Пример #1
        public BuildingInfluence(World world)
            map = world.Map;

            influence = new CellLayer<Actor>(map);

            world.ActorAdded += a =>
                var b = a.Info.TraitInfoOrDefault<BuildingInfo>();
                if (b == null)

                foreach (var u in FootprintUtils.Tiles(map.Rules, a.Info.Name, b, a.Location))
                    if (influence.Contains(u) && influence[u] == null)
                        influence[u] = a;

            world.ActorRemoved += a =>
                var b = a.Info.TraitInfoOrDefault<BuildingInfo>();
                if (b == null)

                foreach (var u in FootprintUtils.Tiles(map.Rules, a.Info.Name, b, a.Location))
                    if (influence.Contains(u) && influence[u] == a)
                        influence[u] = null;
Пример #2
		public void WorldLoaded(World w, WorldRenderer wr)
			bridges = new CellLayer<Bridge>(w.Map);

			// Build a list of templates that should be overlayed with bridges
			foreach (var bridge in info.Bridges)
				var bi = w.Map.Rules.Actors[bridge].Traits.Get<BridgeInfo>();
				foreach (var template in bi.Templates)
					bridgeTypes.Add(template.First, Pair.New(bridge, template.Second));

			// Loop through the map looking for templates to overlay
			for (var i = w.Map.Bounds.Left; i < w.Map.Bounds.Right; i++)
				for (var j = w.Map.Bounds.Top; j < w.Map.Bounds.Bottom; j++)
					var cell = new CPos(i, j);
					if (bridgeTypes.ContainsKey(w.Map.MapTiles.Value[cell].Type))
						ConvertBridgeToActor(w, cell);

			// Link adjacent (long)-bridges so that artwork is updated correctly
			foreach (var b in w.Actors.SelectMany(a => a.TraitsImplementing<Bridge>()))
				b.LinkNeighbouringBridges(w, this);
Пример #3
			public void Dispose()
				if (Layer == null)
				Layer = null;
				layerPool = null;
Пример #4
 public CellInfoLayerPool(Map map)
     defaultLayer =
             mpos => new CellInfo(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, mpos.ToCPos(map), CellStatus.Unvisited),
             new Size(map.MapSize.X, map.MapSize.Y),
Пример #5
		public Shroud(Actor self)
			this.self = self;
			map = self.World.Map;

			visibleCount = new CellLayer<short>(map);
			generatedShroudCount = new CellLayer<short>(map);
			explored = new CellLayer<bool>(map);
Пример #6
        public ResourceLayer(Actor self)
            world             = self.World;
            buildingInfluence = self.Trait <BuildingInfluence>();

            Content       = new CellLayer <CellContents>(world.Map);
            RenderContent = new CellLayer <CellContents>(world.Map);

            // этот метод обновл¤ет TerrainSpriteLayer, через данное событие.
            //RenderContent.CellEntryChanged += SubmitCellToVertexBuffer;
Пример #7
 public PathGraph(CellInfoLayerPool layerPool, MobileInfo mobileInfo, Actor actor, World world, bool checkForBlocked)
     pooledLayer       = layerPool.Get();
     cellInfo          = pooledLayer.Layer;
     World             = world;
     this.mobileInfo   = mobileInfo;
     worldMovementInfo = mobileInfo.GetWorldMovementInfo(world);
     Actor             = actor;
     LaneBias          = 1;
     checkConditions   = checkForBlocked ? CellConditions.TransientActors : CellConditions.None;
Пример #8
 public ResourceLayer(Actor self, ResourceLayerInfo info)
     this.info            = info;
     world                = self.World;
     Map                  = world.Map;
     BuildingInfluence    = self.Trait <BuildingInfluence>();
     Content              = new CellLayer <ResourceLayerContents>(Map);
     ResourceTypesByIndex = info.ResourceTypes.ToDictionary(
         kv => kv.Value.ResourceIndex,
         kv => kv.Key);
Пример #9
        public ResourceLayer(Actor self)
            world = self.World;

            buildingInfluence = self.Trait <BuildingInfluence>();

            Content       = new CellLayer <CellContents>(world.Map);
            RenderContent = new CellLayer <CellContents>(world.Map);

            RenderContent.CellEntryChanged += UpdateSpriteLayers;
Пример #10
        public ShroudRenderer(World world, ShroudRendererInfo info)
            if (info.ShroudVariants.Length != info.FogVariants.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("ShroudRenderer must define the same number of shroud and fog variants!", "info");

            if ((info.OverrideFullFog == null) ^ (info.OverrideFullShroud == null))
                throw new ArgumentException("ShroudRenderer cannot define overrides for only one of shroud or fog!", "info");

            if (info.ShroudVariants.Length > byte.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentException("ShroudRenderer cannot define this many shroud and fog variants.", "info");

            if (info.Index.Length >= byte.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentException("ShroudRenderer cannot define this many indexes for shroud directions.", "info");

            this.info = info;
            map = world.Map;

            tileInfos = new CellLayer<TileInfo>(map);

