Пример #1
	// We were hit!
	public IEnumerator GotHit(Vector3 hitDir, float hitForce, float stunTimeAfterStop, float stunAdd, int damage, int hurtOther,
		Transform attacker, bool guarded, Vector3 hitPos, bool hitRelative = true, CharacterAttacking charAttacking = null)
		// If we are dead or successfully guarded the attack, we will get
		// out of here.
		if(Stats[0] <= 0 || guarded)
			yield break;
		// Call the ResetParameters() method on all of our character scripts
		// that have it.
		// We subtract our defense stat from the damage received.
		int damageTaken = damage - Stats [3];
		bool slammed = hitDir.y < -3 && !_charMotor.onGround; // Air slammed.
			_stunAmount += stunAdd; // Add stun.
			// I found 8 was a good amount for being stunned with my setup now.
			// Decrease this if you want characters to be stunned easier. You will not
			// be stunned if about to die.
			if(_stunAmount > 8 && _charMotor.onGround && !slammed && hitDir.y < 6
				&& anim.GetInteger("HurtOther") < 3 && (Stats[0] - damageTaken > 0))
				// Stunned!
				hurtOther = 3;
				_stunAmount = 8;
				Stunned = true;
				if(myDizzyParticle == null)
					myDizzyParticle = Manager_Particle.instance.CreateParticle(myHead.position, ParticleTypes.Dizzy, 1);
				if(myDizzyParticle.transform.parent != myHead)
					myDizzyParticle.transform.parent = myHead;
				myDizzyParticle.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
				_dizPartEmit = myDizzyParticle.GetComponent<ParticleEmitter>();
				if (!_dizPartEmit)
				if (!myDizzyParticle.activeSelf)
				else if(_dizPartEmit) _dizPartEmit.emit = true;
			// If we are already stunned and we get hit, it always will result
			// in a knock down.
			hurtOther = 2; // Knocked down
			// The hit power increases so we get pushed further than we normally
			// were going to.
			hitDir.y = Mathf.Clamp(hitDir.y + 3, 3, 6);
			hitDir.x *= 1.5f; hitDir.z *= 1.5f;
			Vulnerable = false;
			Stunned = false;
			_stunAmount = 0;
			// More damage taken too.
			damageTaken = Mathf.RoundToInt(damageTaken * 1.5f);
			// We no longer need our dizzy particle.
			if (myDizzyParticle && _dizPartEmit && _dizPartEmit.emit)
				_dizPartEmit.emit = false;
		if(damageTaken < 1)
			damageTaken = 1; // Minimum of one damage.
		Manager_Particle.instance.Create3DNumber(damageTaken, hitPos, hitDir + Vector3.up, false);
		// Get our health after subtracting our damageTaken.
		int health = TakeDamage (damageTaken, Stats[1]);
		// Change our health bar slider stuff if below 50% of our max health.
		if(health < Stats[1] * 0.5f)
			if(health > Stats[1] * 0.25f)
				healthFill.color = Color.yellow;
			else // Below 25% max health.
				healthFill.color = Color.red;
				anim.SetLayerWeight(1, 1); // Our injured layer now activates.
				_charMotor.LowHealthSetup(true); // Make speed adjustments.
			// Increase our Hits Taken count for grading.
			if(PlayerNumber == 1)
			else if(PlayerNumber == 2)
            else if(PlayerNumber == 3)
            else if(PlayerNumber == 4)

		if(anim.GetInteger("HurtOther") == 4) // Is being held.
			if(health < 1)
				// If we died, we no longer need to be held.
				anim.SetInteger("HurtOther", 0);
				if (myTransform.parent) // Simply ensure that we still have a parent.
					myTransform.SendMessageUpwards("GrabBroken"); // Tell our grabber that we are no longer grabbed.
					myTransform.parent = null;
				anim.SetBool ("IsHurt", true);
				// We were hit while grabbed so we get out of here since
				// nothing else is needed in this case. We just go into our grabbed hurt state.
				yield break;

		// In case this needs to be reset from being grabbed, we do
		// so here.
		myRigidbody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation;

