public async void RetrieveStaticChampionsTest() { ChampionListStatic champions = await creepScore.RetrieveChampionsData(CreepScore.Region.NA, StaticDataConstants.ChampData.All); ChampionStatic karma = null; int karmaKey = -1; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> champion in champions.keys) { if (champion.Value == "Karma") { karmaKey = int.Parse(champion.Key); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ChampionStatic> champion in { if (champion.Key == "Karma") { karma = champion.Value; break; } } Assert.NotNull(karma); Assert.NotEqual(-1, karmaKey); Assert.Equal("Mage", karma.tags[0]); Assert.Equal(525, karma.stats.attackRange); Assert.Equal(7,; Assert.Equal(43,; }
private bool StoreRiotChampionData(ChampionListStatic champions) { bool success = false; try { string file = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\getChampions.{1}.bin", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir, champions.Version); string dir = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } using (FileStream fs = File.Open(file, FileMode.Create)) using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs)) using (JsonWriter jw = new JsonTextWriter(sw)) { jw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); serializer.Serialize(jw, champions); } success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); success = false; } return(success); }
public void CrawlStaticData(Region region) { ChooseApiKey(); ChampionListStatic champions = Task.Run(async() => { return(await api.StaticData.Champions.GetAllAsync("8.15.1")); }).Result; foreach (string k in champions.Champions.Keys) { ChampionStatic champ; champions.Champions.TryGetValue(k, out champ); MyChampion championToAdd = new MyChampion(champ); Champions.Add(championToAdd); Console.WriteLine(champ.Name + " added"); } //ChooseApiKey(); //ItemListStatic items = Task.Run(async () => { return await api.StaticData.Items.GetAllAsync("8.15.1"); }).Result; //foreach(int k in items.Items.Keys) //{ // ItemStatic item; // items.Items.TryGetValue(k, out item); // MyItem itemToAdd = new MyItem(item); // itemToAdd.ItemId = k; // Items.Add(itemToAdd); // Console.WriteLine(item.Name +" added"); //} }
public void UpdateChampions() { UpdateStatus("Updating champions..."); int i = 0; double prog = 0; using (StreamWriter str = new StreamWriter(ChampionsDirectory + @"\Champions.txt", true)) { ChampionListStatic champs = StaticApi.GetChampions(_basereg, ChampionData.image); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ChampionStatic> cs in champs.Champions) { i++; prog = (double)i / champs.Champions.Count; UpdateProgress((int)(prog * 100)); if (!File.Exists(ChampionsDirectory + @"\" + cs.Key.ToString() + ".png")) { _wbc.DownloadFile(DataDragonRealm.Cdn + "/" + DataDragonRealm.Dd + "/img/champion/" + cs.Value.Image.Full, ChampionsDirectory + @"\" + cs.Key + ".png"); Console.WriteLine(cs.Key); str.WriteLine(cs.Value.Id.ToString() + "," + cs.Key); UpdateStatus("Champion " + cs.Key.ToString() + ".png"); } } } UpdateStatus("Champions Updated"); }
internal bool LoadRiotChampionData(string version) { bool success = false; try { string file; file = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions\getChampions.{1}.bin", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir, version); string dir = string.Format(@"{0}\Data\Champions", PublicStaticVariables.thisAppDataDir); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } StreamReader re = new StreamReader(file); try { JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(re); JsonSerializer se = new JsonSerializer(); object parsedData = se.Deserialize(reader); //Todo: this action should be timed string jsonData = ChampionDataCorrections.RunCorrections(parsedData.ToString(), version); champions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ChampionListStatic>(jsonData); champions = ChampionDataCorrections.RunStatCorrections(champions, version); SortRiotChampionData(champions); //TODO: temp test //FindMissingParamsInSpells(champions); //FindMissingBaseAttackSpeeds(champions); success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); success = false; } finally { re.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); success = false; } return(success); }
