public MainPage()
            var themeLoader = new ThemeLoader();



            repository         = new Repository();
            period             = new Period();
            pageService        = new PageService();
            initializeDatabase = new InitializeDatabase(pageService);
            period.Init(DateTime.Now, PeriodType.Month);
            trans = repository.GetTransactions(period);
            navigationBarViewModel = new NavigationBarViewModel(trans, pageService, repository, period);
            charts = new ChartsViewModel(navigationBarViewModel, pageService, repository);
            transactionsViewModel = new TransactionsViewModel(navigationBarViewModel, pageService, repository, period);

            MainVM = new MainPageViewModel(pageService, repository, initializeDatabase);

            this.BindingContext         = MainVM;
            overview.BindingContext     = charts;
            transactions.BindingContext = transactionsViewModel;

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <NavigationBarViewModel>(this, MessagingString.UpdatePeriod, RefreshTransactions);
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <SettingsPage>(this, MessagingString.UpdateTransactionsAfterSettingsChange, RefreshTransactions);
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <SettingsViewModel>(this, MessagingString.UpdateTransactionsAfterReset, RefreshTransactions);
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <TransactionsDetailsViewModel>(this, MessagingString.UpdateTransactions, RefreshTransactions);
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <TransactionsViewModel>(this, MessagingString.DeleteTransactions, RefreshTransactions);
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <TransactionsViewModel>(this, MessagingString.RefreshTransactions, RefreshTransactions);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// The Constructor set the DataContext of the Window to an object of the ViewModel class.
        /// </summary>
        public MainWindow()
            var vm = new ChartsViewModel();

            DataContext = vm;
        public JsonResult CampaignDashBoardList(string campaign)         // accepts campaign of the country and passes the list of data by JSON call
            List <string>     data        = new List <string>();         // asigned the returned list to this and pass it to json parameter
            ChartsViewModel   cVM         = new ChartsViewModel();
            String            uId         = User.Identity.GetUserId();   // get logged in users Id
            RegisterViewModel userDetails = cVM.GetUserDetailsById(uId); // get signed in users details

            var country = userDetails.Country;

                // here you need to get the data to display it in the chart
                var response = cVM.GetAllTheDeTailsRelatedToEachCountry(country, campaign);

                if (!object.Equals(response, null))
                    data = response;
            catch (Exception ex)
            return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #4
        public ActionResult ChartData()
            StatsService    service = new StatsService();
            ChartsViewModel chartVM = service.GetChartsData();

            return(Json(chartVM, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #5
    private void SetLengthCsvPoints(ChartsViewModel model, int?maxAge)
        var maxAgeInMonthsCeiling = maxAge ?? (int)Math.Ceiling(model.LengthPoints.Max(p => p.X)) + 1;
        var data = _lengthForAgeData.Take(maxAgeInMonthsCeiling);

        model.LengthPointsSD0    = JsonSerializer.Serialize(data.Select(row => new Point(row.Month, row.SD0)).ToList());
        model.LengthPointsSD2    = JsonSerializer.Serialize(data.Select(row => new Point(row.Month, row.SD2)).ToList());
        model.LengthPointsSD2neg = JsonSerializer.Serialize(data.Select(row => new Point(row.Month, row.SD2neg)).ToList());
Пример #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> Charts()
            _logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(HomeController.Charts)} called.");

            var tempChartData = new ChartData <double>
                Datasets = new List <ChartDataset <double> >
                    new ChartDataset <double>
                        Label           = "Temperature",
                        YaxisID         = "y-axis-1",
                        BorderColor     = "rgb(255, 99, 132)",
                        BackgroundColor = "rgb(255, 99, 132)"

            var humiChartData = new ChartData <double>
                Datasets = new List <ChartDataset <double> >
                    new ChartDataset <double>
                        Label           = "Humidity",
                        YaxisID         = "y-axis-2",
                        BorderColor     = "rgb(54, 162, 235)",
                        BackgroundColor = "rgb(54, 162, 235)"

