Пример #1
 private int SortCellDataMapValue(CellDataMapValue x, CellDataMapValue y)
     //Less than 0 x is less than y.
     //0 x equals y.
     //Greater than 0 x is greater than y
     if (x.connection != null)
         if (y.connection != null)
         if (y.connection == null)
Пример #2
        private void AddEdgeToMap(Cell origin, Cell connection, CellContentData data)
            //Debuger_K.AddLine(origin.centerV3, SomeMath.MidPoint(data.leftV3, data.centerV3), Color.blue);
            //Debuger_K.AddLine(origin.centerV3, SomeMath.MidPoint(data.rightV3, data.centerV3), Color.red);

            tempCellDataMapValue = new CellDataMapValue(origin, connection, data);
            DDARasterization.DrawLine(data.a.x - chunk.realX, data.a.z - chunk.realZ, data.b.x - chunk.realX, data.b.z - chunk.realZ, PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE / PathFinder.gridSize, AddEdgeToMapDelegate);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// IMPORTANT:
        /// Sort so empty edges are at begining
        /// </summary>
        private void AddEdgeToMapDelegate(int x, int z)
            x = SomeMath.Clamp(0, PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE - 1, x);
            z = SomeMath.Clamp(0, PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE - 1, z);

            CellDataMapValue[] arr = dataMap[x][z];
            if (arr == null)
                arr = new CellDataMapValue[0];
            CellDataMapValue[] newArr = new CellDataMapValue[arr.Length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
                newArr[i] = arr[i];
            newArr[arr.Length] = tempCellDataMapValue;
            Array.Sort(newArr, SortCellDataMapValue);
            dataMap[x][z] = newArr;

            //if(dataMap[x][z] == null)
            //    dataMap[x][z] = new List<CellDataMapValue>();
            //dataMap[x][z].Sort(SortCellDataMapValue);//place connections with null at the end and with connection at begining
        public static void Raycast2Body2(float posX, float posY, float posZ, float rayDirX, float rayDirY, Cell cell,
                                         float maxLength, bool checkArea, bool checkPass, Area expArea, Passability expPass,
                                         RaycastAllocatedData rad, out RaycastHitNavMesh2 hit)
            if (SomeMath.SqrMagnitude(rayDirX, rayDirY) == 0f)
                hit = new RaycastHitNavMesh2(posX, posY, posZ, NavmeshRaycastResultType2.ReachMaxDistance, cell);

            rad.chunkPixelSize = PathFinder.gridSize / PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE;

            //trick to fix case when raycast start on "near" edge
            //currently can't be on chunk edge so we dont care if chunk changed
            rad.currentChunkData = cell.graph.chunk;

            int curGridX = (int)((posX - rad.currentChunkData.realX) / rad.chunkPixelSize);
            int curGridY = (int)((posZ - rad.currentChunkData.realZ) / rad.chunkPixelSize);

            //if (curGridX < 0) curGridX = 0; else if (curGridX > 9) curGridX = 9;
            //if (curGridY < 0) curGridY = 0; else if (curGridY > 9) curGridY = 9;

            rad.startIntX = (rad.currentChunkData.x * 10) + curGridX;
            rad.startIntY = (rad.currentChunkData.z * 10) + curGridY;

            var tempVal = maxLength / rad.chunkPixelSize;

            if (tempVal > 10000) //too big number anyway
                rad.gridDistanceTreshold = SomeMath.Sqr(10000);
                rad.gridDistanceTreshold = (int)SomeMath.Sqr(maxLength / rad.chunkPixelSize) + 1;

            rad.dataArray = cell.graph.dataMap[curGridX][curGridY];

            if (rad.dataArray != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < rad.dataArray.Length; i++)
                    CellDataMapValue mapData = rad.dataArray[i];

                    if (mapData.from != cell)

                    if (mapData.data.RotateRightAndReturnDot(rayDirX, rayDirY) < 0)

                    float sqrDist = SomeMath.SqrDistance(mapData.data.NearestPointXZ(posX, posZ), new Vector2(posX, posZ));

                    if (sqrDist < 0.0001f)
                        Vector2 dirToCellCenter = (cell.centerVector2 - new Vector2(posX, posZ)).normalized * 0.001f;
                        posX += dirToCellCenter.x;
                        posZ += dirToCellCenter.y;
                        //if (dot < 0.001f) {//oh wow. start point exactly on edge and ray alond side