            // Load sprite variants
            var variantCount = info.ShroudVariants.Length;
            variantStride = (byte)(info.Index.Length + (info.OverrideFullShroud != null ? 1 : 0));
            shroudSprites = new Sprite[variantCount * variantStride];
            fogSprites = new Sprite[variantCount * variantStride];

            var sequenceProvider = map.Rules.Sequences;
            for (var j = 0; j < variantCount; j++)
                var shroud = sequenceProvider.GetSequence(info.Sequence, info.ShroudVariants[j]);
                var fog = sequenceProvider.GetSequence(info.Sequence, info.FogVariants[j]);
                for (var i = 0; i < info.Index.Length; i++)
                    shroudSprites[j * variantStride + i] = shroud.GetSprite(i);
                    fogSprites[j * variantStride + i] = fog.GetSprite(i);

                if (info.OverrideFullShroud != null)
                    var i = (j + 1) * variantStride - 1;
                    shroudSprites[i] = sequenceProvider.GetSequence(info.Sequence, info.OverrideFullShroud).GetSprite(0);
                    fogSprites[i] = sequenceProvider.GetSequence(info.Sequence, info.OverrideFullFog).GetSprite(0);

            // Mapping of shrouded directions -> sprite index
            edgesToSpriteIndexOffset = new byte[(byte)(info.UseExtendedIndex ? Edges.All : Edges.AllCorners) + 1];
            for (var i = 0; i < info.Index.Length; i++)
                edgesToSpriteIndexOffset[info.Index[i]] = (byte)i;

            if (info.OverrideFullShroud != null)
                edgesToSpriteIndexOffset[info.OverrideShroudIndex] = (byte)(variantStride - 1);

            notVisibleEdges = info.UseExtendedIndex ? Edges.AllSides : Edges.AllCorners;
Пример #11
        CellLayer<CellInfo> GetLayer()
            CellLayer<CellInfo> layer = null;
            lock (pool)
                if (pool.Count > 0)
                    layer = pool.Pop();

            if (layer == null)
                layer = new CellLayer<CellInfo>(defaultLayer.GridType, defaultLayer.Size);
            return layer;
Пример #12
 public PathSearch(World world, MobileInfo mobileInfo, Actor self)
     this.self       = self;
     CellInfo        = InitCellInfo();
     this.mobileInfo = mobileInfo;
     this.self       = self;
     customCost      = null;
     Queue           = new PriorityQueue <PathDistance>();
     Considered      = new HashSet <CPos>();
     MaxCost         = 0;
     nextDirections  = CVec.directions.Select(d => new Pair <CVec, int>(d, 0)).ToArray();
Пример #13
        public TSVeinsRenderer(Actor self, TSVeinsRendererInfo info)
            this.info = info;
            world     = self.World;

            resourceLayer              = self.Trait <IResourceLayer>();
            resourceLayer.CellChanged += AddDirtyCell;
            maxDensity = resourceLayer.GetMaxDensity(info.ResourceType);

            renderIndices = new CellLayer <int[]>(world.Map);
            borders       = new CellLayer <Adjacency>(world.Map);
Пример #14
		public PathSearch(World world, MobileInfo mobileInfo, Actor self)
			this.self = self;
			CellInfo = InitCellInfo();
			this.mobileInfo = mobileInfo;
			this.self = self;
			customCost = null;
			Queue = new PriorityQueue<PathDistance>();
			Considered = new HashSet<CPos>();
			MaxCost = 0;
			nextDirections = CVec.directions.Select(d => new Pair<CVec, int>(d, 0)).ToArray();
Пример #15
            /// <summary>
            /// Calculate the density of alive cells for the given layer
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private float CalculateDensity(CellLayer layer)
                var cells      = layer.Cells;
                int aliveCount = 0;

                foreach (var cell in cells)
                    aliveCount += cell.State;

                return((float)aliveCount / cells.Length);
Пример #16
        public Shroud(Actor self, ShroudInfo info)
            this.self = self;
            this.info = info;
            map       = this.self.World.Map;

            passiveVisibleCount  = new CellLayer <short>(map);
            visibleCount         = new CellLayer <short>(map);
            generatedShroudCount = new CellLayer <short>(map);
            explored             = new CellLayer <bool>(map);

            resolvedType = new CellLayer <ShroudCellType>(map);
Пример #17
        public Shroud(Actor self)
            this.self = self;
            map       = self.World.Map;

            visibleCount         = new CellLayer <short>(map);
            generatedShroudCount = new CellLayer <short>(map);
            explored             = new CellLayer <bool>(map);

            shroudEdgeTest = map.Contains;
            isExploredTest = IsExploredCore;
            isVisibleTest  = IsVisibleCore;
Пример #18
        public Shroud(Actor self)
            this.self = self;
            map = self.World.Map;

            visibleCount = new CellLayer<short>(map);
            generatedShroudCount = new CellLayer<short>(map);
            explored = new CellLayer<bool>(map);

            shroudEdgeTest = map.Contains;
            isExploredTest = IsExploredCore;
            isVisibleTest = IsVisibleCore;
Пример #19
        public void WorldLoaded(World w, WorldRenderer wr)
            var map = w.Map;

            actorMap              = w.ActorMap;
            actorMap.CellUpdated += CellUpdated;

            cellsCost     = new[] { new CellLayer <short>(map) };
            blockingCache = new[] { new CellLayer <CellCache>(map) };

            foreach (var cell in map.AllCells)

            map.CustomTerrain.CellEntryChanged += UpdateCellCost;
            map.Tiles.CellEntryChanged         += UpdateCellCost;