            // sensor chart data
            var tempDbData = await _temperatureService

            var labels = new List <string>();

            foreach (var temp in tempDbData)
                tempChartData.Datasets[0].Data.Add(Math.Round(temp.Temperature, 1));
                humiChartData.Datasets[0].Data.Add(Math.Round(temp.Humidity, 1));

            tempChartData.Labels = labels;
            humiChartData.Labels = labels;

            var chartViewData = new ChartsViewModel
                TemperatureChartData = tempChartData,
                HumidityChartData    = humiChartData

Пример #7
        async Task ExecuteRunHeuristic()
                List <Problem> problems = null;
                IHeuristicConfigurationSetting settings = null;
                if (Context.Instance.Settings.GeneralSettings.MultiplesExecutions)
                    problems = Context.Instance.Problems;
                    problems = new List <Problem> {
                        Context.Instance.Problems.Where(t => t.ID_Problem.Equals(DARPSelected)).ToList().First()

                switch (Context.Instance.Settings.GeneralSettings.DefaultHeuristic)
                case "ILS":
                    settings = Context.Instance.Settings.ILSConfigurationSettings;

                    settings = Context.Instance.Settings.ILSConfigurationSettings;

                //Mostrar Splash
                splashController.ShowSplash(new SplashInfo());
                RunMetaheuristicInput input = new RunMetaheuristicInput {
                    Problems = problems, HeuristicSettings = settings, Random = new Random(1)
                RunMetaheuristicOutput output = await processController.Specific.RunMetaheuristic.ExecuteProcess(input);

                if (output != null)
                    Context.Instance.Solutions = output.Solutions;
                    DARPResults       = new ResultsViewModel(output.Solutions.First());
                    ILSEvolution      = new ILSEvolutionViewModel(output.Solutions.First());
                    VNSOperators      = new VNSOperatorsViewModel(output.Solutions.First());
                    AlgorithmSummary  = new SummaryResultsViewModel(output.Solutions.First());
                    ChartsViewModel   = new ChartsViewModel(output.Solutions.First());
                    HeuristicExecuted = true;
                    TabSelected       = 1;
                    SetStatus(Constants.StatusType.Ok, String.Format(Properties.Resources.HEURISTIC_EXECUTED_SUCCESFULLY));
                    SetStatus(Constants.StatusType.Ok, String.Format(Properties.Resources.HEURISTIC_EXECUTED_FAIL));
Пример #8
        public ChartsViewModel GetChartsData()
            ChartsViewModel chartsVM = new ChartsViewModel();

        // GET: Charts
        public ActionResult Create()
            MedicineModel Model         = new MedicineModel();
            SelectList    MedicineNames = new SelectList(Model.GetNames());

            ViewBag.MedicineNames = MedicineNames;
            ChartsViewModel viewModel = new ChartsViewModel();

Пример #10
        public ActionResult LastYear()
            ViewBag.Message = "Charts.";

            ChartsViewModel chartsViewModel = new ChartsViewModel(Average.ChartSpans.LastYear);


            return(View("Index", chartsViewModel));
Пример #11
        public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.Message = "Charts.";

            ChartsViewModel chartsViewModel = new ChartsViewModel(Average.ChartSpans.Last48Hours);


Пример #12
        public IActionResult RefreshDashBoard(ChartsViewModel chartsVm)
            var highCharts = getCharts(chartsVm.StartDate, chartsVm.EndDate);

            MemoryCacher.Add(CacheKey.START_DATE.GetDescription(), chartsVm.StartDate, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));
            MemoryCacher.Add(CacheKey.END_DATE.GetDescription(), chartsVm.EndDate, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1));
            return(View("DashBoard", new ChartsViewModel {
                Charts = highCharts, StartDate = chartsVm.StartDate, EndDate = chartsVm.EndDate
Пример #13
        public async Task <ChartsViewModel> GetChartsViewModel()
            var model = new ChartsViewModel();

            model.MostViewedProducts = await this.service.GetMostViewedProductsAsync();

            model.MostExpensiveProducts = await this.service.GetMostExpensiveProductsAsync();