            //if (DEBUG) {
            //    Debuger_K.AddRay(new Vector3(posX, posY + 0.1f, posZ), new Vector3(rayDirX, 0, rayDirY), Color.gray);

            rad.posX         = posX;
            rad.posY         = posY;
            rad.posZ         = posZ;
            rad.rayDirX      = rayDirX;
            rad.rayDirY      = rayDirY;
            rad.checkPass    = checkPass;
            rad.checkArea    = checkArea;
            rad.expPass      = expPass;
            rad.expArea      = expArea;
            rad.raycastType  = NavmeshRaycastResultType2.Nothing;
            rad.maxSqrLength = SomeMath.Sqr(maxLength);
            rad.curCell      = cell;
            rad.prevCell     = null;
            rad.raycastDone  = false;

                lastHullX = posX,
                lastHullZ = posZ;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                rad.raycastSamples[i] = raycastSamplesTemplate[i].RotateRightAndReturnDot(rayDirX, rayDirY) < 0;

            int chunkIteration = 0;

            while (rad.raycastDone == false)
                if (chunkIteration > 50)
                    string s = string.Format("chunkIteration too large. x {0}, y {1}, z {2}, dx {3}, dy {4}, max {5}", posX, posY, posZ, rayDirX, rayDirY, maxLength);
                    //Debuger_K.AddRay(new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ), Vector3.down, Color.cyan);
                    //Debuger_K.AddRay(new Vector3(posX, posY, posZ), new Vector3(rayDirX, 0, rayDirY), Color.yellow, 50);
                    //Debuger_K.UserfulPublicFlag = true;

                rad.currentChunkData = rad.curCell.graph.chunk;
                rad.curChunkIntX     = rad.currentChunkData.x * 10;
                rad.curChunkIntY     = rad.currentChunkData.z * 10;
                rad.dataMap          = rad.curCell.graph.dataMap;

                chunkX = rad.currentChunkData.realX;
                chunkZ = rad.currentChunkData.realZ;

                #region border points
                curHullX = posX;
                curHullZ = posZ;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (rad.raycastSamples[i])
                        CellContentData curSide = raycastSamplesTemplate[i];
                        float           rX, rZ;

                        if (SomeMath.RayIntersectSegment(posX, posZ, rayDirX, rayDirY, curSide.xLeft + chunkX, curSide.zLeft + chunkZ, curSide.xRight + chunkX, curSide.zRight + chunkZ, out rX, out rZ))
                            curHullX = rX;
                            curHullZ = rZ;
                        //if (DEBUG)
                        //    Debuger_K.AddLine(curSide.a, curSide.b, Color.red, chunkIteration);

                #region debug
                //if (DEBUG) {
                //    Debuger_K.AddLine(new Vector3(curHullX, 0, curHullZ), new Vector3(lastHullX, 0, lastHullZ), Color.yellow, chunkIteration);

                //    for (int x = 0; x < PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE + 1; x++) {
                //        Debuger_K.AddLine(
                //            currentChunkData.realPositionV3 + new Vector3(x * chunkPixelSize, 0, 0),
                //            currentChunkData.realPositionV3 + new Vector3(x * chunkPixelSize, 0, PathFinder.gridSize),
                //            Color.red);
                //    }
                //    for (int z = 0; z < PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE + 1; z++) {
                //        Debuger_K.AddLine(
                //            currentChunkData.realPositionV3 + new Vector3(0, 0, z * chunkPixelSize),
                //            currentChunkData.realPositionV3 + new Vector3(PathFinder.gridSize, 0, z * chunkPixelSize),
                //            Color.red);
                //    }