internal static ChampionListStatic RunStatCorrections(ChampionListStatic champions, string version) { //Load xml file with all Champion corrections XmlDocument xdcDocument = new XmlDocument(); string result = string.Empty; using (Stream stream = typeof(ChampionDataCorrections).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("LeagueBuildStats.Classes.Champions" + ".ChampionCorrectionList.xml")) { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream)) { result = sr.ReadToEnd(); } } xdcDocument.LoadXml(result); XmlElement xelRoot = xdcDocument.DocumentElement; XmlNodeList xnlNodes = xelRoot.SelectNodes("/XML/CorrectionList[@Version]"); //Loop through each Champion Correction List Node foreach (XmlNode xndNode in xnlNodes) { string xmlVersion = xndNode.Attributes["Version"].Value; //If the Version Attribute is Greater or Equal than use this Correction List Node if (CheckIfVersionIsGreaterEqual(version, xmlVersion)) { //Loop through each Ability Correction Node foreach (XmlNode champNode in xndNode) { //Execute the updates if (champNode.Name != "#comment") { try { //<Ability champion="Thresh" button="e" buttonNum="2" key="f1" coeff=""(num of souls)"" link=""/> string champion = champNode.Attributes["champion"].Value; string label = champNode.Attributes["label"].Value; string button = champNode.Attributes["button"].Value; string buttonNum = champNode.Attributes["buttonNum"].Value; string key = champNode.Attributes["key"].Value; string coeff = champNode.Attributes["coeff"].Value; string link = champNode.Attributes["link"].Value; if (label == "stats") { ChampionStatic championStatic = (champions.Champions[champion]); championStatic.Stats.AttackSpeedOffset = Convert.ToDouble(coeff); //TODO: currently this only works with AttackSpeedOffset } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } } } } return(champions); }
private static ChampionStatic getChampion(int championId) { if (Champions == null) { Champions = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(API_KEY).GetChampions(, ChampionData.all); } var champion = Champions.Champions.First(x => x.Value.Id == championId); return(champion.Value); }
private void SortRiotChampionData(ChampionListStatic champions) { //Sort Champions by name championsOrder = new List <KeyValuePair <string, ChampionStatic> >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ChampionStatic> i in champions.Champions) { championsOrder.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, ChampionStatic>(i.Key, i.Value)); } championsOrder.Sort((firstPair, nextPair) => { return(firstPair.Key.CompareTo(nextPair.Key)); } ); version = champions.Version; }
public async void RetrieveStaticChampionsNoneTest() { ChampionListStatic champions = await creepScore.RetrieveChampionsData(CreepScore.Region.NA, StaticDataConstants.ChampData.None); ChampionStatic karma = null; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ChampionStatic> champion in { if (champion.Key == "Karma") { karma = champion.Value; break; } } Assert.Equal("the Enlightened One", karma.title); }
