// GET: Centres/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Centre centre = db.Centres.Find(id); if (centre == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.addressId = new SelectList(db.Addresses, "AdressId", "Country", centre.addressId); return(View(centre)); }
public void AjouterCentre(int id, String description) { c = new Centre(id, description); cDA = new CentreDA(); Boolean test = cDA.insert(c); if (test == true) { MessageBox.Show("L'ajout de cette organisation est effectué avec succes", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Erreur de l'insertion", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public ActionResult AddDepartment(Centre model) { if (db.Centre.Any(c => c.Name == model.Name)) { ModelState.AddModelError("Name", "Name already present!"); return(View(model)); } db.Centre.Add(model); db.SaveChanges(); string audiuserName = User.Identity.GetUserName(); AuditExtension.AddAudit(audiuserName, "Added Centre", "Centres"); return(RedirectToAction("DepartmentList")); }
public ActionResult EditDepartment(int id, Centre model) { var department = db.Centre.Single(c => c.Id == id); department.Name = model.Name; department.Description = model.Description; department.Status = model.Status; department.Contact = model.Contact; department.Location = model.Location; db.SaveChanges(); string audiuserName = User.Identity.GetUserName(); AuditExtension.AddAudit(audiuserName, "Updated Centre Details", "Centre"); return(RedirectToAction("DepartmentList")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,Name,Type")] Centre centre) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(centre); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } ViewData["Type"] = new List <SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = AdoptionCentreString, Value = AdoptionCentreString }, new SelectListItem { Text = CleansingCentreString, Value = CleansingCentreString } }; return(View(centre)); }
public CentreDashboardInformation( Centre centre, AdminUser adminUser, int delegateCount, int courseCount, int adminCount, int supportTicketCount, int?centreRank ) { Centre = centre; FirstName = adminUser.FirstName; CategoryName = adminUser.CategoryName; DelegateCount = delegateCount; CourseCount = courseCount; AdminCount = adminCount; SupportTicketCount = supportTicketCount; CentreRank = centreRank; }
/// <summary> /// Utilisation d'un delegates car modification ou ajout seul la faonction controleur change /// </summary> /// <param name="fct"></param> private void AjoutModif(ADDUpd fct) { try { int numcentre = (centre == null) ? 0 : centre.NumCentre; Centre tmp = new Centre(numcentre, txtTel.Text, txtAdresse.Text, null, (Secteur)cbSecteur.SelectedItem, txtNomCentre.Text, client); // int i = ctrlClient.AjouterCentre(tmp); int i = fct(tmp); if (centre == null) { centre = new Centre(); } centre = tmp; centre.NumCentre = i; if (equipements.Count != 0 && mode == Mode.MODIFICATION) { ctrlClient.DelEquipement(i); } if (i != 0 && bsEquipement.Count != 0) { //Ajout liste equipements foreach (Equipement equi in bsEquipement) { equi.Centre = new Centre { NumCentre = i }; int f = ctrlClient.AjouterEquipement(equi); } } mode = Mode.LECTURE; Affichage(mode); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public async Task <Centre> Add(Centre newCentre) { if (_centreRepository .Search(c => c.Name.ToLower() == newCentre.Name.ToLower()) .Result.Any()) { return(null); } var org = await _organisationService.GetById(newCentre.OrganisationId); if (org == null) { return(null); } await _centreRepository.Add(newCentre); return(newCentre); }
public bool AddScoreCard(ScoreCardEnveloppe enveloppe) { // connection bdd using (var context = new LQDMEntities()) { // on trouve le centre de rattachement Centre centre = context.Centre.Where(_ => _.CleExterne == enveloppe.CentreCle).FirstOrDefault(); if (centre == null) { // on essaye d'enregistrer une feuille sans identifier le centre return(false); } // on prends l'évenement (par défaut l'évenement Standard) Evenement e = context.Evenement.Where(_ => _.CentreCentreId == centre.CentreId && _.TypeEvenement == typeEvenement.Standard).FirstOrDefault(); LQModel.ScoreCard sc = new LQModel.ScoreCard(enveloppe.scoreCard, e); context.ScoreCard.Add(sc); context.SaveChanges(); } return(true); }
