private string formatComment(string text) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(""); if (text == null) { return(stringBuilder.toString()); } Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[\\n\\r\\f]+"); CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(text); if (pattern.matcher(charSequence).find()) { string[] array = String.instancehelper_split(text, new StringBuilder().append('[').append(JSGFRuleGrammar.LINE_SEPARATOR).append("]+").toString()); stringBuilder.append("/**").append(JSGFRuleGrammar.LINE_SEPARATOR); stringBuilder.append(" *").append(array[0]).append(JSGFRuleGrammar.LINE_SEPARATOR); for (int i = 1; i < array.Length; i++) { stringBuilder.append(" *").append(array[i]).append(JSGFRuleGrammar.LINE_SEPARATOR); } stringBuilder.append(" */"); return(stringBuilder.toString()); } return(new StringBuilder().append("//").append(text).toString()); }
public static string toXML(ConfigurationManager cm) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n"); stringBuilder.append("\n<!-- Sphinx-4 Configuration file--> \n\n"); stringBuilder.append("<config>"); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\_\\{(\\w+)\\}"); Map globalProperties = cm.getGlobalProperties(); Iterator iterator = globalProperties.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); string text = (string)entry.getKey(); Pattern pattern2 = pattern; object _ref = text; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); Matcher matcher = pattern2.matcher(charSequence); text = ((!matcher.matches()) ? text :; stringBuilder.append("\n\t<property name=\"").append(text).append("\" value=\"").append((string)entry.getValue()).append("\"/>"); } iterator = cm.getComponentNames().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { string text2 = (string); stringBuilder.append("\n\n").append(ConfigurationManagerUtils.propSheet2XML(text2, cm.getPropertySheet(text2))); } stringBuilder.append("\n</config>"); return(stringBuilder.toString()); }
private static bool matches(Pattern pattern, string _ref) { CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(charSequence); return(matcher.matches()); }
public static string getLogPrefix(ConfigurationManager cm) { if (cm.getConfigURL() != null) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string name = new File(cm.getConfigURL().getFile()).getName(); object obj = ".sxl"; object obj2 = ""; object obj3 = obj; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj3); CharSequence charSequence2 = charSequence; obj3 = obj2; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj3); string text = String.instancehelper_replace(name, charSequence2, charSequence); object obj4 = ".xml"; obj3 = ""; obj2 = obj4; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj2); CharSequence charSequence3 = charSequence; obj2 = obj3; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj2); return(stringBuilder.append(String.instancehelper_replace(text, charSequence3, charSequence)).append('.').toString()); } return("S4CM."); }
public override int getNextNode(object obj) { Pattern pattern = this.pattern; object _ref = (string)obj; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); return((!pattern.matcher(charSequence).matches()) ? this.qfalse : this.qtrue); }
private void usMoneyToWords(string text) { int num = String.instancehelper_indexOf(text, 46); if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.illionPattern, (string)this.tokenItem.findFeature(""))) { NumberExpander.expandReal(String.instancehelper_substring(text, 1), this.wordRelation); } else if (num == -1) { string text2 = String.instancehelper_substring(text, 1); this.tokenToWords(text2); if (String.instancehelper_equals(text2, "1")) { this.wordRelation.addWord("dollar"); } else { this.wordRelation.addWord("dollars"); } } else if (num == String.instancehelper_length(text) - 1 || String.instancehelper_length(text) - num > 3) { NumberExpander.expandReal(String.instancehelper_substring(text, 1), this.wordRelation); this.wordRelation.addWord("dollars"); } else { string text3 = String.instancehelper_substring(text, 1, num); object obj = ","; object obj2 = ""; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj); CharSequence charSequence2 = CharSequence.Cast(obj2); string text2 = String.instancehelper_replace(text3, charSequence2, charSequence); string text4 = String.instancehelper_substring(text, num + 1); NumberExpander.expandNumber(text2, this.wordRelation); if (String.instancehelper_equals(text2, "1")) { this.wordRelation.addWord("dollar"); } else { this.wordRelation.addWord("dollars"); } if (!String.instancehelper_equals(text4, "00")) { NumberExpander.expandNumber(text4, this.wordRelation); if (String.instancehelper_equals(text4, "01")) { this.wordRelation.addWord("cent"); } else { this.wordRelation.addWord("cents"); } } } }
