Пример #1
        protected void InitBuildSource(string InProjectName, FileReference InProjectPath, DirectoryReference InUnrealPath, bool InUsesSharedBuildType, string InBuildArgument, Func <string, string> ResolutionDelegate)
            UnrealPath          = InUnrealPath;
            UsesSharedBuildType = InUsesSharedBuildType;

            ProjectPath = InProjectPath;
            ProjectName = InProjectName;

            // Resolve the build argument into something meaningful
            string ResolvedBuildName;
            IEnumerable <string> ResolvedPaths = null;

            if (!ResolveBuildReference(InBuildArgument, ResolutionDelegate, out ResolvedPaths, out ResolvedBuildName))
                throw new AutomationException("Unable to resolve {0} to a valid build", InBuildArgument);

            BuildName  = ResolvedBuildName;
            BuildPaths = ResolvedPaths;

            DiscoveredBuilds = DiscoverBuilds();

            if (DiscoveredBuilds.Count() == 0)
                throw new AutomationException("No builds were discovered from resolved build argument {0}", InBuildArgument);

            // any Branch/CL info?
            Match M = Regex.Match(BuildName, @"(\+\+.+)-CL-(\d+)");

            if (M.Success)
                Branch     = M.Groups[1].Value.Replace("+", "/");
                Changelist = Convert.ToInt32(M.Groups[2].Value);
                Branch     = "";
                Changelist = 0;

            // allow user overrides (TODO - centralize all this!)
            Branch     = Globals.Params.ParseValue("branch", Branch);
            Changelist = Convert.ToInt32(Globals.Params.ParseValue("changelist", Changelist.ToString()));
Пример #2
        public void SetStreamTest()
            bool unicode = false;

            string uri       = "localhost:6666";
            string user      = "******";
            string pass      = string.Empty;
            string ws_client = "admin_space";

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) // run once for ascii, once for unicode
                Process p4d    = Utilities.DeployP4TestServer(TestDir, 6, unicode);
                Server  server = new Server(new ServerAddress(uri));
                    Repository rep = new Repository(server);

                    using (Connection con = rep.Connection)
                        con.UserName    = user;
                        con.Client      = new Client();
                        con.Client.Name = ws_client;

                        Changelist change = new Changelist();

                        // Add Stream field
                        change.Stream = "//test/stream1";

                        // Convert change object to string
                        string changeString = change.ToString();
                        Assert.AreEqual(changeString, "Change:\tnew\n\nDate:\t\n\nClient:\t\n\nUser:\t\n\nStatus:\tnew\n\nStream:\t//test/stream1\n\nDescription:\n\t\n\nJobs:\n\n\nFiles:\n");
                    Utilities.RemoveTestServer(p4d, TestDir);
                unicode = !unicode;
Пример #3
        public void ToStringTest()
            Changelist target   = new Changelist();
            string     spec     = testChangelistSpec;
            bool       expected = true;
            bool       actual;

            actual = target.Parse(spec);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            Changelist target2 = new Changelist();
            string     newSpec = target.ToString();

            expected = true;
            actual   = target2.Parse(newSpec);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            Assert.AreEqual(target.Id, target2.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(target.Description, target2.Description);
            Assert.AreEqual(target.ClientId, target2.ClientId);
            Assert.AreEqual(target.Jobs.Count, target2.Jobs.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(target.Files.Count, target2.Files.Count);
        private string Deployment2GceArgs(string tag                   = "",
                                          string MachineType           = "n1-standard-16",
                                          string Zone                  = "us-central1-a",
                                          string Region                = "NA",
                                          int InstanceSize             = 1,
                                          int InstanceSizeMin          = 1,
                                          int InstanceSizeMax          = 6,
                                          string AutoscalerId          = "default",
                                          string ExtraCliArgs          = "",
                                          string AppNameStringOverride = "",
                                          string HubServerName         = "")
            int LocalCpuBudget = CpuBudget;

