public void test_NextItem_P(int numofItems, ModelNames.Models paramModel, ModelNames.CriterionTypes paramCriterion)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(" + numofItems + ", 5, model = modelName, same.nrCat = TRUE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(PolyItems[0].Length, paramModel.EnumToString(), 5);

            Tuple <CATItems.ColumnNames, int>[] cols = itemBank.GetKeys();

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                itemBank.SetItemParamter(cols[i], PolyItems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Call "NextItem" function from R
            GenericVector r_NextItem = engineObj.Evaluate("r_NextItem <- nextItem(PolyItems, model = modelName, theta = 0, criterion = \"" + paramCriterion.ToString() + "\")").AsList();

            // Selected item
            NumericVector item = r_NextItem[0].AsNumeric();

            DataFrame par = r_NextItem[1].AsDataFrame();

            // Value of "info"
            NumericVector thStart = r_NextItem[2].AsNumeric();

            // Criterion
            CharacterVector startSelect = r_NextItem[3].AsCharacter();

            // Call "NextItem" function from CS
            NextItemModel cs_NextItem = CatRLib.NextItem(itemBank, model: paramModel.EnumToString(), theta: 0, criterion: (int)paramCriterion);

            //Test passed for "MFI"

            if (item[0] != cs_NextItem.item)
                resultFlag = false;

Пример #2
        public void testKL_D(int NumOfItems)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = " + NumOfItems + ")").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Length, false);

            // New Dictionary
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.a, DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.b, DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.c, DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.d, DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame it_given_R = engineObj.Evaluate("it_given_R <- DichoItems[c(4, 8),]").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("it_given_R", it_given_R);

            CATItems it_given = itemBank.FindItem(new int[] { 4, 8 });

            //Creation of a response pattern
            NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- c(0, 1)").AsNumeric();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

            int[] x = new int[] { 0, 1 };

            // Call "thetaEST" function from R,   method = \"ML\"
            NumericVector Theta = engineObj.Evaluate("Theta <- thetaEst(it_given_R, x_val, method = \"ML\")").AsNumeric();

            // Call "KL" function from R
            NumericVector r_KL = engineObj.Evaluate("r_KL <- KL(DichoItems, 1, x_val, it_given_R, theta = Theta)").AsNumeric();

            // Call "thetaEST" function from CS
            double th = CatRLib.ThetaEst(it_given, x, "", method: "ML");

            // Call "KL" function from CS
            double cs_KL = CatRLib.KL(itemBank, 1, x, it_given, "", theta: th);

            if (r_KL[0] - cs_KL > testEpsilon)
                resultFlag = false;

Пример #3
        public void test_MWI_D(int NumOfItems)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = " + NumOfItems + ")").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Length, false);

            // New Dictionary
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.a, DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.b, DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.c, DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.d, DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame it_given_R = engineObj.Evaluate("it_given_R <- DichoItems[c(4, 8),]").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("it_given_R", it_given_R);

            //Creation of a response pattern for theta value
            NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(0, it_given_R)").AsNumeric();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

            int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

            CATItems it_given = itemBank.FindItem(new int[] { 4, 8 });

            // Call "MWI" function from R
            NumericVector r_mwi = engineObj.Evaluate("r_mei <- MWI(DichoItems, 1, x_val, it_given_R, type = \"MPWI\")").AsNumeric();

            // Call "MWI" function from CatRCS
            double cs_mwi = CatRLib.MWI(itemBank, 1, x, it_given, "", 2);

            if (r_mwi[0] - cs_mwi > testEpsilon)
                resultFlag = false;

Пример #4
        public void testIntegrateCatR()

            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            //Sequence generation
            NumericVector x = engineObj.Evaluate("x <- seq(from = -4, to = 4, length = 33)").AsNumeric();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("x", x);

            double[] x_val = x.Select(p => (double)p).ToArray();

            NumericVector y = engineObj.Evaluate("y <- exp(x)").AsNumeric();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("y", y);

            double[] y_val = y.Select(p => (double)p).ToArray();

            // Call function from R
            NumericVector result_Integrate = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Integrate <- integrate.catR(x, y)").AsNumeric();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("result_Integrate", result_Integrate);

            // Call function from inside
            double result = CatRLib.Integrate_catR(x_val, y_val);

            decimal temp1 = decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(result_Integrate[0]), 4);
            decimal temp2 = decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(result), 4);

            decimal errFraction = 0;

            if (temp1 > temp2)
                errFraction = temp1 - temp2;
            else if (temp2 > temp1)
                errFraction = temp2 - temp1;
                Assert.AreEqual(temp1, temp2);
        public void test_StartItems_D(int numofItems)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = " + numofItems + ")").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Length, false);

            // New Dictionary
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.a, DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.b, DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.c, DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.d, DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Call "StartItems" function from R, "MFI" criterion
            GenericVector r_StartItems = engineObj.Evaluate("r_StartItems <- startItems(DichoItems, nrItems = 3, theta = 1, halfRange = 2)").AsList();

            // Resulting item numbers
            IntegerVector items = r_StartItems[0].AsInteger();

            DataFrame tempitems = r_StartItems[1].AsDataFrame();

            // Resulting Items
            CATItems r_CatItems = new CATItems(tempitems[0].Length, false);

            r_CatItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.a, tempitems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            r_CatItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.b, tempitems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            r_CatItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.c, tempitems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            r_CatItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.d, tempitems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Ability value
            NumericVector thStart = r_StartItems[2].AsNumeric();

            // Criterion
            CharacterVector startSelect = r_StartItems[3].AsCharacter();

            // Call "StartItems" function from CS
            StartItemsModel cs_StartItems = CatRLib.StartItems(itemBank, nrItems: 3, theta: 1, halfRange: 2);

