private static bool CheckChatEquality(ChatLogItem item1, ChatLogItem item2) { if (item1 == null && item2 == null) { return(true); } if (item1 == null || item2 == null) { return(false); } if (item1.Bytes == null && item2.Bytes == null) { return(true); } if (item1.Bytes == null || item2.Bytes == null) { return(false); } string str1 = item1.Line.Substring(item1.Line.IndexOf(':')); string str2 = item2.Line.Substring(item2.Line.IndexOf(':')); String onlyLetters1 = new String(str1.Where(Char.IsLetter).ToArray()); String onlyLetters2 = new String(str2.Where(Char.IsLetter).ToArray()); return(onlyLetters1 == onlyLetters2); //return str1 == str2; }
public static void Process(ChatLogItem chatLogItem) { try { } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(ex, true)); } }
public static void HandleCommands(ChatLogItem chatLogItem) { // process commands if (chatLogItem.Code == "0038") { Console.WriteLine("WOOOOOOW! got chatlog 0038..."); Match commandsRegEx = CommandBuilder.CommandsRegEx.Match(chatLogItem.Line.Trim()); if (!commandsRegEx.Success) { return; } var command = commandsRegEx.Groups["command"].Success ? commandsRegEx.Groups["command"].Value : string.Empty; switch (command) { case "on": Console.WriteLine("Lets go, time to parse!"); IsPaused = false; break; case "off": Console.WriteLine("OK! time to stop parsing!"); IsPaused = true; break; case "reset": ParseControl.Instance.Reset(); break; } } }
// battle data public Line(ChatLogItem chatLogItem = null) { if (chatLogItem != null) { this.ChatLogItem = chatLogItem; } }
public static void HandleCommands(ChatLogItem chatLogItem) { // process commands if (chatLogItem.Code == "0038") { Match commandsRegEx = CommandBuilder.CommandsRegEx.Match(chatLogItem.Line.Trim()); if (!commandsRegEx.Success) { return; } var command = commandsRegEx.Groups["command"].Success ? commandsRegEx.Groups["command"].Value : string.Empty; switch (command) { case "on": IsPaused = false; break; case "off": IsPaused = true; break; case "reset": ParseControl.Instance.Reset(); break; } } }
private static bool IsTextEmpty(this ChatLogItem chatLogItem) { bool result = true; if (chatLogItem == null) { return(result); } if (chatLogItem.Bytes == null || chatLogItem.Line == null) { return(result); } int indexOf = chatLogItem.Line.IndexOf(':'); if (indexOf < 0) { return(result); } else { if (chatLogItem.Line.Length - 1 != indexOf) { result = false; } } return(result); }
private static void OnChatLogItemReceived(object sender, ChatLogItemEvent chatLogItemEvent) { // delegate event from chat log, not required to subsribe // this updates 100 times a second and only sends a line when it gets a new one if (sender == null) { return; } ChatLogItem chatLogEntry = chatLogItemEvent.ChatLogItem; Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(chatLogItemEvent.ChatLogItem.Code)); Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(chatLogItemEvent.ChatLogItem.Bytes.ToString())); Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(chatLogItemEvent.ChatLogItem.Combined)); Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(chatLogItemEvent.ChatLogItem.Line)); Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(chatLogItemEvent.ChatLogItem.Raw)); Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(chatLogItemEvent.ChatLogItem.TimeStamp.ToString("o"))); try { LogPublisher.Process(chatLogEntry); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(ex, true)); } }
public virtual void RaiseChatLogItemReceived(ChatLogItem chatLogItem) { var raised = new ChatLogItemEvent(this, chatLogItem); EventHandler <ChatLogItemEvent> handler = this.ChatLogItemReceived; handler?.Invoke(this, raised); }
private void Memory_OnChatReceived(object sender, ChatLogItem arg) { string format = BmpChatParser.Fixup(arg); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(format)) { logger.Info(format); Console.WriteLine(format); } }
