private void BtnSelectProduct_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { float totalSalesCounter = 0; var selectedCustomer = (Customer)customerComboBox.SelectedItem; var moment = DateTime.Now; totalSales.Clear(); totalSalesLastYear.Clear(); for (var i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { totalSales.Add(CustomerViewModel.getTotalSalesMonthYear(selectedCustomer.idCustomer, i, moment.Year)); totalSalesCounter += CustomerViewModel.getTotalSalesMonthYear(selectedCustomer.idCustomer, i, moment.Year); totalSalesLastYear.Add( CustomerViewModel.getTotalSalesMonthYear(selectedCustomer.idCustomer, i, moment.Year - 1)); } SeriesCollection = new SeriesCollection { new LineSeries { Title = "Total Sales", Values = totalSales }, new LineSeries { Title = "Last Year Sales", Values = totalSalesLastYear } }; salesCount.Text = totalSalesCounter.ToString(); YFormatter = value => value.ToString("C"); DataContext = this; }
protected void ClearCurves(ushort procState, ChartValues <double> valuesBefore, ChartValues <double> valuesAfter, ChartValues <MeasureModel> chartValuesBefore, ChartValues <MeasureModel> chartValuesAfter) { switch (procState) { //case 1: case 3: case 4: valuesAfter.Clear(); chartValuesAfter.Clear(); break; case 9: case 10: break; case 8: valuesBefore.Clear(); chartValuesBefore.Clear(); break; default: valuesAfter.Clear(); valuesBefore.Clear(); chartValuesAfter.Clear(); chartValuesBefore.Clear(); break; } }
private void BtStartSimulator_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!DateImputsIsValid()) { MessageBox.Show("Endzeit muss später als Startzeit sein!", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); } else { RoundedMeasurementsCollection.Clear(); MeasurementsCollection.Clear(); MyChartValues.Clear(); Measurements generatedMeasurement = GenerateMeasurements(); MeasurementsCollection.Add(generatedMeasurement); AddChartValue(generatedMeasurement); AddMeasurementToRoundedMeasurementCollection(generatedMeasurement); dgMeasurements.ItemsSource = RoundedMeasurementsCollection; double generateSpeed = 1.0; if ((bool)rbSpeed1.IsChecked) { generateSpeed = 0.5; } else if ((bool)rbSpeed3.IsChecked) { generateSpeed = 10.0; } dt.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)dudFrequency.Value / generateSpeed); dt.Start(); btStartSimulator.IsEnabled = false; btStopSimulator.IsEnabled = true; btSendData.IsEnabled = false; UITimeInput(false); UIRightColumnEnabled(false); } }
public void Clear() { _player = null; _values.Clear(); _dates = new List <string>(0); _position = 0; Update(); }
public void Reset() { totalDamageTakenValues.Clear(); totalDamageTakenValues.Add(new ObservablePoint(0, 0)); totalDPSValues.Clear(); totalDPSValues.Add(new ObservablePoint(0, 0)); totalDamageTakenValues.Clear(); totalDamageTakenValues.Add(new ObservablePoint(0, 0)); updateDPSValues.Clear(); updateDPSValues.Add(new ObservablePoint(0, 0)); averageMPAValues.Clear(); averageMPAValues.Add(new ObservablePoint(0, 0)); DamageTakenScale = 1; }
private void ConnectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!m_Connected) { try { m_SerialPort = new SerialPort(ComString, 38400, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); m_SerialPort.Open(); m_Connected = true; } catch (Exception exc) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(exc.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } ConnectButton.Text = "Disconnect"; SettingsButton.Enabled = false; // Flush m_SerialPort.ReadExisting(); Task.Run(() => { ReadTemperaturesTask(); }); } else { m_Connected = false; m_SerialPort.Close(); ConnectButton.Text = "Connect"; StartButton.Enabled = false; FcStartButton.Enabled = false; FcEndButton.Enabled = false; ScEndButton.Enabled = false; ScStartButton.Enabled = false; EndButton.Enabled = false; EventButton.Enabled = false; SettingsButton.Enabled = true; m_TemperatureValues.Clear(); m_AvgTemperatureValues.Clear(); m_RateOfRiseValues.Clear(); m_RoastStopwatch.Stop(); m_MovingAvgHistory.Clear(); TempLabel.Text = "000.00°C"; AvgTempLabel.Text = "000.00°C"; TimeLabel.Text = "00:00:000"; RorLabel.Text = "00.0°C/min"; m_Started = false; } }