            // Check selected items
            if (items.Length == cs_StartItems.items.Length)
                for (int ind = 0; ind < cs_StartItems.items.Length; ind++)
                    if (items[ind] != cs_StartItems.items[ind])
                        resultFlag = false;

            // Check starting ability values
            if (thStart.Length == cs_StartItems.thStart.Length)
                for (int ind2 = 0; ind2 < cs_StartItems.thStart.Length; ind2++)
                    if (thStart[ind2] != cs_StartItems.thStart[ind2])
                        resultFlag = false;

        public void test_NextItem_D(int numofItems, ModelNames.CriterionTypes paramCriterion)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = " + numofItems + ")").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Length, false);

            // New Dictionary
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.a, DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.b, DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.c, DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.d, DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Call "thetaEst" function
            //NumericVector r_th = engineObj.Evaluate("r_th <- thetaEst(rbind(DichoItems[3,], DichoItems[13,]), c(0, 1), method = \"WL\")").AsNumeric();
            //engineObj.SetSymbol("r_th", r_th);

            //double cs_th = CatRLib.ThetaEst(itemBank.FindItem(new int[] { 3, 13 }), x: new int[] { 0, 1 }, model: "", method: ModelNames.EstimaatorMethods.WL.EnumToString());

            // Call "NextItem" function from R with parameter "out"
            GenericVector r_NextItem = engineObj.Evaluate("r_NextItem <- nextItem(DichoItems, theta = 0, out = c(3, 13), criterion = \"" + paramCriterion.ToString() + "\")").AsList();

            // Call "NextItem" function from R with response pattern "x"
            //GenericVector r_NextItem = engineObj.Evaluate("r_NextItem <- nextItem(DichoItems, x = c(0, 1), out = c(3, 13), theta = r_th, criterion = \"" + paramCriterion.ToString() + "\")").AsList();

            // Selected item
            NumericVector item = r_NextItem[0].AsNumeric();

            DataFrame par = r_NextItem[1].AsDataFrame();

            // Item parameter
            CATItems parItems = new CATItems(par[0].Length, false);

            parItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.a, par[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            parItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.b, par[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            parItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.c, par[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            parItems.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.d, par[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Value of "info"
            NumericVector info = r_NextItem[2].AsNumeric();

            // Criterion
            CharacterVector startSelect = r_NextItem[3].AsCharacter();

            // Call "NextItem" function from CS with parameter "out"
            NextItemModel cs_NextItem = CatRLib.NextItem(itemBank, theta: 0, Out: new int[] { 3, 13 }, criterion: (int)paramCriterion);

            // Call "NextItem" function from CS with response pattern "x"
            //NextItemModel cs_NextItem = CatRLib.NextItem(itemBank, theta: cs_th, Out: new int[] { 3, 13 }, x: new int[] { 0, 1 }, criterion: (int)paramCriterion);

            // Checking item & other values
            if (item[0] != cs_NextItem.item)
                resultFlag = false;

            if (decimal.Round((decimal)info[0], 3) != decimal.Round((decimal), 3))
                resultFlag = false;

        public void test_StartItems_P(int numofItems, ModelNames.Models paramModel)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(" + numofItems + ", 5, model = modelName, same.nrCat = TRUE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)

            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(PolyItems[0].Length, paramModel.EnumToString(), 5);

            Tuple <CATItems.ColumnNames, int>[] cols = itemBank.GetKeys();

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                itemBank.SetItemParamter(cols[i], PolyItems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Call "StartItems" function from R, "MFI" criterion
            GenericVector r_StartItems = engineObj.Evaluate("r_StartItems <- startItems(PolyItems, model = modelName, nrItems = 3, theta = 1, halfRange = 2)").AsList();

            // Resulting item numbers
            IntegerVector items = r_StartItems[0].AsInteger();

            DataFrame tempitems = r_StartItems[1].AsDataFrame();

            // Resulting Items
            CATItems r_CatItems = new CATItems(tempitems[0].Length, paramModel.EnumToString(), 5);

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                r_CatItems.SetItemParamter(cols[i], tempitems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // Resulting
            NumericVector   thStart     = r_StartItems[2].AsNumeric();
            CharacterVector startSelect = r_StartItems[3].AsCharacter();

            // Call "StartItems" function from CS
            StartItemsModel cs_StartItems = CatRLib.StartItems(itemBank, paramModel.EnumToString(), nrItems: 3, theta: 1, halfRange: 2);

            // Check items
            if (items.Length == cs_StartItems.items.Length)
                for (int ind = 0; ind < cs_StartItems.items.Length; ind++)
                    if (items[ind] != cs_StartItems.items[ind])
                        resultFlag = false;

            // Check starting ability values
            if (thStart.Length == cs_StartItems.thStart.Length)
                for (int ind2 = 0; ind2 < cs_StartItems.thStart.Length; ind2++)
                    if (thStart[ind2] != cs_StartItems.thStart[ind2])
                        resultFlag = false;

Пример #8
        public void test_ThetaEST_SemTheta_D(int numberOfItems)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            //DataFrame tcals = engineObj.Evaluate("tcals <- read.delim(\"D:/PROJECT/DIPF_Project/catR/data/tcals.txt\")").AsDataFrame();
            //engineObj.SetSymbol("tcals", tcals);

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            //DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- tcals[1:80,1:4]").AsDataFrame();
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = " + numberOfItems + ")").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            //Creation of a response pattern
            NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(-1, DichoItems)").AsNumeric();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

            Console.WriteLine("Start of R Processing: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());

            // Call "thetaEST" function from R
            NumericVector r_ThetaEst = engineObj.Evaluate("r_Theta <- thetaEst(DichoItems, x_val, method=\"EAP\")").AsNumeric();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("r_ThetaEst", r_ThetaEst);

