Пример #1
        public void RemplissageBoard()
            board = new Case[dimX, dimY];

            for (int i = 0; i < dimX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < dimY; j++)
                    switch (temp[i, j])
                    case "0":
                        board[i, j] = caseFactory.returnCase("libre", dimX, dimY, this);

                    case "1":
                        board[i, j] = caseFactory.returnCase("mur", dimX, dimY, this);

                    case "2":
                        board[i, j] = caseFactory.returnCase("sortie", dimX, dimY, this);

Пример #2
    public override List <Position> GetRayon(Vector3 startPos, Case targetCase, Case[,] grid, int dimX, int dimY)
        List <Position> positions = new List <Position>();

        List <Case> caseAVisite    = new List <Case>();
        List <Case> caseDejaVisite = new List <Case>();
        Case        c;

        while (caseAVisite.Count > 0)
            c = caseAVisite[0];
            foreach (Case ca in GetNeighbours(c, dimX, dimY, grid))
                if (!caseDejaVisite.Contains(ca) && GetDistanceDeLaCase(targetCase, ca) <= (rayon - 1) / 2)
                    positions.Add(new Position(ca.getX(), ca.getY(), GetDistanceDeLaCase(ca, targetCase), null));

Пример #3
        private bool AunJumeauColonne(Case[,] TabCarreJumeau, int lig, int col)
            int tailleCarré = (int)Math.Sqrt(size);

            Case[] tabjum = new Case[tailleCarré];
            bool   CarréEstValide = false;
            int    divC, divL, modC, modL;

            divC = col / tailleCarré;
            modC = col % tailleCarré;
            divL = lig / tailleCarré;
            modL = lig % tailleCarré;
            int compte = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < tailleCarré; i++)
                if (TabCarreJumeau[i, modC].NbHypothese == 2)
                    tabjum[compte] = TabCarreJumeau[i, modC];

            if (compte == 2)
                TabCaseJum     = tabjum;
                CarréEstValide = true;

Пример #4
    public EchecThreat PieceEchec(Case [,] board, ChessMan Target, ChessMan deleted = null)
        if (Target == null)
        EchecThreat threat = new EchecThreat(Target);

        foreach (ChessMan chess in m_sCase.Pieces)
            if (deleted != null && deleted == chess)

            if (chess.color != Target.color)
                List <Case> moves = chess.GetPossibleMovement(board, false);
                foreach (Case c in moves)
                    //here it means if we have a possible movement case non null with the ennemy king on it
                    if (c.currPiece != null && c.currPiece == Target)


        return(threat.threater.Count > 0 ? threat : null);
Пример #5
    public List <Case> GetNeighbours(Case c, int dimX, int dimY, Case[,] grid)
        List <Case> neighbours = new List <Case>();

        for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
            for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
                if (x == 0 && y == 0)

                int checkX = c.getX() + x;
                int checkY = c.getY() + y;

                if (checkX >= 0 && checkX < dimX && checkY >= 0 && checkY < dimY)
                    neighbours.Add(grid[checkY, checkX]);

Пример #6
        public Map(List <int[]> list)
            box       = new Case[5, 5];
            box[0, 0] = new Case(new Gamorra());
            box[0, 1] = new Case(new Warrior());
            box[0, 2] = new Case(new Heal());
            box[0, 3] = new Case(new CaptainAmerica());
            box[0, 4] = new Case(new Vision());
            box[1, 0] = new Case(new StarLord());
            box[1, 1] = new Case(new Booster());
            box[1, 2] = new Case(new Witch());
            box[1, 3] = new Case(new ScarletWitch());
            box[1, 4] = new Case(new Attack());
            box[2, 0] = new Case(new Witch());
            box[2, 1] = new Case(new Heal());
            box[2, 2] = new Case(new Witch());
            box[2, 3] = new Case(new Booster());
            box[2, 4] = new Case(new Witch());
            box[3, 0] = new Case(new Warrior());
            box[3, 1] = new Case(new Attack());
            box[3, 2] = new Case(new Warrior());
            box[3, 3] = new Case(new Heal());
            box[3, 4] = new Case(new SpiderMan());
            box[4, 0] = new Case(new Hulk());
            box[4, 1] = new Case(new Booster());
            box[4, 2] = new Case(new Warrior());
            box[4, 3] = new Case(new IronMan());
            box[4, 4] = new Case(new DoctorStrange());