		Vector3 dir = -myTransform.forward;
		if(attacker != null)
			dir = (attacker.position - myTransform.position).normalized;
		if(hitRelative) // Default hit direction setup
			if(attacker != null)
				// We find this simply by taking our position - attacker's position
				Vector3 relDir = myTransform.position - attacker.position;
				hitDir.x = relDir.x;
				hitDir.z = relDir.z;

		// With Vector3.Dot here, -1 being we are dead center behind the
		// attacker who hit us. 1 being the attacker who hit us is dead
		// center in front.
		float direction = Vector3.Dot(dir, myTransform.forward);
		// We update all of our Animator parameters, saving the trigger "WasHit"
		// for last. It's best to save triggers for last so all of the
		// parameters can be set properly to determine which state to go into
		// next.
		anim.SetInteger ("HurtOther", hurtOther);
		anim.SetFloat ("HitDir", direction);
		anim.SetBool ("IsHurt", true);
		anim.SetInteger ("Health", health);
		anim.SetTrigger ("WasHit");

		if(_myAudio) // If we have an audio source, which we should.
			AudioClip voiceToUse = null;
			// Assign a audio clip to play based on what kind of damage
			// we took (hurtOther)
			if(health > 0)
				if(hurtOther < 2)
					// If we are lightly hit (hurtOther == 0) we won't always play a hurt voice. If we
					// are hit hard (hurtOther == 1), then we always will.
					if(voicesHit.Length > 0 && ((hurtOther == 0  && Random.value > 0.5f) || hurtOther == 1))
						voiceToUse = voicesHit[Random.Range(0, voicesHit.Length)];
				else if(hurtOther == 2)
					if(voicesHitDown.Length > 0)
						voiceToUse = voicesHitDown[Random.Range(0, voicesHitDown.Length)];
			if(voiceToUse != null) // If we assigned one, play it.
				Manager_Audio.PlaySound(_myAudio, voiceToUse, false);
		// If knocked down or dead, make sure we aren't vulnerable.
		if(hurtOther == 2 || health <= 0)
			Vulnerable = false;
		if(hitDir.y > 8) // Limit how high we can be hit up into the air.
			hitDir.y = 8;
		// Increase these by the hitForce given.
		hitDir.x *= hitForce; hitDir.z *= hitForce;
		myRigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.08f);
		myRigidbody.velocity = hitDir;
		if(health > 0)
			if (slammed)
				while (!_charMotor.onGround)
					yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.0001f);
				// After reaching here, we have hit the ground after being slammed.

				// Amount of damage from slamming into ground will be roughly 60%
				// of total damage taken from the slam attack.
				damageTaken = Mathf.RoundToInt(damageTaken * 0.6f);
				health = TakeDamage(Mathf.RoundToInt(damageTaken), Stats[1]);
				Manager_Particle.instance.Create3DNumber(Mathf.RoundToInt(damageTaken), myTransform.position + Vector3.up, hitDir, false);
				if (health <= 0) // Died from slam.
					// No more health to display
					healthFill.enabled = false;
					// Do the die coroutine instead now.
					StartCoroutine(Die(attacker, charAttacking, Vector3.up * Mathf.Abs(hitDir.y * 0.9f)));
					// We died so get out of here.
					yield break;
					// A small extra bounce from the land.
					myRigidbody.velocity = new Vector3(myRigidbody.velocity.x, Mathf.Abs(hitDir.y * 0.6f), myRigidbody.velocity.z);
				if(hitDir.y > 3)
					yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.4f);
			// If knocked down, wait until we have landed properly.
			while((slammed || hurtOther == 2) && (!_charMotor.onGround || myRigidbody.velocity.y > 0.2f))
					_charMotor.ManualRotate(hitDir, anim.GetFloat("HitDir") != -1, 5);
				yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.0001f);

