protected override IEnumerator Build() { yield return(App.Server.Request( HTTPMethods.Get, "account/" + App.Content.Session.Account, (JSONNode json_) => { Json = json_; ChampionList.Clear(); foreach (var almostJson in Json["champions"].AsArray) { ChampionList.Add(new Model.Champion(almostJson.Value.AsObject)); } Debug.Log(Json); }).Send()); }
public void AddChampion(string name, JSONArray classes) { if (!loaded) { return; } JSONObject championJson = new JSONObject(); championJson["name"] = name; championJson["level"] = 0; championJson["specializationPoints"] = 0; championJson["classes"] = classes; Debug.Log(championJson); var request = App.Server.Request( HTTPMethods.Post, "champion", (JSONNode json_) => { Model.Champion champion = new Model.Champion(json_.AsObject); ChampionList.Add(champion); Json["champions"].AsArray.Add(json_); ChampionAdded(champion); }, (JSONNode json_) => { App.Resource.Prefab.Popup().Setup( "Network error", json_.ToString()); }); request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); request.RawData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(championJson.ToString()); request.Send(); }
public List <Champion> LoadChampions() { var Ahri = new Champion("Ahri", 526, 66, 53, 20, 30, 200, 1); Ahri.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Orb of Deception", 65, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 10)); Ahri.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Fox Fire", 50, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 10)); Ahri.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Charm", 85, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 20)); // stuns enemy allowing Ahri a 2nd attack Ahri.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Spirit Rush", 100, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 60)); var Caitlyn = new Champion("Caitlyn", 475, 56, 62, 32, 30, 125, 2); Caitlyn.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Piltover Peacemaker", 50, Ability.Damage_Type.physical, 8)); Caitlyn.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Yordle Snap Trap", 20, Ability.Damage_Type.physical, 8)); //chance to stun enemy based on opponent's attackSpeed Caitlyn.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("90 Caliber Net", 75, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 15)); //reduces opponent's attackSpeed by 50% Caitlyn.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Ace in the Hole", 100, Ability.Damage_Type.physical, 60)); var Darius = new Champion("Darius", 582, 62, 64, 39, 32, 85, 3); Darius.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Decimate", 30, Ability.Damage_Type.physical, 6)); Darius.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Crippling Strike", 30, Ability.Damage_Type.physical, 12)); //Darius' next attack deals between 150%-200% damage Darius.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Apprehend", 45, Ability.Damage_Type.physical, 15)); //reduces opponent's attackSpeed by 40% for one round Darius.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Noxian Guillotine", 100, Ability.Damage_Type.physical, 60)); var Draven = new Champion("Draven", 200, 20, 30, 20, 15, 20, 4); Draven.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Spinning Axe", 5, Ability.Damage_Type.physical, 6)); Draven.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Blood Rush", 8, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 5)); //buff for bonus attack speed Draven.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Stand Aside", 10, Ability.Damage_Type.physical, 12)); Draven.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Whirling Death", 15, Ability.Damage_Type.physical, 60)); var Gragas = new Champion("Gragas", 583, 62, 61, 35, 32, 90, 5); Gragas.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Barrel Roll", 60, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 10)); Gragas.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Drunken Rage", 30, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 10)); //buff for magic damage and reduce damage for 1 round Gragas.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Body Slam", 50, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 15)); Gragas.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Explosive Cask", 100, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 60)); var Lux = new Champion("Lux", 490, 62, 53, 18, 30, 180, 6); Lux.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Light Binding", 50, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 8)); Lux.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Prismatic Barrier", 60, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 10)); //opponent magic attack reduce by 30% for 2 rounds Lux.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Lucent Singularity", 70, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 14)); //reduce opponent attackSpeed by 15% for 2 rounds Lux.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Final Spark", 100, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 60)); var Malphite = new Champion("Malphite", 574, 63, 61, 37, 32, 90, 7); Malphite.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Seismic Shard", 70, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 8)); Malphite.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Brutal Strikes", 25, Ability.Damage_Type.physical, 12)); Malphite.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Ground Slam", 50, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 14)); //reduce opponent attackSpeed by 15% for 1 round Malphite.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Unstoppable Force", 100, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 60)); var Sona = new Champion("Sona", 100, 10, 10, 12, 20, 40, 8); Sona.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Hymn of Valor", 3, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 5)); Sona.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Aria of Perseverence", 5, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 10)); Sona.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Song of Celerity", 8, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 10)); Sona.AbilityList.Add(new Ability("Crescendo", 15, Ability.Damage_Type.magic, 60)); ChampionList.Add(Ahri); ChampionList.Add(Caitlyn); ChampionList.Add(Darius); ChampionList.Add(Draven); ChampionList.Add(Gragas); ChampionList.Add(Lux); ChampionList.Add(Malphite); ChampionList.Add(Sona); Player1 = ChampionList.ElementAt(0); Player2 = ChampionList.ElementAt(1); return(ChampionList); }