Пример #1
        private void PlayIdleAnimation()
            //IL_0003: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            CharacterAnimationInfo animationInfo = new CharacterAnimationInfo(coords, "idle", "idle", loops: true, m_direction, m_mapRotation);

            StartAnimation(animationInfo, null, null, restart: false);
Пример #2
        private void StartAnimation(CharacterAnimationInfo animationInfo, Action onComplete = null, Action onCancel = null, bool restart = true, bool async = false)
            //IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            string animationName = animationInfo.animationName;
            string timelineKey   = animationInfo.timelineKey;

            m_animator2D.get_transform().set_localRotation(animationInfo.flipX ? Quaternion.Euler(0f, -135f, 0f) : Quaternion.Euler(0f, 45f, 0f));
            direction = animationInfo.direction;
            ITimelineAssetProvider characterData = m_characterData;

            if (characterData != null)
                TimelineAsset timelineAsset;
                bool          flag = characterData.TryGetTimelineAsset(timelineKey, out timelineAsset);
                if (flag && null != timelineAsset)
                    if (timelineAsset != m_playableDirector.get_playableAsset())
                        if (restart || !m_animator2D.get_animationName().Equals(animationName))
                    m_hasTimeline = true;
                    if (flag)
                        Log.Warning("Character named '" + m_characterData.get_name() + "' has a timeline setup for key '" + timelineKey + "' but the actual asset is null.", 323, "C:\\BuildAgents\\AgentB\\work\\cub_client_win64_develop\\client\\DofusCube.Unity\\Assets\\Core\\Code\\HavreMap\\MapPathfindingActor.cs");
                    m_hasTimeline = false;
            m_animationCallback.Setup(animationName, restart, onComplete, onCancel);
            m_animator2D.SetAnimation(animationName, animationInfo.loops, async, restart);
            m_animationParameters = animationInfo.parameters;
Пример #3
        private IEnumerator MoveToRoutine(List <Vector3> path, Vector3 endLookAt)
            //IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            //IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
            int movementCellsCount = path.Count;

            if (movementCellsCount <= 1)
                yield break;
            Animator2D animator = m_animator2D;

            AnimatedFightCharacterData.IdleToRunTransitionMode idleToRunTransitionMode = m_characterData.idleToRunTransitionMode;
            Vector3 startCell = path[0];

            if (!m_isRunning && idleToRunTransitionMode.HasFlag(AnimatedFightCharacterData.IdleToRunTransitionMode.IdleToRun))
                Direction direction = (movementCellsCount >= 2) ? GetDirection(startCell, path[1]) : this.direction;
                CharacterAnimationInfo transitionAnimationInfo2 = new CharacterAnimationInfo(new Vector2(startCell.x, startCell.z), "idle_run", "idle-to-run", loops: false, direction, m_mapRotation);
                if (!transitionAnimationInfo2.animationName.Equals(m_animator2D.get_animationName()))
                while (!CharacterObjectUtility.HasAnimationEnded(animator, transitionAnimationInfo2))
                    yield return(null);
            m_isRunning = true;
            Vector3 previousCoords = startCell;
            int     num;

            for (int i = 1; i < movementCellsCount; i = num)
                Vector3   coords     = path[i];
                Vector3   direction2 = coords - previousCoords;
                float     magnitude  = direction2.get_magnitude();
                Direction direction3 = GetDirection(direction2);
                CharacterAnimationInfo animationInfo = new CharacterAnimationInfo(new Vector2(coords.x, coords.z), "run", "run", loops: true, direction3, m_mapRotation);
                StartAnimation(animationInfo, null, null, restart: false);
                float cellTraversalDuration = magnitude * 5f * (1f / m_speedFactor) / (float)animator.get_frameRate();
                float animationTime         = 0f;
                    Vector3 val = Vector3.Lerp(previousCoords, coords, animationTime / cellTraversalDuration);
                    this.get_transform().set_position(val + Vector3.get_up() * m_heightOffest);
                    yield return(null);

                    animationTime += Time.get_deltaTime();
                }while (animationTime < cellTraversalDuration);
                this.get_transform().set_position(coords + Vector3.get_up() * m_heightOffest);
                previousCoords = coords;
                num            = i + 1;
            m_isRunning = false;
            if (idleToRunTransitionMode.HasFlag(AnimatedFightCharacterData.IdleToRunTransitionMode.RunToIdle))
                CharacterAnimationInfo transitionAnimationInfo2 = new CharacterAnimationInfo(new Vector2(previousCoords.x, previousCoords.z), "run_idle", "run-to-idle", loops: false, this.direction, m_mapRotation);
                while (!CharacterObjectUtility.HasAnimationEnded(animator, transitionAnimationInfo2))
                    yield return(null);
            if (endLookAt != Vector3.get_zero())
                m_direction = GetDirection(endLookAt);
            m_movementCoroutine = null;