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 70, 50).TrimEnd('\0'); ext1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 120, 50).TrimEnd('\0'); ext2 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 170, 50).TrimEnd('\0'); int headLen = HEADER.HeaderSize(); msgCount = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, headLen); msgs = new ChatMsg[msgCount]; for (int i = 0; i < msgCount; ++i) { int msgSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ChatMsg)); byte[] dest = new byte[msgSize]; int off = headLen + 4 + (i * msgSize); Array.Copy(data, off, dest, 0, msgSize); msgs[i] = new ChatMsg(); var gch = GCHandle.Alloc(dest, GCHandleType.Pinned); Marshal.PtrToStructure(gch.AddrOfPinnedObject(), msgs[i]); gch.Free(); } }
internal void AddMsg(ChatMsg msg) { Observable.Start(() => { m_ReceivedMsgs.Add(msg); }, RxApp.MainThreadScheduler); }
public ChatMsg OnChatMessage(MyPacket packet) { m_receiveStream.ResetRead(packet); ChatMsg msg = VRage.Serialization.MySerializer.CreateAndRead <ChatMsg>(m_receiveStream); return(msg); }
private static bool PrefixMessageProcessing(ref ChatMsg msg) { var consumed = false; ChatManager.RaiseMessageRecieved(msg, ref consumed); return(!consumed); }
public void SendChatMsg(ChatMsg Type, Languages Language, string Message) { if (Type != ChatMsg.Whisper || Type != ChatMsg.Channel) { SendChatMsg(Type, Language, Message, ""); } }
public async Task <ChatMsgDto> Handle(Command request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var game = await _context.Games.FirstOrDefaultAsync(g => g.Code == request.GameCode.ToUpper()); if (game == null) { throw new RestException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new { Game = "Game not found" }); } var user = await _context.Users.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.UserName == request.UserName); var chatMsg = new ChatMsg { Author = user, Game = game, Body = request.Body, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now }; game.ChatMsgs.Add(chatMsg); var success = await _context.SaveChangesAsync() > 0; if (success) { return(_mapper.Map <ChatMsgDto>(chatMsg)); } throw new Exception("Problem saving changes"); }
public bool checkAddVoiceChatMsg() { if ((this.mChatMsg != null) || this.mIsCancelled) { return(false); } this.mChatMsg = new ChatMsg(); this.mChatMsg.strMsg = ""; this.mChatMsg.strTalker = this._mMsgTrans.strToUserName; this.mChatMsg.nMsgType = 0x22; this.mChatMsg.nStatus = this.convertStatus(this.mStatus); this.mChatMsg.nCreateTime = this.mCreateTime; this.mChatMsg.nIsSender = 1; this.mChatMsg.strClientMsgId = this.mClientMsgId; this.updateChatMsgContent(); //if (StorageMgr.chatMsg.addMsg(this.mChatMsg)) //{ // this._mMsgTrans.nMsgLocalID = this.mChatMsg.nMsgLocalID; // this.updateToVoiceTransMsg(); //} //else //{ // this.mChatMsg = null; // Log.e("UploadVoiceContext", "add chat-msg failed."); //} //Log.e("UploadVoiceContext", "add chat-msg failed. return true"); return(true); }
public static ChatMsg ToChatMsg(this Entity entity) { var msg = new ChatMsg(); Assign(msg, entity); return(msg); }
public static Entity ToEntity(this ChatMsg msg) { var entity = EntityManager.Instance.CreateEntity(msg.Id); Assign(entity, msg); return(entity); }
public async Task <bool> Message(ChatMsg msg) { messages.Add(msg); await stream.OnNextAsync(msg); return(true); }
//将消息体编码成二进制流 private byte[] serial(string sender, string msg) { ChatMsg chatMsg = new ChatMsg(); chatMsg.sender = sender; chatMsg.msg = msg; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { Serializer.Serialize<ChatMsg>(ms, chatMsg); byte[] data = new byte[ms.Length]; ms.Position= 0; ms.Read(data, 0, data.Length); return data; } }
public void Display_Chat(string username, string message, ChatMsg type, string from) { string text = ""; string u = username; string m = message; ChatMsg t = type; string c = from; switch (t) { case ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_SAY: text = String.Format("<{0}> says: {1}\r\n", u, m); break; case ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER: text = String.Format("[{0}] whispers: {1}\r\n", u, m); break; case ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM: text = String.Format("You whisper to [{0}]: {1}\r\n", u, m); break; case ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_YELL: text = String.Format("[{0}] yells: {1}\r\n", u, m); break; case ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL: text = String.Format("[{0}] <{1}>: {2}\r\n", c, u, m); break; case ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM: text = String.Format("SYSTEM: {0}\r\n", m); break; case ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_EMOTE: text = String.Format("[{0}] emotes: {1}\r\n", u, m); break; default: text = String.Format("CHAT TYPE {2} - [{0}] says: {1}\r\n", u, m, t); break; } AddText(text); }