public PartidaViewModel(Partida partida, ChampionListStatic campeoes, string ultimaVersao, string contaJogadorPrincipal, ItemListStatic itens, SummonerSpellListStatic spells) { var idTimeAliado = partida.Participants.First(y => y.ParticipantId == partida.ParticipantIdentities.First(k => k.Player.CurrentAccountId == contaJogadorPrincipal).ParticipantId).TeamId; var timeAliado = partida.Teams.First(x => x.TeamId == idTimeAliado); TimeAliado = new TimeViewModel(timeAliado); TimeAliado.Participantes = partida.Participants.Where(x => x.TeamId == idTimeAliado).Select(participante => new ParticipanteViewModel(partida, campeoes, ultimaVersao, "", itens, participante, spells, true)).ToList(); var timeInimigo = partida.Teams.First(x => x.TeamId != idTimeAliado); TimeInimigo = new TimeViewModel(timeInimigo); TimeInimigo.Participantes = partida.Participants.Where(x => x.TeamId != idTimeAliado).Select(participante => new ParticipanteViewModel(partida, campeoes, ultimaVersao, "", itens, participante, spells, true)).ToList(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a champion by champion id. /// </summary> public static ChampionStatic GetChampionById(this ChampionListStatic list, int id) { string key; if (!list.Keys.TryGetValue(id, out key)) { return(null); } ChampionStatic champion; if (!list.Champions.TryGetValue(key, out champion)) { return(null); } return(champion); }
public bool DownloadListOfChampions(string inputVersion = null) { bool success = false; try { // Setup RiotApi var staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(Resources.App.ApiKey); //Get all Items if (inputVersion == null) { champions = staticApi.GetChampions(, ChampionData.all); } else { champions = staticApi.GetChampions(, inputVersion, ChampionData.all); } StoreRiotChampionData(champions); //This action happens almost isntantly //SortRiotChampionData(champions); //Todo: this is disabled because LoadRiotChampionData() calls this. //TODO: for now i am loading the data in order to cause ChampionDataCorrections LoadRiotChampionData(champions.Version); success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO: correctly handle errors rather than this XtraMessageBox.Show( string.Format(@" {1} Note: This error may happen when selecting versions below 3.7.1", ex.Message), "League Build Stats - Notice"); success = false; } return(success); }
public void CollectBans(MatchSubmissionView view, Match riotMatch, ChampionListStatic champions, SeasonInfoEntity seasonInfo, Guid divisionId, List <ChampionStatsEntity> championDetails) { foreach (var ban in riotMatch.Teams.SelectMany(x => x.Bans)) { var riotChampion = champions.Keys[ban.ChampionId].ToLowerInvariant(); try { var ourChampion = GlobalVariables.ChampionDictionary[riotChampion]; var bannedChampionStat = CreateChampionStat(seasonInfo, divisionId, ourChampion.Id, view.ScheduleId); championDetails.Add(bannedChampionStat); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, $"Error getting banned champion: {riotChampion}"); } } }
private void FindMissingBaseAttackSpeeds(ChampionListStatic champions) { List <string> tempChampsMissingBaseAS = new List <string>(); foreach (ChampionStatic thisChamp in champions.Champions.Values) { if (thisChamp.Stats.AttackSpeedOffset == 0.0) { tempChampsMissingBaseAS.Add(thisChamp.Name); } } tempChampsMissingBaseAS.Add("done"); string all = ""; foreach (string s in tempChampsMissingBaseAS) { all += s + ","; } all += "done"; }
public async Task <IEnumerable <CompleteMatch> > GetCompleteHistoricalGamesAsync(DateTime?from, DateTime?to, Region region, string name) { if (ChampionList == default(ChampionListStatic)) { ChampionList = await((StaticEndpointProvider)StaticEndpointProvider).GetEndpoint <IStaticChampionEndpoint>().GetAllAsync("10.8.1", Language.es_MX); } var matches = (await GetHistoricalMatchListAsync(from, to, region, name)).Matches; var completeMatches = new List <CompleteMatch>(); foreach (var match in matches) { completeMatches.Add(new CompleteMatch { MatchReference = match, Match = await GetHistoricalMatchAsync(match.Region, match.GameId), MatchTimeline = await GetHistoricalMatchTimelineAsync(match.Region, match.GameId) }); } return(completeMatches); }
