public CfanModule GeneratorRandomModule( List <ModDependency> conflicts = null, List <ModDependency> depends = null, List <ModDependency> sugests = null, List <String> provides = null, List <ModDependency> recommends = null, string identifier = null, Version version = null) { if (depends == null) { depends = new List <ModDependency>(); } if (depends.All(p => p.modName != "base")) { depends.Add(new ModDependency("base")); } var cfanJson = new CfanJson() { modInfo = new ModInfoJson() { dependencies = depends.ToArray(), version = new ModVersion(version?.ToString() ?? "0.0.1"), name = identifier ?? Generator.Next().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), description = Generator.Next().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), title = Generator.Next().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }, conflicts = conflicts?.ToArray(), suggests = sugests?.ToArray() }; return(new CfanModule(cfanJson)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { IUser user = new ConsoleUser(false); repoPath = args[0]; repoUrlPrefix = args[1]; githubAccessToken = args[2]; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(repoPath, "cache")); NetFileCache netFileCache = new NetFileCache(Path.Combine(repoPath, "cache")); CombinedModFileNormalizer modFileNormalizer = new CombinedModFileNormalizer(new IModFileNormalizer[] { new RarToZipNormalizer(), new SevenZipToZipNormalizer(), new ModZipRootNormalizer() }); ModDirectoryManager manualModDirectoryManager = new ModDirectoryManager(repoUrlPrefix, repoPath, "mods", modFileNormalizer, netFileCache); ModDirectoryManager githubModsDirectoryManager = new ModDirectoryManager(repoUrlPrefix, repoPath, "mods-github", modFileNormalizer, netFileCache); CombinedCfanAggregator combinedAggregator = new CombinedCfanAggregator(new ICfanAggregator[] { new LocalRepositoryAggregator(manualModDirectoryManager), new GithubAggregator(githubModsDirectoryManager, new GithubRepositoriesDataProvider(), githubAccessToken), new FactorioComAggregator(), }); var cfanJsons = combinedAggregator.getAllCfanJsons(user).ToList(); cfanJsons.Where(p => !CfanJson.requiresFactorioComAuthorization(p)).ToList().ForEach(p => saveCfanJson(user, p)); cfanJsons.ForEach(p => saveCfanJson(user, p, v2: true)); createFinalRepositoryTarGz(user); createFinalRepositoryTarGz(user, v2: true); user.RaiseMessage("Done."); }
public IEnumerable <CfanJson> generateCfanJsons(IUser user, ModJson modJson) { if (modJson.latest_release == null) { return(new CfanJson[0]); } CfanJson cfanJson = getCfanJson(user, modJson, modJson.latest_release); return(cfanJson == null ? new CfanJson[0] : new[] { cfanJson }); }
public static CfanJson createCfanJsonFromModListJson(string file, string name, string title, ModVersion version, string author, string description = "") { ModListJson modList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ModListJson>(File.ReadAllText(file, Encoding.UTF8)); CfanJson cfanJson = createEmptyMetaCfanJson(name, title, version, author, description); cfanJson.modInfo.dependencies = modList.mods.Where(p => p.enabled == ModListJson.ModListJsonTruthy.YES) .Select(p => new ModDependency( .ToArray(); cfanJson.suggests = modList.mods.Where(p => p.enabled == ModListJson.ModListJsonTruthy.NO).Select(p => new ModDependency(; return(cfanJson); }
public void NormalizeFactorioVersion() { var jsonString = @"{""tags"":[{""id"":21,""name"":""storage"",""title"":""Storage"",""description"":"""",""type"":""t""}],""ratings_count"":0,""game_versions"":[""0.13""],""license_url"":"""",""latest_release"":{""id"":11169,""version"":""0.1.0"",""game_version"":""0.13"",""released_at"":""2017-12-18T08:51:02.518735Z"",""download_url"":""/api/downloads/data/mods/168/"",""info_json"":{""description"":""Store all the things! Warehousing provides high capacity storage buildings, including logistic network versions."",""author"":""Anoyomouse"",""name"":""Warehousing"",""dependencies"":[""base >= 0.15.0""],""contact"":""PM on the Factorio Forums"",""version"":""0.1.0"",""factorio_version"":""0.16"",""homepage"":"""",""title"":""Warehousing Mod""},""file_name"":"""",""file_size"":609499,""downloads_count"":2381,""factorio_version"":""0.16""},""summary"":""Store