public void ToastNotifyUser(ChatLogItem message) { // if our hooked copy of ffxiv isn't the foreground window, send a toast notification if (MainWindow.processHwid != MemoryHelper.GetForegroundWindow()) { var notificationContent = new NotificationContent { Message = message.Line, Type = NotificationType.Information }; _notificationManager.Show(notificationContent, onClick: () => MemoryHelper.SetForegroundWindow(MainWindow.processHwid)); } }
private void LogChatEntry(ChatLogItem message) { // need to use this whenever we're referencing UI elements from other threads Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (txtblkLog.Text.Length > 5000) { txtblkLog.Text = String.Empty; } txtblkLog.Text = txtblkLog.Text + Environment.NewLine + $"{message.Code} - {message.Line}"; txtblkScrollViewer.ScrollToEnd(); }); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="chatLogItem"></param> public void ParseAndPublish(ChatLogItem chatLogItem) { Event @event = this.Parse(chatLogItem); EventHandler <Event> eventHandler = @event.IsUnknown ? this.OnUnknownLogEvent : this.OnLogEvent; if (eventHandler == null) { return; } lock (eventHandler) { eventHandler(this, @event); } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="chatLogItem"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Event Parse(ChatLogItem chatLogItem) { EventCode eventCode; var code = Convert.ToUInt64(chatLogItem.Code, 16); if (this.EventCodes.TryGetValue(code, out eventCode)) { return(new Event(eventCode, chatLogItem)); } var unknownEventCode = new EventCode { Code = code, }; return(new Event(unknownEventCode, chatLogItem)); }
private void Memory_OnChatReceived(ChatLogItem item) { string rtf = BmpChatParser.FormatChat(item); ChatLogAll.AppendRtf(rtf); Func <bool> cmdFunc = chatListener.GetChatCommand(item); if (cmdFunc != null) { ChatLogCmd.AppendRtf(rtf); if (cmdFunc()) { // successful command? } } }
private static bool CheckRepetition(System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue <ChatLogItem> Log, ChatLogItem item) { if (item == null) { return(false); } if (item.Bytes == null) { return(false); } bool repetitonFlag = true; if (item.Line.Length > 1) { ChatLogItem previusChatLogItem = null; if (Log.TryPeek(out previusChatLogItem)) { if (!CheckChatEquality(previusChatLogItem, item)) { while (Log.TryDequeue(out previusChatLogItem)) { ; } //result.ChatLogItems.Add(chatLogItem); repetitonFlag = false; Log.Enqueue(item); } } else { Log.Enqueue(item); //result.ChatLogItems.Add(chatLogItem); repetitonFlag = false; } } /*if (repetitonFlag) * item = null;//*/ return(repetitonFlag); }
private static void OnChatLogItemReceived(object sender, ChatLogItemEvent chatLogItemEvent) { // delegate event from chat log, not required to subsribe // this updates 100 times a second and only sends a line when it gets a new one if (sender == null) { return; } ChatLogItem chatLogItem = chatLogItemEvent.ChatLogItem; try { LogPublisher.Process(chatLogItem); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(ex, true)); } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="chatLogItem"></param> public void ParseAndPublish(ChatLogItem chatLogItem) { Event @event = this.Parse(chatLogItem); EventHandler <Event> eventHandler = @event.IsUnknown ? this.OnUnknownLogEvent : this.OnLogEvent; Console.WriteLine("ParseAndPublish eventHandler..."); if (eventHandler == null) { return; } Console.WriteLine(" LOCKING AND CALLING!!!! ParseAndPublish eventHandler..."); lock (eventHandler) { eventHandler(this, @event); } }
