// Update is called once per frame
 void OnGUI()
     if (GUILayout.Button("Test Centili Unity Payment"))
         print("Request for payment sent.");
         var paymentRequest = new CentiliPaymentRequest("28550ec26491d4ed1b1de6fd3fe2b92a");
         paymentRequest.ClientId         = "test";
         CentiliPaymentManager.DebugMode = true;
         CentiliPaymentManager.MakePayment(paymentRequest, CentiliCallback);
Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    /// MakePayment coroutine that can wait until the CentiliPaymentResponse is ready
    /// </summary>
    private IEnumerator MakePaymentCoroutine(CentiliPaymentRequest request, Action <CentiliPaymentStatus, CentiliPaymentResponse> callback)
        // invoke singleton instance creation of this object, because we need it

        // Passing data over the bridge between C# here and Java running on Android has
        // a quirk, that it can't handle NULL values and throws exceptions. Here is a
        // workaround that uses an extra string to pass which variables are present and which
        // are absent.
        string presenceMask = new string(new char[]
            request.ApiKey == null                                  ? 'a' : 'p',
            //request.PackageIndex == null		? 'a' : 'p',
            request.LanguageCode == null            ? 'a' : 'p',
            request.Info == null                                            ? 'a' : 'p',
            request.ClientId == null                                ? 'a' : 'p',
            // request.TestModeEnabled == null	? 'a' : 'p',
            // request.OfflineModeEnabled == null	? 'a' : 'p',
            // request.PendingTransactionHandlingEnabled == null ? 'a' : 'p'

        // Java side will use this parameter to return data
        lastCentiliPaymentResponse = null;

        // A method with a lot of parameters is acceptable here, because other options add even
        // more bloat and won't help with readability (serializations)
        GetCurrentActivity().Call("startPayment", new object[]
            request.ApiKey == null                                  ? "" : request.ApiKey,
            // request.PackageIndex == null		? (int)-1 : (int) request.PackageIndex,
            request.LanguageCode == null            ? "EN" : request.LanguageCode,
            request.Info == null                                            ? "" : request.Info,
            request.ClientId == null                                ? "" : request.ClientId,
            // request.TestModeEnabled == null	? true : request.TestModeEnabled,
            // request.OfflineModeEnabled == null	? true : request.OfflineModeEnabled,
            // request.PendingTransactionHandlingEnabled == null ? false : request.PendingTransactionHandlingEnabled

        // if there is no callback, don't wait for response and return immediately
        if (callback == null)
            yield break;

        // wait until we get a result. This variable is set in NotifyResponseReady()
        // that is called from Android Java runtime
        while (lastCentiliPaymentResponse == null)
            yield return(1);            // wait 1 frame

        // call the callback and clear the buffer automatically
        callback(lastCentiliPaymentStatus, lastCentiliPaymentResponse);
        lastCentiliPaymentResponse = null;
Пример #3
 public void MakePayment(CentiliPaymentRequest request, Action <CentiliPaymentStatus, CentiliPaymentResponse> callback)
     StartCoroutine(MakePaymentCoroutine(request, callback));