			// If we were knocked down, here is where we will reset our
			// attacker's combo if we were the character they started comboing on.
			if(hurtOther == 2 && attacker != null)
				if(_charAttacking == null)
					charAttacking = attacker.GetComponent<CharacterAttacking>();
				if(charAttacking.StartedComboEnemy == myTransform)
					if(Manager_Targeting.instance.playerTargets.Count > 1)
						// If any other character just so happened to have us
						// as their started combo character.
						foreach(Transform player in Manager_Targeting.instance.playerTargets)
							if(player != attacker)
								CharacterAttacking pAttacking = player.GetComponent<CharacterAttacking>();
								if(pAttacking.StartedComboEnemy == myTransform)
			if (Stunned) // was stunned
				while (_stunAmount > 0)
					// Additional recovery with input or AI's attempt to recover.
					if (!AIOn)
						if ((_playerInput.enabled && Input.GetButtonDown(_playerInput.InputGuard))
                            || (_playerInputMobile.enabled && _playerInputMobile.guardButtonPressed == 1))
							_stunAmount -= 0.3f;
						if (Random.value < _characterAI.evadeRatio)
							_stunAmount -= 0.02f;
					_stunAmount -= 5 * Time.deltaTime; // Stun recover speed
					yield return 0;
				// No longer dizzy/stunned.
				Stunned = false;
				_stunAmount = 0;
				if (myDizzyParticle && _dizPartEmit && _dizPartEmit.emit)
					_dizPartEmit.emit = false;
				yield return new WaitForSeconds(stunTimeAfterStop);

