public static string IncrementCellReference(string reference, CellReferencePartEnum cellRefPart)
            string newReference = reference;

            if (cellRefPart != CellReferencePartEnum.None && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(reference))
                string[] parts = Regex.Split(reference, "([A-Z]+)");

                if (cellRefPart == CellReferencePartEnum.Column || cellRefPart == CellReferencePartEnum.Both)
                    List <char> col            = parts[1].ToCharArray().ToList();
                    bool        needsIncrement = true;
                    int         index          = col.Count - 1;

                        // increment the last letter
                        col[index] = Letters[Letters.IndexOf(col[index]) + 1];

                        // if it is the last letter, then we need to roll it over to 'A'
                        if (col[index] == Letters[Letters.Count - 1])
                            col[index] = Letters[0];
                            needsIncrement = false;
                    } while (needsIncrement && --index >= 0);

                    // If true, then we need to add another letter to the mix. Initial value was something like "ZZ"
                    if (needsIncrement)

                    parts[1] = new String(col.ToArray());

                if (cellRefPart == CellReferencePartEnum.Row || cellRefPart == CellReferencePartEnum.Both)
                    // Increment the row number. A reference is invalid without this componenet, so we assume it will always be present.
                    parts[2] = (int.Parse(parts[2]) + 1).ToString();

                newReference = parts[1] + parts[2];

        public static string IncrementCellReference(string reference, CellReferencePartEnum cellRefPart)
            string newReference = reference;

            if (cellRefPart != CellReferencePartEnum.None && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(reference))
                string[] parts = Regex.Split(reference, "([A-Z]+)");

                if (cellRefPart == CellReferencePartEnum.Column || cellRefPart == CellReferencePartEnum.Both)
                    List<char> col = parts[1].ToCharArray().ToList();
                    bool needsIncrement = true;
                    int index = col.Count - 1;

                        // increment the last letter
                        col[index] = Letters[Letters.IndexOf(col[index]) + 1];

                        // if it is the last letter, then we need to roll it over to 'A'
                        if (col[index] == Letters[Letters.Count - 1])
                            col[index] = Letters[0];
                            needsIncrement = false;

                    } while (needsIncrement && --index >= 0);

                    // If true, then we need to add another letter to the mix. Initial value was something like "ZZ"
                    if (needsIncrement)

                    parts[1] = new String(col.ToArray());

                if (cellRefPart == CellReferencePartEnum.Row || cellRefPart == CellReferencePartEnum.Both)
                    // Increment the row number. A reference is invalid without this componenet, so we assume it will always be present.
                    parts[2] = (int.Parse(parts[2]) + 1).ToString();

                newReference = parts[1] + parts[2];

            return newReference;