            Console.WriteLine("R Theta Calculation Finished on: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());

            // TESTING PURPOSE
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(),
                                             DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

            // Call "SemTheta" function from R
            //NumericVector r_ThetaSem = engineObj.Evaluate("r_ThetaSem <- semTheta(r_ThetaEst, DichoItems)").AsNumeric();

            Console.WriteLine("Start of CS Processing: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            // Call "thetaEST" function from CS
            double cs_ThetaEst = CatRLib.ThetaEst(itemBank, x, "", new double[] { 0, 1 }, new double[] { -4, 4 }, new int[] { -4, 4, 33 }, 1, method: "EAP");

            Console.WriteLine("Time taken: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            Console.WriteLine("CS Theta Calculation Finished on: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());

            // Call "SemTheta" function from CS
            //double cs_ThetaSem = CatRLib.SemTheta(cs_ThetaEst, itemBank);

            // Compare result of function "ThetaEst"
            if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(r_ThetaEst[0]), decimalPoint) - decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(cs_ThetaEst), decimalPoint) > decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(testEpsilon), decimalPoint))
                resultFlag = false;

            // Compare result of function "SemTheta"

            /*if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(r_ThetaSem[0]), decimalPoint) - decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(cs_ThetaSem), decimalPoint) > decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(testEpsilon), decimalPoint))
             * {
             *  resultFlag = false;
             * }*/

            Console.WriteLine("Theta Values: " + decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(r_ThetaEst[0]), decimalPoint) + " , " + decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(cs_ThetaEst), decimalPoint));

Пример #9
        public void testEPV_P(int NumOfItems, ModelNames.Models paramModel)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(" + NumOfItems + ", 5, model = modelName, same.nrCat = TRUE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)

            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(PolyItems[0].Length, paramModel.EnumToString(), 5);

            Tuple <CATItems.ColumnNames, int>[] cols = itemBank.GetKeys();

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                itemBank.SetItemParamter(cols[i], PolyItems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            #region "Test block for Ability Values (th)"

            double[] th = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-6, 6, length: 11);

            for (int j = 0; j < th.Length; j++)
                string temp = th[j].ToString(nfi);

                // Polytomous Items
                DataFrame it_given_R = engineObj.Evaluate("it_given_R <- PolyItems[c(4, 8),]").AsDataFrame();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("it_given_R", it_given_R);

                //Creation of a response pattern for theta value
                NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(" + th[j].ToString(nfi) + ", it_given_R, model = modelName)").AsNumeric();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

                int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

                CATItems it_given = itemBank.FindItem(new int[] { 4, 8 });

                // Call "EPV" function from R
                NumericVector r_epv = engineObj.Evaluate("r_epv <- EPV(PolyItems, 1, x_val, " + th[j].ToString(nfi) + ", it_given_R, model = modelName)").AsNumeric();

                // Call "EPV" function from CatRCS
                double cs_epv = CatRLib.EPV(itemBank, 1, x, th[j], it_given, paramModel.EnumToString());

                if (r_epv[0] - cs_epv > testEpsilon)
                    resultFlag = false;


Пример #10
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //f<double[], double> delObj = new f<double[], double>(Method2);
            //Console.WriteLine(delObj(new double[] {1, 4, 5}).ToString());

            ModelNames.Models paramModel = ModelNames.Models.GRM;
            int NumOfItems = 50;

            resultFlag = true;
            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(" + NumOfItems + ", 5, model = modelName, same.nrCat = TRUE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)

            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(NumOfItems: NumOfItems, model: paramModel.EnumToString(), nrCat: 5);

            for (int i = 0; i < itemBank.colSize; i++)
                itemBank.all_items_poly[i] = PolyItems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray();

            //Creation of a response pattern
            NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(0, PolyItems, model = modelName)").AsNumeric();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

            int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine("Start of R Processing: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());

            // Call "ThetaEST" function from R,   method = \"ML\"
            NumericVector r_ThetaEst = engineObj.Evaluate("r_ThetaEst  <- thetaEst(PolyItems, x_val, model = modelName, method = \"BM\", priorDist = \"norm\", priorPar = c(-2, 2))").AsNumeric();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("r_ThetaEst", r_ThetaEst);

            Console.WriteLine("R Time taken: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            Console.WriteLine("R Theta Calculation Finished on: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());

            double[] priorPar = new double[2]; priorPar[0] = -2; priorPar[1] = 2;

            Console.WriteLine("Start of CS Processing: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());

            // Call "ThetaEST" function from CS
            double cs_ThetaEst = CatRLib.ThetaEst(it: itemBank, x: x, method: "BM", model: paramModel.EnumToString(), priorPar: priorPar, priorDist: "norm");

            Console.WriteLine("CS Time taken: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            Console.WriteLine("CS Theta Calculation Finished on: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());

            // Compare result of function "ThetaEst"
            if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(r_ThetaEst[0]), decimalPoint) - decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(cs_ThetaEst), decimalPoint) > decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(testEpsilon), decimalPoint))
                resultFlag = false;

            if (resultFlag)
                Console.WriteLine("Values matched !!");
                Console.WriteLine("Values are not matched !!");
Пример #11
        public void testIi_P(ModelNames.Models paramModel)

            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(10, 5, model = modelName, same.nrCat = FALSE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)

            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(NumOfItems: PolyItems[0].Length, model: paramModel.EnumToString(), same_nrCat: false, nrCat: 5);

            for (int i = 0; i < itemBank.colSize; i++)
                itemBank.all_items_poly[i] = PolyItems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray();

            for (int j = 0; j < itemBank.colSize; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < itemBank.NumOfItems; k++)
                    if (CatRcs.Utils.CheckNaValues.IsNaNvalue(itemBank.all_items_poly[j][k]))
                        itemBank.all_items_poly[j][k] = double.NaN;