public JsonResult GetMatchInformation(int hours, int minutes, string date) { SummonerModel model = new SummonerModel(); API riotApi = new API(); DateTime parsedDate = DateTime.Parse(date); parsedDate = parsedDate.AddHours(hours); parsedDate = parsedDate.AddMinutes(minutes); List <long> gameIds = riotApi.GetUrfGames(parsedDate); if (gameIds.Count > 0) { var api = RiotApi.GetInstance(riotApi.KeyOnly); var staticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(riotApi.KeyOnly); List <MatchDetail> matchDetails = new List <MatchDetail>(); for (int i = 0; i < gameIds.Count; i++) { matchDetails.Add(api.GetMatch(Region.euw, gameIds[i])); } ChampionListStatic championList = staticApi.GetChampions(Region.euw); ScoreCardCalculator scoreCalculator = new ScoreCardCalculator(); model.ChampionScoreCards = scoreCalculator.CalculateChampionScores(matchDetails, riotApi.GetChampions()); } return(Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// Constroi um participante /// </summary> /// <param name="partida">Partida atual</param> /// <param name="campeoes">Lista de campeoes</param> /// <param name="versao">Versao do jogo</param> /// <param name="contaId">AccoutId do participante, somente é utilizado se o participante for nulo</param> /// <param name="itens">Lista de itens do jogo</param> /// <param name="participant">Participante que vem da api</param> public ParticipanteViewModel(Partida partida, ChampionListStatic campeoes, string versao, string contaId, ItemListStatic itens, Participant participant, SummonerSpellListStatic feiticos, bool detalhado = false) { var participante = participant ?? partida.Participants.First(y => y.ParticipantId == partida.ParticipantIdentities.First(k => k.Player.CurrentAccountId == contaId).ParticipantId); var campeao = campeoes .Champions .FirstOrDefault(c => c.Value.Id == participante.ChampionId).Value; NomeCampeao = campeao.Name; UrlIconeCampeao = Util.RetornarIconeCampeao(versao, campeao); OuroAcumulado = participante.Stats.GoldEarned > 100 ? participante.Stats.GoldEarned.ToString("0,.#K") : participante.Stats.GoldEarned.ToString(); KDA = $"{participante.Stats.Kills}/{participante.Stats.Deaths}/{participante.Stats.Assists}"; Lane = Util.RetornarLaneFinalJogador(participante.Timeline.Lane, participante.Timeline.Role); NivelMaximoAtingido = participante.Stats.ChampLevel; Vitoria = participante.Stats.Winner; Data = partida.GameCreation.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); ItensFinais = new List <Item>(); ItensFinais.AdicionarItem(participante.Stats.Item0, itens, versao); ItensFinais.AdicionarItem(participante.Stats.Item1, itens, versao); ItensFinais.AdicionarItem(participante.Stats.Item2, itens, versao); ItensFinais.AdicionarItem(participante.Stats.Item3, itens, versao); ItensFinais.AdicionarItem(participante.Stats.Item4, itens, versao); ItensFinais.AdicionarItem(participante.Stats.Item5, itens, versao); var ward = Util.ObterItem(participante.Stats.Item6, itens, versao); if (ward != null) { Ward = ward; } GameId = partida.GameId; var jogador = partida.ParticipantIdentities.First(x => x.ParticipantId == participante.ParticipantId).Player; AccountId = jogador.CurrentAccountId; SummonerId = jogador.SummonerId; if (detalhado) { NomeJogador = jogador.SummonerName; double ouroPorMinuto; try { ouroPorMinuto = participante.Stats.GoldEarned / partida.GameDuration.TotalMinutes; } catch (Exception) { ouroPorMinuto = 0; } OuroPorMinuto = ouroPorMinuto.ToString("0.#"); Farm = participante.Stats.TotalMinionsKilled + participante.Stats.NeutralMinionsKilled; double farmPorMinuto; try { farmPorMinuto = Convert.ToDouble(Farm) / partida.GameDuration.TotalMinutes; } catch (Exception) { farmPorMinuto = 0; } FarmPorMinuto = farmPorMinuto.ToString("0.#"); if (feiticos != null) { Feitico1 = AdicionarFeitico(participante.Spell1Id, feiticos, versao); Feitico2 = AdicionarFeitico(participante.Spell2Id, feiticos, versao); } } }
public ChampionListStaticWrapper(ChampionListStatic champions, Language language, ChampionData championData) { ChampionListStatic = champions; Language = language; ChampionData = championData; }