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                box[list[i][0], list[i][1]].visited = true;
Пример #7
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Documentation
            // Initialiser nos champs qui seront :
            // la grille de cases, le répertoire courant, l'état de l'appli.
            // On devrait affiche une grille par défaut.
            // On appellerait une méthode pour ce faire.
            // Désactiver le bouton sauvegarder.
            // Passer en mode Jeu
            #endregion Documentation
            #region Code
            // Initialiser nos champs
            historique = new List <CaseInfo>();
            grille     = new Case[9, 9];
            // par défaut, "" représente le répertoire bin du projet.
            // Mais, au fur et à mesure de l'exécution, celui-ci pourrait changer.
            // On le conserve donc dans currentDir.
            currentDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            // Charger des valeurs dans la grille
            // Ici, on pourrait allouer une grille par défaut.
            // On appelle donc une méthode pour ce faire.

            enJeu = true;
            #endregion Code
Пример #8
    public void LoadFromFile(string path)
        List <STATE[]> states = new List <STATE[]>();
        StreamReader   read   = new StreamReader(path);
        int            i      = 0;

        while (!read.EndOfStream)
            string[] currentLine = read.ReadLine().Split(',');
            states.Add(new STATE[currentLine.Length]);
            for (int j = 0; j < currentLine.Length; j++)
                states[i][j] = (STATE)int.Parse(currentLine[j]);

        NbColumn = states[0].Length;
        NbLine   = i;
        Grid     = new Case[NbColumn, NbLine];

        for (int j = 0; j < NbColumn; j++)
            for (int k = 0; k < NbLine; k++)
                Grid[j, k] = new Case();
                Grid[j, k].PosGrid.line   = k;
                Grid[j, k].PosGrid.column = j;

                Grid[j, k].state = states[k][j];
                Grid[j, k].ia    = null;
Пример #9
        private void tsNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Notes et pseudocode
            //      S'occuper des champs globaux du formulaire
            //      Si la grille courante a changé, sauvegarder?
            //      Supprimer l'ancienne grille.
            //      Obtenir la dimension de la nouvelle grille
            //      Créer une grille NxN
            // NOTE : lorsque je crée ou supprime une grille, je
            //        dois m'occuper des annotations.
            #region CODE
            if (hasChanged)
                switch (MessageBox.Show("Enregistrer la grille", "La grille a changé",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
                case DialogResult.Yes: tsSave_Click(sender, e); break;

                case DialogResult.No: break;
            foreach (Case c in grille)
                c.Visible = false; // effacer
                c.Parent  = null;  // sera récupérée par le GC
            // Pour obtenir la dimension de la nouvelle grille, il nous faudra un autre
            // formulaire.
            Form2 f = new Form2();
            N = f.N;

            grille = new Case[N, N];
            for (int row = 0; row < N; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < N; col++)
                    grille[row, col] =
                        new Case(col * 42 + 2, row * 42 + 2, row, col, panel, false, Case_Click);
                    Case b = grille[row, col];
                    b.Parent = panel;   // placer le bouton sur la grille
                    b.SetValue(" ");
            // Annotations ???
            // Afficher et maj les annotations

            // Ajuster les dimensions du Panel
            panel.Width = panel.Height = N * 42 + 6;
            // Ajuster les dimensions de la fiche
            Width  = panel.Width + 200;
            Height = panel.Height + 200;

            hasChanged = false;
            etat       = Etat.Création;
            elapsed = 0;
Пример #10
        public Echiquier(Partie partie)
            this.partie = partie;
            cases       = new Case[8, 8];

            int i = 0;