public static void Process(ChatLogItem chatLogItem) { if (IsPaused) { return; } try { chatLogItem.Line = chatLogItem.Line.Replace(" ", " "); if (Constants.NeedGreed.Any(chatLogItem.Line.Contains)) { NeedGreedHistory.Add(chatLogItem.Line); } DispatcherHelper.Invoke(() => EventParser.Instance.ParseAndPublish(chatLogItem)); HandleCommands(chatLogItem); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(ex, true)); } }
public Func <bool> GetChatCommand(ChatLogItem item) { if (GetCommand(item.Line, out Command command)) { command.code = item.Code; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { if (Reader.CanGetPlayerInfo()) { CurrentPlayerResult res = Reader.GetCurrentPlayer(); if (! { return(null); } } } return(new Func <bool>(() => FindChatCommand(command.command).Invoke(command))); } return(null); }
public static void AppendChatLogItem(MemoryHandler memoryHandler, ChatLogItem chatLogItem, FlowDocumentReader reader) { DispatcherHelper.Invoke( () => { Span process = new Span(new Run($"[{memoryHandler.Configuration.ProcessModel.ProcessID}] ")) { Foreground = (Brush)_converter.Convert("#FFFFFFFF"), FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, }; Span time = new Span(new Run(chatLogItem.TimeStamp.ToString("[HH:mm:ss] "))) { Foreground = Brushes.MediumPurple, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, }; string lineColor = AppViewModel.Instance.ChatCodes.FirstOrDefault(code => code.Code.Equals(chatLogItem.Code))?.Color ?? "FFFFFF"; Span line = new Span(new Run(chatLogItem.Message)) { Foreground = (Brush)_converter.Convert($@"#{lineColor}"), }; Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(); paragraph.Inlines.Add(process); paragraph.Inlines.Add(time); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(chatLogItem.PlayerName)) { Span playerLine = new Span(new Run($"[{chatLogItem.PlayerName}] ")) { Foreground = (Brush)_converter.Convert("#FFFF00FF"), }; paragraph.Inlines.Add(playerLine); } paragraph.Inlines.Add(line); reader.Document.Blocks.Add(paragraph); if (reader.Document.Blocks.LastBlock != null) { reader.Document.Blocks.LastBlock.Loaded += MessageAdded; } }); }
public static ChatLogItem Process(byte[] raw) { ChatLogItem chatLogEntry = new ChatLogItem(); try { chatLogEntry.Bytes = raw; chatLogEntry.TimeStamp = UnixTimeStampToDateTime(int.Parse(ByteArrayToString(raw.Take(4).Reverse().ToArray()), NumberStyles.HexNumber)); chatLogEntry.Code = ByteArrayToString(raw.Skip(4).Take(2).Reverse().ToArray()); chatLogEntry.Raw = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(raw.ToArray()); byte[] cleanable = raw.Skip(8).ToArray(); string cleaned = ChatCleaner.ProcessFullLine(chatLogEntry.Code, cleanable); if (cleaned.StartsWith(STARTS_WITH_CHECK)) { cleaned = cleaned.Substring(1); } int cut = cleaned.Substring(0, 2) == CLEANED_SUBSTRING_CHECK ? 2 : 1; chatLogEntry.Message = chatLogEntry.Line = XMLCleaner.SanitizeXmlString(cleaned.Substring(cut)); chatLogEntry.IsInternational = IsInternational(chatLogEntry.Line); chatLogEntry.Combined = $"{chatLogEntry.Code}:{chatLogEntry.Line}"; if (Constants.ChatPublic.Contains(chatLogEntry.Code)) { chatLogEntry.PlayerName = chatLogEntry.Line.Substring(0, chatLogEntry.Line.IndexOf(INDEX_CHECK, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); chatLogEntry.Message = chatLogEntry.Message.Replace($"{chatLogEntry.PlayerName}: ", string.Empty); } } catch (Exception) { // IGNORED } return(chatLogEntry); }
public static void Process(ChatLogItem chatLogItem) { try { var line = chatLogItem.Line.Replace(" ", " "); foreach (LogEvent item in PluginViewModel.Instance.Events.Where(e => e.Enabled)) { var resuccess = false; var arguments = item.Arguments; var tts = item.TTS; if (SharedRegEx.IsValidRegex(item.RegEx)) { Match reg = Regex.Match(line, item.RegEx); if (reg.Success) { resuccess = true; arguments = reg.Result(item.Arguments); tts = reg.Result(tts); } } else { resuccess = item.RegEx == line; } if (!resuccess) { continue; } ExecutLogEvent(item, arguments, tts); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Log(Logger, new LogItem(ex, true)); } }
