/// <summary>
        /// updates the status of catalogues fetched out of search criteria -
        /// (not just the one displayed in the current page of the gridbut all the catalogues fetched)
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateCatalogueStatus(bool overrideInvalidCatnoUpdate, bool overrideParticipUpdate, bool overrideTrackStatus0)
            bool  isParticipUpdate;
            bool  isTrackStatus0;
            Array UpdateCatnoList;

            if (ValidateCatToUpdateStatus(overrideInvalidCatnoUpdate, overrideParticipUpdate, overrideTrackStatus0, out isParticipUpdate, out isTrackStatus0, out UpdateCatnoList))
                if (UpdateCatnoList.Length > 0)
                    catalogueSearchBL = new CatalogueSearchBL();
                    //JIRA-1048 --Changes to handle single quote -- Start
                    DataSet searchedData = catalogueSearchBL.UpdateCatalogueDetails(txtCatalogueNo.Text.Replace("'", "").Trim().ToUpper(), txtTitle.Text.Replace("'", "").Trim(),
                                                                                    txtArtist.Text.Replace("'", "").Trim(), ddlConfiguration.SelectedValue, txtISRC.Text.Replace("'", "").Trim(), ddlTeamResponsibility.SelectedValue, ddlTeamResponsibilitybyTrack.SelectedValue,
                                                                                    ddlManagerResponsibility.SelectedValue, ddlManagerResponsibilitybyTrack.SelectedValue, ddlCatnoStatus.SelectedValue, ddlUpdateStatus.SelectedValue, ddlTrackStatus.SelectedValue, CatNoListForParticips(), UpdateCatnoList, Convert.ToString(Session["UserCode"]),
                                                                                    out errorId);
                    //JIRA-1048 --Changes to handle single quote --ENd
                    if (searchedData.Tables.Count != 0 && errorId != 2)
                        Session["CatSrchCatDetails"] = searchedData.Tables[0];
                        gvCatalogueDetails.PageIndex = 0;
                        msgView.SetMessage("Bulk status update successful", MessageType.Success, PositionType.Auto); // WUIN-1234
                        ExceptionHandler("Error in updating catalogue status", string.Empty);
                if (isTrackStatus0) //WUIN-1005
                    lblMessage.Text           = "There are products in the list where some of the tracks have a status of No participants. Do you want to continue?";
                    btnYesConfirm.Text        = "Yes";
                    btnNoConfirm.Text         = "No";
                    btnYesConfirm.CommandName = "Tracks";
                    //If the Participants will be updated, a message will be displayed ‘This will update the Status of all Participants and Tracks to this Catalogue Status. Confirm or Cancel’
                    if (isParticipUpdate)
                        lblMessage.Text    = "This will update the Status of all Participants and Tracks to this Catalogue Status";
                        btnYesConfirm.Text = "Confirm";
                        btnNoConfirm.Text  = "Cancel";
                        lblMessage.Text           = "One or more catalogue status cannot be updated. Do you want to continue for the rest?";
                        btnYesConfirm.Text        = "Yes";
                        btnNoConfirm.Text         = "No";
                        btnYesConfirm.CommandName = "Participants";

        private void SearchData()
            //Create a table to hold the filter values
            DataTable dtSearchedFilters = new DataTable();

            dtSearchedFilters.Columns.Add("filter_name", typeof(string));
            dtSearchedFilters.Columns.Add("filter_value", typeof(string));

            //Add the filter values to the above created table
            dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("txtCatalogueNo", txtCatalogueNo.Text);
            dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("txtTitle", txtTitle.Text);
            dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("txtArtist", txtArtist.Text);
            dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("ddlConfiguration", ddlConfiguration.SelectedValue);
            dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("txtISRC", txtISRC.Text);
            dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("ddlTeamResponsibility", ddlTeamResponsibility.SelectedValue);
            dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("ddlTeamResponsibilitybyTrack", ddlTeamResponsibilitybyTrack.SelectedValue);
            dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("ddlManagerResponsibility", ddlManagerResponsibility.SelectedValue);
            dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("ddlManagerResponsibilitybyTrack", ddlManagerResponsibilitybyTrack.SelectedValue);
            dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("ddlCatnoStatus", ddlCatnoStatus.SelectedValue);
            dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("ddlTrackStatus", ddlTrackStatus.SelectedValue);
            dtSearchedFilters.Rows.Add("txtUploadPrdList", txtUploadPrdList.Text);