all the things! Warehousing provides high capacity storage buildings, including logistic network versions."",""id"":168,""license_name"":""MIT"",""created_at"":""2016-06-30 14:31:27.945831+00:00"",""name"":""Warehousing"",""github_path"":""Anoyomouse/Warehousing"",""updated_at"":""2017-12-18 08:51:02.892619+00:00"",""first_media_file"":{""id"":302,""width"":686,""height"":489,""size"":816769,""urls"":{""original"":"""",""thumb"":""""}},""license_flags"":599,""title"":""Warehousing Mod"",""current_user_rating"":null,""downloads_count"":88876,""owner"":""anoyomouse"",""homepage"":""""}"; var modJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ModJson>(jsonString); FactorioComDownloader downloader = new FactorioComDownloader(); IEnumerable <CfanJson> mods = downloader.generateCfanJsons(new NullUser(), modJson); CfanJson cfanJson = mods.First(); ModDependency factorioDependency = cfanJson.modInfo.dependencies.First(p => p.modName == "base"); Assert.IsTrue(factorioDependency.maxVersion > new ModVersion("0.16.0")); }
public IEnumerable <CfanJson> generateCfanJsons(IUser user, ModJson modJson) { if ( == "5dim´s mod") { CfanJson cfan = localManager.generateCfanFromModPackJsonFile(user, Path.Combine(localManager.RepoPacksDirectoryPath, "5Dim-5dim-0.0.0.json"), new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["fmm-id"] = }); return(new CfanJson[] { cfan }); } return(null); }
public CfanJson generateCfanFromZipFile(IUser user, string file, Dictionary <string, string> aggregatorData) { if (Path.GetDirectoryName(file) != RepoModsDirectoryPath) { throw new Exception($"Unexpected file '{file}' not in mods directory!"); } CfanJson cfanJson = CfanGenerator.createCfanJsonFromFile(file); cfanJson.aggregatorData = aggregatorData; cfanJson.downloadUrls = new string[] { RepoExternalUrl + Path.GetFileName(file) }; return(cfanJson); }
public void Export(IRegistryQuerier registry, Stream stream) { string description = "Saved CFAN mods from " + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(); CfanJson metaCfan = CfanGenerator.createEmptyMetaCfanJson("saved-cfan-mods", "Saved CFAN mods", new ModVersion("0.0.0"), "CFAN user", description); metaCfan.modInfo.dependencies = registry.Installed(false).Select(p => new ModDependency(withVersions ? p.Key + " == " + p.Value : p.Key)).ToArray(); string cfanJsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metaCfan); using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream)) { writer.Write(cfanJsonString); } }
public InstalledModule(KSP ksp, CfanModule module, IEnumerable <string> relative_files) { install_time = DateTime.Now; source_module_json = module.cfanJson; source_module = module; installed_files = new Dictionary <string, InstalledModuleFile>(); foreach (string file in relative_files) { if (Path.IsPathRooted(file)) { throw new PathErrorKraken(file, "InstalledModule *must* have relative paths"); } // IMF needs a KSP object so it can compute the SHA1. installed_files[file] = new InstalledModuleFile(file, ksp); } }
public CfanJson generateCfanFromModPackJsonFile(IUser user, string file, Dictionary <string, string> aggregatorData) { if (Path.GetDirectoryName(file) != RepoPacksDirectoryPath) { throw new Exception($"Unexpected file '{file}' not in mods directory!"); } if (Path.GetExtension(file) != ".json") { throw new Exception($"Unexpected file '{file}' in packs!"); } string[] splitStrings = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).Split(new[] { '-' }, 3); string author = splitStrings[0]; string nameAndTitle = splitStrings[1]; ModVersion version = new ModVersion(splitStrings[2]); string description = $"This is a meta-package that will install all mods from the modpack {nameAndTitle} by {author}."; CfanJson cfanJson = CfanGenerator.createCfanJsonFromModListJson(file, nameAndTitle, nameAndTitle, version, author, description); cfanJson.aggregatorData = aggregatorData; return(cfanJson); }
public IEnumerable <CfanJson> getAllCfanJsons(IUser user) { List <CfanJson> result = new List <CfanJson>(); foreach (ICfanAggregator cfanAggregator in cfanAggregators) { foreach (CfanJson newCfan in cfanAggregator.getAllCfanJsons(user)) { CfanJson existingCfan = result.FirstOrDefault(p => == && p.modInfo.version == newCfan.modInfo.version); if (existingCfan != null) { cfanAggregator.mergeCfanJson(user, existingCfan, newCfan); } else { result.Add(newCfan); } } } return(result); }
