public void OnBeginJump(CharacterControllerCustom ccc, float delay)
        // Sets the jump animation's delay on the animator
        _animator.SetFloat(CharacterAnimatorParameters.JumpDelay, 1.0f / delay);

        // Sets the jump trigger on the animator
Пример #2
 public void OnWallJump(CharacterControllerCustom ccc)
     // Since to wall jump the character needs to be sliding, uses the slide effect position
     if (_slideEffect != null)
         wallJump.PlayEffect(_slideEffect.transform.position, _slideEffect.transform.rotation, _characterSize.GetSize());
Пример #3
    public void OnPostCollision(CharacterControllerCustom ccc, ControllerColliderHit hit)
        if (hit.collider.CompareTag(Tags.Player))

        _colliderLayer = hit.gameObject.layer;

        // Plays the landing effect
        Quaternion normalRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, hit.normal);
        if (ccc.State.IsGrounded && ccc.State.TimeFloating > land.minTime) {
            land.PlayEffect(hit.point, normalRotation, _characterSize.GetSize());

        // Calculates some values for the particles
        Vector3 eulerRotation = new Vector3(Mathf.PI + Vector3.Angle(Vector3.left, hit.normal) * Mathf.Deg2Rad, Mathf.PI / 2, 0);
        float sizeFactor = _characterSize.GetSize();

        // Positions the walking effect
        if (ccc.State.IsGrounded) {
            _walkTrailEffect.position = hit.point;
            _walkTrailEffect.rotation = normalRotation;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<ParticleSystem, ParticleSystemState> system in _walkTrailParticleEffects) {
                system.Key.startRotation3D = eulerRotation;

        // Positions the slope effect
        if (ccc.State.IsOnSlope && !ccc.State.IsSliding) {
            _slopeEffect.position = hit.point;
            _slopeEffect.rotation = normalRotation;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<ParticleSystem, ParticleSystemState> system in _slopeParticleEffects) {
                system.Key.startRotation3D = eulerRotation;
        // Positions the sliding effect
        else if (ccc.State.IsSliding) {
            _slideEffect.position = hit.point;
            _slideEffect.rotation = normalRotation;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<ParticleSystem, ParticleSystemState> system in _slideParticleEffects) {
                system.Key.startRotation3D = eulerRotation;
Пример #4
 public void OnPerformJump(CharacterControllerCustom ccc)
     // Looks for the ground and plays the jump effect
     RaycastHit hit;
     if (Physics.SphereCast(ccc.transform.position, _controller.radius * _characterSize.GetSize(), ccc.Parameters.Gravity, out hit, 10, sceneMask))
         jump.PlayEffect(hit.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, hit.normal), _characterSize.GetSize());
 public virtual void OnWallJump(CharacterControllerCustom ccc)
     // Do nothing
Пример #6
 public void OnWallJump(CharacterControllerCustom ccc)
     // Plays the jump sound
     OnBeginJump(ccc, 0);
Пример #7
 public void OnPostCollision(CharacterControllerCustom ccc, ControllerColliderHit hit)
     // Checks if the character is landing and plays the sound
     if (ccc.State.IsGrounded && ccc.State.TimeFloating > land.minTimeToPlay)
Пример #8
 public void OnBeginJump(CharacterControllerCustom ccc, float delay)
     // Plays the jump sound modified by the character rooted size
     jump.PlayAudio(1.0f / Mathf.Sqrt(_characterSize.GetSize()));
 public void OnWallJump(CharacterControllerCustom ccc)
     // Sets the wall jump trigger on the animator
 /// <summary>
 /// Unity's method called right after the object is created.
 /// </summary>
 void Awake()
     // Retrieves the desired components
     _ccc = GetComponentInParent<CharacterControllerCustom>();
     _characterSize = GetComponentInParent<CharacterSize>();
     _characterFusion = GetComponentInParent<CharacterFusion>();
     _characterShoot = GetComponentInParent<CharacterShoot>();
     _animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
     _gcic = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.GameController).GetComponent<GameControllerIndependentControl>();
     _drop = transform.parent.gameObject;
 public void OnPreCollision(CharacterControllerCustom ccc, ControllerColliderHit hit)
     // Updates the collision speed
     float collisionSpeed = -_ccc.Velocity.y;
     _animator.SetFloat(CharacterAnimatorParameters.CollisionSpeed, collisionSpeed);
 public void OnPerformJump(CharacterControllerCustom ccc)
     // Sets the jump trigger on the animator
Пример #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Unity's method called when the entity is created.
 /// Recovers the desired componentes of the entity.
 /// </summary>
 public void Awake()
     ccc = GetComponent<CharacterControllerCustom>();
     _shootTrajectory = GetComponent<CharacterShootTrajectory>();
     size = GetComponent<CharacterSize>();
     _independentControl = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.GameController)
Пример #14
 void Awake()
     // Retrieves the desired components
     _transform = transform;
     _ccc = GetComponent<CharacterControllerCustom>();
     _characterSize = GetComponent<CharacterSize>();
     _characterFusion = GetComponent<CharacterFusion>();
     _characterShoot = GetComponent<CharacterShoot>();
     _controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
     _gcic = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.GameController).GetComponent<GameControllerIndependentControl>();
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize everything
    /// </summary>
    public void Awake()
        _ccc = GetComponent<CharacterControllerCustom>();
        _sizeDrop = GetComponent<CharacterSize>();
        modelDrop = GetComponentInChildren<CharacterModelController>();