            #region "Test block for Ability Values (th)"

            IiList objIi        = null;
            int    decimalPoint = 6;

            double[] th_Values = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-4, 4, by: 1);

            Console.WriteLine("******* TEST for Ability value Theta ********");

            for (int k = 0; k < th_Values.Length; k++)
                // Sequence Generation for Theta (Ability) values
                NumericVector th_val = engineObj.CreateNumericVector(new double[] { th_Values[k] });
                engineObj.SetSymbol("th_val", th_val);

                // Calling the Ii function from R
                GenericVector result_Ii = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Ii <- Ii(th = th_val, PolyItems, model = modelName, D = 1)").AsList();

                // Getting the function result
                NumericVector Ii   = result_Ii[0].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector dIi  = result_Ii[1].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector d2Ii = result_Ii[2].AsNumeric();

                Console.WriteLine("Value of Theta: " + th_Values[k]);

                objIi = CatRLib.Ii(th_Values[k], itemBank, paramModel.EnumToString(), 1);

                #region "Ii"

                int z = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** Ii ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objIi.Ii.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Ii[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objIi.Ii[i]), decimalPoint))
                        Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of Ii result is Passed!");


                #region "dIi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** dIi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objIi.dIi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(dIi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objIi.dIi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of dIi result is Passed!");


                #region "d2Ii"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** d2Ii ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objIi.d2Ii.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(d2Ii[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objIi.d2Ii[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of d2Ii result is Passed!");



            #region "Test block for Metric values"

            objIi = null;

            double[] D_Values = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(0.5, 1, by: 0.1);

            Console.WriteLine("******* TEST for Metric Constant ********");

            for (int k = 0; k < D_Values.Length; k++)
                // Sequence Generation for Metric values
                NumericVector D_val = engineObj.CreateNumericVector(new double[] { D_Values[k] });
                engineObj.SetSymbol("D_val", D_val);

                // Calling the Ii function from R
                GenericVector result_Ii = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Ii <- Ii(th = 0, PolyItems, model = modelName, D = D_val)").AsList();

                // Getting the function result
                NumericVector Ii   = result_Ii[0].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector dIi  = result_Ii[1].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector d2Ii = result_Ii[2].AsNumeric();

                Console.WriteLine("Value of Metric Constant: " + D_Values[k]);

                objIi = CatRLib.Ii(0, itemBank, paramModel.EnumToString(), D_Values[k]);

                #region "Ii"

                int z = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** Ii ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objIi.Ii.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Ii[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objIi.Ii[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of Ii result is Passed!");


                #region "dIi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** dIi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objIi.dIi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(dIi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objIi.dIi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of dIi result is Passed!");


                #region "d2Ii"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** d2Ii ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objIi.d2Ii.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(d2Ii[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objIi.d2Ii[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of d2Ii result is Passed!");


Пример #12
        public void testIi_D()

            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = 10)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Length, false);

            // New Dictionary
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.a, DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.b, DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.c, DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.d, DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            #region "Test block for Ability Values (th)"

            IiList objIi        = null;
            int    decimalPoint = 6;

            double[] th_Values = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-4, 4, by: 1);

            Console.WriteLine("******* TEST for Ability value Theta ********");

            for (int k = 0; k < th_Values.Length; k++)
                // Sequence Generation for Theta (Ability) values
                NumericVector th_val = engineObj.CreateNumericVector(new double[] { th_Values[k] });
                engineObj.SetSymbol("th_val", th_val);

                // Calling the Ii function from R
                GenericVector result_Ii = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Ii <- Ii(th = th_val, DichoItems)").AsList();

                // Getting the function result
                NumericVector Ii   = result_Ii[0].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector dIi  = result_Ii[1].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector d2Ii = result_Ii[2].AsNumeric();

                Console.WriteLine("Value of Theta: " + th_Values[k]);

                objIi = CatRLib.Ii(th_Values[k], itemBank, "", 1);

                #region "Ii"

                int z = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** Ii ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objIi.Ii.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Ii[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objIi.Ii[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of Ii result is Passed!");


                #region "dIi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** dIi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objIi.dIi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(dIi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objIi.dIi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of dIi result is Passed!");


                #region "d2Ii"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** d2Ii ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objIi.d2Ii.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(d2Ii[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objIi.d2Ii[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of d2Ii result is Passed!");



            #region "Test block for Metric values"

            objIi = null;

            double[] D_Values = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(0.5, 1, by: 0.1);

            Console.WriteLine("******* TEST for Metric Constant ********");

            for (int k = 0; k < D_Values.Length; k++)
                // Sequence Generation for Theta (Ability) values
                NumericVector D_val = engineObj.CreateNumericVector(new double[] { D_Values[k] });
                engineObj.SetSymbol("D_val", D_val);

                // Calling the Ii function from R
                GenericVector result_Ii = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Ii <- Ii(th = 0, DichoItems, D = D_val)").AsList();

                // Getting the function result
                NumericVector Ii   = result_Ii[0].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector dIi  = result_Ii[1].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector d2Ii = result_Ii[2].AsNumeric();

                Console.WriteLine("Value of Metric Constant: " + D_Values[k]);

                objIi = CatRLib.Ii(0, itemBank, "", D_Values[k]);

                #region "Ii"

                int z = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** Ii ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objIi.Ii.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Ii[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objIi.Ii[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of Ii result is Passed!");


                #region "dIi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** dIi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objIi.dIi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(dIi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objIi.dIi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of dIi result is Passed!");


                #region "d2Ii"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** d2Ii ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objIi.d2Ii.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(d2Ii[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objIi.d2Ii[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of d2Ii result is Passed!");


Пример #13
        public void testJi_P(ModelNames.Models paramModel)

            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(100, 5, model = modelName, same.nrCat = TRUE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)