protected static void saveCfanJson(IUser user, CfanJson cfanJson, bool v2 = false) { string subdirectory =; string outputPath = v2 ? Program.outputVersion2Path : Program.outputPath; string filename = + "_" + cfanJson.modInfo.version + ".cfan"; var previousDependencies = cfanJson.modInfo.dependencies; if (!v2) { cfanJson.modInfo.dependencies = previousDependencies.ToList().Select(createLegacyDependency).ToArray(); } Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(outputPath, subdirectory)); File.WriteAllText( Path.Combine(outputPath, subdirectory, filename), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cfanJson) ); if (!v2) { cfanJson.modInfo.dependencies = previousDependencies; } user.RaiseMessage($"Generated {filename}"); }
public void mergeCfanJson(IUser user, CfanJson destination, CfanJson source) { // ignore, this requires auth that almost no one yet has in config (0.13 is in unstable atm) // so avoid it if possible }
public void mergeCfanJson(IUser user, CfanJson destination, CfanJson source) { destination.aggregatorData["fmm-id"] = source.aggregatorData["fmm-id"]; }
/// <summary> /// Return the most recent release of a module with a optional ksp version to target and a RelationshipDescriptor to satisfy. /// </summary> /// <param name="ksp_version">If not null only consider mods which match this ksp version.</param> /// <param name="relationship">If not null only consider mods which satisfy the RelationshipDescriptor.</param> /// <returns></returns> public CfanModule Latest(FactorioVersion ksp_version = null, ModDependency relationship = null, bool hasFactorioAuth = false) { IDictionary <ModVersion, CfanJson> module_version = this.module_version; if (!hasFactorioAuth) { module_version = module_version.Where(p => !CfanJson.requiresFactorioComAuthorization(p.Value)).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value); } var available_versions = new List <ModVersion>(module_version.Keys); CfanJson module; log.DebugFormat("Our dictionary has {0} keys", module_version.Keys.Count); log.DebugFormat("Choosing between {0} available versions", available_versions.Count); // Uh oh, nothing available. Maybe this existed once, but not any longer. if (available_versions.Count == 0) { return(null); } // No restrictions? Great, we can just pick the first one! if (ksp_version == null && relationship == null) { module = module_version[available_versions.First()]; log.DebugFormat("No KSP version restriction, {0} is most recent", module.modInfo.version); return(new CfanModule(module)); } // If there's no relationship to satisfy, we can just pick the first that is // compatible with our version of KSP. if (relationship == null) { // Time to check if there's anything that we can satisfy. var version = available_versions.FirstOrDefault(v => new CfanModule(module_version[v]).IsCompatibleKSP(ksp_version)); if (version != null) { return(new CfanModule(module_version[version])); } log.DebugFormat("No version of {0} is compatible with KSP {1}", module_version[available_versions[0]], ksp_version); return(null); } // If we're here, then we have a relationship to satisfy, so things get more complex. if (ksp_version == null) { var version = available_versions.FirstOrDefault(p => relationship.isSatisfiedBy(identifier, p)); return(version == null ? null : new CfanModule(module_version[version])); } else { var version = available_versions.FirstOrDefault(v => relationship.isSatisfiedBy(identifier, v) && new CfanModule(module_version[v]).IsCompatibleKSP(ksp_version)); return(version == null ? null : new CfanModule(module_version[version])); } }
public virtual void mergeCfanJson(IUser user, CfanJson destination, CfanJson source) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void mergeCfanJson(IUser user, CfanJson destination, CfanJson source) { destination.aggregatorData["github-repo"] = source.aggregatorData["github-repo"]; }
public CfanModule(CfanJson cfanJson) { this.cfanJson = cfanJson; }