public static string stripGlobalSymbol(string symbol) { Pattern pattern = ConfigurationManagerUtils.globalSymbolPattern; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(symbol); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(charSequence); if (matcher.matches()) { return(; } return(symbol); }
public virtual List expand(string text) { string inputText = this.simplifyChars(text); CharTokenizer charTokenizer = new CharTokenizer(); charTokenizer.setWhitespaceSymbols(" \t\n\r"); charTokenizer.setSingleCharSymbols(""); charTokenizer.setPrepunctuationSymbols("\"'`({["); charTokenizer.setPostpunctuationSymbols("\"'`.,:;!?(){}[]"); charTokenizer.setInputText(inputText); Utterance utterance = new Utterance(charTokenizer); Relation relation; if ((relation = utterance.getRelation("Token")) == null) { string text2 = "token relation does not exist"; throw new IllegalStateException(text2); } this.wordRelation = WordRelation.createWordRelation(utterance, this); this.tokenItem = relation.getHead(); while (this.tokenItem != null) { FeatureSet features = this.tokenItem.getFeatures(); string @string = features.getString("name"); this.tokenToWords(@string); this.tokenItem = this.tokenItem.getNext(); } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (Item item = utterance.getRelation("Word").getHead(); item != null; item = item.getNext()) { if (!String.instancehelper_isEmpty(item.toString())) { string text3 = item.toString(); object _ref = "#"; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); if (!String.instancehelper_contains(text3, charSequence)) { arrayList.add(item.toString()); } } } return(arrayList); }
public static URL resourceToURL(string location) { Pattern pattern = ConfigurationManagerUtils.jarPattern; object _ref = location; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(charSequence); if (matcher.matches()) { string text =; return(ClassLiteral <ConfigurationManagerUtils> .Value.getResource(text)); } if (String.instancehelper_indexOf(location, 58) == -1) { location = new StringBuilder().append("file:").append(location).toString(); } return(new URL(location)); }
public static void expandOrdinal(string rawNumberString, WordRelation wordRelation) { object obj = ","; object obj2 = ""; object _ref = obj; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); CharSequence charSequence2 = charSequence; _ref = obj2; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); NumberExpander.expandNumber(String.instancehelper_replace(rawNumberString, charSequence2, charSequence), wordRelation); Item tail = wordRelation.getTail(); if (tail != null) { FeatureSet features = tail.getFeatures(); string @string = features.getString("name"); string text = NumberExpander.findMatchInArray(@string, NumberExpander.digit2num, NumberExpander.ord2num); if (text == null) { text = NumberExpander.findMatchInArray(@string, NumberExpander.digit2teen, NumberExpander.ord2teen); } if (text == null) { text = NumberExpander.findMatchInArray(@string, NumberExpander.digit2enty, NumberExpander.ord2enty); } if (String.instancehelper_equals(@string, "hundred")) { text = "hundredth"; } else if (String.instancehelper_equals(@string, "thousand")) { text = "thousandth"; } else if (String.instancehelper_equals(@string, "billion")) { text = "billionth"; } if (text != null) { wordRelation.setLastWord(text); } } }
public override float getProbability(WordSequence wordSequence) { int num = wordSequence.size(); if (num > this.maxDepth) { string text = new StringBuilder().append("Unsupported NGram: ").append(wordSequence.size()).toString(); throw new Error(text); } Float @float; if (num == this.maxDepth) { @float = (Float)this.ngramProbCache.get(wordSequence); if (@float != null) { this.ngramHits++; return(@float.floatValue()); } this.ngramMisses++; } @float = this.getNGramProbability(wordSequence); if (num == this.maxDepth) { this.ngramProbCache.put(wordSequence, @float); } if (this.logFile != null && @float != null) { PrintWriter printWriter = this.logFile; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string text2 = wordSequence.toString(); object obj = "]["; object obj2 = " "; object _ref = obj; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); CharSequence charSequence2 = charSequence; _ref = obj2; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); printWriter.println(stringBuilder.append(String.instancehelper_replace(text2, charSequence2, charSequence)).append(" : ").append(Float.toString(@float.floatValue())).toString()); } return(@float.floatValue()); }