            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(PolyItems[0].Length, paramModel.EnumToString(), 5);

            Tuple <CATItems.ColumnNames, int>[] cols = itemBank.GetKeys();

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                itemBank.SetItemParamter(cols[i], PolyItems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            #region "Test block for Ability Values (th)"

            JiList objJi        = null;
            int    decimalPoint = 6;

            double[] th_Values = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-6, 6, by: 1);

            Console.WriteLine("******* TEST for Ability value Theta ********");

            for (int k = 0; k < th_Values.Length; k++)
                // Sequence Generation for Theta (Ability) values
                NumericVector th_val = engineObj.CreateNumericVector(new double[] { th_Values[k] });
                engineObj.SetSymbol("th_val", th_val);

                // Calling the "Ji" function from R
                GenericVector result_Ji = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Ji <- Ji(th = th_val, PolyItems, model = modelName, D = 1)").AsList();

                // Getting the function result
                NumericVector Ji  = result_Ji[0].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector dJi = result_Ji[1].AsNumeric();

                Console.WriteLine("Value of Theta: " + th_Values[k]);

                objJi = CatRLib.Ji(th_Values[k], itemBank, paramModel.EnumToString(), 1);

                #region "Ji"

                int z = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** Ji ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objJi.Ji.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Ji[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objJi.Ji[i]), decimalPoint))
                        Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        Console.WriteLine("Value from R: " + decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Ji[i]), decimalPoint));
                        Console.WriteLine("Value from CS: " + decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objJi.Ji[i]), decimalPoint));
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of Ji result is Passed!");


                #region "dJi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** dJi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objJi.dJi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(dJi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objJi.dJi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of dJi result is Passed!");



            #region "Test block for Metric values"

            objJi = null;

            double[] D_Values = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(0.5, 1, by: 0.1);

            Console.WriteLine("******* TEST for Metric Constant ********");

            for (int k = 0; k < D_Values.Length; k++)
                // Sequence Generation for Theta (Ability) values
                NumericVector D_val = engineObj.CreateNumericVector(new double[] { D_Values[k] });
                engineObj.SetSymbol("D_val", D_val);

                // Calling the "Ji" function from R
                GenericVector result_Ji = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Ji <- Ji(th = 0, PolyItems, model = modelName, D = D_val)").AsList();

                // Getting the function result
                NumericVector Ji  = result_Ji[0].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector dJi = result_Ji[1].AsNumeric();

                Console.WriteLine("Value of Metric Constant: " + D_Values[k]);

                objJi = CatRLib.Ji(0, itemBank, paramModel.EnumToString(), D_Values[k]);

                #region "Ji"

                int z = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** Ji ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objJi.Ji.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Ji[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objJi.Ji[i]), decimalPoint))
                        /*Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                         * Console.WriteLine("Value from R: " + decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Ji[i]), decimalPoint));
                         * Console.WriteLine("Value from CS: " + decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objJi.Ji[i]), decimalPoint));*/
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of Ji result is Passed!");


                #region "dJi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** dJi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < objJi.dJi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(dJi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objJi.dJi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of dJi result is Passed!");


Пример #14
        public void test_MEI_D(int NumOfItems)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = " + NumOfItems + ")").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Length, false);

            // New Dictionary
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.a, DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.b, DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.c, DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());
            itemBank.SetItemParamter(CATItems.ColumnNames.d, DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // test for different theta values
            double[] th = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-6, 6, length: 11);

            for (int t = 0; t < th.Length - 1; t++)
                string temp = th[t].ToString(nfi);

                // Dichotomous Items
                DataFrame it_given_R = engineObj.Evaluate("it_given_R <- DichoItems[c(4, 8),]").AsDataFrame();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("it_given_R", it_given_R);

                //Creation of a response pattern for theta value
                NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(" + th[t].ToString(nfi) + ", it_given_R)").AsNumeric();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

                int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

                CATItems it_given = itemBank.FindItem(new int[] { 4, 8 });

                // Call "MEI" function from R
                NumericVector r_mei = engineObj.Evaluate("r_mei <- MEI(DichoItems, 1, x_val, " + th[t].ToString(nfi) + ", it_given_R)").AsNumeric();

                // Call "MEI" function from CatRCS
                double cs_mei = CatRLib.MEI(itemBank, 1, x, th[t], it_given, "");

                if (t != 6)  // Not matched for value of theta = 1.2, R = 0.1524265206388655, CS = 0.15242411819250282
                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(r_mei[0]), decimalPoint) - decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(cs_mei), decimalPoint) > Convert.ToDecimal(testEpsilon))
                        resultFlag = false;

Пример #15
        public void testEapEST_and_EapSEM_P(int NumOfItems, ModelNames.Models paramModel)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(" + NumOfItems + ", 5, model = modelName, same.nrCat = TRUE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)

            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(PolyItems[0].Length, paramModel.EnumToString(), 5);

            Tuple <CATItems.ColumnNames, int>[] cols = itemBank.GetKeys();

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                itemBank.SetItemParamter(cols[i], PolyItems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            #region "Test block for Ability Values (th)"

            double[] th = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-6, 6, length: 11);

            for (int j = 0; j < th.Length; j++)
                string temp = th[j].ToString(nfi);

                //Creation of a response pattern for theta value
                NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(" + "th = " + th[j].ToString(nfi) + ", PolyItems, " + "model = modelName)").AsNumeric();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

                int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

                // Call "EapEST" function from R
                NumericVector r_eapEst = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Eap <- eapEst(PolyItems, x_val, model = modelName)").AsNumeric();

                // Call "EapEST" function from CatRCS
                double cs_eapEst = CatRLib.EapEST(itemBank, x, paramModel.EnumToString());

