static CefWin() { string exefile = CurrentProcess.MainModule.FileName; ApplicationIcon = System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(exefile); SearchLibCefRootFolderList.Add(Path.GetDirectoryName(exefile)); SearchLibCefRootFolderList.Add(Environment.CurrentDirectory); // * * single-process is not recommanded by chromium team , If you get any strange issue , try removing this option: // * * see for more // * * ERROR msg in CefAdditionArguments.Add("--single-process"); //use single process , memory usage is 170MB , otherwise 340MB CefAdditionArguments.Add("--winhttp-proxy-resolver"); CefAdditionArguments.Add("--no-proxy-server"); // CefAdditionArguments.Add("--disable-gpu-shader-disk-cache"); CefAdditionArguments.Add("--allow-running-insecure-content"); CefAdditionArguments.Add("--enable-speech-input"); CefAdditionArguments.Add("--enable-media-stream"); //TODO: ??? must work with --enable-usermedia-screen-capturing CefAdditionArguments.Add("--enable-usermedia-screen-capturing"); CefAdditionArguments.Add("--enable-aggressive-domstorage-flushing"); //save data more quickly // more tested : // --proxy-server= new WF.Panel().Handle.ToString(); //Activate WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext MainThreadSynchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current; Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate { //CTRL+C WriteDebugLine("Console.CancelKeyPress"); ApplicationCTS.Cancel(); }; WF.Application.ApplicationExit += delegate { _winformsExitFired = true; WriteDebugLine("Warning:do not call Application.Exit()"); ApplicationCTS.Cancel(); }; LibCefInterop.App.RenderProcessHandler.WebKitInitialized += delegate { CefV8Handler handler = new CefV8Handler(); AddStaticObject(handler); ConcurrentDictionary <string, Assembly> dllmap = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Assembly>(); Assembly[] existAsms = null; object HandleExecute(CefV8Handler self, string name, CefV8Value[] args) { if (SettingsTrustedWebsiteHosts == null) { throw new Exception("TrustedWebsiteHosts is not configured"); } //TODO: v8c get current , get browser CefV8Context ctx = CefV8Context.GetCurrent(); if (ctx == null) { throw new Exception("no current v8context"); } string url = ctx.GetFrame().Url; Uri uri = new Uri(url); if (!SettingsTrustedWebsiteHosts.Contains(uri.Host)) { if (!SettingsTrustedWebsiteHosts.Contains(uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port)) { throw (new Exception(uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port + " is not trusted in TrustedWebsiteHosts")); } } if (existAsms == null) { existAsms = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); } if (name == "_compileAssembly") { string dllname = args[0].GetStringValue(); string code = args[1].GetStringValue(); WriteDebugLine("_compileAssembly:" + dllname + ":" + code.Length); if (!SettingAllowCompileCSharpCode) { throw new Exception("AllowCompileCSharpCode is not setted to true"); } if (dllname.IndexOfAny(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) != -1) { throw new Exception("Invalid dllname."); } dllmap[dllname] = CompileCode(existAsms, dllname, code); } else if (name == "_installAssembly") { string dllname = args[0].GetStringValue(); string base64 = args[1].GetStringValue(); WriteDebugLine("_installAssembly:" + dllname + ":" + base64.Length); if (SettingTrustedPublicKeyTokens == null) { throw new Exception("CefWin.PublicKeyTokenList is not configured"); } byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); Assembly asm = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load(data); byte[] tokendata = asm.GetName().GetPublicKeyToken(); if (tokendata == null) { throw new Exception("the dll " + dllname + " must signed for a PublicKeyToken and register it into CefWin.PublicKeyTokenList "); } string token = BitConverter.ToString(tokendata).Replace("-", "").ToLower(); if (!SettingTrustedPublicKeyTokens.Contains(token)) { throw new Exception("Invalid dll , " + token + " is not in CefWin.PublicKeyTokenList"); } WriteDebugLine("new assembly installed : " + asm.FullName); dllmap[dllname] = asm; } else if (name == "_executeAssembly") { string dllname = args[0].GetStringValue(); string clsname = args[1].GetStringValue(); string method = args[2].GetStringValue(); WriteDebugLine("_executeAssembly:" + dllname + ":" + clsname + ":" + method); object[] methodargs = (object[])args[3].ToObject() ?? Array.Empty <object>(); Assembly asm; if (!dllmap.TryGetValue(dllname, out asm)) { throw new Exception(dllname + " not exists"); } Type type = asm.GetType(clsname); WriteDebugLine("Type : " + type.AssemblyQualifiedName); var members = type.GetMember(method); if (members.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Method " + method + " not exists in " + type.AssemblyQualifiedName); } if (members.Length != 1) { throw new Exception("Too many member " + method + " in " + type.AssemblyQualifiedName); } var minfo = members[0] as MethodInfo; if (minfo == null) { throw new Exception("Member " + method + " is not a method in " + type.AssemblyQualifiedName); } if (!minfo.IsStatic) { throw new Exception("Method " + method + " is not static in " + type.AssemblyQualifiedName); } if (!minfo.IsPublic) { throw new Exception("Method " + method + " is not public in " + type.AssemblyQualifiedName); } object result = null; InvokeInAppThread(delegate { result = minfo.Invoke(null, new object[] { methodargs }); }); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid func " + name); } return(null); } handler.Execute = HandleExecute; //TODO: shall use async return Promise ... now show dialog will block the JS executing, //TODO: Support multi-process : int r = CefV8Context.CefRegisterExtension("cefwin_extention", @" var CefWin={}; (function(){ var dllmap={}; CefWin.compileAssembly=function(dllname,code) { var dllitem=dllmap[dllname]; if(dllitem!=null&&dllitem.code==code) { console.log(dllname+' already compiled'); return; } console.log(dllname,code.length); dllitem={code:code}; native function _compileAssembly(); _compileAssembly(dllname, code); dllmap[dllname]=dllitem; } CefWin.installAssembly=function(dllname, base64) { var dllitem=dllmap[dllname]; if(dllitem!=null&&dllitem.base64==base64) { console.log(dllname+' already installed'); return; } console.log(dllname,base64.length); dllitem={base64:base64}; native function _installAssembly(); _installAssembly(dllname, base64); dllmap[dllname]=dllitem; } CefWin.executeAssembly=async function _ExecuteAssembly(dllname, clsname, method, args) { var dllitem=dllmap[dllname]; if(!dllitem)throw new Error(dllname+' not installed'); native function _executeAssembly(); console.log(dllname,clsname,method); _executeAssembly(dllname,clsname,method,args); return 'OK'+new Date().getTime(); } })(); ", handler); WriteDebugLine("CefRegisterExtension:" + r); }; //TODO: implement the Notification API //LibCefInterop.App.RenderProcessHandler.WebKitInitialized += delegate // { // int r = CefV8Context.CefRegisterExtension("CefWin1", "function cefwin(){alert(123);}"); // WriteDebugLine("CefRegisterExtension:" + r); // }; //LibCefInterop.App.RenderProcessHandler.ContextCreated += (rph, browser, frame, v8c) => // { // WriteDebugLine("OnContextCreated id:" + browser.Identifier); // WriteDebugLine("send msgfromrenderer"); // frame.SendProcessMessage(cef_process_id_t.PID_BROWSER, "msgfromrenderer"); // try // { // v8c.Eval("console.log('hello...')"); // WriteDebugLine("Eval DONE"); // } // catch (Exception x) // { // WriteDebugLine(x); // } // }; }