            // This section needs to run after WorldLoaded() because we need to be sure that all types of ICustomMovementLayer have been initialized.
            w.AddFrameEndTask(_ =>
                var customMovementLayers = world.GetCustomMovementLayers();
                Array.Resize(ref cellsCost, customMovementLayers.Length);
                Array.Resize(ref blockingCache, customMovementLayers.Length);
                foreach (var cml in customMovementLayers)
                    if (cml == null)

                    var cellLayer            = new CellLayer <short>(map);
                    cellsCost[cml.Index]     = cellLayer;
                    blockingCache[cml.Index] = new CellLayer <CellCache>(map);

                    foreach (var cell in map.AllCells)
                        var index = cml.GetTerrainIndex(cell);

                        var cost = PathGraph.MovementCostForUnreachableCell;

                        if (index != byte.MaxValue)
                            cost = terrainInfos[index].Cost;

                        cellLayer[cell] = cost;
Пример #20
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            public void UpdateAnalysis()
                int       currentLayer = _model.CurrentLayer;
                CellLayer layer        = _model.Stack.Layers[currentLayer];

                //update layer current density
                var density = CalculateDensity(layer);

                layer.Density = density;

                _densitySum += density; // add to running sum

                //update stack mean density
                _model.Stack.SetMeanStackDensity(MeanStackDensity); //update the stack

                //update layer avg age
                var avgage = CalculateAverageAge(layer);

                layer.AvgAge = avgage;
                _ageSum     += avgage; // add to running sum

                //update stack avg age
                _model.Stack.SetAvgAge(MeanStackAge);//update the stack

                //update stack max layer density
                if (layer.Density > _model.Stack.MaxLayerDensity)

                //update stack min layer density
                if (layer.Density < _model.Stack.MinLayerDensity)

                //update max age in current layer
                var maxage = CalculateMaxAge(layer);

                layer.MaxAge = maxage;
                _model.Stack.SetMaxAge(maxage);//update the stack

                //update level density

                _currentLayer = currentLayer;
Пример #21
        public Shroud(Actor self, ShroudInfo info)
            this.self = self;
            this.info = info;
            map = self.World.Map;

            passiveVisibleCount = new CellLayer<short>(map);
            visibleCount = new CellLayer<short>(map);
            generatedShroudCount = new CellLayer<short>(map);
            explored = new CellLayer<bool>(map);

            // Defaults to 0 = Shroud
            resolvedType = new CellLayer<ShroudCellType>(map);
Пример #22
        public EditorResourceLayer(Actor self)
            if (self.World.Type != WorldType.Editor)

            Map       = self.World.Map;
            Tiles     = new CellLayer <ResourceLayerContents>(Map);
            Resources = self.TraitsImplementing <ResourceType>()
                        .ToDictionary(r => r.Info.ResourceType, r => r);

            Map.Resources.CellEntryChanged += UpdateCell;
Пример #23
        public TerrainRenderer(World world, WorldRenderer wr)
            theater = wr.Theater;
            mapTiles = world.Map.MapTiles.Value;

            terrain = new TerrainSpriteLayer(world, wr, theater.Sheet, BlendMode.Alpha,
                wr.Palette("terrain"), wr.World.Type != WorldType.Editor);

            foreach (var cell in world.Map.AllCells)

            world.Map.MapTiles.Value.CellEntryChanged += UpdateCell;
            world.Map.MapHeight.Value.CellEntryChanged += UpdateCell;
Пример #24
        public void Dispose()
            if (disposed)

            disposed = true;

            CellInfo = null;

Пример #25
            //calculate max age in the stack (by lu)

            // Calculate mean density in each level (written by Lu)
            private void CalculateEachLevelDensity(StackModelManager model)
                //get current layer
                int       currentLayer = _model.CurrentLayer;
                CellLayer layer        = _model.Stack.Layers[currentLayer];

                int aliveCount = 0;