Пример #14
 private void GetTopVisitedChartsData(ChartsViewModel chartsVM)
     chartsVM.TopVisitedData = new List <ChartData>();
     foreach (Book b in db.Books.OrderByDescending(b => b.VisitCounter).Take(5))
         ChartData data = new ChartData
             Name  = b.Title,
             Count = b.VisitCounter
Пример #15
 private void GetCategoryChartsData(ChartsViewModel chartsVM)
     chartsVM.CategoryData = new List <ChartData>();
     foreach (Category c in db.Categories)
         ChartData data = new ChartData
             Name  = c.Name,
             Count = c.Books.Count
Пример #16
        public ActionResult Index()
            var redisInfoList = this.ChartsModule.GetRedisInfoData();

            var model = new ChartsViewModel();

            model.CPUChart              = this.ChartsModule.GetCPUInfo(redisInfoList);
            model.MemoryChart           = this.ChartsModule.GetMemoryInfo(redisInfoList);
            model.CommandProcessedChart = this.ChartsModule.GetCommandProcessedCount(redisInfoList);
            model.ThroughputChart       = this.ChartsModule.GetThroughPutData(redisInfoList);
            model.TotalKeys             = this.ChartsModule.GetRedisTotalKeys();
            model.ClientCount           = this.ChartsModule.GetRedisClientCount();

        public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection, Charts chart)
            string MedicineName = collection.Get("name");

            chart.From = new DateTime(chart.From.Year, chart.From.Month, 1);
            chart.To   = new DateTime(chart.To.Year, chart.To.Month, 1);
            Charts current = new Charts(MedicineName, chart.From, chart.To);

            ChartsModel model = new ChartsModel();

            ChartsViewModel viewModel = new ChartsViewModel(current);

            TempData["viewModel"] = viewModel;
Пример #18
    public async Task <ChartsViewModel> GetViewModel(ClaimsPrincipal user, string babyName, int?maxAge = null)
        var result = new ChartsViewModel();

        var connection = await _sqLiteService.OpenConnection(user);

        var entries = _sqLiteService.GetGrowth(long.MinValue, long.MaxValue, babyName, connection);
        var babies  = await _sqLiteService.GetBabiesFromDb(user);

        var baby = babies.FirstOrDefault(baby => baby.BabyName == babyName) as BabyModel;


        foreach (Growth entry in entries.Take(maxAge ?? int.MaxValue))
            var ageInMonths = (entry.TimeUTC - baby.DateOfBirth).Days / (double)30;

            if (entry.Weight > 0)
                result.WeightPoints.Add(new Point(ageInMonths, entry.Weight));

            if (entry.Length > 0)
                result.LengthPoints.Add(new Point(ageInMonths, entry.Length));

            if (entry.HeadSize > 0)
                result.HeadSizePoints.Add(new Point(ageInMonths, entry.HeadSize));

            if (entry.Length > 0 && entry.Weight > 0)
                var lengthInMeters = entry.Length / 100;
                var bmi            = entry.Weight / (lengthInMeters * lengthInMeters);
                result.BMIPoints.Add(new Point(ageInMonths, bmi));

        SetWeightCsvPoints(result, maxAge);
        SetLengthCsvPoints(result, maxAge);
        SetHeadSizeCsvPoints(result, maxAge);
        SetBMICsvPoints(result, maxAge);

Пример #19
        private void GetBestsellers(ChartsViewModel chartsVM)
            chartsVM.BestsellersData = new List <ChartData>();
            var items = db.OrdersDetails.GroupBy(od => od.BookId)
                        .Select(odg => new { Name = odg.FirstOrDefault().Book.Title, Count = odg.Sum(od => od.Count) })
                        .OrderByDescending(i => i.Count).Take(5);

            foreach (var item in items)
                ChartData data = new ChartData
                    Name  = item.Name,
                    Count = item.Count
Пример #20
        public ActionResult DateCharts(DateGrouping?grouping, string itemId, bool?accumulative)
            var reproduccionesDB = Database.SpawnsCapsulesItems
                                   .Where(p => p.SpawnsCapsules.Spawns.UserId == Username)
                                   .Select(s => s.ItemId)