                /* EapEst function, line 111 needs to be optimized for passing the Test
                 * Check EapSEM function too !! */

                // Call "EapSEM" function from R
                NumericVector r_eapSem = engineObj.Evaluate("result_EapSem <- eapSem(result_Eap, PolyItems, x_val, model = modelName)").AsNumeric();

                // Call "EapSEM" function from CatRCS
                double cs_eapSem = CatRLib.EapSEM(cs_eapEst, itemBank, x, paramModel.EnumToString());

                if (r_eapEst[0] - cs_eapEst > testEpsilon ||
                    r_eapSem[0] - cs_eapSem > testEpsilon)
                    resultFlag = false;


Пример #16
        public void testEPV_D()
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = 200)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(),
                                             DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            // test for different theta values
            double[] th = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-6, 6, length: 11);

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            for (int t = 0; t < th.Length; t++)
                string temp = th[t].ToString(nfi);

                // Dichotomous Items
                DataFrame it_given_R = engineObj.Evaluate("it_given_R <- DichoItems[c(4, 8),]").AsDataFrame();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("it_given_R", it_given_R);

                //Creation of a response pattern for theta value
                NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(" + th[t].ToString(nfi) + ", it_given_R)").AsNumeric();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

                int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

                int[]    index    = new int[] { 4, 8 };
                CATItems it_given = new CATItems(index.Length);  // itemBank.FindItem(new int[] { 4, 8 });

                for (int i = 0; i < index.Length; i++)
                    it_given.a[i] = itemBank.a[index[i] - 1];
                    it_given.b[i] = itemBank.b[index[i] - 1];
                    it_given.c[i] = itemBank.c[index[i] - 1];
                    it_given.d[i] = itemBank.d[index[i] - 1];

                // Call "EPV" function from R
                NumericVector r_epv = engineObj.Evaluate("r_epv <- EPV(DichoItems, 1, x_val, " + th[t].ToString(nfi) + ", it_given_R)").AsNumeric();


                // Call "EPV" function from CatRCS
                double cs_epv = CatRLib.EPV(itemBank, 1, x, th[t], it_given, "");

                Console.WriteLine("Time taken: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                if (r_epv[0] - cs_epv > testEpsilon)
                    resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine(r_epv[0] + " " + cs_epv);

Пример #17
        public void testPi_D()
            bool OSProc = System.Environment.Is64BitProcess;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Dichotomous Items
            DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = 100)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(),
                                             DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            #region "Test block for Ability Values (th)"

            PiList objPI        = null;
            int    decimalPoint = 4;

            double[] th_Values = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-6, 6, by: 1);

            Console.WriteLine("******* TEST for Ability value Theta ********");

            for (int k = 0; k < th_Values.Length; k++)
                // Sequence Generation for Theta (Ability) values
                NumericVector th_val = engineObj.CreateNumericVector(new double[] { th_Values[k] });
                engineObj.SetSymbol("th_val", th_val);

                // Calling the "Pi" from R
                GenericVector result_Pi = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Pi <- Pi(th = th_val, DichoItems, D = 1)").AsList();

                // Getting the function result
                NumericVector Pi   = result_Pi[0].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector dPi  = result_Pi[1].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector d2Pi = result_Pi[2].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector d3Pi = result_Pi[3].AsNumeric();

                Console.WriteLine("Value of Theta: " + th_Values[k]);

                objPI = CatRLib.Pi_D(th_Values[k], itemBank, "", 1);

                #region "Pi"

                int z = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** Pi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < Pi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Pi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.Pi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Assert.IsTrue(resultFlag, "Passed");
                Console.WriteLine("Values of Pi are Matched!");


                #region "dPi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** dPi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < dPi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(dPi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.dPi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of dPi are Matched!");


                #region "d2Pi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** d2Pi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < d2Pi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(d2Pi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.d2Pi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of d2Pi are Matched!");


                #region "d3Pi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** d3Pi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < d3Pi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(d3Pi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.d3Pi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of d3Pi are Matched!");




            #region "Test block for Metric values"

            objPI = null;

            double[] D_Values = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(0.5, 1, by: 0.1);

            Console.WriteLine("******* TEST for Metric Constant ********");

            for (int k = 0; k < D_Values.Length; k++)
                // Sequence Generation for Theta (Ability) values
                NumericVector D_val = engineObj.CreateNumericVector(new double[] { D_Values[k] });
                engineObj.SetSymbol("D_val", D_val);

                // Calling the "Pi" from R
                GenericVector result_Pi = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Pi <- Pi(th = 0, DichoItems, D = D_val)").AsList();

                // Getting the function result
                NumericVector Pi   = result_Pi[0].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector dPi  = result_Pi[1].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector d2Pi = result_Pi[2].AsNumeric();
                NumericVector d3Pi = result_Pi[3].AsNumeric();

                Console.WriteLine("Value of Metric constant: " + D_Values[k]);

                objPI = CatRLib.Pi_D(0, itemBank, "", D_Values[k]);

                #region "Pi"

                int z = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** Pi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < Pi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(Pi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.Pi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of Pi are matched!");


                #region "dPi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** dPi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < dPi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(dPi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.dPi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of dPi are matched!");


                #region "d2Pi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** d2Pi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < d2Pi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(d2Pi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.d2Pi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of d2Pi are Matched!");


                #region "d3Pi"

                z          = 0;
                resultFlag = true;

                Console.WriteLine("****** d3Pi ******");

                for (int i = 0; i < d3Pi.Length; i++)
                    z = i + 1;  // item number

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(d3Pi[i]), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.d3Pi[i]), decimalPoint))
                        //Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Values of d3Pi are Matched!");


Пример #18
        public void testEapEST_and_EapSEM_D()
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Test for item banks with different number of items