            UnrealTournamentBuild.UnrealTournamentAppName LocalAppName = AppName;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(AppNameStringOverride))
                if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(UnrealTournamentBuild.UnrealTournamentAppName), AppNameStringOverride))
                    throw new AutomationException("Trying to override AppName to non-existant type: " + AppNameStringOverride);
                LocalAppName = (UnrealTournamentBuild.UnrealTournamentAppName)Enum.Parse(typeof(UnrealTournamentBuild.UnrealTournamentAppName), AppNameStringOverride);
                CommandUtils.Log("Overriding AppName from {0} to {1}", AppName, LocalAppName);

            string NetworkId       = "default";
            string CredentialsFile = "GceUtDevCredentials.txt";

            /* This is very confusing. UnrealTournament's live lable is UnrealTournamentDev. */
            if (LocalAppName == UnrealTournamentBuild.UnrealTournamentAppName.UnrealTournamentDev)
                NetworkId       = "unreal-tournament";
                CredentialsFile = "GceUtLiveCredentials.txt";

            if (InstanceSize == 0)
                InstanceSizeMin = 0;
                InstanceSizeMax = 0;
            else if (InstanceSizeMin > InstanceSize)
                InstanceSize = InstanceSizeMin;

            string         CredentialsFilePath           = GetUtilitiesFilePath(CredentialsFile);
            string         CredentialsFileContentsBase64 = ReadFileContents(CredentialsFilePath);
            string         CredentialsFileContents       = ConvertFromBase64(CredentialsFileContentsBase64);
            GceCredentials gceCredentials = GceCredentialsFromJson(CredentialsFileContents);

            string HTTPCredentialsFilePath = GetUtilitiesFilePath("DeployerAuthBase64.txt");

            if (File.Exists(HTTPCredentialsFilePath))
                string HTTPCredentialsFileContentsBase64 = ReadFileContents(HTTPCredentialsFilePath);
                HTTPAuthBase64 = HTTPCredentialsFileContentsBase64;

            Byte[] CliArgBytes;
            if (HubServerName != "")
                CliArgBytes    = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("UnrealTournament ut-entry?game=lobby?ServerName=\"" + HubServerName + "\" -nocore -epicapp=" + LocalAppName.ToString() + " " + ExtraCliArgs);
                LocalCpuBudget = 32000;
                CliArgBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("UnrealTournament ut-entry?game=empty?region=" + Region + " -epicapp=" + LocalAppName.ToString() + " " + ExtraCliArgs);
            Byte[] BuildStringBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(BuildString);
            string CloudArgs        = "epic_game_name=" + GameNameShort + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_binary=" + this.GameBinary + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_binary_path=" + this.GameBinaryPath + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_log_path=" + this.GameLogPath + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_saved_path=" + this.GameSavedPath + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_max_match_length=" + this.MaxMatchLength.ToString() + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_ttl_interval=" + this.TtlInterval.ToString() + "&" +
                                      "epic_install_sumo=" + this.InstallSumo + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_tag=" + GetTag(LocalAppName, Region, tag) + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_version=" + Changelist.ToString() + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_region=" + Region + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_cpu_budget=" + LocalCpuBudget + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_ram_budget=" + RamBudget + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_buildstr_base64=" + System.Convert.ToBase64String(BuildStringBytes) + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_environment=" + LocalAppName.ToString() + "&" +
                                      "epic_instance_size=" + InstanceSize.ToString() + "&" +
                                      "epic_instance_min=" + InstanceSizeMin.ToString() + "&" +
                                      "epic_instance_max=" + InstanceSizeMax.ToString() + "&" +
                                      "epic_autoscaler_id=" + AutoscalerId + "&" +
                                      "epic_gce_project_id=" + gceCredentials.project_id + "&" +
                                      "epic_gce_base64_credentials=" + CredentialsFileContentsBase64 + "&" +
                                      "epic_gce_machine_type=" + MachineType + "&" +
                                      "epic_gce_network=" + NetworkId + "&" +
                                      "epic_gce_zone=" + Zone + "&" +
                                      "epic_game_base64_cli_args=" + System.Convert.ToBase64String(CliArgBytes);