private void loadClusters(string[] array) { this.clusters = new ArrayList[array.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { this.clusters[i] = null; } for (int i = 2; i < array.Length; i++) { string text = array[i]; string text2 = text; object _ref = this.tie; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); if (String.instancehelper_contains(text2, charSequence)) { string[] array2 = String.instancehelper_split(text, Pattern.quote(this.tie)); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(array2)); this.clusters[i] = arrayList; } } }
public virtual List expand(string text) { text = String.instancehelper_replace(text, '’', '\''); text = String.instancehelper_replace(text, '‘', ' '); text = String.instancehelper_replace(text, '”', ' '); text = String.instancehelper_replace(text, '“', ' '); text = String.instancehelper_replace(text, '"', ' '); text = String.instancehelper_replace(text, '»', ' '); text = String.instancehelper_replace(text, '«', ' '); text = String.instancehelper_replace(text, '–', '-'); text = String.instancehelper_replace(text, '—', ' '); text = String.instancehelper_replace(text, '…', ' '); string text2 = text; object obj = " - "; object obj2 = " "; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj); CharSequence charSequence2 = CharSequence.Cast(obj2); text = String.instancehelper_replace(text2, charSequence2, charSequence); text = String.instancehelper_replaceAll(text, "[/_*%]", " "); text = String.instancehelper_toLowerCase(text); string[] array = String.instancehelper_split(text, "[.,?:!;()]"); return Arrays.asList(array); }
public static void setProperty(ConfigurationManager cm, string propName, string propValue) { if (!ConfigurationManagerUtils.assertionsDisabled && propValue == null) { throw new AssertionError(); } Map map = ConfigurationManagerUtils.listAllsPropNames(cm); Set componentNames = cm.getComponentNames(); object _ref; CharSequence charSequence; if (!map.containsKey(propName)) { string text = propName; _ref = "->"; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); if (!String.instancehelper_contains(text, charSequence) && !componentNames.contains(propName)) { string text2 = new StringBuilder().append("No property or configurable '").append(propName).append("' in configuration '").append(cm.getConfigURL()).append("'!").toString(); throw new RuntimeException(text2); } } if (componentNames.contains(propName)) { try { Class confClass = Class.forName(propValue, ConfigurationManagerUtils.__GetCallerID()).asSubclass(ClassLiteral <Configurable> .Value); ConfigurationManagerUtils.setClass(cm.getPropertySheet(propName), confClass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } string text3 = propName; _ref = "->"; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); if (!String.instancehelper_contains(text3, charSequence) && ((List)map.get(propName)).size() > 1) { string text4 = new StringBuilder().append("Property-name '").append(propName).append("' is ambiguous with respect to configuration '").append(cm.getConfigURL()).append("'. Use 'componentName->propName' to disambiguate your request.").toString(); throw new RuntimeException(text4); } string text5 = propName; _ref = "->"; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); string componentName; if (String.instancehelper_contains(text5, charSequence)) { string[] array = String.instancehelper_split(propName, "->"); componentName = array[0]; propName = array[1]; } else { componentName = ((PropertySheet)((List)map.get(propName)).get(0)).getInstanceName(); } ConfigurationManagerUtils.setProperty(cm, componentName, propName, propValue); }