private void GetDataForArhiveGraph(List <MeasurementData> arhiveList) { ChartValuesPOWER_arhive.Clear(); ChartValuesWEIGHT_arhive.Clear(); lableX_arhive.Clear(); if (chechko >= arhiveList.Count) { chechko = arhiveList.Count; next = chechko - 15; } if (next < 0) { chechko = 15; next = 0; } for (int i = next; i < chechko; i++) { if (i >= arhiveList.Count) { ChartValuesWEIGHT_arhive.Add(0); ChartValuesPOWER_arhive.Add(0); lableX_arhive.Add(""); } else { ChartValuesWEIGHT_arhive.Add(arhiveList[i].CurrentWeight.Value); ChartValuesPOWER_arhive.Add(arhiveList[i].CurrentProductivity.Value); lableX_arhive.Add(arhiveList[i].TimeOfMeasurement.Value.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "\n" + arhiveList[i].TimeOfMeasurement.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yy")); } } cartesianChart1.AxisX[0].Labels = lableX_arhive; cartesianChart1.Series = new SeriesCollection { new LineSeries { Values = ChartValuesWEIGHT_arhive, PointGeometrySize = 18, LineSmoothness = 0, Title = "Вес:" } }; cartesianChart2.AxisX[0].Labels = lableX_arhive; cartesianChart2.Series = new SeriesCollection { new LineSeries { Values = ChartValuesPOWER_arhive, PointGeometrySize = 18, LineSmoothness = 0, Title = "Производительность:" } }; }
private void BindSignal() { ChartValues.Clear(); foreach (var item in Signal) { ChartValues.Add(new ObservableValue(item)); } ChartValues.Add(new ObservableValue(0)); ChartValues.Add(new ObservableValue(0)); ChartValues.Add(new ObservableValue(0)); }
private void UpdateGameScoreDataSource() { var actualScores = _scores .Select(s => s.ActualScore); actualDragonPercentageLabel.Text = CalculateScorePercentageString(_dragonText, actualScores); actualTigerPercentageLabel.Text = CalculateScorePercentageString(_tigerText, actualScores); var betScores = _scores .Select(s => s.BetScore); betDragonPercentageLabel.Text = CalculateScorePercentageString(_dragonText, betScores); betTigerPercentageLabel.Text = CalculateScorePercentageString(_tigerText, betScores); var betResults = _scores; var gameResults = betResults.Select((r, i) => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_scores[i].BetScore)) { return(r.WinRate); } var betResults1 = betResults.Take(i + 1).Where(r1 => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r1.BetScore)) .Select(r1 => { r1.Result = r1.ActualScore == r1.BetScore ? _winText : _loseText; return(r1); }); return(r.WinRate = (int)(betResults1.Where(r1 => r1.Result == _winText).Count() / (float)betResults1.Count() * 100)); }).ToList(); _chartValues.Clear(); _chartValues.AddRange(gameResults.Select(r => r ?? double.NaN)); }
public void makeGraphic() { List <Data> datos; datos = graphics[slider]; Data d = datos[0]; valuesOne.Clear(); String[] f = datos[0].fecha.Split('/'); String y = f[2].Split(' ')[0]; int i = 0; foreach (Data item in datos) { String[] fecha = item.fecha.Split('/'); String year = fecha[2].Split(' ')[0]; labelYear.Text = year; if (y.Equals(year)) { String value = fecha[1] + "" + fecha[0]; int x = int.Parse(value); valuesOne.Add(new ObservablePoint(i, item.concentracion)); i++; } } }
public void SetValues(ChartData chartData, string state) { this.InitializeComponent(); _values = new ChartValues <GanttPoint>(); _values.Clear(); var labels = new List <string>(); foreach (Activity activity in chartData.GetActivities()) { if (activity.State == state || state == "all") { _values.Add(new GanttPoint(activity.StartDate.Ticks, activity.EndDate.Ticks)); labels.Add(activity.Name); } } Series = new SeriesCollection { new RowSeries { Values = _values, DataLabels = true, } }; ResetZoomOnClick(null, null); Formatter = value => new DateTime((long)value).ToString("dd/MM HH:mm"); Labels = labels.ToArray(); DataContext = new SeriesViewModel(); DataContext = this; }
private void modeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Array.Clear(Labels, 0, Labels.Length); if (yearlyMode) { modeButton.Content = "Váltás éves nézetre"; topChart.AxisX.Clear(); topChart.AxisX.Add(new Axis { Labels = my_labels }); } else { modeButton.Content = "Váltás havi nézetre"; topChart.AxisX.Clear(); topChart.AxisX.Add(new Axis { Labels = generateLabels(earliestYear).ToArray() }); } yearlyMode = !yearlyMode; cvIncome.Clear(); cvSpending.Clear(); createLineChart(); createStackedAreaChart(); }