                    lastHullX - chunkX,
                    lastHullZ - chunkZ,
                    curHullX - chunkX,
                    curHullZ - chunkZ,

                lastHullX = curHullX;
                lastHullZ = curHullZ;

            hit = new RaycastHitNavMesh2(rad.raycastResultX, rad.raycastResultY, rad.raycastResultZ, rad.raycastType, rad.curCell);
        private static bool RaycastDelegate(int x, int y, RaycastAllocatedData rad)
            if (rad.raycastDone)

            if (x < 0)
                x = 0;
            else if (x > 9)
                x = 9;                               //x = SomeMath.Clamp(0, CELL_GRID_SIZE - 1, x);
            if (y < 0)
                y = 0;
            else if (y > 9)
                y = 9;                               //y = SomeMath.Clamp(0, CELL_GRID_SIZE - 1, y);
            if (SomeMath.SqrDistance(rad.startIntX, rad.startIntY, rad.curChunkIntX + x, rad.curChunkIntY + y) > rad.gridDistanceTreshold)
                rad.raycastType = NavmeshRaycastResultType2.ReachMaxDistance;
                rad.raycastDone = true;
            //IMPORTANT: edges in this list are sorted. "connection != null" at the begining and "connection == null" at the end.
            //some logic here based on this order
            rad.dataArray = rad.dataMap[x][y];

            if (rad.dataArray == null)

            int dataArrayLength = rad.dataArray.Length;

            #region debug
            //if (DEBUG) {
            //    Vector3 p = currentChunkData.realPositionV3 + new Vector3((x * chunkPixelSize) + (chunkPixelSize * 0.5f), 0, (y * chunkPixelSize) + (chunkPixelSize * 0.5f));
            //    Debuger_K.AddDot(curCell.centerV3, Color.cyan);
            //    Debuger_K.AddDot(p, Color.red, 0.05f);
            //    //list.ForEach(item => Debuger_K.AddLine(item.data.NearestPoint(p), p, Color.blue));

            int  cellLoop   = 0;
            bool doCellLoop = true;
            while (doCellLoop)
                if (cellLoop > 50)
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("cellLoop too large. x {0}, y {1}, z {2}, dx {3}, dy {4}, max {5}", rad.posX, rad.posY, rad.posZ, rad.rayDirX, rad.rayDirY, Mathf.Sqrt(rad.maxSqrLength));

                doCellLoop = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < dataArrayLength; i++)
                    CellDataMapValue mapData = rad.dataArray[i];
                    if (mapData.from != rad.curCell)

                    CellContentData ccd = mapData.data;
                    if ((-(ccd.zRight - ccd.zLeft) * rad.rayDirX) + ((ccd.xRight - ccd.xLeft) * rad.rayDirY) < 0)

                    float ix, iy, iz;
                    if (SomeMath.RayIntersectXZ(rad.posX, rad.posZ, rad.rayDirX, rad.rayDirY, ccd.xLeft, ccd.yLeft, ccd.zLeft, ccd.xRight, ccd.yRight, ccd.zRight, out ix, out iy, out iz) == false)

                    rad.raycastResultX = ix;
                    rad.raycastResultY = iy;
                    rad.raycastResultZ = iz;
                    rad.prevCell       = rad.curCell;

                    if (SomeMath.SqrDistance(rad.posX, rad.posY, rad.posZ, ix, iy, iz) >= rad.maxSqrLength)
                        rad.raycastType = NavmeshRaycastResultType2.ReachMaxDistance;
                        rad.raycastDone = true;

                    if (mapData.connection != null)
                        #region debug
                        //if (DEBUG) {
                        //    Vector3 p = currentChunkData.realPositionV3 + new Vector3((x * chunkPixelSize) + (chunkPixelSize * 0.5f), 0, (y * chunkPixelSize) + (chunkPixelSize * 0.5f));
                        //    //Debuger_K.AddLine(ToV3(curHullIntersection), resultVector);
                        //    if (prevCell != null) {
                        //        Vector3 p1p = SomeMath.MidPoint(curCell.centerV3, prevCell.centerV3);
                        //        //Vector3 p2p = SomeMath.MidPoint(p1p, p);
                        //        Debuger_K.AddLine(curCell.centerV3, prevCell.centerV3, Color.green);
                        //        Debuger_K.AddLine(p1p, p, Color.cyan);
                        //    }