        private string Deployment2AwsArgs(string tag           = "",
                                          string InstanceType  = "c4.4xlarge",
                                          string AwsRegion     = "us-east-1",                           /* AU ap-southeast-2. KR ap-northeast-2 */
                                          string Region        = "NA",                                  /* KR South Korea. AU Australia */
                                          int InstanceSize     = 1,
                                          int InstanceSizeMin  = 1,
                                          int InstanceSizeMax  = 6,
                                          string AutoscalerId  = "default",
                                          string ExtraCliArgs  = "",
                                          string HubServerName = "")
            string AwsCredentialsFile = "AwsDedicatedServerCredentialsDecoded.txt";

            int LocalCpuBudget = CpuBudget;

            if (InstanceSize == 0)
                InstanceSizeMin = 0;
                InstanceSizeMax = 0;
            else if (InstanceSizeMin > InstanceSize)
                InstanceSize = InstanceSizeMin;

            string CredentialsFilePath = GetUtilitiesFilePath(AwsCredentialsFile);
            string AwsCredentials      = ReadFileContents(CredentialsFilePath);

            string[] AwsCredentialsList = AwsCredentials.Split(':');

            if (AwsCredentialsList.Length != 2)
                throw new AutomationException("Unable to parse credentials from file {0} {1}",
                                              AwsCredentialsFile, AwsCredentials);

            string AwsAccessKey = AwsCredentialsList[0];

            Byte[] AwsAccessSecretKeyBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(AwsCredentialsList[1]);

            Byte[] CliArgBytes;
            if (HubServerName != "")
                CliArgBytes    = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("UnrealTournament ut-entry?game=lobby?ServerName=\"" + HubServerName + "\" -nocore -epicapp=" + AppName.ToString() + " " + ExtraCliArgs);
                LocalCpuBudget = 32000;
                CliArgBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("UnrealTournament ut-entry?game=empty?region=" + Region + " -epicapp=" + AppName.ToString() + " " + ExtraCliArgs);
            Byte[] BuildStringBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(BuildString);

            string CloudArgs = "epic_game_name=" + GameNameShort + "&" +
                               "epic_game_binary=" + this.GameBinary + "&" +
                               "epic_game_binary_path=" + this.GameBinaryPath + "&" +
                               "epic_game_log_path=" + this.GameLogPath + "&" +
                               "epic_game_saved_path=" + this.GameSavedPath + "&" +
                               "epic_game_max_match_length=" + this.MaxMatchLength.ToString() + "&" +
                               "epic_game_ttl_interval=" + this.TtlInterval.ToString() + "&" +
                               "epic_install_sumo=" + this.InstallSumo + "&" +
                               "epic_game_tag=" + GetTag(AppName, Region, tag) + "&" +
                               "epic_game_version=" + Changelist.ToString() + "&" +
                               "epic_game_buildstr_base64=" + System.Convert.ToBase64String(BuildStringBytes) + "&" +
                               "epic_game_cpu_budget=" + LocalCpuBudget + "&" +
                               "epic_game_ram_budget=" + RamBudget + "&" +
                               "epic_game_environment=" + AppName.ToString() + "&" +
                               "epic_instance_size=" + InstanceSize.ToString() + "&" +
                               "epic_instance_min=" + InstanceSizeMin.ToString() + "&" +
                               "epic_instance_max=" + InstanceSizeMax.ToString() + "&" +
                               "epic_autoscaler_id=" + AutoscalerId + "&" +
                               "epic_aws_access_key=" + AwsAccessKey + "&" +
                               "epic_aws_base64_secret_key=" + System.Convert.ToBase64String(AwsAccessSecretKeyBytes) + "&" +
                               "epic_aws_instance_type=" + InstanceType + "&" +
                               "epic_aws_region=" + AwsRegion + "&" +
                               "epic_game_base64_cli_args=" + System.Convert.ToBase64String(CliArgBytes);