public static ChatLogItem GetDialogPanel() { var result = new ChatLogItem(); if (!CanGetDialogPanel() || !MemoryHandler.Instance.IsAttached) { return(result); } Int16 chatCode = 0x003d; byte colonBytes = Convert.ToByte(':'); byte[] chatCodeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(chatCode); var dialogPanelNamePointer = (IntPtr)Scanner.Instance.Locations[Signatures.DialogPanelName]; var dialogPanelNameLengthPointer = IntPtr.Subtract(dialogPanelNamePointer, MemoryHandler.Instance.Structures.DialogPanelPointers.LengtsOffset); var dialogPanelTextPointer = (IntPtr)Scanner.Instance.Locations[Signatures.DialogPanelText]; var dialogPanelText = new IntPtr(MemoryHandler.Instance.GetPlatformUInt(dialogPanelTextPointer)); var dialogPanelTextLegthPointer = IntPtr.Add(dialogPanelTextPointer, MemoryHandler.Instance.Structures.DialogPanelPointers.TextLengthOffset); int nameLength = (int)MemoryHandler.Instance.GetPlatformInt(dialogPanelNameLengthPointer); int textLength = (int)MemoryHandler.Instance.GetPlatformInt(dialogPanelTextLegthPointer); if (textLength > 1 && nameLength > 1) { if (textLength > 512) { textLength = 512; } if (nameLength > 128) { nameLength = 128; } byte[] npcNameBytes = MemoryHandler.Instance.GetByteArray(dialogPanelNamePointer, nameLength); byte[] textBytes = MemoryHandler.Instance.GetByteArray(dialogPanelText, textLength); nameLength = GetRealTextLength(ref npcNameBytes); textLength = GetRealTextLength(ref textBytes); Int32 unixTimestamp = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds; byte[] unixTimestampBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(unixTimestamp).ToArray(); List <byte> rawBytesList = new List <byte>(unixTimestampBytes.Length + chatCodeBytes.Length + 1 + npcNameBytes.Length + 1 + textBytes.Length); rawBytesList.AddRange(unixTimestampBytes); rawBytesList.AddRange(chatCodeBytes); rawBytesList.AddRange(new Byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }); rawBytesList.Add(colonBytes); rawBytesList.AddRange(npcNameBytes); rawBytesList.Add(colonBytes); rawBytesList.AddRange(textBytes); ChatLogItem chatLogItem = ChatEntry.Process(rawBytesList.ToArray()); String onlyLettersLine = new String(chatLogItem.Line.Where(Char.IsLetter).ToArray()); if (onlyLettersLine.Length > chatLogItem.Line.Length / GlobalSettings.LineLettersCoefficient) { result = chatLogItem; } } return(result); }
public static ChatLogItem GetCutsceneText() { ChatLogItem result = new ChatLogItem(); if (!CanGetCutScene() || !MemoryHandler.Instance.IsAttached) { return(result); } Int16 chatCode = 0x0044; byte colonBytes = Convert.ToByte(':'); byte dotBytes = Convert.ToByte('.'); byte spaceBytes = Convert.ToByte(' '); byte[] chatCodeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(chatCode); try { var cutsceneTextPointer1 = (IntPtr)Scanner.Instance.Locations[Signatures.CutsceneText1]; var cutsceneTextLengthPointer = (IntPtr)Scanner.Instance.Locations[Signatures.CutsceneTextLength]; var cutsceneDetector = (IntPtr)Scanner.Instance.Locations[Signatures.CutsceneDetector]; int textLength = (int)MemoryHandler.Instance.GetPlatformInt(cutsceneTextLengthPointer); int isCutscene = (int)MemoryHandler.Instance.GetPlatformInt(cutsceneDetector); if (textLength < 2 || isCutscene == 1) { return(result); } byte[] cutsceneBytesRaw1 = MemoryHandler.Instance.GetByteArray(cutsceneTextPointer1, 256); int textEnd1 = GetRealTextLength(ref cutsceneBytesRaw1); if (textEnd1 > 2) { byte[] cutsceneBytes1 = cutsceneBytesRaw1; Int32 unixTimestamp = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds; byte[] unixTimestampBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(unixTimestamp).ToArray(); byte[] npcNameBytes = new