            // 64 cases (alternance case blanche et noire)
            for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                    if (i++ % 2 == 0)
                        cases[x, y] = new Case(this, x, y, CouleurCamp.Blanche);
                        cases[x, y] = new Case(this, x, y, CouleurCamp.Noire);

                    // Actualisation des cases pour vider l'échiquier en début de partie
                    partie.vue.ActualiserCase(x, y, null);
Пример #11
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Notes et pseudocode

            //      S'occuper des champs globaux du formulaire
            //      hasChanged, etat, grille, N, historique, N01V, N01H et elapsed.
            //      Désactiver Cancel Enregistrer
            //      Initialiser le timer
            //      Initialiser la barre de status
            //      Afficher une grille par défaut

            #endregion Notes et pseudocode

            #region CODE

            hasChanged          = false;
            MenuAnnuler.Enabled = false;
            elapsed             = 0;
            grille             = null;
            annotationVertical = annotationHorizontal = null;
            historique         = new List <Contenu>();

            #endregion CODE
Пример #12
    public void SetList(Case [,] board)
        foreach (Case c in board)
            if (c.currPiece != null)
                if (c.currPiece.KeyChess)
                    if (c.currPiece.color)
                        BlackKing = c.currPiece;
                        WhiteKing = c.currPiece;

Пример #13
    public virtual IEnumerator DoMovement(Case [,] board, int x, int y)
        Case selected = board[position.x, position.y];

        selected.currPiece = null;

        float t = 0.0f;

        while (t < 1.0f)
            obj.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(obj.transform.position, new Vector3(board[x, y].thisCase.transform.position.x, obj.transform.position.y, board[x, y].thisCase.transform.position.z), t);
            t += Time.deltaTime;

            if (t > 0.3f)
                if (board[x, y].currPiece != null)
                    StaticClass.m_sCase.Pieces.Remove(board[x, y].currPiece); MonoBehaviour.Destroy(board[x, y].currPiece.obj);

            yield return(null);

        board[x, y].currPiece = this;
        position.x            = x;
        position.y            = y;
Пример #14
    public override List <Position> GetRayon(Vector3 startPos, Case targetCase, Case[,] grid, int dimX, int dimY)
        List <Position> positions = new List <Position>();

        positions.Add(new Position(targetCase.getX(), targetCase.getY(), 0, null));
Пример #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialise une nouvelle instance de la classe Sudoku
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sudokuGrid">tableau de Case représentant la grille partiellement remplie</param>
 /// <param name="sudokuSol">tableau de Case représentant la solution de la grille</param>
 /// <param name="n">le type de grille, n = 3 donne une grille de (9 x 9)</param>
 public Sudoku(Case[,] sudokuGrid, Case[,] sudokuSol, uint n)
     _sudokuGrid = sudokuGrid;
     _sudokuSol  = sudokuSol;
     _n          = n;
     _size       = (n * n);
Пример #16
    public EchecThreat PieceEchec(Case [,] board, Simulation sim, ChessMan Target, bool OneShotSimulation = false)

        EchecThreat threat = new EchecThreat(sim.targetCase.currPiece);

        foreach (ChessMan chess in m_sCase.Pieces)
            if (sim.deletedBackup != null && sim.deletedBackup == chess)

            if (chess.color != Target.color)
                List <Case> moves = chess.GetPossibleMovement(board, false);
                foreach (Case c in moves)
                    //here it means if we have a possible movement case non null with the target on it
                    if (c.currPiece != null && c.currPiece == Target)

        if (OneShotSimulation)