public CertificateInformation( Centre centreDetails, string?delegateFirstName, string delegateLastName, string courseName, DateTime completionDate, string certificateModifier ) { SignatureImage = centreDetails.SignatureImage; CentreLogo = centreDetails.CentreLogo; ContactForename = centreDetails.ContactForename; ContactSurname = centreDetails.ContactSurname; CentreName = centreDetails.CentreName; DelegateFirstName = delegateFirstName; DelegateLastName = delegateLastName; CourseName = courseName; CompletionDate = completionDate; CertificateModifier = certificateModifier; }
public JsonResult GetScoreCard(DateTime dt, string pseudo, string nomCentre) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pseudo) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(nomCentre)) { return(null); } using (var context = new LQDMEntities()) { Centre centre = context.Centre.Where(_ => _.Nom.ToLower() == nomCentre.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault(); if (centre == null) { // on essaye d'enregistrer une feuille sans identifier le centre return(null); } LQModel.ScoreCard sc = context.ScoreCard.Where(_ => _.dt == dt && _.pseudo == pseudo && _.EvenementCentreCentreId == centre.CentreId).FirstOrDefault(); //string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sc.ToScoreCardLight()); JsonResult jResult = new JsonResult(); jResult.Data = sc.ToScoreCardLight(); return(jResult); } }
public JsonResult GetGames(string nomCentre) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nomCentre)) { return(null); } using (var context = new LQDMEntities()) { Centre centre = context.Centre.Where(_ => _.Nom.ToLower() == nomCentre.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault(); if (centre == null) { // on essaye d'enregistrer une feuille sans identifier le centre return(null); } List <LQModel.ScoreCard> lstSc = context.ScoreCard.Where(_ => _.EvenementCentreCentreId == centre.CentreId).ToList(); JsonResult jResult = new JsonResult(); jResult.Data = lstSc.Select(_ => _.dt).Distinct(); return(jResult); } }
public Centre AddCentre(CreateCentreResource resource) { var address = new CentreAddress { Line1 = resource.AddressLine1, Line2 = resource.AddressLine2, CityOrTown = resource.AddressCityOrTown, Province = resource.Province, ZipCode = resource.ZipCode }; var newCenter = new Centre { Name = resource.Name, Address = address }; _context.Centres.Add(newCenter); _context.SaveChanges(); return(newCenter); }
/// <summary> /// Affilie un centre à un belligérant. /// </summary> /// <param name="region">Région dont le centre est à affilier.</param> /// <param name="occupation">Occupation du centre.</param> /// <param name="carte">Image représentant la carte.</param> /// <param name="outilsGraphiques">Outils graphiques utilisés pour effectuer le dessin.</param> public static void AffilieCentre(Centre region, OccupationCentre occupation, Image carte, Graphics outilsGraphiques) { if (region.EstUnCentre == true) { /// Les centres mesurent 7x7 pixels. Pen traceurContour = new Pen(Color.Black); if (occupation.PossesseurCentre == EBelligerant.Palavin) { traceurContour = new Pen(Color.Red); } outilsGraphiques.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.None; outilsGraphiques.DrawRectangle(traceurContour, region.CoordonneesCentre.X, region.CoordonneesCentre.Y, 7, 7); Color couleur = Convertisseurs.VersCouleur(occupation.PossesseurCentre); Brush traceur = new SolidBrush(couleur); outilsGraphiques.FillRectangle(traceur, region.CoordonneesCentre.X + 1, region.CoordonneesCentre.Y + 1, 6, 6); } else { throw new Exception(String.Format("La région {0} ne contient pas de centre.", region.Nom)); } }
