Пример #1
 public override void OnDestroy()
     if (Instance == this)
         Instance = null;
Пример #2
    public override void OnAwake()
        if (!Instance)
            Instance = this;
        cam    = gameObject.GetComponent <Camera>();
        Canvas = cam.AddCanvas();

        #region Timer stuff
        Timer = Canvas.Add("00:00");
        //Timer.scale = new Vector2(2f);
        Timer.scale    = new Vector2(0.6f);
        Timer.position = new Vector2(0.4975f, -0.005f);
        Timer.color    = Color.Black;
        //Timer.font = Numbers;
        Timer.origin = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
        Timer.depth  = 0.8f;

        if (TimerBGTexture != null)
            TimerBG          = Canvas.Add(TimerBGTexture);
            TimerBG.position = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
            TimerBG.origin   = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
            TimerBG.scale    = new Vector2(0.6f, 0.7f);
            TimerBG.color    = Color.GhostWhite;
            TimerBG.depth    = 0.9f;

            //Left of the timer
            if (ScoreBGTexture != null)
                Score1BG          = Canvas.Add(ScoreBGTexture);
                Score1BG.origin   = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
                Score1BG.position = TimerBG.position - new Vector2((TimerBG.size.x + Score1BG.size.x) / 2, 0);
                Score1BG.color    = MatchSystem.instance.Teams[TEAM_TYPE.TEAM_1].Color;
                Score1BG.depth    = 1;
                Score1BG.scale    = new Vector2(1, 0.7f);
                Score1BG.flip     = new Vector2(0, 1);

                //Right of the timer
                Score2BG          = Canvas.Add(ScoreBGTexture);
                Score2BG.origin   = new Vector2(0.5f, 0); //for clarity
                Score2BG.position = TimerBG.position + new Vector2((TimerBG.size.x + Score1BG.size.x) / 2, 0);
                Score2BG.color    = MatchSystem.instance.Teams[TEAM_TYPE.TEAM_2].Color;
                Score2BG.depth    = 1;
                Score2BG.scale    = new Vector2(1, 0.7f);

        Score1 = Canvas.Add("");
        //Score1.scale = new Vector2(1.6f);
        Score1.scale    = new Vector2(0.5f);
        Score1.origin   = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
        Score1.position = Score1BG.position + new Vector2(0.005f, -0.004f);
        Score1.outline  = true;
        Score1.color    = Color.White;
        //Score1.font = Numbers;
        Score1.depth = 0.8f;

        Score2 = Canvas.Add("");
        //Score2.scale = new Vector2(1.6f);
        Score2.scale    = new Vector2(0.5f);
        Score2.origin   = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
        Score2.position = Score2BG.position + new Vector2(-0.009f, -0.004f);
        Score2.outline  = true;
        Score2.color    = Color.White;
        //Score2.font = Numbers;
        Score2.depth = 0.8f;

        #region Announcement stuff
        Announcement1          = Canvas.Add("");
        Announcement1.position = new Vector2(0.5f);
        //Announcement1.scale = new Vector2(2);
        //Announcement1.font = AnnouncementFont;
        Announcement1.color  = Color.Green;
        Announcement1.origin = new Vector2(0.5f);

        Announcement2          = Canvas.Add("");
        Announcement2.position = new Vector2(0.5f);
        //Announcement2.scale = new Vector2(2);
        //Announcement2.font = AnnouncementFont;
        Announcement2.color  = Color.Green;
        Announcement2.origin = new Vector2(0.5f);

        if (AnnouncementBackground != null)
            AnnouncementBG          = Canvas.Add(AnnouncementBackground);
            AnnouncementBG.position = new Vector2(0.5f);
            AnnouncementBG.scale    = Vector2.Zero;
            AnnouncementBG.origin   = new Vector2(0.5f);
            AnnouncementBG.depth    = 1;