        return(threat.threater.Count > 0 ? threat : null);
Пример #17
 public override bool IsValidMouvement(ref Case[,] plateau, Point destination, Point currentPosition)
     if (plateau[destination.Y, destination.X].UnePiece == null || plateau[destination.Y, destination.X].UnePiece.Couleur != this.Couleur)
         if (destination.Y == currentPosition.Y - 1)
             if (CheckLigne(destination, currentPosition))
         else if (destination.Y == currentPosition.Y)
             if (destination.X == currentPosition.X - 1 || destination.X == currentPosition.X + 1)
         else if (destination.Y == currentPosition.Y + 1)
             if (CheckLigne(destination, currentPosition))
Пример #18
 public Map()
     box       = new Case[5, 5];
     box[0, 0] = new Case(new Gamorra());
     box[0, 1] = new Case(new Warrior());
     box[0, 2] = new Case(new Heal());
     box[0, 3] = new Case(new CaptainAmerica());
     box[0, 4] = new Case(new Vision());
     box[1, 0] = new Case(new StarLord());
     box[1, 1] = new Case(new Booster());
     box[1, 2] = new Case(new Witch());
     box[1, 3] = new Case(new ScarletWitch());
     box[1, 4] = new Case(new Attack());
     box[2, 0] = new Case(new Witch());
     box[2, 1] = new Case(new Heal());
     box[2, 2] = new Case(new Witch());
     box[2, 3] = new Case(new Booster());
     box[2, 4] = new Case(new Witch());
     box[3, 0] = new Case(new Warrior());
     box[3, 1] = new Case(new Attack());
     box[3, 2] = new Case(new Warrior());
     box[3, 3] = new Case(new Heal());
     box[3, 4] = new Case(new SpiderMan());
     box[4, 0] = new Case(new Hulk());
     box[4, 1] = new Case(new Booster());
     box[4, 2] = new Case(new Warrior());
     box[4, 3] = new Case(new IronMan());
     box[4, 4] = new Case(new DoctorStrange());
Пример #19
 public Scene(string _name, int _weight, int _height, string _gamemode, int _darkness, List <LayerImage> _adds0,
              List <LayerImage> _adds1, List <LayerImage> _adds2, List <LayerImage> _walls, List <Case> _cases, List <LayerScript> _scripts, List <Entity> _entities)
     name     = _name;
     weight   = _weight;
     height   = _height;
     gamemode = _gamemode;
     darkness = _darkness;
     adds0    = _adds0;
     adds1    = _adds1;
     adds2    = _adds2;
     walls    = _walls;
     cases    = new Case[weight, height];
     for (int i = 0; i < weight; ++i)
         for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j)
             cases[i, j] = new Case(i, j);
     foreach (Case c in _cases)
         cases[c.x, c.y] = c;
     foreach (LayerImage add1 in adds1)
         for (int i = add1.x; i < add1.x; ++i)
             for (int j = add1.y; j < add1.y; ++j)
                 cases[i, j].type = add1.high < 100 ? "add1" : "wall";
                 cases[i, j].high = add1.high;
     foreach (LayerImage wall in walls)
         for (int i = wall.x; i < wall.x + wall.weight; ++i)
             for (int j = wall.y; j < wall.y + wall.height; ++j)
                 cases[i, j].type = "wall";
                 cases[i, j].high = 100;
     scripts  = _scripts;
     entities = _entities;
     foreach (Entity entity in entities)
         for (int i = entity.x; i < entity.x; ++i)
             for (int j = entity.y; j < entity.y; ++j)
                 cases[i, j].type = entity.type;
Пример #20
 public void reset()
     foreach (Transform obj in transform)
     grid = null;
Пример #21
 public Board(int x, int y)
     gameboard = new Case[x, y];
     for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
             gameboard[i, j] = new Case(i, j);
     noPlaceLeft = x * y;
Пример #22

        public Matrice(int nbLines, int nbColumns, double coordX, double coordY) //Constructeur de la matrice
            nbLignes    = nbLines;                                               //Initialisation du nombre de lignes et de colonnes, et des coordonnées
            nbColonnes  = nbColumns;
            this.coordX = coordX;
            this.coordY = coordY;
            this.tab    = new Case[nbLines, nbColumns];
Пример #23
 void Start()
     instance   = this;
     lastUpdate = Main.time();
     size       = 0;
     grid       = new Case[0, 0];
     diversite  = 0;
Пример #24
 public Map(int largeur, int longueur)
     Largeur  = largeur;
     Longueur = longueur;
     Plateau  = new Case[largeur, longueur];
     Position = new Case[largeur, longueur];
Пример #25
    public override List <Position> GetRayon(Vector3 startPos, Case targetCase, Case[,] grid, int dimX, int dimY)
        int direction   = getDirection(startPos, targetCase);
        int xUtilisable = (x - 1) / 2;
        int yUtilisable = (y - 1) / 2;