            ChartsViewModel model = new ChartsViewModel();

            model.Grouping      = grouping ?? DateGrouping.Week;
            model.Accumulative  = accumulative.GetValueOrDefault();
            model.ItemId        = itemId;
            model.ViewableItems = ItemsXml.Where(p => reproduccionesDB.Contains(p.ItemId)).Select(q => new { q.ItemId, Description = q.Description() }).ToDictionary(r => r.ItemId, s => s.Description);
            model.ChartTitle    = new ChartTitleViewModel {
                Grouping     = model.Grouping,
                Item         = ItemViewModelLight.Create(ItemsXml, model.ItemId),
                Accumulative = model.Accumulative
        public JsonResult CampaignDashBoardList(string country, string campaign) // accepts campaign of the country and passes the list of data by JSON call
            ChartsViewModel cVM  = new ChartsViewModel();
            List <string>   data = new List <string>(); // asigned the returned list to this and pass it to json parameter

                // here you need to get the data to display it in the chart
                var response = cVM.GetAllTheDeTailsRelatedToEachCountry(country, campaign);

                if (!object.Equals(response, null))
                    data = response;
            catch (Exception ex)
            return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #22
        public ActionResult Charts()
            ChartsViewModel vm = new ChartsViewModel();

            vm.Creatures = new List <Creature>();
            vm.Filter    = new List <SelectListItem> {
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "Population", Selected = false, Value = "Population"
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "Species Name", Selected = false, Value = "SpeciesName"
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "Author Name", Selected = false, Value = "AuthorName"
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "Type", Selected = false, Value = "Type"

            vm.SelectedCreatures = new List <Creature>();
            vm.Versions          = new List <SelectListItem> {
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "All Versions", Selected = true, Value = ""
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "2.1.0", Selected = true, Value = "2.1.0"
            vm.StartTimes = new List <SelectListItem> {
                new SelectListItem {
                    Text = "Last 24 Hours", Selected = true, Value = ""

        // GET: Results/ResultsChart
        public ActionResult ResultsChart()
            String uId = User.Identity.GetUserId();        // get logged in users Id

            ResultsViewModel rVM = new ResultsViewModel(); // get all the user roles

            ResultsDTO results = new ResultsDTO(); //

            List <ResultsDTO> resultsDTO = rVM.GetUsersRole();

            bool found = false;

            foreach (var result in resultsDTO)
                if (uId != result.UserId)
                    found = true;
            CampaignViewModel  camVM    = new CampaignViewModel(); // get all the campaign
            List <CampaignDTO> campaign = new List <CampaignDTO>();

            campaign = camVM.GetAllCampaigns();

            ChartsViewModel   cVM         = new ChartsViewModel();
            RegisterViewModel userDetails = cVM.GetUserDetailsById(uId);  // get signed in users details

            List <string> usersCountryCampainglist = new List <string>(); // get the campaigns name from the list campaings model and add them to string list

            if (found == true)                                            // if the user exist
                foreach (var cam in campaign)
                    if (userDetails.Country == cam.Country)
                        if (!usersCountryCampainglist.Contains(cam.Description.ToString()))
            //bool isEmpty = !results.Any();
            bool isEmpty = !usersCountryCampainglist.Any();

            if (!isEmpty) // check if the list is not null than add the values to the object , else redirect the user that there are no campaigns in the country
                results.Campagin  = usersCountryCampainglist.First();
                results.Campaigns = usersCountryCampainglist;
                ViewBag.Campaign  = usersCountryCampainglist.First();         // get the first country for the Campaigns
                var collectedCampaign = usersCountryCampainglist.First();     // get the first country for the Campaigns
                CampaignDashBoardList(collectedCampaign);                     // default draw of the data
                return(View("~/Views/Results/ResultsChart.cshtml", results)); // return with the values to view.
                return(View("~/Views/Results/NotFound.cshtml")); // no ca
Пример #24
 public WindowViewModel(ProductsViewModel productsViewModel, StatisticsViewModel statisticsViewModel, ChartsViewModel chartsViewModel)
     ProductsViewModel   = productsViewModel;
     StatisticsViewModel = statisticsViewModel;
     ChartsViewModel     = chartsViewModel;
Пример #25
        public ChartsPage()