public CentreDashboardViewModel( Centre centre, string?firstName, string?categoryName, string userIpAddress, int delegates, int courses, int admins, int supportTickets, int?centreRank, int unacknowledgedNotificationsCount ) { CentreDetails = new DashboardCentreDetailsViewModel(centre, userIpAddress, centreRank); FirstName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstName) ? "User" : firstName; CourseCategory = categoryName ?? "all"; NumberOfDelegates = delegates; NumberOfCourses = courses; NumberOfAdmins = admins; NumberOfSupportTickets = supportTickets; ViewNotificationsButtonText = "View " + unacknowledgedNotificationsCount + " notification" + DisplayStringHelper.GetPluralitySuffix(unacknowledgedNotificationsCount); }
public CentreConfigurationViewModel(Centre centre) { CentreId = centre.CentreId; CentreName = centre.CentreName; RegionName = centre.RegionName; NotifyEmail = centre.NotifyEmail; BannerText = centre.BannerText; SignatureImage = centre.SignatureImage; CentreLogo = centre.CentreLogo; ContactForename = centre.ContactForename; ContactSurname = centre.ContactSurname; ContactEmail = centre.ContactEmail; ContactTelephone = centre.ContactTelephone; CentreTelephone = centre.CentreTelephone; CentreEmail = centre.CentreEmail; CentrePostcode = centre.CentrePostcode; ShowCentreOnMap = centre.ShowOnMap; OpeningHours = centre.OpeningHours; CentreWebAddress = centre.CentreWebAddress; OrganisationsCovered = centre.OrganisationsCovered; TrainingVenues = centre.TrainingVenues; OtherInformation = centre.OtherInformation; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("Id,ComunaId,Type,Url,Acronym,CompanyId,Name,Address")] Centre centre) { var isAuthorized = User.IsInRole(Constants.ContactAdministratorsRole); if (!isAuthorized) { return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Account")); } if (centre == null || id != centre.Id) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(centre); await _context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!CentreExists(centre.Id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewData["CompanyId"] = new SelectList(_context.Company, "Id", "Id", centre.CompanyId); return(View(centre)); }
public Boolean insert(Object o) { try { Centre c = (Centre)o; int id = c.id; String description = c.description; string req = string.Format("insert into Centre values (" + id + ",'" + description + "')"); cmd.Connection = cn; cn.Open(); cmd.CommandText = req; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); return(true); } catch (OleDbException ex) { System.Console.WriteLine("error :" + ex.Message); return(false); } finally { cn.Close(); } }
public clsPoint Intersect(clsCircle c1, bool firstSolution) { double a = 0; clsLine l1 = default(clsLine); if (mdlGeometry.Dist(Centre, c1.Centre) > Radius + c1.Radius) { return(null); } if (mdlGeometry.Dist(Centre, c1.Centre) < Abs(Radius - c1.Radius)) { return(null); } l1 = new clsLine(Centre.Copy(), c1.Centre.Copy()); a = Acos((Radius * Radius + l1.Length * l1.Length - c1.Radius * c1.Radius) / (2 * Radius * l1.Length)); //Cosine rule if (firstSolution == false) { a = -a; } l1.Rotate(a); l1.Length = Radius; return(l1.P2); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("Id,ComunaId,Type,Url,Acronym,CompanyId,Name,Address")] Centre centre) { if (centre == null) { return(NotFound()); } var isAuthorized = User.IsInRole(Constants.ContactAdministratorsRole); if (!isAuthorized) { return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Account")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(centre); await _context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewData["CompanyId"] = new SelectList(_context.Company, "Id", "Id", centre.CompanyId); return(View(centre)); }