                        doCellLoop  = true;
                        rad.curCell = mapData.connection;

                        if (rad.checkPass && rad.curCell.passability != rad.expPass)
                            rad.raycastType = NavmeshRaycastResultType2.PassabilityChange;
                            rad.raycastDone = true;
                        else if (rad.checkArea && rad.curCell.area != rad.expArea)
                            rad.raycastType = NavmeshRaycastResultType2.AreaChange;
                            rad.raycastDone = true;
                        rad.curCell     = null;
                        rad.raycastType = NavmeshRaycastResultType2.NavmeshBorderHit;
                        rad.raycastDone = true;
Пример #6
        public void SetBunchOfData(List <Cell> passedCells, List <Cell>[][] map, Dictionary <CellContentData, Cell> contourLib)
            _mapCell    = map;
            _contourLib = contourLib;

            for (int i = 0; i < passedCells.Count; i++)
                passedCells[i].debugID = i;

            //dataMap = new List<CellDataMapValue>[PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE][];
            //for (int x = 0; x < PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE; x++) {
            //    dataMap[x] = new List<CellDataMapValue>[PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE];

            dataMap = new CellDataMapValue[PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE][][];
            for (int x = 0; x < PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE; x++)
                dataMap[x] = new CellDataMapValue[PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE][];

            Vector2 chunkPos = chunk.realPositionV2;

            foreach (var cell in passedCells)
                foreach (var pair in cell.dataContentPairs)
                    if (pair.Value != null)
                        if (pair.Value is CellContentGenericConnection)//skip jump connections since they dont participate in raycasting right now
                            AddEdgeToMap(cell, pair.Value.connection, pair.Key);
                        AddEdgeToMap(cell, null, pair.Key);

            //float edgeMapPiselSize = PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE / PathFinder.gridSize;
            //Vector3 realNotOffsetedPosition = chunk.realPositionV3;
            //for (int x = 0; x < PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE + 1; x++) {
            //    Vector3 A = realNotOffsetedPosition + new Vector3(x * edgeMapPiselSize, 0, 0);
            //    Vector3 B = realNotOffsetedPosition + new Vector3(x * edgeMapPiselSize, 0, PathFinder.gridSize);
            //    Debuger_K.AddLine(A, B, Color.red);
            //for (int z = 0; z < PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE + 1; z++) {
            //    Vector3 A = realNotOffsetedPosition + new Vector3(0, 0, z * edgeMapPiselSize);
            //    Vector3 B = realNotOffsetedPosition + new Vector3(PathFinder.gridSize, 0, z * edgeMapPiselSize);
            //    Debuger_K.AddLine(A, B, Color.red);
            //Vector3 chunkPosition = chunk.realPositionV3;
            //float chunkPixelSize = PathFinder.gridSize / PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE;
            //for (int x = 0; x < PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE; x++) {
            //    for (int z = 0; z < PathFinder.CELL_GRID_SIZE; z++) {
            //        Vector3 p = chunkPosition + new Vector3((x * chunkPixelSize) + (chunkPixelSize * 0.5f), 0, (z * chunkPixelSize) + (chunkPixelSize * 0.5f));
            //        if (dataMap[x][z] != null) {
            //            string s = "|";
            //            for (int i = 0; i < dataMap[x][z].Length; i++) {
            //                s += dataMap[x][z][i].connection == null ? "-" : "+";
            //            }
            //            Debuger_K.AddLabel(p, s);
            //        }
            //        else {
            //            Debuger_K.AddLabel(p, "null");
            //        }
            //        Debuger_K.AddDot(p);
            //    }