            BindingContext = viewModel = new ChartsViewModel();
Пример #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the ChartsPage class.
 /// </summary>
 public ChartsPage()
     _vm = DataContext as ChartsViewModel;
Пример #27
        public async Task <IActionResult> ViewSensorData(string id)
            _logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(SensorsController.ViewSensorData)} called.");

            var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            if (user == null)
                return(NotFound($"Unable to load user with ID '{_userManager.GetUserId(User)}'."));

            var tempChartData = new ChartData <double>
                Datasets = new List <ChartDataset <double> >
                    new ChartDataset <double>
                        Label           = "Temperature",
                        YaxisID         = "y-axis-1",
                        BorderColor     = "rgb(255, 99, 132)",
                        BackgroundColor = "rgb(255, 99, 132)"

            var humiChartData = new ChartData <double>
                Datasets = new List <ChartDataset <double> >
                    new ChartDataset <double>
                        Label           = "Humidity",
                        YaxisID         = "y-axis-2",
                        BorderColor     = "rgb(54, 162, 235)",
                        BackgroundColor = "rgb(54, 162, 235)"

            var sensorTemperatureData = await _temperatureService
                                        .GetByTimeIntervalGroupedByHour(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-24), sensorId : id)

            var labels = new List <string>();

            foreach (var temp in sensorTemperatureData)
                tempChartData.Datasets[0].Data.Add(Math.Round(temp.Temperature, 1));
                humiChartData.Datasets[0].Data.Add(Math.Round(temp.Humidity, 1));

            tempChartData.Labels = labels;
            humiChartData.Labels = labels;

            var chartViewData = new ChartsViewModel
                TemperatureChartData = tempChartData,
                HumidityChartData    = humiChartData

Пример #28
        // GET: Charts
        public ActionResult Index()
            // get the data from the DB
            ChartsViewModel          cVM   = new ChartsViewModel();
            List <RegisterViewModel> users = cVM.GetAllUsres();   // get the users
            List <VotesDTO>          vots  = cVM.GetAllVotes();   //  get the votes

            List <CampaignDTO>  campaigns  = cVM.GetCampaigns();  // get all the campaigns
            List <CandidateDTO> candidates = cVM.GetCandidates(); // get all the cadidates data

            int    totalUusers = 0;
            int    totalVots   = 0;
            double totalMale   = 0;
            double totalFemale = 0;
            double totalOthers = 0;

            foreach (var item in users) // count total number of users in the system thats registered
                if (item.Gender == "Male")
                else if (item.Gender == "Female")

            // checking the total numbers of votes given by each gender
            double maleVotes   = 0;
            double femaleVotes = 0;
            double othersVotes = 0;

            foreach (var vote in vots) // count total number of votes
                foreach (var user in users)
                    if (vote.UserId == user.UserId && user.Gender == "Male")
                    else if (vote.UserId == user.UserId && user.Gender == "Female")
                    else if (vote.UserId == user.UserId && user.Gender == "Other")

            ////calculate the precentage of each gender out of total
            //double totalGenders = totalMale + totalFemale + totalOthers;
            //if (totalGenders != 0)

            //    totalMale = (totalMale * 100) / totalGenders;
            //    totalFemale = (totalFemale * 100) / totalGenders;
            //    totalOthers = (totalOthers * 100) / totalGenders;
            //    totalMale = 0;
            //    totalFemale = 0;
            //    totalOthers = 0;
            //totalMale = Math.Round(totalMale);
            //totalFemale = Math.Round(totalFemale);
            //totalOthers = Math.Round(totalOthers);

            // NEXT BAR CHART
            // you can get the country now and within that you need to get how many campaigns are in the country and how many candidates are in each campaign