/// <summary> /// Initialise le dictionnaire des régions. /// </summary> /// <param name="fichierACharger">Chemin d'accès au fichier à charger contenant le dictionnaire des régions.</param> private void InitialiseDictionnaireRegions(String fichierACharger) { this.DictionnaireRecrutement = new Dictionary <EBelligerant, List <String> >(); this.dictionnaireRegions = new Dictionary <string, GRegion>(); this.DictionnaireOccupation = new Dictionary <string, OccupationRegion>(); using (StreamReader lecteur = new StreamReader(fichierACharger)) { foreach (String nomRegion in this.ListeNomsRegions) { String donnees = lecteur.ReadLine(); String[] donneesDetaillees = donnees.Split(';'); if (donneesDetaillees[0] == nomRegion) { String abreviation = donneesDetaillees[1]; Boolean centre = Boolean.Parse(donneesDetaillees[2]); ETypeRegion typeRegion = (ETypeRegion)(Int32.Parse(donneesDetaillees[3])); Coordonnees coordonneesUnite = Coordonnees.Convertit(donneesDetaillees[4]); EBelligerant possesseurUnite = (EBelligerant)(Int32.Parse(donneesDetaillees[5])); EUnite unite = (EUnite)(Int32.Parse(donneesDetaillees[6])); if (centre == false) { GRegion nouvelleRegion = new GRegion(nomRegion, abreviation, typeRegion, coordonneesUnite); this.dictionnaireRegions.Add(nomRegion, nouvelleRegion); OccupationRegion occupation = new OccupationRegion(nomRegion, unite, possesseurUnite); this.DictionnaireOccupation.Add(nomRegion, occupation); } else { Coordonnees coordonneesCentre = Coordonnees.Convertit(donneesDetaillees[7]); EBelligerant possesseurCentre = (EBelligerant)(Int32.Parse(donneesDetaillees[8])); EBelligerant recrutement = (EBelligerant)(Int32.Parse(donneesDetaillees[9])); Centre nouveauCentre = new Centre( nomRegion, abreviation, typeRegion, coordonneesUnite, coordonneesCentre, recrutement); this.dictionnaireRegions.Add(nomRegion, nouveauCentre); OccupationCentre occupation = new OccupationCentre(nomRegion, unite, possesseurUnite, possesseurCentre); this.DictionnaireOccupation.Add(nomRegion, occupation); if (recrutement != EBelligerant.Aucun) { if (this.DictionnaireRecrutement.ContainsKey(recrutement)) { this.DictionnaireRecrutement[recrutement].Add(nomRegion); } else { this.DictionnaireRecrutement.Add(recrutement, new List <String>() { nomRegion }); } } } } else { throw new Exception("Le fichier de régions ne correspond pas à la matrice d'adjacence."); } } String retraite = lecteur.ReadLine(); while (retraite != null) { String[] retraiteDetaillee = retraite.Split(';'); String attaquant = retraiteDetaillee[0]; EBelligerant possesseur = Convertisseurs.VersEBelligerant(retraiteDetaillee[1]); String region = retraiteDetaillee[2]; EUnite typeUnite = Convertisseurs.VersEUnite(retraiteDetaillee[3]); OrdreRegional nouvelleRetraite = new OrdreRegional(typeUnite, possesseur, region, attaquant); this.ListeRetraites.Add(nouvelleRetraite); retraite = lecteur.ReadLine(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Sauvegarde les données de la partie courante. /// </summary> /// <param name="cheminDictionnaireRegions">Fichier dans lequel sauvegarder le dictionnaire des régions.</param> public void Sauvegarde(String cheminDictionnaireRegions) { using (StreamWriter redacteur = new StreamWriter(cheminDictionnaireRegions)) { foreach (String nomRegion in this.ListeNomsRegions) { GRegion regionASauvegarder = this.DictionnaireRegions[nomRegion]; String abreviation = regionASauvegarder.Abreviation; String centre = regionASauvegarder.EstUnCentre.ToString(); String typeRegion = ((Int32)(regionASauvegarder.TypeRegion)).ToString(); String coordonneesUnites = regionASauvegarder.CoordonneesUnite.Convertit(); OccupationRegion occupationASauvegarder = this.DictionnaireOccupation[nomRegion]; String possesseurUnite = ((Int32)(occupationASauvegarder.PossesseurUnite)).ToString(); String unite = ((Int32)(occupationASauvegarder.TypeUnite)).ToString(); String donneesCompletes; if (regionASauvegarder.EstUnCentre == false) { donneesCompletes = String.Format( "{0};{1};{2};{3};{4};{5};{6}", nomRegion, abreviation, centre, typeRegion, coordonneesUnites, possesseurUnite, unite); } else { Centre centreASAuvegarder = regionASauvegarder as Centre; String coordonneesCentre = centreASAuvegarder.CoordonneesCentre.Convertit(); OccupationCentre occupationCentre = occupationASauvegarder as OccupationCentre; String possesseurCentre = ((Int32)(occupationCentre.PossesseurCentre)).ToString(); String recrutement = ((Int32)(centreASAuvegarder.Recrutement)).ToString(); donneesCompletes = String.Format( "{0};{1};{2};{3};{4};{5};{6};{7};{8};{9}", nomRegion, abreviation, centre, typeRegion, coordonneesUnites, possesseurUnite, unite, coordonneesCentre, possesseurCentre, recrutement); } redacteur.WriteLine(donneesCompletes); } foreach (var retraite in this.ListeRetraites) { redacteur.WriteLine( "{0};{1};{2};{3}", retraite.Attaquant, retraite.Possesseur, retraite.Region, retraite.TypeUnite); } } }