            Session["CSSearchedFilters"] = dtSearchedFilters;

            catalogueSearchBL = new CatalogueSearchBL();
            //JIRA-1048 Changes to handle single quote while searching --Start
            DataSet searchedData = catalogueSearchBL.GetSearchedCatData(txtCatalogueNo.Text.Replace("'", "").Trim().ToUpper(), txtTitle.Text.Replace("'", "").Trim(),
                                                                        txtArtist.Text.Replace("'", "").Trim(), ddlConfiguration.SelectedValue, txtISRC.Text.Replace("'", "").Trim(), ddlTeamResponsibility.SelectedValue, ddlTeamResponsibilitybyTrack.SelectedValue, ddlManagerResponsibility.SelectedValue, ddlManagerResponsibilitybyTrack.SelectedValue,
                                                                        ddlCatnoStatus.SelectedValue, ddlTrackStatus.SelectedValue, txtUploadPrdList.Text.ToUpper().Trim().Replace("\r\n", string.Empty).Split(';').ToArray(), out errorId);

            //JIRA-1048 Changes to handle single quote while searching --End
            catalogueSearchBL = null;

            if (searchedData.Tables.Count != 0 && errorId != 2)
                Session["CatSrchCatDetails"] = searchedData.Tables[0];
                gvCatalogueDetails.PageIndex = 0;
                if (searchedData.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                    gvCatalogueDetails.EmptyDataText = "No data found for the selected filter criteria";
                if (searchedData.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1 && hdnIsNewRequest.Value == "Y")
                    Response.Redirect("../Participants/CatalogueMaintenance.aspx?catNo=" + searchedData.Tables[0].Rows[0]["catno"].ToString() + "", false);

                //WUIN-710 - reset bulk update flag
                hdnOverrideInvalidCatnoUpdate.Value = "N";
                hdnOverrideParticipUpdate.Value     = "N";
                ExceptionHandler("Error in fetching data", string.Empty);
        /// <summary>
        ///1.No update allowed if (legacy = 'Y' and no active Participants (PARTICIPATION_TYPE = 'A' and end_date null))  OR (legacy = 'N' and no active Track Participants(ISRC participants))
        ///2. When updating the CATNO.STATUS_CODE,
        ///     1.The check for updating only one level at a time will be removed (eg will be able to update from Under Review to Manager Sign Off)
        //      2.Participant Status will be updated to the Product Status if the existing Participant Status is < new Product Status
        ///     3.Participant Status will not be updated to the Product Status if the existing Participant Status is > new Product Status
        ///     4.Only update Participant Status if no end date
        //      5.If not legacy, Track Status will be updated to the Product Status if the existing Track Status is < new Product Status
        ///     6.If not legacy, Track Status will not be updated to the Product Status if the existing Track Status is > new Product Status
        ///3.If Status is moved from Manager Sign Off (3) then
        ///     display warning 'This update will prevent the generation of Statement details for all Participants'
        ///4.If the Participants will be updated, a message will be displayed ‘This will update the Status of all Participants and Tracks to this Catalogue Status. Confirm or Cancel’
        ///5. (WUIN-909) Cannot update status to 'No Participants' if there are active participants
        ///      if legacy = 'Y' and active Participants (PARTICIPATION_TYPE = 'A' and end_date null)
        ///      if legacy = 'N' and active Track Participants(ISRC participants)
        ///6. WUIN-1005 - if any tracks with status 'No Participants' found for the catno's for which status is being updated, display confirm box.
        /// </summary>
        private bool ValidateCatToUpdateStatus(bool overrideInvalidCatnoUpdate, bool overrideParticipUpdate, bool overrideTrackStatus0, out bool isParticipUpdate, out bool isTrackStatus0, out Array UpdateCatnoList)
            List <string> UpdateCatnos = new List <string>();

            UpdateCatnoList = UpdateCatnos.ToArray();
            string catno;
            string legacy;
            bool   isValid;

            isParticipUpdate = false;
            isTrackStatus0   = false;
            DataTable dtCatDetails = Session["CatSrchCatDetails"] as DataTable;

            if (ddlUpdateStatus.SelectedIndex == 0)
                msgView.SetMessage("Please select valid catalogue status", MessageType.Success, PositionType.Auto);

            if (dtCatDetails == null || dtCatDetails.Rows.Count == 0)
                msgView.SetMessage("No catalogues to update the status", MessageType.Success, PositionType.Auto);