            //to following is just for demo day ///////////////////////////////////DEMO/////////////////////////DEMO///////////////////DEMO/////////////DEMO
            totalUusers = 1106500000;
            totalVots   = 905000000;

            totalMale   = 531120000;
            totalFemale = 442600000;
            totalOthers = 132780000;
            // the following values just for the demo ///////////////////////////////////DEMO/////////////////////////DEMO///////////////////DEMO/////////////DEMO
            maleVotes   = 470600000;
            femaleVotes = 362000000;
            othersVotes = 72400000;

            ViewBag.totalUsers  = totalUusers;
            ViewBag.totalVots   = totalVots;
            ViewBag.totalMale   = totalMale;
            ViewBag.totalFemale = totalFemale;
            ViewBag.totalOters  = totalOthers;

            ViewBag.maleVotes   = maleVotes;
            ViewBag.femaleVotes = femaleVotes;
            ViewBag.othersVotes = othersVotes;

Пример #29
        public Country GetChartData()
            Country objproduct = new Country();
            /*Get the data from databse and prepare the chart record data in string form.*/
            ChartsViewModel          cVM       = new ChartsViewModel();
            List <RegisterViewModel> users     = cVM.GetAllUsres();  // get the users
            List <CampaignDTO>       campaigns = cVM.GetCampaigns(); // get all the campaigns
            List <VotesDTO>          votes     = cVM.GetAllVotes();  //  get the votes

            objproduct.CountryName = "";
            foreach (var country in users) // get list of countries from registered users, if there are no campaigns still i want to see users region on GEO MAP
                foreach (var item in users)
                    if (country.Country == item.Country)
                        if (!objproduct.CountryName.Contains(country.Country.ToString()))
                            objproduct.CountryName += country.Country + ",";

            foreach (var country in campaigns) // get list of the countries from the campaigns
                foreach (var item in campaigns)
                    if (country.Country == item.Country)
                        if (!objproduct.CountryName.Contains(country.Country.ToString()))
                            objproduct.CountryName += country.Country + ",";

            // remove the last comma from the string
            var countries = objproduct.CountryName.TrimEnd(',', ' ');

            ViewBag.Test = countries;

            // get the population of each of the country thats registered in the system.
            // get the total votes are give in the system from that country
            var countryarray = countries.Split(',');

            objproduct.Registerd = "";
            int  countUsers   = 0;
            int  countVote    = 0;
            int  counCampaign = 0;
            bool found        = false;
            bool voteFound    = false;
            bool camFound     = false;

            foreach (var country in countryarray)
                foreach (var user in users)
                    if (country.ToString() == user.Country.ToString()) // match the country related to the users and count the populations
                        found = true;
                        foreach (var vote in votes)
                            if (user.UserId == vote.UserId) // get the users vote in each country and county the total of the vote for particular country
                                voteFound = true;
                        //foreach(var cam in campaigns)
                        //    if(country == cam.Country)
                        //    {
                        //        counCampaign++;
                        //        camFound = true;
                        //    }
                if (found == true && voteFound == true /* & camFound == true*/) // if it's true than add the values to the string
                    objproduct.Registerd += countUsers + ",";
                    objproduct.Vote      += countVote + ",";
                    countUsers            = 0;
                    countVote             = 0;
            //var countries = objproduct.CountryName.TrimEnd(',', ' ');
            var Registerd = objproduct.Registerd.TrimEnd(',', ' '); // remove the comman or space at the end of the line
            var Vote      = objproduct.Vote.TrimEnd(',', ' ');

            //Test them at the View.
            ViewBag.Test1 = Registerd;
            ViewBag.Test2 = Vote;

            //// the following are just the value that will show system features on demo day///////////////////////////////////DEMO/////////////////////////DEMO///////////////////DEMO/////////////DEMO

            objproduct.CountryName = "Ireland,Afghanistan,Australia,USA,United Kingdom,colombia,India,South Africa,Brazil,Russia";
            objproduct.Registerd   = "4500000,10000000,15000000,135000000,46000000,40000000,650000000,26000000,120000000,60000000";
            objproduct.Vote        = "4000000,7000000,12000000,120000000,44000000,35000000,500000000,25000000,100000000,58000000";
 public Charts()
     DataContext = new ChartsViewModel();