public void GetChampions() { Champions = Api.StaticData.Champions.GetAllAsync(LatestVersionString).Result; }
public DataService(RiotApi api) { _riotApi = api; _champs = _riotApi.StaticData.Champions.GetAllAsync("11.12.1").Result; }
private async Task CollectStaticData(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { var staticDataEndpoints = serviceProvider.GetService <IStaticDataEndpoints>(); var championRepository = serviceProvider.GetService <IChampionStaticDataRepository>(); var summonerSpellRepository = serviceProvider.GetService <ISummonerSpellStaticDataRepository>(); var itemRepository = serviceProvider.GetService <IItemStaticDataRepository>(); var runeRepository = serviceProvider.GetService <IRunesStaticDataRepository>(); //Champions IEnumerable <Db_LccChampion> championsInDatabase = championRepository.GetAllChampions(); if (championsInDatabase.Count() == 0) { ChampionListStatic championsListFromRiot = await staticDataEndpoints.Champion.GetChampionsAsync(Region.euw); foreach (ChampionStatic champion in championsListFromRiot.Champions.Values) { championRepository.InsertChampionInformation(new Db_LccChampion() { ChampionId = champion.Id, ChampionName = champion.Name, ImageFull = champion.Image.Full }); } championRepository.Save(); } //Items IEnumerable <Db_LccItem> itemsInDatabase = itemRepository.GetAllItems(); if (itemsInDatabase.Count() == 0) { ItemListStatic itemsListFromRiot = await staticDataEndpoints.Item.GetItemsAsync(Region.euw); foreach (ItemStatic item in itemsListFromRiot.Items.Values) { itemRepository.InsertItem(new Db_LccItem() { ItemId = item.Id, ItemName = item.Name, ImageFull = item.Image.Full }); } itemRepository.Save(); } //SummonerSpells IEnumerable <Db_LccSummonerSpell> lccSummonerSpellInformation = summonerSpellRepository.GetAllSummonerSpells(); if (lccSummonerSpellInformation.Count() == 0) { SummonerSpellListStatic summonerSpellListFromRiot = await staticDataEndpoints.SummonerSpell.GetSummonerSpellsAsync(Region.euw); foreach (SummonerSpellStatic summoner in summonerSpellListFromRiot.SummonerSpells.Values) { summonerSpellRepository.InsertSummonerSpell(new Db_LccSummonerSpell() { SummonerSpellId = summoner.Id, SummonerSpellName = summoner.Name, ImageFull = summoner.Image.Full }); } summonerSpellRepository.Save(); } //Runes IEnumerable <Db_LccRune> lccRuneInformation = runeRepository.GetAllRunes(); if (lccRuneInformation.Count() == 0) { IList <RuneReforged> runeListFromRiot = await staticDataEndpoints.Rune.GetRunesReforgedAsync(Region.euw); foreach (RuneReforged rune in runeListFromRiot) { runeRepository.InsertRune(new Db_LccRune() { RuneId = rune.Id, RuneName = rune.Name, RunePathName = rune.RunePathName, Key = rune.Key, ShortDesc = rune.ShortDesc, LongDesc = rune.LongDesc, Icon = rune.Icon }); } runeRepository.Save(); } }
private bool NeedUpdate() { if (!isoStorage.DirectoryExists(IMGCHAMPPATH) || !isoStorage.DirectoryExists(IMGSUMMSPELLPATH) || !isoStorage.DirectoryExists(IMGSUMMICON)) { return true; } else { try { // Get the list of all champions actualy in the live version of the game this.listOfLiveChamp = staticApi.GetChampions(, RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.ChampionData.image); // Get the list of all summoner spell actualy in the live version of the game this.listOfLiveSummSpells = staticApi.GetSummonerSpells(, SummonerSpellData.image); if (listOfLiveChamp != null && listOfLiveSummSpells != null) { existingChampImg = isoStorage.DirectoryGetFiles(IMGCHAMPPATH + "*"); existingSummSpellImg = isoStorage.DirectoryGetFiles(IMGSUMMSPELLPATH + "*"); existingSummIconImg = isoStorage.DirectoryGetFiles(IMGSUMMICON + "*"); if ((existingChampImg.Count() + existingSummSpellImg.Count()) != (listOfLiveChamp.Champions.Count() + listOfLiveSummSpells.SummonerSpells.Count())) { return true; } else { if (existingSummIconImg.Count() == 0) { return true; } else { int id = Singleton.Instance.CurrentUser.SummonerIconID; if (isoStorage.FileExists(IMGSUMMICON + ImageNameCreation(id.ToString()))) { return false; } else { return true; } } } } else { return true; } } catch (Exception) { return true; } } }