                // get cells in layers
                var cells = layer.Cells;

                float _densityLevel1;
                float _densityLevel2;
                float _densityLevel3;

                if (currentLayer <= 30)
                    foreach (var cell in cells)
                        aliveCount       += cell.State;
                        _densityLevel1    = (float)aliveCount / cells.Length;
                        _densityLevels[0] = _densityLevel1;

                if (currentLayer > 30 && currentLayer < 60)
                    foreach (var cell in cells)
                        aliveCount       += cell.State;
                        _densityLevel2    = (float)aliveCount / cells.Length;
                        _densityLevels[1] = _densityLevel2;

                if (currentLayer >= 60)
                    foreach (var cell in cells)
                        aliveCount       += cell.State;
                        _densityLevel3    = (float)aliveCount / cells.Length;
                        _densityLevels[2] = _densityLevel3;
Пример #26
    public void SetCellColour(int x, int y, int cellIndex, CellLayer layer, Color colour)
        WorldCell cell = null;

        if (cellIndex >= 0 && cellIndex < BaseWorldCells.Count)
            cell = BaseWorldCells[cellIndex];

        var     tilePos = new Vector3Int(x, y, 1);
        Tilemap tilemap = GetTilemap(layer);

        tilemap.SetColor(tilePos, colour);
Пример #27
        public void Dispose()
            if (disposed)

            disposed = true;

            cellInfo = null;

Пример #28
    public void FloodFillCells(int x, int y, int cellIndex, CellLayer layer)
        WorldCell cell = null;

        if (cellIndex >= 0 && cellIndex < BaseWorldCells.Count)
            cell = BaseWorldCells[cellIndex];

        var     tilePos = new Vector3Int(x, y, 1);
        Tilemap tilemap = GetTilemap(layer);

        tilemap.FloodFill(tilePos, cell);
Пример #29
        // NOTE: can not check aircraft
        bool AnyActorsAt(MPos uv, CellLayer <InfluenceNode> layer, SubCell sub, Func <Actor, bool> withCondition)
            var always = sub == SubCell.FullCell || sub == SubCell.Any;

            for (var i = layer[uv]; i != null; i = i.Next)
                if ((always || i.SubCell == sub || i.SubCell == SubCell.FullCell) && !i.Actor.Disposed && withCondition(i.Actor))

Пример #30
    public void BoxFillCells(int x, int y, int cellIndex, CellLayer layer, int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY)
        WorldCell cell = null;

        if (cellIndex >= 0 && cellIndex < BaseWorldCells.Count)
            cell = BaseWorldCells[cellIndex];

        var     tilePos = new Vector3Int(x, y, 1);
        Tilemap tilemap = GetTilemap(layer);

        tilemap.BoxFill(tilePos, cell, startX, startY, endX, endY);
Пример #31
        public void WorldLoaded(World w, WorldRenderer wr)
            var map = w.Map;

            actorMap = w.ActorMap;
            map.CustomTerrain.CellEntryChanged += UpdateCellCost;
            map.Tiles.CellEntryChanged         += UpdateCellCost;
            actorMap.CellUpdated += CellUpdated;

            cellsCost     = new[] { new CellLayer <short>(map) };
            blockingCache = new[] { new CellLayer <CellCache>(map) };

            foreach (var cell in map.AllCells)

            // NotBefore<> ensures all custom movement layers have been initialized.
            var customMovementLayers = world.GetCustomMovementLayers();

            Array.Resize(ref cellsCost, customMovementLayers.Length);
            Array.Resize(ref blockingCache, customMovementLayers.Length);
            foreach (var cml in customMovementLayers)
                if (cml == null)

                var cellLayer = new CellLayer <short>(map);
                cellsCost[cml.Index]     = cellLayer;
                blockingCache[cml.Index] = new CellLayer <CellCache>(map);

                foreach (var cell in map.AllCells)
                    var index = cml.GetTerrainIndex(cell);

                    var cost = PathGraph.MovementCostForUnreachableCell;

                    if (index != byte.MaxValue)
                        cost = terrainInfos[index].Cost;

                    cellLayer[cell] = cost;
Пример #32
        static List <CPos> MakePath(CellLayer <CellInfo> cellInfo, CPos destination)
            var ret      = new List <CPos>();
            var pathNode = destination;

            while (cellInfo[pathNode].Path != pathNode)
                pathNode = cellInfo[pathNode].Path;

Пример #33
            /// <summary>
            /// Calculate the average age of live cells for the given layer
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private float CalculateAverageAge(CellLayer layer)
                var cells      = layer.Cells;
                int aliveCount = 0;
                int ageCount   = 0;

                foreach (var cell in cells)
                    aliveCount += cell.State;
                    ageCount   += cell.Age;

                return((float)((float)ageCount) / ((float)aliveCount));
Пример #34
		public ShroudRenderer(World world, ShroudRendererInfo info)
			this.info = info;
			map = world.Map;

			tiles = new CellLayer<ShroudTile>(map);

			// Force update on first render
			shroudHash = -1;