            //get list of participants and Track participants (ISRC participants) and tracks of the catnos
            DataTable dtParticips;
            DataTable dtTrackParticips;
            DataTable dtTracks;

            catalogueSearchBL = new CatalogueSearchBL();
            DataSet dsCatnoParticipants = catalogueSearchBL.GetCatnoParticipants(CatNoListForParticips(), out errorId);

            catalogueSearchBL = null;

            if (errorId == 2 || dsCatnoParticipants.Tables.Count == 0)
                ExceptionHandler("Error in fetching participation details of the selected catalogues", string.Empty);

            dtParticips      = dsCatnoParticipants.Tables[0];
            dtTrackParticips = dsCatnoParticipants.Tables[1];
            dtTracks         = dsCatnoParticipants.Tables[2]; //WUIN-1005
            // WUIN-1005 - No update allowed if status Participants and Tracks is No Participants.
            if (!overrideTrackStatus0)
                foreach (DataRow drCat in dtCatDetails.Rows)
                    isTrackStatus0 = false;
                    catno          = drCat["catno"].ToString();
                    legacy         = drCat["legacy"].ToString();
                    if (legacy == "N" && (dtTracks.Select("catno = '" + catno + "' AND status_code = 0").Count() > 0))
                        isTrackStatus0 = true;
                        if (!overrideTrackStatus0)

            foreach (DataRow drCat in dtCatDetails.Rows)
                isValid          = true;
                isParticipUpdate = false;
                isTrackStatus0   = false;
                catno            = drCat["catno"].ToString();
                legacy           = drCat["legacy"].ToString();

                //1.No update allowed if (legacy = 'Y' and no active Participants (PARTICIPATION_TYPE = 'A' and end_date null))  OR (legacy = 'N' and no active Track Participants(ISRC participants))
                if ((legacy == "Y" && (dtParticips.Select("catno = '" + catno + "' AND participation_type = 'A' AND end_date IS NULL").Count() == 0)) ||
                    (legacy == "N" && (dtTrackParticips.Select("catno = '" + catno + "' AND active = 'Y'").Count() == 0)))
                    isValid = false;

                    if (!overrideInvalidCatnoUpdate)

                //5.Cannot update status to 'No Participants' if there are active participants
                if (ddlUpdateStatus.SelectedValue == "0" &&
                    ((legacy == "Y" && (dtParticips.Select("catno = '" + catno + "' AND participation_type = 'A' AND end_date IS NULL").Count() > 0)) ||
                     (legacy == "N" && (dtTrackParticips.Select("catno = '" + catno + "' AND active = 'Y'").Count() > 0))))
                    isValid = false;

                    if (!overrideInvalidCatnoUpdate)

                //4.If the Participants(either participation participants or if not legacy and isrc participants) will be updated,
                //a message will be displayed ‘This will update the Status of all Participants and Tracks to this Catalogue Status. Confirm or Cancel’
                if ((dtParticips.Select("catno = '" + catno + "' AND status_code < " + ddlUpdateStatus.SelectedValue + " AND end_date IS NULL").Count() > 0) ||
                    (legacy == "N" && (dtTrackParticips.Select("catno = '" + catno + "' AND status_code < " + ddlUpdateStatus.SelectedValue).Count() > 0))
                    isParticipUpdate = true;

                    if (!overrideParticipUpdate)

                if (isValid)
                    UpdateCatnos.Add(catno + Global.DBDelimiter + legacy);

            UpdateCatnoList = UpdateCatnos.ToArray();

            //4.If Status is moved from Manager Sign Off (3) then
            //    display warning 'This update will prevent the generation of Statement details for all Participants'
            // (if selected status is not Manager sign off, display warning if any catalogue is Manager signed off)
            if ((ddlUpdateStatus.SelectedValue != "3" && ddlUpdateStatus.SelectedValue != "0") && (dtCatDetails.Select("status_code = 3").Count() > 0))
                msgView.SetMessage("This update will prevent the generation of Statement details for all Participants of catalogues that are Manager signed off!",
                                   MessageType.Success, PositionType.Auto);

        private void LoadData()
            dtEmpty           = new DataTable();
            catalogueSearchBL = new CatalogueSearchBL();
            DataSet initialData = catalogueSearchBL.GetInitialData(out errorId);

            gvCatalogueDetails.EmptyDataText = "<br />";
            gvCatalogueDetails.DataSource    = dtEmpty;

            ddlConfiguration.DataTextField  = "config_name";
            ddlConfiguration.DataValueField = "config_code";
            ddlConfiguration.DataSource     = initialData.Tables[0];
            ddlConfiguration.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-", null));