public ChampionListStaticWrapper(ChampionListStatic champions, Language language, string version) { ChampionListStatic = champions; Language = language; Version = version; }
private static ChampionStatic getChampion(int championId) { if (Champions == null) { Champions = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(API_KEY).GetChampions(, ChampionData.all); } var champion = Champions.Champions.First(x => x.Value.Id == championId); return champion.Value; }
public async Task CollectPlayerMatchDetailsAsync(MatchSubmissionView view, Match riotMatch, ChampionListStatic champions, GameInfo gameInfo, Dictionary <string, SummonerInfoEntity> registeredPlayers, TimeSpan gameDuration, SeasonInfoEntity seasonInfo, Dictionary <MatchDetailKey, MatchDetailEntity> matchDictionary, List <MatchDetailContract> matchList, Guid divisionId, List <ChampionStatsEntity> championDetails) { var blueTotalKills = riotMatch.Participants.Where(x => x.TeamId == 100).Sum(y => y.Stats.Kills); var redTotalKills = riotMatch.Participants.Where(x => x.TeamId == 200).Sum(y => y.Stats.Kills); foreach (var participant in riotMatch.Participants) { //Get champion by Riot Api var riotChampion = champions.Keys[participant.ChampionId].ToLowerInvariant(); //Get who played said champion and if they were blue side or not var gameInfoPlayer = gameInfo.PlayerName(riotChampion); //If the player listed doesn't match a champion, then we ignore it for purposes of stat tracking if (gameInfoPlayer == null) { continue; } //Check to make sure the player is officially registered, if not, this will send a red flag registeredPlayers.TryGetValue(gameInfoPlayer.PlayerName.ToLowerInvariant(), out var registeredPlayer); if (registeredPlayer == null) { var message = $"This player is not legal for a match as a player: {gameInfoPlayer.PlayerName}"; _logger.LogCritical(message); const string to = "*****@*****.**"; await _emailService.SendEmailAsync(to, message, $"Illegal player in match: {view.HomeTeamName} vs {view.AwayTeamName}"); throw new Exception(message); } var matchStat = CreatePlayerMatchStat(registeredPlayer, participant, gameDuration, seasonInfo); switch (participant.TeamId) { case 100: matchStat.TotalTeamKills = (int)blueTotalKills; break; case 200: matchStat.TotalTeamKills = (int)redTotalKills; break; } //will always create a new match detail var matchDetail = new MatchDetailEntity { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Game = gameInfo.GameNum, PlayerId = registeredPlayer.Id, PlayerStatsId = matchStat.Id, SeasonInfoId = seasonInfo.Id, TeamScheduleId = view.ScheduleId, Winner = participant.Stats.Winner }; //per player var win = participant.Stats.Winner; var loss = !win; var ourChampion = GlobalVariables.ChampionDictionary[riotChampion]; var pickedChampionStat = CreateChampionStat(matchStat, seasonInfo, divisionId, win, loss, ourChampion.Id, matchDetail.Id, view.ScheduleId); championDetails.Add(pickedChampionStat); //Add special achievements here var achievements = await AddSpecialAchievements(participant, ourChampion, registeredPlayer, seasonInfo.Id, riotMatch, view, gameInfo.GameNum); matchList.Add(new MatchDetailContract(gameInfoPlayer.IsBlue, matchDetail, matchStat, achievements)); } }