private void Downloader_DownloadCompleted(object sender, DownloadCompletedArg e) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(async() => { speedTextBlock.Text = "0Kb/s"; progressBar.Maximum = 1; progressBar.Value = 0; progressPerTextBlock.Text = "000%"; speedValues.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 49; i++) { speedValues.Add(0); } if (e.ErrorList == null || e.ErrorList.Count == 0) { await this.ShowMessageAsync(App.GetResourceString("String.Downloadwindow.DownloadComplete"), App.GetResourceString("String.Downloadwindow.DownloadComplete2")); this.Close(); } else { await this.ShowMessageAsync(App.GetResourceString("String.Downloadwindow.DownloadCompleteWithError"), string.Format(App.GetResourceString("String.Downloadwindow.DownloadCompleteWithError2"), e.ErrorList.Count, e.ErrorList.First().Value.Message)); } })); }
// // Abstract: // Update managerVM's attributs. // // Parameters: // theDate: // DateTime where the modeling should be ran. // // estWindow: // String containing the period where the model should be ran. // // frequency: // String containing the step where portefolio is reshuffled. public void PleaseUpdateManager(DateTime theDate, string estmWindow, string frequency, IDataFeedProvider simulator, FinancialComputation opt) { StartDate = theDate; SampleNumber = Int32.Parse(estmWindow); Step = Int32.Parse(frequency); marketSimulator = simulator; option = opt; option.MarketDataDates.Clear(); var window = 20; var res = option.GenChartData(window, StartDate, Step, marketSimulator); ValPayOff = option.PayOff; ValPortfolio = res.PortfolioValue.Last().Value; Labels = GetDateSet(option.MarketDataDates); optp.Clear(); pfp.Clear(); trackingError.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < res.OptionPrice.Count; i++) { optp.Insert(i, res.OptionPrice[i]); pfp.Insert(i, res.PortfolioValue[i].Value); trackingError.Insert(i, res.OptionPrice[i] - res.PortfolioValue[i].Value); } }
protected void GetGrafPoints() { if ((grafValueY != null) && (grafValueY != "")) { if (!run) { dataTable.Clear(); ChartValues.Clear(); grafValueX = "0"; grafValueY = "0"; run = true; } DataRow dr = dataTable.NewRow(); dr[0] = grafValueX; dr[1] = grafValueY; dataTable.Rows.Add(dr); ChartValues.Add(new MeasureModel { ValueX = Convert.ToDouble(grafValueX), ValueY = Convert.ToDouble(grafValueY) }); Labels = seriesCollectionHandler.SetValues(SeriesCollection[0].Values, dataTable, 0, 1); } else { run = false; } }
private void Start_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ClearAgents(); data.Clear(); consumers.Clear(); potential.Clear(); con = 0; agents_has_product.Clear(); try { iteration_count = Int32.Parse(Iteration.Text); population_count = Int32.Parse(Pop_count.Text); night = Int32.Parse(Night.Text); buy_prob = Double.Parse(Buy_prob.Text.Replace('.', ',')); notify_prob = Double.Parse(Notify_prob.Text.Replace('.', ',')); spoil_time = Byte.Parse(Spoiling.Text); Recalculation(); pot = (int)population_count; Draw(); ScaleChange.IsEnabled = false; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } Task.Run(() => { var r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < iteration_count; i++) { Thread.Sleep(night); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { int buy_today = Buying(); Notificate(buy_today); int returned = Spoil(); pot = pot - buy_today + returned; con = con + buy_today - returned; consumers.Add(con); potential.Add(pot); data.Add(new Data() { Day = i + 1, Consumer = con, Potential = pot }); }); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { ScaleChange.IsEnabled = true; }); }); }
public void DrawChart(ref ToolStripMenuItem btn, IEnumerable <double> dataSet) { chartValues.Clear(); if (btn.Checked && dataSet.Count() != 0) { chartValues.AddRange(dataSet.Reverse().Take(360).Reverse()); } }