            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < numberOfItems.Length; i1++)
                // Dichotomous Items
                DataFrame DichoItems = engineObj.Evaluate("DichoItems <- genDichoMatrix(items = " + numberOfItems[i1] + ")").AsDataFrame();
                engineObj.SetSymbol("DichoItems", DichoItems);

                // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
                CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(DichoItems[0].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[1].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(),
                                                 DichoItems[2].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), DichoItems[3].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

                // test for different theta values
                double[] th = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-6, 6, length: 11);

                var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < th.Length; i2++)
                    string temp = th[i2].ToString(nfi);

                    //Creation of a response pattern for theta value
                    NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(" + th[i2].ToString(nfi) + ", DichoItems)").AsNumeric();

                    int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

                    // Call "EapEST" function from R
                    NumericVector r_eapEst = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Eap <- eapEst(DichoItems, x_val)").AsNumeric();

                    // Call "EapSEM" function from R
                    NumericVector r_eapSem = engineObj.Evaluate("result_EapSem <- eapSem(result_Eap, DichoItems, x_val)").AsNumeric();


                    // Call "EapEST" function from CatRCS
                    double cs_eapEst = CatRLib.EapEST(itemBank, x, "");

                    // Call "EapSEM" function from CatRCS
                    double cs_eapSem = CatRLib.EapSEM(cs_eapEst, itemBank, x, "");

                    Console.WriteLine("Time: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

                    if (r_eapEst[0] - cs_eapEst > testEpsilon ||
                        r_eapSem[0] - cs_eapSem > testEpsilon)
                        resultFlag = false;

            Assert.IsTrue(resultFlag, "Test Passed!");
Пример #19
        public void testPi_P_New(ModelNames.Models paramModel)

            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(100, 5, model = modelName, same.nrCat = FALSE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)

            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(NumOfItems: PolyItems[0].Length, model: paramModel.EnumToString(), nrCat: 5);

            for (int i = 0; i < itemBank.colSize; i++)
                itemBank.all_items_poly[i] = PolyItems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray();

            PiListPoly objPI        = null;
            int        decimalPoint = 4;

            double[]      th_Values = CatRcs.Utils.CommonHelper.Sequence(-4, 4, by: 1);
            NumericVector th_val    = engineObj.CreateNumericVector(new double[] { th_Values[0] });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("th_val", th_val);

            // Calling the "Pi" from R
            GenericVector result_Pi = engineObj.Evaluate("result_Pi <- Pi(th = th_val, PolyItems, model = modelName, D = 1)").AsList();

            // Getting the "Pi" function result
            NumericVector Pi   = result_Pi[0].AsNumeric();
            NumericVector dPi  = result_Pi[1].AsNumeric();
            NumericVector d2Pi = result_Pi[2].AsNumeric();
            NumericVector d3Pi = result_Pi[3].AsNumeric();

            Console.WriteLine("Value of Theta: " + th_Values[0]);

            // Calling "Pi" function
            objPI = CatRLib.Pi_P(th_Values[0], itemBank, paramModel.EnumToString(), 1);

            #region "Pi"

            int z = 0, pi_index = 0;
            resultFlag = true;
            Console.WriteLine("****** Pi ******");

            int len  = objPI.Pi.GetLength(0);
            int len2 = objPI.Pi.GetLength(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < objPI.Pi.GetLength(1); i++)     // column
                z = i + 1;                                      // item number

                for (int j = 0; j < objPI.Pi.GetLength(0); j++) // row
                    double tempPiVal = !CatRcs.Utils.CheckNaValues.IsNaNvalue(Pi[pi_index]) ? Pi[pi_index] : 0;

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(tempPiVal), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.Pi[j, i]), decimalPoint))
                        Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;


            Console.WriteLine("Values of Pi are Matched!");


            #region "dPi"

            z          = 0; pi_index = 0;
            resultFlag = true;
            Console.WriteLine("****** dPi ******");

            for (int i = 0; i < objPI.dPi.GetLength(1); i++)     // column
                z = i + 1;                                       // item number

                for (int j = 0; j < objPI.dPi.GetLength(0); j++) // row
                    double tempPiVal = !CatRcs.Utils.CheckNaValues.IsNaNvalue(dPi[pi_index]) ? dPi[pi_index] : 0;

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(tempPiVal), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.dPi[j, i]), decimalPoint))
                        Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;


            Console.WriteLine("Values of dPi are Matched!");


            #region "d2Pi"

            z          = 0; pi_index = 0;
            resultFlag = true;
            Console.WriteLine("****** d2Pi ******");

            for (int i = 0; i < objPI.d2Pi.GetLength(1); i++)     // column
                z = i + 1;                                        // item number

                for (int j = 0; j < objPI.d2Pi.GetLength(0); j++) // row
                    double tempPiVal = !CatRcs.Utils.CheckNaValues.IsNaNvalue(d2Pi[pi_index]) ? d2Pi[pi_index] : 0;

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(tempPiVal), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.d2Pi[j, i]), decimalPoint))
                        Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;


            Console.WriteLine("Values of d2Pi are Matched!");


            #region "d3Pi"

            z          = 0; pi_index = 0;
            resultFlag = true;
            Console.WriteLine("****** d3Pi ******");

            for (int i = 0; i < objPI.d3Pi.GetLength(1); i++)     // column
                z = i + 1;                                        // item number

                for (int j = 0; j < objPI.d3Pi.GetLength(0); j++) // row
                    double tempPiVal = !CatRcs.Utils.CheckNaValues.IsNaNvalue(d3Pi[pi_index]) ? d3Pi[pi_index] : 0;

                    if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(tempPiVal), decimalPoint) != decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(objPI.d3Pi[j, i]), decimalPoint))
                        Console.WriteLine("Test for Item No. # " + z + " is not Passed!");
                        resultFlag = false;


            Console.WriteLine("Values of d3Pi are Matched!");