Пример #6
        protected void InitBuildSource(string InProjectName, bool InUsesSharedBuildType, string InUnrealPath, string InBuildArgument, Func <string, string> ResolutionDelegate)
            if (InBuildArgument.Equals("AutoP4", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                if (!CommandUtils.P4Enabled)
                    throw new AutomationException("-Build=AutoP4 requires -P4");
                if (CommandUtils.P4Env.Changelist < 1000)
                    throw new AutomationException("-Build=AutoP4 requires a CL from P4 and we have {0}", CommandUtils.P4Env.Changelist);

                string BuildRoot = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CommandUtils.RootBuildStorageDirectory());
                string CachePath = InternalUtils.GetEnvironmentVariable("UE-BuildCachePath", "");

                string SrcBuildPath  = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(BuildRoot, InProjectName);
                string SrcBuildPath2 = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(BuildRoot, InProjectName.Replace("Game", "").Replace("game", ""));

                string SrcBuildPath_Cache  = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CachePath, InProjectName);
                string SrcBuildPath2_Cache = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CachePath, InProjectName.Replace("Game", "").Replace("game", ""));

                if (!InternalUtils.SafeDirectoryExists(SrcBuildPath))
                    if (!InternalUtils.SafeDirectoryExists(SrcBuildPath2))
                        throw new AutomationException("-Build=AutoP4: Neither {0} nor {1} exists.", SrcBuildPath, SrcBuildPath2);
                    SrcBuildPath       = SrcBuildPath2;
                    SrcBuildPath_Cache = SrcBuildPath2_Cache;
                string SrcCLPath       = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(SrcBuildPath, CommandUtils.EscapePath(CommandUtils.P4Env.Branch) + "-CL-" + CommandUtils.P4Env.Changelist.ToString());
                string SrcCLPath_Cache = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(SrcBuildPath_Cache, CommandUtils.EscapePath(CommandUtils.P4Env.Branch) + "-CL-" + CommandUtils.P4Env.Changelist.ToString());
                if (!InternalUtils.SafeDirectoryExists(SrcCLPath))
                    throw new AutomationException("-Build=AutoP4: {0} does not exist.", SrcCLPath);

                if (InternalUtils.SafeDirectoryExists(SrcCLPath_Cache))
                    InBuildArgument = SrcCLPath_Cache;
                    InBuildArgument = SrcCLPath;
                Log.Verbose("Using AutoP4 path {0}", InBuildArgument);

            UnrealPath          = InUnrealPath;
            UsesSharedBuildType = InUsesSharedBuildType;


            // Resolve the build argument into something meaningful
            string ResolvedBuildPath, ResolvedBuildName;

            if (!ResolveBuildReference(InBuildArgument, ResolutionDelegate, out ResolvedBuildPath, out ResolvedBuildName))
                throw new AutomationException("Unable to resolve {0} to a valid build", InBuildArgument);

            BuildName        = ResolvedBuildName;
            BuildPath        = ResolvedBuildPath;
            DiscoveredBuilds = DiscoverBuilds();

            if (DiscoveredBuilds.Count() == 0)
                throw new AutomationException("No builds were discovered from resolved build argument {0}", InBuildArgument);

            // any Branch/CL info?
            Match M = Regex.Match(BuildName, @"(\+\+.+)-CL-(\d+)");

            if (M.Success)
                Branch     = M.Groups[1].Value.Replace("+", "/");
                Changelist = Convert.ToInt32(M.Groups[2].Value);
                Branch     = "";
                Changelist = 0;

            // allow user overrides (TODO - centralize all this!)
            Branch     = Globals.Params.ParseValue("branch", Branch);
            Changelist = Convert.ToInt32(Globals.Params.ParseValue("changelist", Changelist.ToString()));