protected abstract void OnChatMessage(ref ChatMsg msg, ulong sender);
public ChatTab(string ident, ChatMsg type) { #region Do NOT open this shit. this.listBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ListBox(); this.richTextBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox(); this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.button2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.richTextBox2 = new System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox(); this.button3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.Controls.Add(this.button3); this.Controls.Add(this.richTextBox2); this.Controls.Add(this.button2); this.Controls.Add(this.button1); this.Controls.Add(this.richTextBox1); this.Controls.Add(this.listBox1); this.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22); this.Name = ""; this.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3); this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(584, 446); this.TabIndex = 1; this.Text = "Chat Window"; this.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; // // listBox1 // this.listBox1.FormattingEnabled = true; this.listBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(435, 6); this.listBox1.Name = "listBox1"; this.listBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(143, 160); this.listBox1.TabIndex = 0; // // richTextBox1 // this.richTextBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(5, 6); this.richTextBox1.Name = "richTextBox1"; this.richTextBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(429, 343); this.richTextBox1.TabIndex = 2; this.richTextBox1.Text = ""; this.richTextBox1.Multiline = true; // // button1 // this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(440, 172); this.button1.Name = "button1"; this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(138, 23); this.button1.TabIndex = 3; this.button1.Text = "Chat"; this.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; // // button2 // this.button2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(440, 201); this.button2.Name = "button2"; this.button2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(138, 23); this.button2.TabIndex = 4; this.button2.Text = "Close Tab"; this.button2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.button2.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button2_Click); // // richTextBox2 // this.richTextBox2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(5, 367); this.richTextBox2.Name = "richTextBox2"; this.richTextBox2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(428, 67); this.richTextBox2.TabIndex = 5; this.richTextBox2.Text = ""; this.richTextBox2.KeyPress += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventHandler(richTextBox2_KeyPress); // // button3 // this.button3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(440, 367); this.button3.Name = "button3"; this.button3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(137, 66); this.button3.TabIndex = 6; this.button3.Text = "Send"; this.button3.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.button3.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button3_Click); #endregion Identificator = ident; Type = type; this.Text = String.Format("[{0}] {1}", type, Identificator); }
public override void SendChatMessage(string text) { ChatMsg msg = new ChatMsg(); msg.Text = text; msg.Author = Sync.MyId; OnChatMessage(ref msg, MySteam.AppId); SendControlMessage(ServerId, ref msg); }
public override void SendChatMessage(string text) { ChatMsg msg = new ChatMsg(); msg.Text = text; msg.Author = MySteam.UserId; // This will send the message to every client except message author OnChatMessage(ref msg, MySteam.UserId); }
public void SendChatMsg(ChatMsg Type, Languages Language, string Message, string To) { WoWWriter wr = new WoWWriter(OpCode.CMSG_MESSAGECHAT); wr.Write((UInt32)Type); wr.Write((UInt32)Languages.LANG_ORCISH); if ((Type == ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER || Type == ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL) && To != "") wr.Write(To); wr.Write(Message); Send(wr.ToArray()); }
public void SendChatMsg(ChatMsg Type, Languages Language, string Message) { if (Type != ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER || Type != ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL) SendChatMsg(Type, Language, Message, ""); else BoogieCore.Log(LogType.Error, "Got whisper message to send without destination"); }