private void readHeader(DataInputStream dataInputStream) { int num = this.readInt(dataInputStream, this.bigEndian); if (num != String.instancehelper_length("Darpa Trigram LM") + 1 && num != String.instancehelper_length("Darpa Quadrigram LM") + 1 && num != String.instancehelper_length("Darpa \\d-gram LM") - 1) { num = Utilities.swapInteger(num); if (num != String.instancehelper_length("Darpa Trigram LM") + 1 && num != String.instancehelper_length("Darpa Quadrigram LM") + 1 && num != String.instancehelper_length("Darpa \\d-gram LM") - 1) { string text = new StringBuilder().append("Bad binary LM file magic number: ").append(num).append(", not an LM dumpfile?").toString(); throw new Error(text); } this.bigEndian = false; } string text2 = this.readString(dataInputStream, num - 1); sbyte b = (sbyte)dataInputStream.readByte(); this.bytesRead += 1L; CharSequence charSequence; if (!String.instancehelper_equals(text2, "Darpa Trigram LM") && !String.instancehelper_equals(text2, "Darpa Quadrigram LM")) { string text3 = "Darpa \\d-gram LM"; object _ref = text2; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); if (!Pattern.matches(text3, charSequence)) { string text4 = new StringBuilder().append("Bad binary LM file header: ").append(text2).toString(); throw new Error(text4); } } if (String.instancehelper_equals(text2, "Darpa Trigram LM")) { this.maxNGram = 3; } else if (String.instancehelper_equals(text2, "Darpa Quadrigram LM")) { this.maxNGram = 4; } else { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\d"); Pattern pattern2 = pattern; object _ref = text2; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); Matcher matcher = pattern2.matcher(charSequence); this.maxNGram = Integer.parseInt(; } int num2 = this.readInt(dataInputStream, this.bigEndian); this.skipStreamBytes(dataInputStream, (long)num2); this.numberNGrams = new int[this.maxNGram]; this.NGramOffset = new long[this.maxNGram]; this.NGramProbTable = new float[this.maxNGram][]; this.NGramBackoffTable = new float[this.maxNGram][]; this.NGramSegmentTable = new int[this.maxNGram][]; this.numberNGrams[0] = 0; this.logNGramSegmentSize = 9; int num3 = this.readInt(dataInputStream, this.bigEndian); this.bytesPerField = 2; if (num3 <= 0) { this.readInt(dataInputStream, this.bigEndian); if (num3 <= -3) { this.bytesPerField = 4; } int i; while ((i = this.readInt(dataInputStream, this.bigEndian)) != 0) { this.bytesRead += (long)dataInputStream.skipBytes(i); } if (num3 == -2) { this.logNGramSegmentSize = this.readInt(dataInputStream, this.bigEndian); if (this.logNGramSegmentSize < 1 || this.logNGramSegmentSize > 15) { string text5 = "log2(bg_seg_sz) outside range 1..15"; throw new Error(text5); } } this.numberNGrams[0] = this.readInt(dataInputStream, this.bigEndian); } else { this.numberNGrams[0] = num3; } if (this.numberNGrams[0] <= 0) { string text6 = new StringBuilder().append("Bad number of unigrams: ").append(this.numberNGrams[0]).append(", must be > 0.").toString(); throw new Error(text6); } for (int i = 1; i < this.maxNGram; i++) { int[] array = this.numberNGrams; int num4 = i; int num5 = this.readInt(dataInputStream, this.bigEndian); int num6 = num4; int[] array2 = array; int num7 = num5; array2[num6] = num5; if (num7 < 0) { string text7 = new StringBuilder().append("Bad number of ").append(String.valueOf(i)).append("-grams: ").append(this.numberNGrams[i]).toString(); throw new Error(text7); } } }
private void tokenToWords(string text) { FeatureSet features = this.tokenItem.getFeatures(); string @string = features.getString("name"); int num = String.instancehelper_length(text); if (features.isPresent("phones")) { this.wordRelation.addWord(text); } else if ((String.instancehelper_equals(text, "a") || String.instancehelper_equals(text, "A")) && (this.tokenItem.getNext() == null || !String.instancehelper_equals(text, @string) || !String.instancehelper_equals((string)this.tokenItem.findFeature("punc"), ""))) { this.wordRelation.addWord("_a"); } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.alphabetPattern, text)) { if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.romanNumbersPattern, text)) { this.romanToWords(text); } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.illionPattern, text) && USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.usMoneyPattern, (string)this.tokenItem.findFeature(""))) { this.wordRelation.addWord(text); this.wordRelation.addWord("dollars"); } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.drStPattern, text)) { this.drStToWords(text); } else if (String.instancehelper_equals(text, "Mr")) { this.tokenItem.getFeatures().setString("punc", ""); this.wordRelation.addWord("mister"); } else if (String.instancehelper_equals(text, "Mrs")) { this.tokenItem.getFeatures().setString("punc", ""); this.wordRelation.addWord("missus"); } else if (num == 1 && Character.isUpperCase(String.instancehelper_charAt(text, 0)) && String.instancehelper_equals((string)this.tokenItem.findFeature("n.whitespace"), " ") && Character.isUpperCase(String.instancehelper_charAt((string)this.tokenItem.findFeature(""), 0))) { features.setString("punc", ""); string