            ddlTeamResponsibility.DataTextField  = "responsibility_desc";
            ddlTeamResponsibility.DataValueField = "responsibility_code";
            ddlTeamResponsibility.DataSource     = initialData.Tables[1];
            ddlTeamResponsibility.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-", null));

            ddlTeamResponsibilitybyTrack.DataTextField  = "responsibility_desc";
            ddlTeamResponsibilitybyTrack.DataValueField = "responsibility_code";
            ddlTeamResponsibilitybyTrack.DataSource     = initialData.Tables[1];
            ddlTeamResponsibilitybyTrack.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-", null));

            ddlManagerResponsibility.DataTextField  = "responsibility_desc";
            ddlManagerResponsibility.DataValueField = "responsibility_code";
            ddlManagerResponsibility.DataSource     = initialData.Tables[1];
            ddlManagerResponsibility.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-", null));

            ddlManagerResponsibilitybyTrack.DataTextField  = "responsibility_desc";
            ddlManagerResponsibilitybyTrack.DataValueField = "responsibility_code";
            ddlManagerResponsibilitybyTrack.DataSource     = initialData.Tables[1];
            ddlManagerResponsibilitybyTrack.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-", null));

            ddlCatnoStatus.DataTextField  = "item_text";
            ddlCatnoStatus.DataValueField = "item_value";
            ddlCatnoStatus.DataSource     = initialData.Tables[2];
            ddlCatnoStatus.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-", null));

            ddlTrackStatus.DataTextField  = "item_text";
            ddlTrackStatus.DataValueField = "item_value";
            ddlTrackStatus.DataSource     = initialData.Tables[3];
            ddlTrackStatus.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-", null));

            ddlUpdateStatus.DataTextField  = "item_text";
            ddlUpdateStatus.DataValueField = "item_value";
            ddlUpdateStatus.DataSource     = initialData.Tables[2];
            ddlUpdateStatus.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-"));

            if (Request.QueryString != null && Request.QueryString.Count > 0)
                hdnIsNewRequest.Value = Request.QueryString[0];

                if (hdnIsNewRequest.Value == "N")
                    if (Session["CSSearchedFilters"] != null)
                        DataTable dtSearchedFilters = Session["CSSearchedFilters"] as DataTable;

                        foreach (DataRow dRow in dtSearchedFilters.Rows)
                            if (dRow["filter_name"].ToString() == "txtCatalogueNo")
                                txtCatalogueNo.Text = dRow["filter_value"].ToString();
                            else if (dRow["filter_name"].ToString() == "txtTitle")
                                txtTitle.Text = dRow["filter_value"].ToString();
                            else if (dRow["filter_name"].ToString() == "txtArtist")
                                txtArtist.Text = dRow["filter_value"].ToString();
                            else if (dRow["filter_name"].ToString() == "ddlConfiguration")
                                ddlConfiguration.SelectedValue = dRow["filter_value"].ToString();
                            else if (dRow["filter_name"].ToString() == "txtISRC")
                                txtISRC.Text = dRow["filter_value"].ToString();
                            else if (dRow["filter_name"].ToString() == "ddlTeamResponsibility")
                                ddlTeamResponsibility.SelectedValue = dRow["filter_value"].ToString();
                            else if (dRow["filter_name"].ToString() == "ddlTeamResponsibilitybyTrack")
                                ddlTeamResponsibilitybyTrack.SelectedValue = dRow["filter_value"].ToString();
                            else if (dRow["filter_name"].ToString() == "ddlManagerResponsibility")
                                ddlManagerResponsibility.SelectedValue = dRow["filter_value"].ToString();
                            else if (dRow["filter_name"].ToString() == "ddlManagerResponsibilitybyTrack")
                                ddlManagerResponsibilitybyTrack.SelectedValue = dRow["filter_value"].ToString();
                            else if (dRow["filter_name"].ToString() == "ddlCatnoStatus")
                                ddlCatnoStatus.SelectedValue = dRow["filter_value"].ToString();
                            else if (dRow["filter_name"].ToString() == "ddlTrackStatus")
                                ddlTrackStatus.SelectedValue = dRow["filter_value"].ToString();
                            else if (dRow["filter_name"].ToString() == "txtUploadPrdList")
                                txtUploadPrdList.Text = dRow["filter_value"].ToString();

                Session["CSSearchedFilters"] = null;