			// Load sprite variants
			if (info.ShroudVariants.Length != info.FogVariants.Length)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("ShroudRenderer must define the same number of shroud and fog variants!");

			if ((info.OverrideFullFog == null) ^ (info.OverrideFullShroud == null))
				throw new InvalidOperationException("ShroudRenderer cannot define overrides for only one of shroud or fog!");

			var variantCount = info.ShroudVariants.Length;
			variantStride = info.Index.Length + (info.OverrideFullShroud != null ? 1 : 0);
			shroudSprites = new Sprite[variantCount * variantStride];
			fogSprites = new Sprite[variantCount * variantStride];

			for (var j = 0; j < variantCount; j++)
				var shroud = map.SequenceProvider.GetSequence(info.Sequence, info.ShroudVariants[j]);
				var fog = map.SequenceProvider.GetSequence(info.Sequence, info.FogVariants[j]);
				for (var i = 0; i < info.Index.Length; i++)
					shroudSprites[j * variantStride + i] = shroud.GetSprite(i);
					fogSprites[j * variantStride + i] = fog.GetSprite(i);

				if (info.OverrideFullShroud != null)
					var i = (j + 1) * variantStride - 1;
					shroudSprites[i] = map.SequenceProvider.GetSequence(info.Sequence, info.OverrideFullShroud).GetSprite(0);
					fogSprites[i] = map.SequenceProvider.GetSequence(info.Sequence, info.OverrideFullFog).GetSprite(0);

			// Mapping of shrouded directions -> sprite index
			spriteMap = new int[info.UseExtendedIndex ? 256 : 16];
			for (var i = 0; i < info.Index.Length; i++)
				spriteMap[info.Index[i]] = i;

			if (info.OverrideFullShroud != null)
				spriteMap[info.OverrideShroudIndex] = variantStride - 1;
Пример #35
        public ActorMap(World world, ActorMapInfo info)
            this.info = info;
            map = world.Map;
            influence = new CellLayer<InfluenceNode>(world.Map);

            cols = world.Map.MapSize.X / info.BinSize + 1;
            rows = world.Map.MapSize.Y / info.BinSize + 1;
            bins = new Bin[rows * cols];
            for (var j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                for (var i = 0; i < cols; i++)
                    bins[j * cols + i] = new Bin();

            // Cache this delegate so it does not have to be allocated repeatedly.
            actorShouldBeRemoved = removeActorPosition.Contains;
Пример #36
        public ActorMap(World world, ActorMapInfo info)
            this.info = info;
            map = world.Map;
            influence = new CellLayer<InfluenceNode>(world.Map);

            cols = CellCoordToBinIndex(world.Map.MapSize.X) + 1;
            rows = CellCoordToBinIndex(world.Map.MapSize.Y) + 1;
            bins = new Bin[rows * cols];
            for (var row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                for (var col = 0; col < cols; col++)
                    bins[row * cols + col] = new Bin();

            // Cache this delegate so it does not have to be allocated repeatedly.
            actorShouldBeRemoved = removeActorPosition.Contains;
Пример #37
        public TerrainRenderer(World world, WorldRenderer wr)
            theater  = wr.Theater;
            mapTiles = world.Map.MapTiles.Value;

            terrain = new TerrainSpriteLayer(world, wr, theater.Sheet, BlendMode.Alpha,
                                             wr.Palette("terrain"), wr.World.Type != WorldType.Editor);

            foreach (var cell in world.Map.AllCells)

            world.Map.MapTiles.Value.CellEntryChanged  += UpdateCell;
            world.Map.MapHeight.Value.CellEntryChanged += UpdateCell;
Пример #38
        public CopyPasteEditorAction(MapCopyFilters copyFilters, Map map,
                                     Dictionary <CPos, Tuple <TerrainTile, ResourceTile, byte> > tiles, Dictionary <string, ActorReference> previews,
                                     EditorActorLayer editorLayer, CellRegion dest)
            this.copyFilters = copyFilters;
            this.tiles       = tiles;
            this.previews    = previews;
            this.editorLayer = editorLayer;
            this.dest        = dest;

            mapTiles     = map.Tiles;
            mapHeight    = map.Height;
            mapResources = map.Resources;

            Text = "Copied {0} tiles".F(tiles.Count);
Пример #39
        CellLayer <CellInfo> GetLayer()
            CellLayer <CellInfo> layer = null;

            lock (pool)
                if (pool.Count > 0)
                    layer = pool.Pop();

            if (layer == null)
                layer = new CellLayer <CellInfo>(defaultLayer.GridType, defaultLayer.Size);
Пример #40
        public Shroud(Actor self)
            this.self = self;
            map       = self.World.Map;

            visibleCount         = new CellLayer <int>(map);
            generatedShroudCount = new CellLayer <int>(map);
            explored             = new CellLayer <bool>(map);

            self.World.ActorAdded   += AddVisibility;
            self.World.ActorRemoved += RemoveVisibility;

            self.World.ActorAdded   += AddShroudGeneration;
            self.World.ActorRemoved += RemoveShroudGeneration;

            fogVisibilities = Exts.Lazy(() => self.TraitsImplementing <IFogVisibilityModifier>().ToArray());
Пример #41
    private Tilemap GetTilemap(CellLayer layer)
        switch (layer)
        case CellLayer.Foreground:

        case CellLayer.Background:

        case CellLayer.Light:

Пример #42
		public Shroud(Actor self)
			this.self = self;
			map = self.World.Map;

			visibleCount = new CellLayer<int>(map);
			generatedShroudCount = new CellLayer<int>(map);
			explored = new CellLayer<bool>(map);

			self.World.ActorAdded += AddVisibility;
			self.World.ActorRemoved += RemoveVisibility;

			self.World.ActorAdded += AddShroudGeneration;
			self.World.ActorRemoved += RemoveShroudGeneration;

			fogVisibilities = Exts.Lazy(() => self.TraitsImplementing<IFogVisibilityModifier>().ToArray());
Пример #43
        public void WorldLoaded(World w, WorldRenderer wr)
            trees = new CellLayer <Tree>(w.Map);

            // Build a list of templates that should be overlayed with trees
            foreach (var tree in info.Trees)
                var treeInfo = w.Map.Rules.Actors[tree].TraitInfo <TreeInfo>();
                treeTypes.Add(treeInfo.Template, tree);

            // Take all templates to overlay from the map
            foreach (var cell in w.Map.AllCells.Where(cell => treeTypes.ContainsKey(w.Map.Tiles[cell].Type)))
                ConvertTreeToActor(w, cell);
Пример #44
        public void WorldLoaded(World w, WorldRenderer wr)
            this.world = w;

            buildingInfluence = world.WorldActor.Trait <BuildingInfluence>();

            content = new CellLayer <CellContents>(w.Map);
            render  = new CellLayer <CellContents>(w.Map);
            dirty   = new List <CPos>();

            var resources = w.WorldActor.TraitsImplementing <ResourceType>()
                            .ToDictionary(r => r.Info.ResourceType, r => r);

            foreach (var cell in w.Map.Cells)
                ResourceType t;
                if (!resources.TryGetValue(w.Map.MapResources.Value[cell].Type, out t))

                if (!AllowResourceAt(t, cell))

                content[cell] = CreateResourceCell(t, cell);

            // Set initial density based on the number of neighboring resources
            foreach (var cell in w.Map.Cells)
                var type = content[cell].Type;
                if (type != null)
                    // Adjacent includes the current cell, so is always >= 1
                    var adjacent = GetAdjacentCellsWith(type, cell);
                    var density  = int2.Lerp(0, type.Info.MaxDensity, adjacent, 9);
                    var temp     = content[cell];
                    temp.Density = Math.Max(density, 1);

                    render[cell] = content[cell] = temp;
Пример #45
        public void WorldLoaded(World w, WorldRenderer wr)
            world = w;
            var map = w.Map;

            actorMap              = w.ActorMap;
            actorMap.CellUpdated += CellUpdated;
            terrainInfos          = Info.TilesetTerrainInfo[map.Rules.TileSet];

            blockingCache = new CellLayer <CellCache>(map);
            cellsCost     = new CellLayer <short>(map);

            foreach (var cell in map.AllCells)

            map.CustomTerrain.CellEntryChanged += UpdateCellCost;
            map.Tiles.CellEntryChanged         += UpdateCellCost;

            // This section needs to run after WorldLoaded() because we need to be sure that all types of ICustomMovementLayer have been initialized.
            w.AddFrameEndTask(_ =>
                var customMovementLayers = w.WorldActor.TraitsImplementing <ICustomMovementLayer>();
                foreach (var cml in customMovementLayers)
                    var cellLayer = new CellLayer <short>(map);
                    customLayerCellsCost[cml.Index]     = cellLayer;
                    customLayerBlockingCache[cml.Index] = new CellLayer <CellCache>(map);

                    foreach (var cell in map.AllCells)
                        var index = cml.GetTerrainIndex(cell);

                        var cost = short.MaxValue;

                        if (index != byte.MaxValue)
                            cost = terrainInfos[index].Cost;

                        cellLayer[cell] = cost;
Пример #46
		public void WorldLoaded(World w, WorldRenderer wr)
			bridges = new CellLayer<Bridge>(w.Map);

			// Build a list of templates that should be overlayed with bridges
			foreach (var bridge in info.Bridges)
				var bi = w.Map.Rules.Actors[bridge].TraitInfo<BridgeInfo>();
				foreach (var template in bi.Templates)
					bridgeTypes.Add(template.First, Pair.New(bridge, template.Second));

			// Take all templates to overlay from the map
			foreach (var cell in w.Map.AllCells.Where(cell => bridgeTypes.ContainsKey(w.Map.MapTiles.Value[cell].Type)))
				ConvertBridgeToActor(w, cell);