protected override void RenderOverlayAfterBaskets(RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo) => Centre.RenderCircle(new OverlayData(cameraInfo) { Width = Radius * 2 });
public byte[] Serialize() { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream)) { writer.Write(Centre.Serialize()); writer.Write(CollRadius); writer.Write(NumVertices); foreach (TRVertex vert in Vertices) { writer.Write(vert.Serialize()); } writer.Write(NumNormals); if (NumNormals > 0) { foreach (TRVertex normal in Normals) { writer.Write(normal.Serialize()); } } else { foreach (ushort light in Lights) { writer.Write(light); } } writer.Write(NumTexturedRectangles); foreach (TRFace4 face in TexturedRectangles) { writer.Write(face.Serialize()); } writer.Write(NumTexturedTriangles); foreach (TRFace3 face in TexturedTriangles) { writer.Write(face.Serialize()); } writer.Write(NumColouredRectangles); foreach (TRFace4 face in ColouredRectangles) { writer.Write(face.Serialize()); } writer.Write(NumColouredTriangles); foreach (TRFace3 face in ColouredTriangles) { writer.Write(face.Serialize()); } // 4-byte alignment for mesh data long padding = writer.BaseStream.Position % 4; for (int i = 0; i < padding; i++) { writer.Write((byte)0); } return(stream.ToArray()); } }
/// <summary> /// Выводит на экран информацию о квадрате /// </summary> public override void ShowInfo() { Console.WriteLine(Name + ":\n" + Centre.ToString() + "\nColour-" + Colour + "\nSides: " + Sides[0] + "," + Sides[1] + "," + Sides[2] + "," + Sides[3] + "\nPerimetr=" + GetPerimetr() + "\nSquare=" + GetSquare() + "\n"); }
/// <summary> /// Ajoute un centre dans la table Centre de la base de donnée maintinfo /// </summary> /// <param name="c"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int AddCentre(Centre c) { // c.AddProduit(p); using (DbConnection db = DAOConnection.GetConnexion()) { using (DbCommand cde = db.CreateCommand()) { cde.CommandText = "[dbo].[AddCentre]"; cde.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Nom DbParameter odbP1 = cde.CreateParameter(); odbP1.DbType = System.Data.DbType.String; odbP1.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input; odbP1.ParameterName = "@nomCentre"; odbP1.Value = c.NomCentre; cde.Parameters.Add(odbP1); // Id secteur DbParameter odbP2 = cde.CreateParameter(); odbP2.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Int32; odbP2.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input; odbP2.ParameterName = "@idSecteur"; odbP2.Value = c.Secteur.CodeSecteur; cde.Parameters.Add(odbP2); // telephone DbParameter odbP3 = cde.CreateParameter(); odbP3.DbType = System.Data.DbType.String; odbP3.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input; odbP3.ParameterName = "@telCentre"; odbP3.Value = c.TelCentre; cde.Parameters.Add(odbP3); // idCentre DbParameter odbP4 = cde.CreateParameter(); odbP4.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Int32; odbP4.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output; odbP4.ParameterName = "@idCentre"; cde.Parameters.Add(odbP4); // Adresse DbParameter odbP5 = cde.CreateParameter(); odbP5.DbType = System.Data.DbType.String; odbP5.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input; odbP5.ParameterName = "@AdresseCentre"; odbP5.Value = c.AdresseCentre; cde.Parameters.Add(odbP5); // CLIENT DbParameter odbP6 = cde.CreateParameter(); odbP6.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Int32; odbP6.Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input; odbP6.ParameterName = "@numClient"; odbP6.Value = c.Client.NumClient; cde.Parameters.Add(odbP6); try { int n = cde.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (n != 1) { throw new DAOExceptionClient("L'opération n'a pas été réalisée"); } // récup du parametre de sortie return((int)odbP4.Value); } catch (DbException de) { throw new DAOExceptionClient("[DAO] AddCentre \n" + de.Message, de); } } // fin using command } // fin using connection }