        if (direction == 0)
            if (x > y)
                xUtilisable = (y - 1) / 2;
                yUtilisable = (y - 1) / 2;
                xUtilisable = (x - 1) / 2;
                yUtilisable = (x - 1) / 2;
        else if (direction == 2)
            xUtilisable = (y - 1) / 2;
            yUtilisable = (x - 1) / 2;
        List <Position> positions = new List <Position>();

        int debutx = targetCase.getX() - xUtilisable;
        int finx   = targetCase.getX() + xUtilisable;
        int debuty = targetCase.getY() - yUtilisable;
        int finy   = targetCase.getY() + yUtilisable;

        if (targetCase.getX() - xUtilisable < 0)
            debutx = 0;
        if (targetCase.getY() - yUtilisable < 0)
            debuty = 0;
        if (targetCase.getX() + xUtilisable >= dimX)
            finx = dimX - 1;
        if (targetCase.getY() + yUtilisable >= dimY)
            finy = dimY - 1;
        int debutyInitial = debuty;

        for (; debutx <= finx; debutx++)
            for (debuty = debutyInitial; debuty <= finy; debuty++)
                positions.Add(new Position(grid[debuty, debutx].getX(), grid[debuty, debutx].getY(), GetDistanceDeLaCase(grid[debuty, debutx], targetCase), null));
Пример #26
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        plateau = new Case[Constantes.taillePlateauX, Constantes.taillePlateauY];
        // !!!
        //personnageTour = GameObject.Find("PersonnageMage(Clone)").GetComponent<Personnage>();

        affichageTextPv     = GameObject.Find("Pv").GetComponent <Text>();
        barreDeVie          = GameObject.Find("BarreDeVie").GetComponent <Image>();
        tourActuel          = 1;
        textTourActuel      = GameObject.Find("TextTour").GetComponent <Text>();
        textTourActuel.text = "" + 1;

        teamA       = new List <Personnage>();
        teamB       = new List <Personnage>();
        personnages = new List <Personnage>();

        // !!!

        /* if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
         * {*/
         *  personnages.Add(GameObject.Find(SceneConstant.teamJoueur[0] + "(Clone)").GetComponent<Personnage>());
         *  personnages.Add(GameObject.Find(SceneConstant.teamJoueur[1] + "(Clone)").GetComponent<Personnage>());
         *  personnages.Add(GameObject.Find(SceneConstant.teamJoueur[2] + "(Clone)").GetComponent<Personnage>());
         *  personnages.Add(GameObject.Find(SceneConstant.teamJoueur[3] + "(Clone)").GetComponent<Personnage>());*/
        /* }
         * else
         * {
         *   print(SceneConstant.teamJoueur[2]);
         *   personnages.Add(GameObject.Find(SceneConstant.teamJoueur[2] + "(Clone)").GetComponent<Personnage>());
         *   personnages.Add(GameObject.Find(SceneConstant.teamJoueur[3] + "(Clone)").GetComponent<Personnage>());
         *   personnages.Add(GameObject.Find(SceneConstant.teamJoueur[0] + "(Clone)").GetComponent<Personnage>());
         *   personnages.Add(GameObject.Find(SceneConstant.teamJoueur[1] + "(Clone)").GetComponent<Personnage>());
         * }*/

         * teamA.Add(personnages[1]);
         * teamB.Add(personnages[2]);
         * teamB.Add(personnages[3]);
         * personnageTour = personnages[0];*/
         * teamA.Add(GameObject.Find("PersonnageAssassin(Clone)").GetComponent<Assassin>());
         * teamB.Add(GameObject.Find("PersonnageArbaletrier(Clone)").GetComponent<Arbaletrier>());*/

        *  personnages.Add(teamB[0]);
        *  personnages.Add(teamA[1]);
        *  personnages.Add(teamB[1]);*/