byte[3]; npcNameBytes[0] = dotBytes; npcNameBytes[1] = dotBytes; npcNameBytes[2] = dotBytes; List <byte> rawBytesList = new List <byte>(unixTimestampBytes.Length + chatCodeBytes.Length + 1 + npcNameBytes.Length + 1 + cutsceneBytes1.Length); rawBytesList.AddRange(unixTimestampBytes); rawBytesList.AddRange(chatCodeBytes); rawBytesList.AddRange(new Byte[] { 0x00, 0x00 }); rawBytesList.Add(colonBytes); rawBytesList.AddRange(npcNameBytes); rawBytesList.Add(colonBytes); rawBytesList.AddRange(cutsceneBytes1); ChatLogItem chatLogItem = ChatEntry.Process(rawBytesList.ToArray()); if (textEnd1 > 2) { String onlyLettersLine = new String(chatLogItem.Line.Where(Char.IsLetter).ToArray()); if (onlyLettersLine.Length > chatLogItem.Line.Length / GlobalSettings.LineLettersCoefficient) { result = chatLogItem; } } } if (result?.Line != null) { if (result.Line.Contains("]") && result.Line.Contains("[")) { return(new ChatLogItem()); } } } catch (Exception) { result = new ChatLogItem(); } return(result); }
public static async Task <ChatLogResult> GetChatLog(int previousArrayIndex = 0, int previousOffset = 0) { var result = new ChatLogResult(); if (!CanGetChatLog() || !MemoryHandler.Instance.IsAttached) { return(result); } ChatLogReader.PreviousArrayIndex = previousArrayIndex; ChatLogReader.PreviousOffset = previousOffset; var chatPointerMap = (IntPtr)Scanner.Instance.Locations[Signatures.ChatLogKey]; if (chatPointerMap.ToInt64() <= 20) { return(result); } List <List <byte> > buffered = new List <List <byte> >(); try { ChatLogReader.Indexes.Clear(); ChatLogReader.ChatLogPointers = new ChatLogPointers { LineCount = (uint)MemoryHandler.Instance.GetPlatformUInt(chatPointerMap), OffsetArrayStart = MemoryHandler.Instance.GetPlatformUInt(chatPointerMap, MemoryHandler.Instance.Structures.ChatLogPointers.OffsetArrayStart), OffsetArrayPos = MemoryHandler.Instance.GetPlatformUInt(chatPointerMap, MemoryHandler.Instance.Structures.ChatLogPointers.OffsetArrayPos), OffsetArrayEnd = MemoryHandler.Instance.GetPlatformUInt(chatPointerMap, MemoryHandler.Instance.Structures.ChatLogPointers.OffsetArrayEnd), LogStart = MemoryHandler.Instance.GetPlatformUInt(chatPointerMap, MemoryHandler.Instance.Structures.ChatLogPointers.LogStart), LogNext = MemoryHandler.Instance.GetPlatformUInt(chatPointerMap, MemoryHandler.Instance.Structures.ChatLogPointers.LogNext), LogEnd = MemoryHandler.Instance.GetPlatformUInt(chatPointerMap, MemoryHandler.Instance.Structures.ChatLogPointers.LogEnd) }; ChatLogReader.EnsureArrayIndexes(); var currentArrayIndex = (ChatLogReader.ChatLogPointers.OffsetArrayPos - ChatLogReader.ChatLogPointers.OffsetArrayStart) / 4; if (ChatLogReader.ChatLogFirstRun) { ChatLogReader.ChatLogFirstRun = false; ChatLogReader.PreviousOffset = ChatLogReader.Indexes[(int)currentArrayIndex - 1]; ChatLogReader.PreviousArrayIndex = (int)currentArrayIndex - 1; } else { if (currentArrayIndex < ChatLogReader.PreviousArrayIndex) { buffered.AddRange(ChatLogReader.ResolveEntries(ChatLogReader.PreviousArrayIndex, 1000)); ChatLogReader.PreviousOffset = 0; ChatLogReader.PreviousArrayIndex = 0; } if (ChatLogReader.PreviousArrayIndex < currentArrayIndex) { buffered.AddRange(ChatLogReader.ResolveEntries(ChatLogReader.PreviousArrayIndex, (int)currentArrayIndex)); } ChatLogReader.PreviousArrayIndex = (int)currentArrayIndex; } } catch (Exception ex) { MemoryHandler.Instance.RaiseException(Logger, ex, true); } foreach (List <byte> bytes in buffered.Where(b => b.Count > 0)) { try { ChatLogItem chatLogEntry = ChatEntry.Process(bytes.ToArray()); if (Regex.IsMatch(chatLogEntry.Combined, @"[\w\d]{4}::?.+")) { result.ChatLogItems.Add(chatLogEntry); } } catch (Exception ex) { MemoryHandler.Instance.RaiseException(Logger, ex, true); } } result.PreviousArrayIndex = ChatLogReader.PreviousArrayIndex; result.PreviousOffset = ChatLogReader.PreviousOffset; return(result); }