			// Link adjacent (long)-bridges so that artwork is updated correctly
			foreach (var p in w.ActorsWithTrait<Bridge>())
				p.Trait.LinkNeighbouringBridges(w, this);
Пример #47
        public TerrainRenderer(World world, WorldRenderer wr)
            worldRenderer = wr;
            theater = wr.Theater;
            map = world.Map;
            mapTiles = map.MapTiles.Value;

            terrainPaletteIndex = wr.Palette("terrain").TextureIndex;
            rowStride = 4 * map.Bounds.Width;
            vertexBuffer = Game.Renderer.Device.CreateVertexBuffer(rowStride * map.Bounds.Height);


            map.MapTiles.Value.CellEntryChanged += UpdateCell;
            map.MapHeight.Value.CellEntryChanged += UpdateCell;

            wr.PaletteInvalidated += () =>
                terrainPaletteIndex = wr.Palette("terrain").TextureIndex;
Пример #48
        public Shroud(Actor self)
            this.self = self;
            map = self.World.Map;

            visibleCount = new CellLayer<short>(map);
            generatedShroudCount = new CellLayer<short>(map);
            explored = new CellLayer<bool>(map);

            self.World.ActorAdded += AddVisibility;
            self.World.ActorRemoved += RemoveVisibility;

            self.World.ActorAdded += AddShroudGeneration;
            self.World.ActorRemoved += RemoveShroudGeneration;

            fogVisibilities = Exts.Lazy(() => self.TraitsImplementing<IFogVisibilityModifier>().ToArray());

            shroudEdgeTest = cell => map.Contains(cell);
            fastExploredTest = IsExploredCore;
            slowExploredTest = IsExplored;
            fastVisibleTest = IsVisibleCore;
            slowVisibleTest = IsVisible;
Пример #49
		public CellLayer<TerrainTile> LoadMapTiles()
			var tiles = new CellLayer<TerrainTile>(this);
			using (var dataStream = Container.GetContent("map.bin"))
				if (dataStream.ReadUInt8() != 1)
					throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown binary map format");

				// Load header info
				var width = dataStream.ReadUInt16();
				var height = dataStream.ReadUInt16();

				if (width != MapSize.X || height != MapSize.Y)
					throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid tile data");

				// Load tile data
				var data = dataStream.ReadBytes(MapSize.X * MapSize.Y * 3);
				var d = 0;
				for (var i = 0; i < MapSize.X; i++)
					for (var j = 0; j < MapSize.Y; j++)
						var tile = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, d);
						d += 2;

						var index = data[d++];
						if (index == byte.MaxValue)
							index = (byte)(i % 4 + (j % 4) * 4);

						tiles[i, j] = new TerrainTile(tile, index);

			return tiles;
Пример #50
		public void Dispose()
			if (disposed)

			disposed = true;

			CellInfo = null;

Пример #51
		CellLayer<CellInfo> InitCellInfo()
			CellLayer<CellInfo> result = null;
			var mapSize = new Size(self.World.Map.MapSize.X, self.World.Map.MapSize.Y);

			// HACK: Uses a static cache so that double-ended searches (which have two PathSearch instances)
			// can implicitly share data.  The PathFinder should allocate the CellInfo array and pass it
			// explicitly to the things that need to share it.
			while (CellInfoPool.Count > 0)
				var cellInfo = GetFromPool();
				if (cellInfo.Size != mapSize || cellInfo.Shape != self.World.Map.TileShape)
					Log.Write("debug", "Discarding old pooled CellInfo of wrong size.");

				result = cellInfo;

			if (result == null)
				result = new CellLayer<CellInfo>(self.World.Map);

			foreach (var cell in self.World.Map.Cells)
				result[cell] = new CellInfo(int.MaxValue, cell, false);

			return result;
Пример #52
		static void PutBackIntoPool(CellLayer<CellInfo> ci)
			lock (CellInfoPool)
Пример #53
		void PostInit()
			rules = Exts.Lazy(() => Game.modData.RulesetCache.LoadMapRules(this));
			cachedTileSet = Exts.Lazy(() => Rules.TileSets[Tileset]);

			var tl = Map.MapToCell(TileShape, new CPos(Bounds.Left, Bounds.Top));
			var br = Map.MapToCell(TileShape, new CPos(Bounds.Right - 1, Bounds.Bottom - 1));
			Cells = new CellRegion(TileShape, tl, br);

			CustomTerrain = new CellLayer<int>(this);
			foreach (var cell in Cells)
				CustomTerrain[cell] = -1;
Пример #54
 void ReturnLayer(CellLayer<CellInfo> layer)
     lock (pool)
        if (pool.Count < MaxPoolSize)
Пример #55
		public CellLayer<ResourceTile> LoadResourceTiles()
			var resources = new CellLayer<ResourceTile>(this);

			using (var dataStream = Container.GetContent("map.bin"))
				if (dataStream.ReadUInt8() != 1)
					throw new InvalidDataException("Unknown binary map format");

				// Load header info
				var width = dataStream.ReadUInt16();
				var height = dataStream.ReadUInt16();

				if (width != MapSize.X || height != MapSize.Y)
					throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid tile data");

				// Skip past tile data
				dataStream.Seek(3 * MapSize.X * MapSize.Y, SeekOrigin.Current);

				var data = dataStream.ReadBytes(MapSize.X * MapSize.Y * 2);
				var d = 0;