        /*for (int i = personnages.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         * {
         *  personnages[i].textPv = GameObject.Find("PV" + (i + 1)).GetComponent<Text>();
         *  personnages[i].textPv.gameObject.SetActive(false);
         *  personnages[i].SpriteTimeLine = Instantiate(personnages[i].sprites[1], new Vector3(8.25f - (personnages.Count - 1 - i), -4.25f, 0), Quaternion.identity);
         *  personnages[i].SpriteTimeLine.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f);
         * }*/
Пример #27
    public override List <Case> FindPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 targetPos, Case[,] grid, int dimX, int dimY)
        Case startNode  = grid[Mathf.RoundToInt(-startPos.y), Mathf.RoundToInt(startPos.x)];
        Case targetNode = grid[Mathf.RoundToInt(-targetPos.y), Mathf.RoundToInt(targetPos.x)];

        startNode.precedent = null;
        startNode.perso     = null;
        List <Case>    openSet   = new List <Case>();
        HashSet <Case> closedSet = new HashSet <Case>();


        while (openSet.Count > 0)
            Case node = openSet[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < openSet.Count; i++)
                if (openSet[i].fCost < node.fCost || openSet[i].fCost == node.fCost)
                    if (openSet[i].hCost < node.hCost)
                        node = openSet[i];


            if (node == targetNode)
                return(RetracePath(startNode, targetNode));

            foreach (Case neighbour in GetNeighbours(grid, node, dimX, dimY))
                if (neighbour.mur || (neighbour.perso != null && neighbour != targetNode) || closedSet.Contains(neighbour))

                int newCostToNeighbour = node.gCost + GetDistance(node, neighbour);
                if (newCostToNeighbour < neighbour.gCost || !openSet.Contains(neighbour))
                    neighbour.gCost     = newCostToNeighbour;
                    neighbour.hCost     = GetDistance(neighbour, targetNode);
                    neighbour.precedent = node;

                    if (!openSet.Contains(neighbour))
Пример #28
 public Case(int x, int y, Case[,] board, GameObject prefab, bool color)
     col           = color;
     mat           = col == true ? StaticClass.m_sTools.blackCase : StaticClass.m_sTools.whiteCase;
     position      = new Vector2i(x - StaticClass.m_sCase.setupBoard.Border, y - StaticClass.m_sCase.setupBoard.Border);
     thisCase      = (GameObject)MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(x, 0, y), Quaternion.identity);
     thisCase.name = "case : " + x + " : " + y;
     thisCase.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = mat;
Пример #29
        public Plateau(Partie partie, int largeur, int hauteur, int mines)
            this.partie      = partie;
            this.largeur     = largeur;
            this.hauteur     = hauteur;
            this.mines       = mines;
            this.restantes   = mines;
            this.mineAPlacer = mines;

            cases = new Case[largeur, hauteur];

            //Initialise les cases du plateau
            for (int y = 0; y < hauteur; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < largeur; x++)
                    bool isMine = false;
                    int  test   = des.Next(0, (hauteur * largeur) - ((y * largeur) + x));
                    if (test < mineAPlacer)
                        isMine = true;
                    cases[x, y] = new Case(this, x, y, isMine); //Faire en sorte de minée aléatoirement
            //Créé les liaisons
            for (int y = 0; y < hauteur; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < largeur; x++)
                    // connection avec les voisines
                    int N = hauteur - 1;

                    if (x > 0 && y > 0)
                        Connecter(cases[x, y], cases[x - 1, y - 1]);

                    if (x > 0)
                        Connecter(cases[x, y], cases[x - 1, y]);

                    if (y > 0)
                        Connecter(cases[x, y], cases[x, y - 1]);