text2 = String.instancehelper_toLowerCase(text); if (String.instancehelper_equals(text2, "a")) { this.wordRelation.addWord("_a"); } else { this.wordRelation.addWord(text2); } } else if (!this.isStateName(text)) { if (num > 1 && !this.isPronounceable(text)) { NumberExpander.expandLetters(text, this.wordRelation); } else { this.wordRelation.addWord(String.instancehelper_toLowerCase(text)); } } } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.dottedAbbrevPattern, text)) { object obj = "."; object obj2 = ""; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj); CharSequence charSequence2 = CharSequence.Cast(obj2); NumberExpander.expandLetters(String.instancehelper_replace(text, charSequence2, charSequence), this.wordRelation); } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.commaIntPattern, text)) { object obj4 = ","; object obj3 = ""; object obj2 = obj4; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj4); CharSequence charSequence3 = CharSequence.Cast(obj3); string text3 = String.instancehelper_replace(text, charSequence3, charSequence); object obj5 = "'"; obj2 = ""; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj5); CharSequence charSequence4 = charSequence; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj2); NumberExpander.expandReal(String.instancehelper_replace(text3, charSequence4, charSequence), this.wordRelation); } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.sevenPhoneNumberPattern, text)) { int num2 = String.instancehelper_indexOf(text, 45); string numberString = String.instancehelper_substring(text, 0, num2); string text4 = String.instancehelper_substring(text, num2 + 1); NumberExpander.expandDigits(numberString, this.wordRelation); this.wordRelation.addBreak(); NumberExpander.expandDigits(text4, this.wordRelation); } else if (this.matchesPartPhoneNumber(text)) { string text2 = (string)this.tokenItem.findFeature("punc"); if (String.instancehelper_equals(text2, "")) { this.tokenItem.getFeatures().setString("punc", ","); } NumberExpander.expandDigits(text, this.wordRelation); this.wordRelation.addBreak(); } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.numberTimePattern, text)) { int num2 = String.instancehelper_indexOf(text, 58); string numberString = String.instancehelper_substring(text, 0, num2); string text4 = String.instancehelper_substring(text, num2 + 1); NumberExpander.expandNumber(numberString, this.wordRelation); if (!String.instancehelper_equals(text4, "00")) { NumberExpander.expandID(text4, this.wordRelation); } } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.digits2DashPattern, text)) { this.digitsDashToWords(text); } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.digitsPattern, text)) { this.digitsToWords(text); } else if (num == 1 && Character.isUpperCase(String.instancehelper_charAt(text, 0)) && String.instancehelper_equals((string)this.tokenItem.findFeature("n.whitespace"), " ") && Character.isUpperCase(String.instancehelper_charAt((string)this.tokenItem.findFeature(""), 0))) { features.setString("punc", ""); string text2 = String.instancehelper_toLowerCase(text); if (String.instancehelper_equals(text2, "a")) { this.wordRelation.addWord("_a"); } else { this.wordRelation.addWord(text2); } } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.doublePattern, text)) { NumberExpander.expandReal(text, this.wordRelation); } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.ordinalPattern, text)) { string text2 = String.instancehelper_substring(text, 0, num - 2); NumberExpander.expandOrdinal(text2, this.wordRelation); } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.usMoneyPattern, text)) { this.usMoneyToWords(text); } else if (num > 0 && String.instancehelper_charAt(text, num - 1) == '%') { this.tokenToWords(String.instancehelper_substring(text, 0, num - 1)); this.wordRelation.addWord("percent"); } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.numessPattern, text)) { NumberExpander.expandNumess(String.instancehelper_substring(text, 0, num - 1), this.wordRelation); } else if (USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.digitsSlashDigitsPattern, text) && String.instancehelper_equals(text, @string)) { this.digitsSlashDigitsToWords(text); } else if (String.instancehelper_indexOf(text, 45) != -1) { this.dashToWords(text); } else if (num > 1 && !USEnglishTokenizer.matches(USEnglishTokenizer.alphabetPattern, text)) { this.notJustAlphasToWords(text); } else if (String.instancehelper_equals(text, "&")) { this.wordRelation.addWord("and"); } else if (!String.instancehelper_equals(text, "-")) { this.wordRelation.addWord(String.instancehelper_toLowerCase(text)); } }