Пример #20
        public void testKL_P(int NumOfItems, ModelNames.Models paramModel)
            resultFlag = true;


            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(" + NumOfItems + ", 5, model = modelName, same.nrCat = TRUE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)

            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(PolyItems[0].Length, paramModel.EnumToString(), 5);

            Tuple <CATItems.ColumnNames, int>[] cols = itemBank.GetKeys();

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.Length; i++)
                itemBank.SetItemParamter(cols[i], PolyItems[i].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            DataFrame it_given_R = engineObj.Evaluate("it_given_R <- PolyItems[c(4, 8),]").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("it_given_R", it_given_R);

            CATItems it_given = itemBank.FindItem(new int[] { 4, 8 });

            //Creation of a response pattern for theta value
            NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(0, it_given_R, model = modelName)").AsNumeric();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

            int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

            // Call "thetaEST" function from R,   method = \"ML\"
            NumericVector Theta = engineObj.Evaluate("Theta <- thetaEst(it_given_R, x_val, method = \"ML\", model = modelName)").AsNumeric();

            // Call "KL" function from R
            NumericVector r_KL = engineObj.Evaluate("r_KL <- KL(PolyItems, 1, x_val, it_given_R, theta = Theta, model = modelName)").AsNumeric();

            // Call "thetaEST" function from CS
            double th_est = CatRLib.ThetaEst(it_given, x, paramModel.EnumToString(), method: "ML");

            // Call "KL" function from CS
            double cs_KL = CatRLib.KL(itemBank, 1, x, it_given, paramModel.EnumToString(), theta: th_est);

            if (r_KL[0] - cs_KL > testEpsilon)
                resultFlag = false;

Пример #21
        public void test_ThetaEST_SemTheta_P(int NumOfItems, ModelNames.Models paramModel)
            resultFlag = true;
            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            REngine engineObj = REngine.GetInstance();

            // Loading a library from R

            // Polytomous Items
            CharacterVector modelName = engineObj.CreateCharacterVector(new string[] { paramModel.EnumToString() });

            engineObj.SetSymbol("modelName", modelName);
            DataFrame PolyItems = engineObj.Evaluate("PolyItems <- genPolyMatrix(" + NumOfItems + ", 4, model = modelName, same.nrCat = TRUE)").AsDataFrame();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("PolyItems", PolyItems);

            // Adapting with the existing "CAT-Items" type (Wrapper)
            Console.WriteLine("Polytomous Items, Model : " + paramModel.EnumToString());

            // Create item object
            CATItems itemBank = new CATItems(NumOfItems: NumOfItems, model: paramModel.EnumToString(), nrCat: 4, same_nrCat: false);

            //DataFrame iii = engineObj.Evaluate("item_new <- as.matrix(PolyItems)").AsDataFrame();

            for (int k = 0; k < itemBank.colSize; k++)
                itemBank.DataWrapper(PolyItems[k].Select(y => (double)y).ToArray(), k);

            //itemBank = RtoCSDataHandler.DataConverterRtoCS(itemBank, iii.Select(y => (double)y).ToArray());

            //itemBank = RtoCSDataHandler.DataConverterRtoCS(itemBank, PolyItems);

            //Creation of a response pattern
            NumericVector x_val = engineObj.Evaluate("x_val <- genPattern(1, PolyItems, model = modelName)").AsNumeric();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("x_val", x_val);

            int[] x = x_val.Select(y => (int)y).ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine("Start of R Processing: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());

            // Call "ThetaEST" function from R,   method = \"ML\"
            //NumericVector r_ThetaEst = engineObj.Evaluate("r_ThetaEst  <- thetaEst(PolyItems, x_val, model = modelName, method = \"BM\", priorDist = \"norm\", priorPar = c(-2, 2))").AsNumeric();
            NumericVector r_ThetaEst = engineObj.Evaluate("r_ThetaEst  <- thetaEst(PolyItems, x_val, modelName)").AsNumeric();

            engineObj.SetSymbol("r_ThetaEst", r_ThetaEst);

            Console.WriteLine("R Time taken: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");
            Console.WriteLine("R Theta Calculation Finished on: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());

            double[] priorPar = new double[2]; priorPar[0] = -2; priorPar[1] = 2;

            Console.WriteLine("Start of CS Processing: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());

            double cs_ThetaEst = CatRLib.ThetaEst(itemBank, x, paramModel.EnumToString());

            // Call "ThetaEST" function from CS
            //double cs_ThetaEst = CatRLib.ThetaEst(it: itemBank, x: x, method:"BM", model: paramModel.EnumToString(), priorPar: priorPar, priorDist: "norm");

            Console.WriteLine("CS Time taken: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms");
            Console.WriteLine("CS Theta Calculation Finished on: " + DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString());

            // Compare result of function "ThetaEst"
            if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(r_ThetaEst[0]), decimalPoint) - decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(cs_ThetaEst), decimalPoint) > decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(testEpsilon), decimalPoint))
                resultFlag = false;

            // Call "SemTheta" function from R
            NumericVector r_ThetaSem = engineObj.Evaluate("r_ThetaSem <- semTheta(r_ThetaEst, PolyItems, model = modelName, method = \"BM\", priorDist = \"norm\", priorPar = c(-2, 2))").AsNumeric();

            // Call "SemTheta" function from CS
            double cs_ThetaSem = CatRLib.SemTheta(thEst: cs_ThetaEst, it: itemBank, method: "BM", model: paramModel.EnumToString(), priorPar: priorPar, priorDist: "norm");

            // Compare result of function "SemTheta"
            if (decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(r_ThetaSem[0]), decimalPoint) - decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(cs_ThetaSem), decimalPoint) > decimal.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(testEpsilon), decimalPoint))
                resultFlag = false;