private void BtnSelectProduct_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { int totalUnitSales = 0; float totalProductSales = 0; Labels = new[] { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; var selectedProduct = (Product)productComboBox.SelectedItem; var moment = DateTime.Now; total.Clear(); totalSales.Clear(); totalLastYear.Clear(); totalSalesLastYear.Clear(); for (var i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { total.Add(ProductViewModel.getProductCount(selectedProduct.idProduct, i, moment.Year)); totalSales.Add(ProductViewModel.getProductSales(selectedProduct.idProduct, i, moment.Year)); totalLastYear.Add(ProductViewModel.getProductCount(selectedProduct.idProduct, i, moment.Year - 1)); totalSalesLastYear.Add(ProductViewModel.getProductSales(selectedProduct.idProduct, i, moment.Year - 1)); totalUnitSales += ProductViewModel.getProductCount(selectedProduct.idProduct, i, moment.Year); totalProductSales += ProductViewModel.getProductSales(selectedProduct.idProduct, i, moment.Year); } SeriesCollection = new SeriesCollection { new ColumnSeries { Title = "Total Sales", Values = totalSales }, new ColumnSeries { Title = "Last Year Sales", Values = totalSalesLastYear } }; SeriesCollection2 = new SeriesCollection { new ColumnSeries { Title = "Total Products", Values = total }, new ColumnSeries { Title = "Last Year Total Products", Values = totalLastYear } }; YFormatter = value => value.ToString("C"); YFormatter2 = value => value.ToString(); salesCount.Text = totalProductSales.ToString(); productSalesCount.Text = totalUnitSales.ToString(); DataContext = this; }
public static void FillMonthChart(ChartValues <double> chart, List <Category> categories) { chart.Clear(); foreach (Category category in categories) { chart.Add(double.Parse(category.Cost)); } }
private void Read3() { // double x = 1528.5; // double y = 6.55733501913825e-46; float x; float y; List <(ushort x, ushort y)> ulist = new List <(ushort x, ushort y)>(); List <(float x, float y)> fllist = new List <(float x, float y)>(); var list = ChartValues.ToList(); while (IsReading) { Thread.Sleep(500); ushort[] b = ModbusCommand.command.Operation(Getter.channel_spectral_ch1); ulist.Add((b[0], b[1])); x = ((float)b[0]) / 1000 + 1520; y = Utility.GetSingle(0, b[1]); fllist.Add((x, y)); MeasureModel m = new MeasureModel { ValueX = (double)x, ValueY = (double)y }; list.Add(m); try { list = list.OrderBy(t => t.ValueX).ToList(); ChartValues.Clear(); ChartValues.AddRange(list); } catch (Exception e) { var t = e; } // ChartValues = v1; //ChartValues.Add(new MeasureModel //{ // ValueX = x, // ValueY = y // // DateTime = now, // // Value = _trend //}); // SetAxisLimits(now); // if (ChartValues.Count > 100) ChartValues.RemoveAt(0); } //var x1 = fllist.Select(b => b.x); //var y1 = fllist.Select(b => b.y); //float maxx = x1.Max(); //float minx = x1.Min(); //float maxy = y1.Max(); //float miny = y1.Min(); }
//Adds optimization values to array that updates graph display public void AppendStoredValues() { this.RadicalVM.ObjectiveEvolution.AddRange(StoredMainValues); StoredMainValues.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < this.RadicalVM.ConstraintsEvolution.Count; i++) { this.RadicalVM.ConstraintsEvolution[i].AddRange(StoredConstraintValues[i]); StoredConstraintValues[i].Clear(); } }
private async void DisconectButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (timer.IsEnabled) { timer.Stop(); } CancelAllIoTasks(); ValuesFromRead.Clear(); await WriteReadTaskAsync("s"); Disconect(); }
public ShellViewModel() { DisplayName = "Arduino Monitoring App"; Ports = new BindableCollection <string>(); Values = new ChartValues <double> { 0 }; Values.Clear(); InitControls(); }
private void UpdateChart() { UpdateQueueValue(); this.chart1.Series[0].Points.Clear(); Values.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < dataQueue.Count; i++) { this.chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY((i + 1), dataQueue.ElementAt(i)); Values.Add(dataQueue.ElementAt(i)); } myLineSeries.Values = Values; }
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lableX.Clear(); if (clearData == true) { ChartValues.Clear(); ChartValuesWEIGHT.Clear(); } //chart3DataX.Clear(); //chart3DataY.Clear(); CURRENT_DEVICE_COMBO = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(' ')[0]; }