			// No longer hurt. Resetting this will bring us back into our idle
			// state.
			anim.SetBool("IsHurt", false);
			anim.SetInteger("HurtOther", 0);
			// Wait until we are in a NotBusy state again.
            while(!BaseStateInfo.IsTag("NotBusy") && anim.GetInteger("Health") > 0)
				yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.0001f);
			// After recovering and back in idle or falling, reset attacker's combo.
			if(hurtOther != 2 && attacker != null)
				if(charAttacking == null)
					charAttacking = attacker.GetComponent<CharacterAttacking>();
				if(charAttacking.StartedComboEnemy == myTransform)
					if(Manager_Targeting.instance.playerTargets.Count > 1)
						foreach(Transform player in Manager_Targeting.instance.playerTargets)
							if(player != attacker)
								CharacterAttacking pAttacking = player.GetComponent<CharacterAttacking>();
								if(pAttacking.StartedComboEnemy == myTransform)
				_characterAI.Agent.Resume(); // Have our Agent guide us again.
			// An attempt for the AI to change its targeted character to the
			// attacker who attacked them if they don't have them targeted already.
				if(_charAttacking.TargetedCharacter != attacker && Random.value > 0.4f)
			// If we were knocked down, start the flashing setup while we aren't
			// vulnerable to show that.
			if(hurtOther == 2)
				StartFlash(0.2f, 0.3f, 2, FlashType.Color_Change);
        if(anim.GetInteger("Health") < 1)
			// No more health to display
			healthFill.enabled = false;
			// This is where all the Die-relating things happen.
			StartCoroutine(Die (attacker, charAttacking, hitDir));
		StopCoroutine ("GotHit");
Пример #2
	IEnumerator Die(Transform attacker, CharacterAttacking charAttacking, Vector3 hitDir)
			InputChange (false);
			if (deadPrefab == null)
				Manager_Audio.PlaySound(_myAudio, voiceDie, false);
			else AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(voiceDie, myTransform.position);
		// Stop displaying our target cursor.
		Manager_Targeting.instance.DisableTargetCursors (PlayerNumber, _charAttacking);
		if (myDizzyParticle && _dizPartEmit && _dizPartEmit.emit)
			_dizPartEmit.emit = false;
			Stunned = false;
			_stunAmount = 0;
		gameObject.name += "Dead"; // Now Detection radius' won't find us.
			// This enemy is no longer a target.
		if(attacker != null)
			// Setup for resetting attacker's combo and changing target for
			// anyone who has this character targeted since they are dead,
			// they shouldn't be targeted anymore.
			if(charAttacking == null)
				charAttacking = attacker.GetComponent<CharacterAttacking>();
			if(charAttacking.StartedComboEnemy == myTransform)
				if(charAttacking.TargetedCharacter == myTransform)
				if(Manager_Targeting.instance.playerTargets.Count > 1)
					foreach(Transform player in Manager_Targeting.instance.playerTargets)
						if(player != attacker)
							CharacterAttacking pAttacking = player.GetComponent<CharacterAttacking>();
							if(pAttacking.StartedComboEnemy == myTransform)
							if(pAttacking.TargetedCharacter == myTransform)
		// Additional height added from dying.
		hitDir.y = 3 + (hitDir.y * 2);
			// Get rid of our health bar and NavMeshAgent.
			Destroy (healthSlider.transform.parent.gameObject);
			Destroy (_characterAI.Agent.gameObject, 0.1f);
			_characterAI.enabled = false;
			// We are no longer needed in this list.
		Transform myCamTarget = myTransform;
		if(deadPrefab != null) // A ragdoll is assigned.
			// Create our ragdoll and give it velocity based on our hitDir.
			GameObject ragdoll = Instantiate(deadPrefab, myTransform.position, myTransform.rotation) as GameObject;
			Rigidbody ragRigid = ragdoll.GetComponentInChildren<Rigidbody>();
			ragRigid.velocity = new Vector3(hitDir.x * 3, hitDir.y, hitDir.z * 3);
				// Our ragdoll is the dead enemy for us now.
				yield break;
				// Make the cam switch its current target of this character with
				// the ragdoll. Use the one with the rigidbody on it.
				Camera_BEU.instance.ChangeTarget(myTransform, ragRigid.transform);
				myCamTarget = ragRigid.transform;
				// Make it so we can't be seen.
				foreach(SkinnedMeshRenderer skinMesh in mySkinnedMeshes)
					skinMesh.enabled = false;
				// We disable ourselves while the ragdoll is there.
				myRigidbody.isKinematic = true;
				GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = false;
				yield return new WaitForSeconds(4);
				if(playerLives > 1) // We can respawn.
					// Change the cam back to us in place of our ragdoll.
					Camera_BEU.instance.ChangeTarget(ragRigid.transform, myTransform);
					Destroy (ragdoll); // No longer need the ragdoll.
		else // Die using an animation.
			if(IsEnemy && !Manager_Game.instance.enemiesDead.Contains(this.gameObject))
			_charAttacking.enabled = false;
			if(playerLives > 1)
				if(deadPrefab == null) // Died using an animation.
					yield return new WaitForSeconds(2.9f); // Dead time
					foreach(SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMesh in mySkinnedMeshes)
						skinnedMesh.enabled = false;
					yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);
				yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.5f);
			else // No more lives left.
                Manager_Game.instance.LiveChange(PlayerNumber, -1);
				// We are no longer an active player in the game...
				// The Manager_UI will now not display our results at the end of
				// the stage, provided that another player makes it.
				if(PlayerNumber == 1)
					Manager_UI.ShowP1Results = false;
				else if(PlayerNumber == 2)
					Manager_UI.ShowP2Results = false;
                else if(PlayerNumber == 3)
                    Manager_UI.ShowP3Results = false;
                else if(PlayerNumber == 4)
                    Manager_UI.ShowP4Results = false;
				// The camera doesn't need to target us anymore.
				if(Manager_Game.playersDefeated.Count == Manager_Game.NumberOfPlayers)
					// Game Over!
					Manager_Game.instance.Invoke("GameOver", 1);
				else // Other players remain.
					// Wait until the battle ends.
						yield return 0;
					// Next is where we control an AI player who may still
					// be active in the game using our controls while keeping
					// their player number.
					foreach(Transform player in Manager_Targeting.instance.playerTargets)
							CharacterStatus cStatus = player.GetComponent<CharacterStatus>();
                                if(player == Manager_Targeting.instance.playerTargets[0])
								    cStatus.InputChange(true, true, PlayerNumber);
					// We will flash away and then be deactivated if we do not have a ragdoll
						StartFlash(0.2f, 0.6f, 3, FlashType.Renderer_Disable);
		StopCoroutine ("Die");