public new void Rotate(double theta) { Centre.Rotate(theta); Angle1 = Angle1 + theta; Angle2 = Angle2 + theta; }
/// <summary> /// Выводит на экран информацию о окружности /// </summary> public override void ShowInfo() { Console.WriteLine(Name + ":\n" + Centre.ToString() + "\nColour-" + Colour + "\nRadius: " + Radius + "\nPerimetr=" + GetPerimetr() + "\nSquare=" + GetSquare() + "\n"); }
public static void Initialize(UsersContext context) { if (context.UserTypes.Any()) { return; } var userTypes = new UserType[] { new UserType { Name = "Admin" }, new UserType { Name = "Tutor" }, new UserType { Name = "Learner" }, new UserType { Name = "Other" } }; foreach (var userType in userTypes) { context.UserTypes.Add(userType); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.Organisations.Any()) { return; } var orgs = new Organisation[] { new Organisation { Name = "WEST" }, new Organisation { Name = "Tribal" }, new Organisation { Name = "Others" }, new Organisation { Name = "ACT Training Group" } }; foreach (var org in orgs) { context.Organisations.Add(org); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.Centres.Any()) { return; } var centres = new Centre[] { new Centre { OrganisationId = orgs.Single(o => o.Name == "ACT Training Group").Id, Name = "Academy of Hair and Beauty" }, new Centre { OrganisationId = orgs.Single(o => o.Name == "ACT Training Group").Id, Name = "ACT Enhance" }, new Centre { OrganisationId = orgs.Single(o => o.Name == "ACT Training Group").Id, Name = "ACT Staff Initial Assessments" } }; if (context.Users.Any()) { return; } foreach (var centre in centres) { context.Centres.Add(centre); } context.SaveChanges(); var users = new User[] { new User { Username = "******", FirstName = "Admin0 FN", LastName = "Admin0 LN", OrganisationId = 1, Birthdate = DateTime.Parse("1990-01-01"), TypeId = 1, Status = true }, new User { Username = "******", FirstName = "Tutor0 FN", LastName = "Tutor0 LN", OrganisationId = 2, Birthdate = DateTime.Parse("1991-01-01"), TypeId = 2, Status = true }, new User { Username = "******", FirstName = "Learner0 FN", LastName = "Learner0 LN", OrganisationId = 2, Birthdate = DateTime.Parse("2005-01-01"), TypeId = 3, Status = true } }; foreach (var user in users) { context.Users.Add(user); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.Groups.Any()) { return; } var groups = new Group[] { new Group { Name = "default" } }; foreach (var group in groups) { context.Groups.Add(group); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.Learners.Any()) { return; } var learnerUsers = users.Where(u => u.TypeId == 3); var learners = new List <Learner>(); foreach (var learnerUser in learnerUsers) { var learner = new Learner { UserId = learnerUser.Id, GroupId = 1 }; learners.Add(learner); context.Learners.Add(learner); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.Courses.Any()) { return; } var courses = new Course[] { new Course { Name = "Application of Number 2015", IconPath = "./assets/image/esm.png" }, new Course { Name = "Communication (English) 2015", IconPath = "./assets/image/esl.png" }, new Course { Name = "Communication (Welsh) 2015", IconPath = "./assets/image/esw.png" }, new Course { Name = "Digital Literacy", IconPath = "./assets/image/esd.png" }, new Course { Name = "ESOL", IconPath = "./assets/image/esol.png" } }; foreach (var course in courses) { context.Courses.Add(course); } context.SaveChanges(); if (context.LearnerStatuses.Any()) { return; } var learnerStatuses = new LearnerStatus[] { new LearnerStatus { LearnerId = learners.Single(l => l.User.Username == "learner0").Id, CourseId = courses.Single(c => c.Name == "Application of Number 2015").Id }, new LearnerStatus { LearnerId = learners.Single(l => l.User.Username == "learner0").Id, CourseId = courses.Single(c => c.Name == "ESOL").Id } }; foreach (var learnerStatus in learnerStatuses) { context.LearnerStatuses.Add(learnerStatus); } context.SaveChanges(); }