private void Memory_OnChatReceived(ChatLogItem item) { string rtf = BmpChatParser.FormatChat(item); ChatLogAll.AppendRtf(rtf); }
public void RaiseChatLogItemReceived(ChatLogItem chatLogItem) { PluginHost.Instance.RaiseChatLogItemReceived(chatLogItem); }
public ChatLogItemEvent(object sender, ChatLogItem chatLogItem) { this.Sender = sender; this.ChatLogItem = chatLogItem; }
private void UpdateChatbox(object state) { if (ChatQueue.q.Any()) {// Should q be locked? var chat = ChatQueue.q.Take(); int.TryParse(chat.Code, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out var intCode); ChatCode code = (ChatCode)intCode; if (code <= ChatCode.CWLinkShell8) {// For now, CWLinkShell8(0x6B) is upper bound of chat related code. if (ironworksSettings.Chat.ChannelVisibility.TryGetValue(code, out bool show)) { if (show) { string line = chat.Line; ChatLogItem decodedChat = chat.Bytes.DecodeAutoTranslate(); Log.Debug("Chat: {@Chat}", decodedChat); if (code == ChatCode.Recruitment || code == ChatCode.System || code == ChatCode.Error || code == ChatCode.Notice || code == ChatCode.Emote || code == ChatCode.MarketSold) { if (!ContainsNativeLanguage(decodedChat.Line)) { var translated = ironworksContext.TranslateChat(decodedChat.Line, ironworksSettings.Chat.ChannelLanguage[code]); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { TranslatedChatBox.Text += #if DEBUG $"[{decodedChat.Code}]{translated}{Environment.NewLine}"; #else $"{translated}{Environment.NewLine}"; #endif }); } } else { var author = decodedChat.Line.RemoveAfter(":"); var sentence = decodedChat.Line.RemoveBefore(":"); if (!ContainsNativeLanguage(decodedChat.Line)) { var translated = ironworksContext.TranslateChat(sentence, ironworksSettings.Chat.ChannelLanguage[code]); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { TranslatedChatBox.Text += #if DEBUG $"[{decodedChat.Code}]{author}:{translated}{Environment.NewLine}"; #else $"{author}:{translated}{Environment.NewLine}"; #endif }); } } } } else { Log.Information("Unexpected {@Code} when translating {@Message}", intCode, chat.Line); //Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => //{ // TranslatedChatBox.Text += //$"[모르는 채널-제보요망][{chat.Code}]{chat.Line}{Environment.NewLine}"; //}); } } else { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { TranslatedChatBox.Text += #if DEBUG $"[???][{chat.Code}]{chat.Line}{Environment.NewLine}"; #else $"[???]{chat.Line}{Environment.NewLine}"; #endif }); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { TranslatedChatBox.ScrollToEnd(); //TranslatedChatBox.ScrollToVerticalOffset(double.MaxValue); }); } }
public static string Fixup(ChatLogItem item) { Regex rgx = new Regex("^([^ ]+ [^:]+):(.+)"); string format = rgx.Replace(item.Line, "$1: $2"); switch (item.Code) { case "000E": { // Party int pid = (int)(format[0] & 0xF) + 1; format = string.Format("[{0}] {1}", pid, format.Substring(1)); break; } case "000D": { // PM receive if (format.IndexOf(": ") != -1) { format = format.Replace(": ", " >> "); } break; } case "000C": { // PM Send if (format.IndexOf(": ") != -1) { format = ">> " + format; } break; } case "001B": { // Novice Network format = "[NN] " + format; break; } case "001C": { // Custom Emote if (format.IndexOf(": ") != -1) { format = format.Replace(": ", ""); } break; } case "001D": { // Standard Emote if (format.IndexOf(": ") != -1) { format = format.Substring(format.IndexOf(": ") + 2); } break; } case "0018": { // FC format = string.Format("<FC> {0}", format); break; } case "0010": case "0011": case "0012": case "0013": case "0014": case "0015": case "0016": case "0017": { // LS int ls = int.Parse(item.Code.Substring(3)) + 1; format = string.Format("[{0}] {1}", ls, format); break; } default: { break; } } return(format); }