				// Load resource data
				for (var i = 0; i < MapSize.X; i++)
					for (var j = 0; j < MapSize.Y; j++)
						resources[i, j] = new ResourceTile(data[d++], data[d++]);

			return resources;
Пример #56
        public static Map FromTileset(TileSet tileset)
            var size = new Size(1, 1);
            var tileShape = Game.ModData.Manifest.TileShape;
            var tileRef = new TerrainTile(tileset.Templates.First().Key, (byte)0);

            var makeMapTiles = Exts.Lazy(() =>
                var ret = new CellLayer<TerrainTile>(tileShape, size);
                return ret;

            var makeMapHeight = Exts.Lazy(() =>
                var ret = new CellLayer<byte>(tileShape, size);
                return ret;

            var map = new Map()
                Title = "Name your map here",
                Description = "Describe your map here",
                Author = "Your name here",
                MapSize = new int2(size),
                Tileset = tileset.Id,
                Videos = new MapVideos(),
                Options = new MapOptions(),
                MapResources = Exts.Lazy(() => new CellLayer<ResourceTile>(tileShape, size)),
                MapTiles = makeMapTiles,
                MapHeight = makeMapHeight,

                SpawnPoints = Exts.Lazy(() => new CPos[0])


            return map;
Пример #57
        public CellLayer<byte> LoadMapHeight()
            var maxHeight = cachedTileSet.Value.MaxGroundHeight;
            var tiles = new CellLayer<byte>(this);
            using (var s = Container.GetContent("map.bin"))
                var header = new BinaryDataHeader(s, MapSize);
                if (header.HeightsOffset > 0)
                    s.Position = header.HeightsOffset;
                    for (var i = 0; i < MapSize.X; i++)
                        for (var j = 0; j < MapSize.Y; j++)
                            tiles[new MPos(i, j)] = s.ReadUInt8().Clamp((byte)0, maxHeight);

            return tiles;
Пример #58
        public CellLayer<TerrainTile> LoadMapTiles()
            var tiles = new CellLayer<TerrainTile>(this);
            using (var s = Container.GetContent("map.bin"))
                var header = new BinaryDataHeader(s, MapSize);
                if (header.TilesOffset > 0)
                    s.Position = header.TilesOffset;
                    for (var i = 0; i < MapSize.X; i++)
                        for (var j = 0; j < MapSize.Y; j++)
                            var tile = s.ReadUInt16();
                            var index = s.ReadUInt8();

                            // TODO: Remember to remove this when rewriting tile variants / PickAny
                            if (index == byte.MaxValue)
                                index = (byte)(i % 4 + (j % 4) * 4);

                            tiles[new MPos(i, j)] = new TerrainTile(tile, index);

            return tiles;
Пример #59
        public CellLayer<ResourceTile> LoadResourceTiles()
            var resources = new CellLayer<ResourceTile>(this);

            using (var s = Container.GetContent("map.bin"))
                var header = new BinaryDataHeader(s, MapSize);
                if (header.ResourcesOffset > 0)
                    s.Position = header.ResourcesOffset;
                    for (var i = 0; i < MapSize.X; i++)
                        for (var j = 0; j < MapSize.Y; j++)
                            var type = s.ReadUInt8();
                            var density = s.ReadUInt8();
                            resources[new MPos(i, j)] = new ResourceTile(type, density);

            return resources;
Пример #60
        void PostInit()
            rules = Exts.Lazy(() =>
                    return Game.ModData.RulesetCache.LoadMapRules(this);
                catch (Exception e)
                    InvalidCustomRules = true;
                    Log.Write("debug", "Failed to load rules for {0} with error {1}", Title, e.Message);

                return Game.ModData.DefaultRules;

            cachedTileSet = Exts.Lazy(() => Rules.TileSets[Tileset]);

            var tl = new MPos(Bounds.Left, Bounds.Top).ToCPos(this);
            var br = new MPos(Bounds.Right - 1, Bounds.Bottom - 1).ToCPos(this);
            Cells = new CellRegion(TileShape, tl, br);

            CustomTerrain = new CellLayer<byte>(this);
            foreach (var uv in Cells.MapCoords)
                CustomTerrain[uv] = byte.MaxValue;

            var leftDelta = TileShape == TileShape.Diamond ? new WVec(-512, 0, 0) : new WVec(-512, -512, 0);
            var topDelta = TileShape == TileShape.Diamond ? new WVec(0, -512, 0) : new WVec(512, -512, 0);
            var rightDelta = TileShape == TileShape.Diamond ? new WVec(512, 0, 0) : new WVec(512, 512, 0);
            var bottomDelta = TileShape == TileShape.Diamond ? new WVec(0, 512, 0) : new WVec(-512, 512, 0);
            CellCorners = CellCornerHalfHeights.Select(ramp => new WVec[]
                leftDelta + new WVec(0, 0, 512 * ramp[0]),
                topDelta + new WVec(0, 0, 512 * ramp[1]),
                rightDelta + new WVec(0, 0, 512 * ramp[2]),
                bottomDelta + new WVec(0, 0, 512 * ramp[3])