        _trajectoryPoints = new Vector3[numOfTrajectoryPoints];

        for (int i = 0; i < numOfTrajectoryPoints; i++) {
            _trajectoryPoints[i] = transform.position;

        _linerenderer = (LineRenderer)Instantiate(renderer);
        _linerenderer.transform.parent = this.transform;

        //create the object where to store particles
        _rainParticles = new GameObject();
        _rainParticles.transform.parent = this.transform; = "Rainbow Particle";
        //we init only 20, we usually don't use more. If needed, will create more
        _particlesTrajectory = new List<ParticleSystem[]>(20);
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            GameObject system = Instantiate(particleRainbow);
            system.transform.parent = _rainParticles.transform;

            //initialize particle system
            ParticleSystem[] subSystems = system.GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>();
            foreach (ParticleSystem subSystem in subSystems) {
                subSystem.randomSeed = (uint)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue);
                subSystem.Simulate(0, true, true);

                ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emission = subSystem.emission;
                emission.enabled = false;
Пример #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialization method.
    /// The character start with size one
    /// </summary>
    public void Awake()
        // Retrieves the desired components
        _layerCast = (1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Scene"));
        _dropTransform = gameObject.transform;
        _ratioRadius = GetComponent<CharacterController>().radius;

        _controller = GetComponent<CharacterControllerCustom>();
        _independentControl = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.GameController)

        // Initialization
        _setState = false;
        _listeners = new List<CharacterSizeListener>();

        //set the motionless situation clear
        _motionless = false;
        _motionlessTime = 0;

        //set the initial size
        if (initialSize <= 0) {
            initialSize = 1;
        ChangeScale( * initialSize);
        _targetSize = initialSize;
    /// <summary>
    /// Unity's method called as soon as this entity is created.
    /// It will be called even if the entity is disabled.
    /// </summary>
    public void Awake()
        // Recovers the other components
        _controller = GetComponent<CharacterControllerCustom>();

        // By default, the player starts facing right
        FacingDirection = Vector3.right;
Пример #18
 public void OnPerformJump(CharacterControllerCustom ccc)
     // Do nothing
    /// <summary>
    /// Unity's method called right after the object is created.
    /// </summary>
    void Awake()
        // Retrieves the desired components
        _ccc = GetComponentInParent<CharacterControllerCustom>();
        _characterSize = GetComponentInParent<CharacterSize>();
        _characterShoot = GetComponentInParent<CharacterShoot>();
        _characterShootTrajectory = GetComponentInParent<CharacterShootTrajectory>();
        _eyesAttacher = GetComponent<EyesAttacher>();
        _transform = transform;
        _parent = _transform.parent;

        // Saves the model offset
        _originalModelOffset = _transform.localPosition;

        // Gets the joint information
        _joints = GetComponentsInChildren<Joint>();
        _jointsConnectedBodies = _joints.Select(e => e.connectedBody).ToArray();
        _originalJointsPosition = _joints.Select(e => e.transform.localPosition).ToArray();
Пример #20
 public void OnPreCollision(CharacterControllerCustom ccc, ControllerColliderHit hit)
     // Do nothing
Пример #21
 public void OnBeginJump(CharacterControllerCustom ccc, float delay)
     // Do nothing
Пример #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Unity's method called right after the object is created.
    /// </summary>
    void Awake()
        // Retrieves the desired components
        _originalAudioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
        _ccc = GetComponent<CharacterControllerCustom>();
        _characterSize = GetComponent<CharacterSize>();
        _characterFusion = GetComponent<CharacterFusion>();
        _characterShoot = GetComponent<CharacterShoot>();

        // The walk's audio source is the original one
        walk.audioSource = _originalAudioSource;

        // Creates a copy of the audio source for the other sounds
        jump.audioSource = SoundUtility.CopyAudioSource(_originalAudioSource, gameObject);
        land.audioSource = SoundUtility.CopyAudioSource(_originalAudioSource, gameObject);
        fuse.audioSource = SoundUtility.CopyAudioSource(_originalAudioSource, gameObject);
        shoot.audioSource = SoundUtility.CopyAudioSource(_originalAudioSource, gameObject);
        hit.audioSource = SoundUtility.CopyAudioSource(_originalAudioSource, gameObject);
        irrigate.audioSource = SoundUtility.CopyAudioSource(_originalAudioSource, gameObject);
 public virtual void OnPostCollision(CharacterControllerCustom ccc, ControllerColliderHit hit)
     // Do nothing