//aggiunge una serie per il chart di movimento dei MAC public void AddSeries(string mac) { scatter.Clear(); foreach (DatiDispositivo ph in macList) { if (ph.MAC_Address == mac) { scatter.Add(ph); if (ph.Posizione.Ascissa < minX) { minX = ph.Posizione.Ascissa; } if (ph.Posizione.Ascissa > maxX) { maxX = ph.Posizione.Ascissa; } if (ph.Posizione.Ordinata < minY) { minY = ph.Posizione.Ordinata; } if (ph.Posizione.Ordinata > maxY) { maxY = ph.Posizione.Ordinata; } } } _movement.Series.Add(new LineSeries() { Title = Utilities.Utils.Formatta_MAC_Address(mac), PointGeometry = DefaultGeometries.Diamond, PointGeometrySize = 10, StrokeThickness = 4, Fill = Brushes.Transparent, }); if (!macToIndex.ContainsKey(mac)) { macToIndex.Add(mac, _movement.Series.Count - 1); //associa un indice ad un determinato mac per poi recuperare la serie corrispondente } _movement.Series[macToIndex[mac]].LabelPoint = point => string.Format("Timestamp:{0} \n X:{1} Y:{2}", new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).AddSeconds(((DatiDispositivo)point.Instance).Timestamp), ((DatiDispositivo)point.Instance).Posizione.Ascissa, ((DatiDispositivo)point.Instance).Posizione.Ordinata); _movement.Series[macToIndex[mac]].Configuration = Mappers.Xy <DatiDispositivo>().X(b => b.Posizione.Ascissa).Y(b => b.Posizione.Ordinata); _movement.Series[macToIndex[mac]].Values = new ChartValues <DatiDispositivo>(scatter); _movement.AxisX[0].MinValue = minX - 5; _movement.AxisX[0].MaxValue = maxX + 5; _movement.AxisY[0].MinValue = minY - 5; _movement.AxisY[0].MaxValue = maxY + 5; }
public static Tuple <double, double> GradientDescent(double[,] data, double thetaOne, double thetaTwo, ChartValues <ObservablePoint> hypothesis, double interations) { Debug.OutPut("--- INITIAL ---" + thetaOne + " " + thetaTwo); double m = data.GetLength(0); int count = 0; while (count < interations) { double sumOne = 0; double sumTwo = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { Point currentPoint = new Point(data[i, 0], data[i, 1]); double modelValue = SolveRegressionModel(currentPoint.X, thetaOne, thetaTwo); sumOne += modelValue - currentPoint.Y; } double tempThetaOne = thetaOne - LeariningRate * (1 / m) * sumOne; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { Point currentPoint = new Point(data[i, 0], data[i, 1]); double modelValue = SolveRegressionModel(currentPoint.X, thetaOne, thetaTwo); sumTwo += (modelValue - currentPoint.Y) * currentPoint.X; } double tempThetaTwo = thetaTwo - LeariningRate * (1 / m) * sumTwo; thetaOne = tempThetaOne; thetaTwo = tempThetaTwo; Debug.OutPut("Iter: " + count + " T0: " + thetaOne + " T1: " + thetaTwo); count++; if (count % 10 == 0) { // Add for first var x = 0; var y = thetaOne + thetaTwo * x; var a = new ObservablePoint(x, y); x = 20; y = thetaOne + thetaTwo * x; var b = new ObservablePoint(x, y); hypothesis.Clear(); hypothesis.Add(a); hypothesis.Add(b); } } return(new Tuple <double, double>(thetaOne, thetaTwo)); }
/// <summary> /// Clears datum showed at the program (e.g. charts). /// </summary> private void ClearData() { runTreeView.Nodes.Clear(); speciesTabFitnessChart.Series.Clear(); generationGenomeSizeChart.Series.Clear(); generationFitnessChart.Series.Clear(); generationGenomePerSpeciesChart.Series.Clear(); runAvgFitnessValues.Clear(); runMaxFitnessValues.Clear(); runBestGenomeSizeValues.Clear(); runAvgGenomeSizeValues.Clear(); runMaxGenomeSizeValues.Clear(); }
private void Chart(int k) { Values1.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < ValutesCurs.Count - 1; i++) { Values1.Add ( new DateModel { Value = Convert.ToDouble(ValutesCurs[i].Valutes[k].Value), DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(ValutesCurs[i].StringDate) } );; } }
protected DataTable BuildFromCSV(string fileName) { ChartValues.Clear(); DataTable dt = CSV_DataTable.ConvertCSVtoDataTable(fileName); for (int i = 1; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { ChartValues.Add(new MeasureModel { ValueX = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i][0]), ValueY = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i][1]) }); } return(dt); }