        #region Aiming Stuff
        if (CrosshairTexture != null)
            Crosshair           = Canvas.Add(CrosshairTexture);
            Crosshair.origin    = new Vector2(0.5f);
            Crosshair.position  = new Vector2(0.5f);
            Crosshair.scale     = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            Crosshair.rendering = false;

        if (ChargeBarOutlineTexture != null)
            ChargeBarOutline           = Canvas.Add(ChargeBarOutlineTexture);
            ChargeBarOutline.origin    = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
            ChargeBarOutline.scale     = new Vector2(0.4f, 1.8f);
            ChargeBarOutline.position  = new Vector2(0.5f) + new Vector2(Crosshair.size.x, -ChargeBarOutline.size.y / 2);
            ChargeBarOutline.rendering = false;

        if (ChargeBarTexture != null)
            ChargeBar           = Canvas.Add(ChargeBarTexture);
            ChargeBar.position  = ChargeBarOutline.position + new Vector2(0, ChargeBarOutline.size.y); /*new Vector2(0.9f, 0.1f + ((ChargeBarTexture.height * 9.0f) / 1080.0f))*/; //Need to move the bar its own height down one step.
            ChargeBar.rendering = false;
            ChargeBar.origin    = new Vector2(0.5f, 0);
            ChargeBar.rotation  = MathHelper.Pi; //Need to rotate the bar 180, because positive x is down on the screen.

        if (BallArrowTexture != null)
            BallArrow          = Canvas.Add(BallArrowTexture);
            BallArrow.origin   = new Vector2(0.5f);
            BallArrow.scale    = new Vector2(4);
            BallArrow.position = new Vector2(-1000);
            BallArrow.color    = Score1BG.color + Score2BG.color;

        if (HeldObjectIconBall != null)
            HeldObjectIcon           = Canvas.Add(HeldObjectIconBall);
            HeldObjectIcon.position  = new Vector2(0.1f, 0.9f);
            HeldObjectIcon.origin    = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            HeldObjectIcon.rendering = false;
Пример #3
    public override void Start()
        #region Init GUI
        if (Camera == null)
            Debug.Log("Camera Master cannot find camera");

        JoinHost = gameObject.GetComponent <GUIJoinHost>();
        if (JoinHost == null)
            Debug.Log("Camera Master cannot find GUI script for join/host");
        MainMenu = gameObject.GetComponent <GUIMainMenu>();
        if (MainMenu == null)
            Debug.Log("Camera master could not find GUI script for main menu");
        SelectTeam = gameObject.GetComponent <GUISelectTeam>();
        if (SelectTeam == null)
            Debug.Log("Camera Master cannot find GUI script for select");

        ExitMenu = gameObject.GetComponent <GUIExitMenu>();
        if (ExitMenu == null)
            Debug.Log("Camera Master cannot find GUI script for exit");

        HostMenu = gameObject.GetComponent <GUIHostMenu>();
        if (HostMenu == null)
            Debug.Log("Camera Master cannot find GUI script for host");

        OptionsMenu = gameObject.GetComponent <GUIOptionsMenu>();
        if (OptionsMenu == null)
            Debug.Log("Camera Master cannot find GUI script for Options");

        LoadingScreen = gameObject.GetComponent <GUILoadingScreen>();
        if (LoadingScreen == null)
            Debug.Log("Camera Maser cannot find GUI script for loading screen");

        ChadCam = gameObject.GetComponent <ChadCam>();
        if (ChadCam == null)
            Debug.Log("Camera Master cannot find ChadCam");
            ChadCam.enabled = false;

        SpectatorCam = gameObject.GetComponent <SpectatorCam>();
        if (SpectatorCam == null)
            Debug.Log("Camera Master cannot find SpectatorCam");
            SpectatorCam.enabled = false;

        Hud = gameObject.GetComponent <ChadHud>();
        if (Hud == null)
            Debug.Log("Camera Master could not find Hud");

        ReplayCam         = gameObject.GetComponent <ReplayCamera>();
        ReplayCam.enabled = false;

        #region Chad Hats
        string settingsHat = UserSettings.GetSetting("Hat");

        if (settingsHat != null)
            SelectedHat = System.Convert.ToInt32(settingsHat);
            SelectedHat = (int)(Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) * (HatManager.Instance.Hats.Count - 2)) + 1;
            settingsHat = SelectedHat.ToString();
            UserSettings.AddOrUpdateAppSetting("Hat", settingsHat);

        if (ChadMainMenu != null)
            ChadMMHat = ChadMainMenu.GetComponent <Hatter>();
        if (ChadTeam1 != null)
            ChadT1Hat = ChadTeam1.GetComponent <Hatter>();
        if (ChadTeam1 != null)
            ChadT2Hat = ChadTeam2.GetComponent <Hatter>();