private string getInputLine() { string text = [email protected](); if (text == null) { return(null); } int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; Pattern pattern = CommandInterpreter.historyPush; object _ref = text; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(charSequence); if (matcher.matches()) { num = 1; num2 = 1; text =; } if (String.instancehelper_startsWith(text, "^")) { Pattern pattern2 = CommandInterpreter.editPattern; _ref = text; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); matcher = pattern2.matcher(charSequence); if (matcher.matches()) { string text2 =; string text3 =; PatternSyntaxException ex2; try { Pattern pattern3 = Pattern.compile(text2); Pattern pattern4 = pattern3; _ref = this.history.getLast(0); charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); Matcher matcher2 = pattern4.matcher(charSequence); if (matcher2.find()) { text = matcher2.replaceFirst(text3); num2 = 1; } else { num3 = 1; this.putResponse(new StringBuilder().append(text).append(": substitution failed").toString()); } } catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) { ex2 = ex; goto IL_114; } goto IL_144; IL_114: PatternSyntaxException ex3 = ex2; num3 = 1; this.putResponse(new StringBuilder().append("Bad regexp: ").append(ex3.getDescription()).toString()); IL_144 :; } else { num3 = 1; this.putResponse("bad substitution sytax, use ^old^new^"); } } else { Pattern pattern5 = CommandInterpreter.bbPattern; _ref = text; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); if ((matcher = pattern5.matcher(charSequence)).find()) { text = matcher.replaceAll(this.history.getLast(0)); num2 = 1; } else if (String.instancehelper_startsWith(text, "!")) { if (String.instancehelper_matches(text, "!\\d+")) { int num4 = Integer.parseInt(String.instancehelper_substring(text, 1)); text = this.history.get(num4); } else if (String.instancehelper_matches(text, "!-\\d+")) { int num4 = Integer.parseInt(String.instancehelper_substring(text, 2)); text = this.history.getLast(num4 - 1); } else { text = this.history.findLast(String.instancehelper_substring(text, 1)); } num2 = 1; } } if (num3 != 0) { return(""); } if (!String.instancehelper_isEmpty(text)) { this.history.add(text); } if (num2 != 0) { this.putResponse(text); } return((num == 0) ? text : ""); }
public static Lattice readSlf(InputStream stream) { Lattice lattice = new Lattice(); LineNumberReader lineNumberReader = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(stream)); int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 1; double num5 = 9.5; string text; while ((text = lineNumberReader.readLine()) != null) { string text2 = text; object obj = "Node definitions"; CharSequence charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj); if (String.instancehelper_contains(text2, charSequence)) { num2 = 0; num = 1; } else { string text3 = text; obj = "Link definitions"; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj); if (String.instancehelper_contains(text3, charSequence)) { num2 = 1; num = 0; } else if (!String.instancehelper_startsWith(text, "#")) { if (num != 0) { string[] array = String.instancehelper_split(text, "\\s+"); if (array.Length != 3 || !String.instancehelper_startsWith(array[0], "I=") || !String.instancehelper_startsWith(array[1], "t=") || !String.instancehelper_startsWith(array[2], "W=")) { lineNumberReader.close(); string text4 = new StringBuilder().append("Unknown node definition: ").append(text).toString(); throw new IOException(text4); } int num6 = Integer.parseInt(String.instancehelper_substring(array[0], 2)); long beginTime = ByteCodeHelper.d2l(Double.parseDouble(String.instancehelper_substring(array[1], 2)) * 1000.0); string text5 = String.instancehelper_substring(array[2], 2); int isFiller = 0; if (num6 == num3 || String.instancehelper_equals(text5, "!ENTER")) { text5 = "<s>"; isFiller = 1; } if (num6 == num4 || String.instancehelper_equals(text5, "!EXIT")) { text5 = "</s>"; isFiller = 1; } if (String.instancehelper_equals(text5, "!NULL")) { text5 = "<sil>"; isFiller = 1; } if (String.instancehelper_startsWith(text5, "[")) { isFiller = 1; } Word word = new Word(text5, new Pronunciation[0], isFiller != 0); Node node = lattice.addNode(Integer.toString(num6), word, beginTime, -1L); if (String.instancehelper_equals(text5, "<s>")) { lattice.setInitialNode(node); } if (String.instancehelper_equals(text5, "</s>")) { lattice.setTerminalNode(node); } } else if (num2 != 0) { string[] array = String.instancehelper_split(text, "\\s+"); if (array.Length != 5 || !String.instancehelper_startsWith(array[1], "S=") || !String.instancehelper_startsWith(array[2], "E=") || !String.instancehelper_startsWith(array[3], "a=") || !String.instancehelper_startsWith(array[4], "l=")) { lineNumberReader.close(); string text6 = new StringBuilder().append("Unknown edge definition: ").append(text).toString(); throw new IOException(text6); } string text7 = String.instancehelper_substring(array[1], 2); string text8 = String.instancehelper_substring(array[2], 2); double acousticScore = Double.parseDouble(String.instancehelper_substring(array[3], 2)); double lmScore = Double.parseDouble(String.instancehelper_substring(array[4], 2)) * num5; lattice.addEdge((Node)lattice.nodes.get(text7), (Node)lattice.nodes.get(text8), acousticScore, lmScore); } else { if (String.instancehelper_startsWith(text, "start=")) { string text9 = text; object obj2 = "start="; obj = ""; object obj3 = obj2; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj3); CharSequence charSequence2 = charSequence; obj3 = obj; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj3); num3 = Integer.parseInt(String.instancehelper_replace(text9, charSequence2, charSequence)); } if (String.instancehelper_startsWith(text, "end=")) { string text10 = text; object obj4 = "end="; object obj3 = ""; obj = obj4; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj); CharSequence charSequence3 = charSequence; obj = obj3; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj); num4 = Integer.parseInt(String.instancehelper_replace(text10, charSequence3, charSequence)); } if (String.instancehelper_startsWith(text, "lmscale=")) { string text11 = text; object obj5 = "lmscale="; obj = ""; object obj3 = obj5; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj3); CharSequence charSequence4 = charSequence; obj3 = obj; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(obj3); num5 = Double.parseDouble(String.instancehelper_replace(text11, charSequence4, charSequence)); } } } } } Iterator iterator = lattice.nodes.values().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Node node2 = (Node); Iterator iterator2 = node2.getLeavingEdges().iterator(); while (iterator2.hasNext()) { Edge edge = (Edge); if (node2.getEndTime() < 0L || node2.getEndTime() > edge.getToNode().getBeginTime()) { node2.setEndTime(Math.max(edge.getToNode().getBeginTime(), node2.getBeginTime())); } } } return(lattice); }
public virtual void loadHTK(string nom) { try { BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(nom)); this.ngauss = 0; this.ncoefs = 0; CharSequence charSequence; for (;;) { string text = bufferedReader.readLine(); if (text == null) { break; } string text2 = text; object _ref = "<MEAN>"; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); if (String.instancehelper_contains(text2, charSequence)) { this.ngauss++; if (this.ncoefs == 0) { StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(text); stringTokenizer.nextToken(); this.ncoefs = Integer.parseInt(stringTokenizer.nextToken()); } } } bufferedReader.close(); this.allocate(); bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(nom)); int num = 0; for (;;) { string text = bufferedReader.readLine(); if (text == null) { break; } string text3 = text; object _ref = "<MEAN>"; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); if (String.instancehelper_contains(text3, charSequence)) { text = bufferedReader.readLine(); StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(text); int num2 = 0; while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { string text4 = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); this.setMean(num, num2, Float.parseFloat(text4)); num2++; } text = bufferedReader.readLine(); string text5 = text; _ref = "<VARIANCE>"; charSequence = CharSequence.Cast(_ref); if (!String.instancehelper_contains(text5, charSequence)) { goto Block_8; } text = bufferedReader.readLine(); stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(text); num2 = 0; while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { string text4 = stringTokenizer.nextToken(); this.setVar(num, num2, Float.parseFloat(text4)); num2++; } num++; } } bufferedReader.close(); this.precomputeDistance(); goto IL_19B; Block_8: bufferedReader.close(); throw new IOException(); } catch (IOException ex) { Throwable.instancehelper_printStackTrace(ex); } IL_19B: return; }