Пример #1
 /// Perform a ray-hit test with the collision models.
 public override bool RayHit(ChVector from,
                             ChVector to,
                             ChCollisionModel model,
                             ref ChRayhitResult mresult)
     return(RayHit(from, to, model, ref mresult, CollisionFilterGroups.DefaultFilter, CollisionFilterGroups.AllFilter));
Пример #2
            /// Perform a ray-hit test with the specified collision model.
            public override bool RayHit(ChVector from,
                                        ChVector to,
                                        ChCollisionModel model,
                                        ref ChRayhitResult mresult,
                                        CollisionFilterGroups filter_group,
                                        CollisionFilterGroups filter_mask)
                IndexedVector3 btfrom = new IndexedVector3((float)from.x, (float)from.y, (float)from.z);
                IndexedVector3 btto   = new IndexedVector3((float)to.x, (float)to.y, (float)to.z);

                BulletXNA.BulletCollision.AllHitsRayResultCallback rayCallback = new AllHitsRayResultCallback(btfrom, btto);
                rayCallback.m_collisionFilterGroup = filter_group;
                rayCallback.m_collisionFilterMask  = filter_mask;

                this.bt_collision_world.rayTest(btfrom, btto, rayCallback);

                // Find the closest hit result on the specified model (if any)
                int   hit      = -1;
                float fraction = 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < rayCallback.m_collisionObjects.Count; ++i)
                    if (rayCallback.m_collisionObjects[i].GetUserPointer() == model && rayCallback.m_hitFractions[i] < fraction)
                        hit      = i;
                        fraction = rayCallback.m_hitFractions[i];

                // Ray does not hit specified model
                if (hit == -1)
                    mresult.hit = false;

                // Return the closest hit on the specified model
                mresult.hit      = true;
                mresult.hitModel = (ChCollisionModel)(rayCallback.m_collisionObjects[hit].GetUserPointer());
                mresult.abs_hitPoint.Set(rayCallback.m_hitPointWorld[hit].X, rayCallback.m_hitPointWorld[hit].Y,
                mresult.abs_hitNormal.Set(rayCallback.m_hitNormalWorld[hit].X, rayCallback.m_hitNormalWorld[hit].Y,
                mresult.dist_factor  = fraction;
                mresult.abs_hitPoint = mresult.abs_hitPoint - mresult.abs_hitNormal * mresult.hitModel.GetEnvelope();
Пример #3
 /// Perform a ray-hit test with the specified collision model.
 public abstract bool RayHit(ChVector from,
                             ChVector to,
                             ChCollisionModel model,
                             ref ChRayhitResult mresult,
                             CollisionFilterGroups filter_group,
                             CollisionFilterGroups filter_mask);
Пример #4
 /// Perform a ray-hit test with the collision models.
 public abstract bool RayHit(ChVector from, ChVector to, ChCollisionModel model, ref ChRayhitResult mresult);