/// <summary> /// TEMP TESTER FUNCTION /// </summary> /// <param name="champions"></param> private void FindMissingParamsInSpells(ChampionListStatic champions) { List <string> tempMissingResource = new List <string>(); List <string> links = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>(); foreach (ChampionStatic thisChamp in champions.Champions.Values) { foreach (ChampionSpellStatic champSpell in thisChamp.Spells) { //Store unique Links if (champSpell.Vars != null) { foreach (var coeff in champSpell.Vars) { if (coeff.Link != null) { if (!links.Contains(coeff.Link)) { links.Add(coeff.Link); } } } } //Prepare Desc// string sDescPrep = champSpell.Tooltip; //Replace Ceoff markers if (champSpell.Vars != null) { foreach (SpellVarsStatic spellVars in champSpell.Vars) { string sTarget = "{{ " + spellVars.Key + " }}"; string sReplacement = ""; if (spellVars.Coeff != null) { var varsCoeff = (Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray)spellVars.Coeff; int index = 0; int icount = varsCoeff.Count; foreach (string sVar in varsCoeff) { sReplacement += sVar; if ((index + 1) != icount) { sReplacement += "/"; } index++; } } sDescPrep = sDescPrep.Replace(sTarget, sReplacement); } } //Replace effect markers if (champSpell.EffectBurns != null) { int i = 0; foreach (string sReplacement in champSpell.EffectBurns) { if (sReplacement != "") { string sTarget = "{{ e" + i + " }}"; sDescPrep = sDescPrep.Replace(sTarget, sReplacement); } i++; } } //TODO: Check for missing params Uncomment lines below to reactivate List <string> tempMissingParams = new List <string>(); if (sDescPrep.Contains("{{")) { MatchCollection matchList = Regex.Matches(sDescPrep, "{{ [^}}]+ }}"); var list = matchList.Cast <Match>().Select(match => match.Value).ToList(); foreach (string sMatch in list) { if (!tempMissingParams.Contains(sMatch)) { tempMissingParams.Add(sMatch); } } //MessageBox.Show("Champion is missing params!"); //using (System.IO.StreamWriter fileWrite = new System.IO.StreamWriter(string.Format(@"{0}\WriteLines3.txt", "E:\\VisualStudioProjects2013-Latest\\RiotSharp-LoLStats-Web\\RiotSharp-LoLStats-WinForm\\bin\\Debug"), true)) //{ // fileWrite.WriteLine(string.Format(@" * Champion Name: {0} (ID: {1})", thisChamp.Name, thisChamp.Id)); // string missingParams = ""; // foreach (string sMissing in tempMissingParams) // { // missingParams += sMissing + " "; // } // fileWrite.WriteLine(string.Format(@" * Ability Name: {0}", champSpell.Name)); // fileWrite.WriteLine(string.Format(@" * Ability Key: {0}", champSpell.Key)); // fileWrite.WriteLine(string.Format(@" * Params Missing from Tooltip: {0}", missingParams)); // fileWrite.WriteLine(string.Format(@"")); // fileWrite.WriteLine(string.Format(@"")); //} } } } //using (System.IO.StreamWriter fileWrite = new System.IO.StreamWriter(string.Format(@"{0}\WriteLines3.txt", "E:\\VisualStudioProjects2013-Latest\\RiotSharp-LoLStats-Web\\RiotSharp-LoLStats-WinForm\\bin\\Debug"), true)) //{ // foreach (string st in links) // { // fileWrite.WriteLine(st); // } //} int d = 2; d++; }
public JogadorPartidaAtual(EstatisticasJogador estatisticasJogador, CurrentGameParticipant participante, bool aliado, ChampionListStatic campeoes, string versao, bool jogadorPrincipal = false) { var campeao = campeoes .Champions .FirstOrDefault(c => c.Value.Id == participante.ChampionId).Value; decimal taxaVitoria = estatisticasJogador.CampeoesXTaxaVitoria?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == participante.ChampionId)?.TaxaVitoria ?? 0; IconeCampeao = Util.RetornarIconeCampeao(versao, campeao); Nome = estatisticasJogador.Nome; Campeao = campeao.Name; Divisao = estatisticasJogador.Elo; ChanceVitoria = taxaVitoria; LanePrincipal = estatisticasJogador.Lanes?.OrderByDescending(x => x.PercentualUtilizacao).FirstOrDefault()?.Descricao ?? "Sem lane principal"; ConfiabilidadePericulosidade = CalculaConfiabilidadePericulosidade(taxaVitoria, aliado); var idCampeaoPrincipal = estatisticasJogador.CampeoesXTaxaVitoria.OrderByDescending(x => x.PartidasTotais).FirstOrDefault()?.ID; if (idCampeaoPrincipal.HasValue) { CampeaoPrincipal = campeoes .Champions .FirstOrDefault(c => c.Value.Id == idCampeaoPrincipal).Value?.Name ?? "Sem campeão principal"; } else { CampeaoPrincipal = "Sem campeão principal"; } JogadorPrincipal = jogadorPrincipal; Participante = participante; TaxaPrimeiroBarao = estatisticasJogador.TaxaPrimeiroBarao; TaxaFirstBlood = estatisticasJogador.TaxaFirstBlood; }