public void SendChatMsg(ChatMsg Type, Languages Language, string Message) { if (Type != ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER || Type != ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL) SendChatMsg(Type, Language, Message, ""); }
private void HandleChatMsg(ChatMsg type, string channel, string user, string msg) { ChatTab found = new ChatTab(); if (type == ChatMsg.Say || type == ChatMsg.Yell) { found = Tabs.Find(s => s.Type == ChatMsg.Say); } else if (type == ChatMsg.System || type == ChatMsg.System2) { type = ChatMsg.System; found = Tabs.Find(s => s.Type == ChatMsg.System); } else if (type == ChatMsg.Guild) { found = Tabs.Find(s => s.Type == type); } else if (type == ChatMsg.Channel) { found = Tabs.Find(s => s.Identificator == channel); } else if (type == ChatMsg.Whisper) { found = Tabs.Find(s => s.Identificator == user); } if (found == null) { ChatTab nTab = new ChatTab(); if (type == ChatMsg.Channel) { nTab = new ChatTab(channel, type); } else { nTab = new ChatTab(user, type); } nTab.AddMessage(msg, user); tabs.TabPages.Add(nTab); Tabs.Add(nTab); } else { found.AddMessage(msg, user); } }
public void SendEmoteMsg(ChatMsg Type, Languages Language, string Message, string To) { PacketOut packet = new PacketOut(WorldServerOpCode.CMSG_TEXT_EMOTE); packet.Write((UInt32)Type); packet.Write((UInt32)Language); packet.Write(Message); Send(packet); }
public void SendChatMsg(ChatMsg Type, Languages Language, string Message, string To) { PacketOut packet = new PacketOut(WorldServerOpCode.CMSG_MESSAGECHAT); packet.Write((UInt32)Type); packet.Write((UInt32)Language); if ((Type == ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_WHISPER || Type == ChatMsg.CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL) && To != "") packet.Write(To); packet.Write(Message); Send(packet); }
public override void SendChatMessage(string text) { ChatMsg msg = new ChatMsg(); msg.Text = text; msg.Author = Sync.MyId; OnChatMessage(ref msg); SendChatMessage(ref msg); }
protected override void OnChatMessage(ref ChatMsg msg) { RaiseChatMessageReceived(msg.Author, msg.Text, ChatEntryTypeEnum.ChatMsg); }
public override void SendChatMessage(string text) { ChatMsg msg = new ChatMsg(); msg.Text = text; msg.Author = Sync.MyId; SendChatMessage(ref msg); // This will send the message to every client except message author OnChatMessage(ref msg); }
void OnChatMessage(ref ChatMsg msg, ulong sender) { RaiseChatMessageReceived(msg.Author, msg.Text, ChatEntryTypeEnum.ChatMsg); }
public void SendEmoteMsg(ChatMsg Type, Languages Language, string Message, string To) { WoWWriter wr = new WoWWriter(OpCode.CMSG_TEXT_EMOTE); wr.Write((UInt32)Type); wr.Write((UInt32)Languages.LANG_ORCISH); wr.Write(Message); Send(wr.ToArray()); }
protected override void OnChatMessage(ref ChatMsg msg) { if (m_memberData.ContainsKey(msg.Author)) { if (m_memberData[msg.Author].IsAdmin) { if (msg.Text.ToLower().Contains("+unban")) { string[] parts = msg.Text.Split(' '); if (parts.Length > 1) { ulong user = 0; if (ulong.TryParse(parts[1], out user)) { BanClient(user, false); } } } else if (msg.Text.ToLower() == "+reload") { MySandboxGame.ReloadDedicatedServerSession(); } } } RaiseChatMessageReceived(msg.Author, msg.Text, ChatEntryTypeEnum.ChatMsg); }
static void HandleChatMsg(ChatMsg msg, string v1, string v2, string v3) { Log.WriteLine(LogType.Chat, "[{0}][{1}][{2}]{3}", msg, v1, v2, v3); }
public void SendChatMsg(ChatMsg Type, Languages Language, string Message) { if (Type != ChatMsg.Whisper || Type != ChatMsg.Channel) SendChatMsg(Type, Language, Message, ""); }
protected override void OnChatMessage(ref ChatMsg msg) { bool debugCommands = !MyFinalBuildConstants.IS_OFFICIAL && MyFinalBuildConstants.IS_DEBUG; if (m_memberData.ContainsKey(msg.Author)) { if (m_memberData[msg.Author].IsAdmin || debugCommands) { if (msg.Text.Equals("+save", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { MySession.Static.Save(); } else if (msg.Text.Contains("+unban", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string[] parts = msg.Text.Split(' '); if (parts.Length > 1) { ulong user = 0; if (ulong.TryParse(parts[1], out user)) { BanClient(user, false); } } } } if(debugCommands) { MyServerDebugCommands.Process(msg.Text, msg.Author); } } if(msg.Text.Contains("+43Dump")) { MySession.InitiateDump(); return; } RaiseChatMessageReceived(msg.Author, msg.Text, ChatEntryTypeEnum.ChatMsg); }