Пример #1
        private static void setSerieFromChart(TabloidConfigView table, TabloidConfigGraph graph, Chart chart, bool main, ref string champX)
            //int points = 0;

            ////For every row in the values table, plot the date against the variable value
            //foreach (DataRow row in Values.Rows)
            //    myChart.Series[Variable].Points.AddXY(Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date"].ToString()), row["Variable"].ToString());
            //    myChart.Series[Variable].Points[points].ToolTip = Variable + " = #VALY \r\nDate = #VALX{d} \r\nSerial = " + row["Serial"].ToString();
            //    points += 1;

            if (main)
                champX = table.Colonnes.Contains(graph.ChampX)
                        ? table.Colonnes[graph.ChampX].Titre
                        : ChampTools.RemoveTableName(graph.ChampX);

            var serieName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(graph.Serie) ? "g" + chart.Series.Count : graph.Serie;

            var g = chart.Series.Add(serieName);

            g.ChartType      = (SeriesChartType)graph.Type;
            g.XValueMember   = champX; // TODO use dbkey
            g.YValueMembers  = "Valeur" + chart.Series.Count;
            g.LabelForeColor = graph.CouleurEtiquette;

            g["PieLabelStyle"] = "Outside";
            g.Label            = graph.Etiquette;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a join from an existing one. Add result to hte table. Join must be N:1 type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="joinSource">join to convert</param>
        /// <param name="destinationView"></param>
        /// <param name="destinationJoin"></param>
        /// <param name="parentView">new join will be added to parent view id null CurrentContext is used</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static TabloidConfigJointure convertN11N(TabloidConfigJointure joinSource, TabloidConfigView destinationView, TabloidConfigJointureCollection destinationJoin, TabloidConfigView parentView = null)
            if (joinSource.Relation != "N:1" && joinSource.Relation != null)
                throw new Exception(Properties.Resources.ConvertOnlyN1Join);

            parentView = parentView ?? CurrentContext.CurrentView;
            if (joinSource.Parent != null)
                parentView = TabloidConfig.Config.Views[joinSource.Parent.NomTable];

            TabloidConfigJointure parent = null;

            if (destinationJoin.Count > 0)
                parent = destinationJoin[0].Parent;

            var result = new TabloidConfigJointure
                Relation    = "1:N",
                ChampDeRef  = destinationView.NomTable + "." + joinSource.DbKey,
                ChampDeRef2 = ChampTools.RemoveTableName(joinSource.ChampDeRef),
                DbKey       = parentView.DbKey,
                NomTable    = parentView.NomTable,
                Parent      = parent

            Tools.AddWithUniqueName(destinationView.Jointures, result, "J", destinationJoin);

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete column in table
        /// Remove constraint if exist
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">Field table name without schema</param>
        /// <param name="schema"></param>
        public static void DropColumn(string table, string column, string schema, IWin32Window own)
            string error;
            var    constraints = DataTools.Data(SqlCommands.SqlGetForeignKey(table, schema), Program.AppSet.ConnectionString, out error);

            var columnConstraints = new DataView(constraints,
                                                 constraints.Columns[0].ColumnName + " like '" + column + "'",
                                                 "", DataViewRowState.Unchanged);

            foreach (DataRowView dr in columnConstraints)
                var param1 = new string[] { schema, dr[3].ToString(), table };
                WizardSQLHelper.ExecuteFromFile("DropForeignKey.sql", param1, Program.AppSet.ConnectionString, own);

            var param = new string[] { schema + "." + table, ChampTools.RemoveTableName(column) };

            WizardSQLHelper.ExecuteFromFile("supField.sql", param, Program.AppSet.ConnectionString, own);