public void SeedData() { this.Database.Migrate(); if (this.Utilisateurs.Count() == 0) { var seedDevData = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APP_GENERATE_DEV_DATA"); var adminPassword = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APP_ADMIN_PASSWORD"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(seedDevData) && (seedDevData == "1" || seedDevData.ToLower() == "true")) { // ****** Sièges var siege75 = new Siege { Nom = "AD75", Adresse = "rue du siège 75000 PARIS", }; this.Sieges.Add(siege75); // ****** Centres var centre_paris = new Centre { Nom = "Paris", Adresse = "5 rue de Paris 75000 PARIS", Siege = siege75, }; this.Centres.Add(centre_paris); var centre = new Centre { Nom = "Lyon", Adresse = "5 rue de Lyon 69000 Lyon", Siege = siege75, }; this.Centres.Add(centre); // ****** Utilisateurs var testadmin = new Utilisateur { Centre = null, Login = "******", }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adminPassword)) { adminPassword = "******"; } testadmin.SetPassword(adminPassword); this.Utilisateurs.Add(testadmin); var adminparis = new Utilisateur { Centre = centre_paris, Login = "******", }; adminparis.SetPassword("adminparis"); this.Utilisateurs.Add(adminparis); // ****** Bénévoles var benevole1 = new Benevole { Prenom = "Bernard", Nom = "TOTO", Telephone = "00000000", Adresses = new List <Adresse> { new Adresse { Centre = centre, AdresseLigne1 = "1 rue de david", CodePostal = "69000", Ville = "Lyon", DistanceCentre = 80, }, new Adresse { DateChangement = new DateTime(2017, 2, 1), Centre = centre, AdresseLigne1 = "26 rue de david", CodePostal = "69000", Ville = "Lyon", DistanceCentre = 84, }, new Adresse { DateChangement = new DateTime(2017, 3, 1), Centre = centre_paris, AdresseLigne1 = "1 rue de jules", CodePostal = "75005", Ville = "Paris", DistanceCentre = 65, IsCurrent = true, } }, }; this.Benevoles.Add(benevole1); this.Benevoles.Add(new Benevole { Prenom = "Anne", Nom = "TUTU", Telephone = "00000000", Adresses = new List <Adresse> { new Adresse { Centre = centre, AdresseLigne1 = "1 rue d'anne", CodePostal = "13000", Ville = "Marseille", DistanceCentre = 10, IsCurrent = true, } } }); this.Benevoles.Add(new Benevole { Prenom = "Gérard", Nom = "TITI", Telephone = "00000000", Adresses = new List <Adresse> { new Adresse { Centre = centre_paris, AdresseLigne1 = "1 rue de gérard", CodePostal = "75015", Ville = "Paris", DistanceCentre = 65.5m, IsCurrent = true, } } }); this.Benevoles.Add(new Benevole { Prenom = "Daniel", Nom = "ROBERT", Telephone = "00000000", Adresses = new List <Adresse> { new Adresse { Centre = centre_paris, AdresseLigne1 = "1 rue de daniel", CodePostal = "78000", Ville = "Cergy", DistanceCentre = 80, IsCurrent = true, } } }); // ****** Pointages this.Pointages.Add(new Pointage { Benevole = benevole1, Adresse = benevole1.Adresses.First(), Date = new DateTime(2017, 1, 15), NbDemiJournees = 2, }); this.Pointages.Add(new Pointage { Benevole = benevole1, Adresse = benevole1.Adresses.Skip(1).First(), Date = new DateTime(2017, 2, 28), NbDemiJournees = 2, }); this.Pointages.Add(new Pointage { Benevole = benevole1, Adresse = benevole1.Adresses.Skip(2).First(), Date = new DateTime(2017, 03, 03), NbDemiJournees = 1, }); this.Pointages.Add(new Pointage { Benevole = benevole1, Adresse = benevole1.Adresses.Skip(2).First(), Date = new DateTime(2017, 03, 05), NbDemiJournees = 1, }); } else { // ****** Siège var siege = new Siege { Nom = "AD68", Adresse = "9 avenue d’Italie 68110 ILLZACH", }; this.Sieges.Add(siege); // ****** Utilisateurs var admin = new Utilisateur { Centre = null, Login = "******", }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adminPassword)) { adminPassword = "******"; } admin.SetPassword(adminPassword); this.Utilisateurs.Add(admin); } // ****** Frais this.Frais.Add(new Frais { Annee = 2017, TauxKilometrique = 0.308m, }); this.Frais.Add(new Frais { Annee = 2018, TauxKilometrique = 0.308m, }); this.SaveChanges(); } }