                    if (x > 0 && y < N)
                        Connecter(cases[x, y], cases[x - 1, y + 1]);
Пример #30
 private void InitTable(Case[, ] table, int lins, int cols)
     for (int i = 0; i < lins; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
             table[i, j] = Case.Void;
Пример #31
 //public PositionP4(bool j1aletrait, Case[, ] table, int nbCoups, ArrayList possibleCoup, ArrayList nextXPosition) : this(j1aletrait) //调用上面的PositionA(bool j1aletrait)
 //    this.table = table;
 //    this.possibleCoup = possibleCoup;
 //    this.nextXPosition = nextXPosition;
 //    this.NbCoups = nbCoups;
 public PositionP4(bool j1aletrait, int lins, int cols) : this(j1aletrait) //调用上面的PositionA(bool j1aletrait)
     this.NbCoups = cols;                                                  //总共可以行动的次数,起始是 1 2 3  4 5 6
     this.lins    = lins;
     this.cols    = cols;
     this.table   = new Case[lins, cols];
     InitTable(this.table, lins, cols);
     this.possibleCoup  = NewPossibleCoup(cols);
     this.nextXPosition = NewnextXPosition(lins, cols);
Пример #32
 public Grille(string nom,string date,string symbole,char[,] tab)
     Nom = nom;
     Date = date;
     Symbole = symbole;
     TabGrille = tab;
     tabCase = new Case[size, size];
     tabCaseJum = new Case[2];
     CréerLesCases(TabGrille); // à traiter
Пример #33
		public void initGrid( int width, int height )
			this.width = width;
			this.height = height;

			grid = new Case[ width, height ];

			for ( int x = 0; x < width; x ++ )
				for ( int y = 0; y < height; y ++ )
					grid[ x, y ] = new Case( x, y );
Пример #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new map with the given cases array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cases">2D array of cases.</param>
        public Map(Case[,] cases)
            this.cases = cases;
            startingPositions = new Stack<Case>();

            // Initialize the player positions (up to 4 players) at the corners of the map.
            startingPositions.Push(RandomCase(cases[0, 0], 5));
            startingPositions.Push(RandomCase(cases[Size - 1, Size - 1], 5));
            startingPositions.Push(RandomCase(cases[Size - 1, 0], 5));
            startingPositions.Push(RandomCase(cases[0, Size - 1], 5));
Пример #35
 public Plateau(int[] parametres, Grid _inGPlateau)
     _matrice = new Case[parametres[1], parametres[0]];
     _nbRow = parametres[1];
     _nbColumn = parametres[0];
     for (int i = 0; i < _nbRow; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < _nbColumn; j++)
             _matrice[i, j] = new Case(i, j);
     _acteurs = new List<Entite>();
     _listGrp = new List<Groupe>();
     _gPlateau = _inGPlateau;
Пример #36
        public Plateau()
            rectangleSelection = new Selection();
            plateauRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 352, 352);
            plateauValeur = new Case[8, 8];
            positionPossibilities = new List<Point>();
            playerTour = PlayerColor.White;

            pieceIsSelected = false;
            isEchec = false;
            isEchecEtMat = false;

            CaseHeight = 44;
            CaseWidth = 44;
Пример #37
		public Game( int width, int height )
			radius = new Radius( this );
			plans = new Plans( this );
			frontier = new Frontier( this );

			this.width = width;
			this.height = height;

			grid = new Case[ width, height ];

			for ( int x = 0; x < width; x ++ )
				for ( int y = 0; y < height; y ++ )
					grid[ x, y ] = new Case( x, y );
Пример #38
 public Carte(Vector2 size)
     _case = new Case[(int)size.Y, (int)size.X];
     origineJoueur1 = -Vector2.One;
     origineJoueur2 = -Vector2.One;
     positionTemporaire = Vector2.Zero;
     _originesGarde = new List<Vector2>();
     _originesPatrouilleur = new List<List<Vector2>>();
     _originesPatrouilleur_a_cheval = new List<List<Vector2>>();
     _origineDark_Hero = -Vector2.One;
     _originesBoss = new List<Vector2>();
     _originesStatues = new List<Vector2>();
     rotationsDesStatues = new List<byte>();
     bonus = new List<Bonus>();
     interrupteurs = new List<Interrupteur>();
     munitions = new int[8];
Пример #39
        public Grille(NumJoueur _num)
            IdJoueur = _num;
            grille = new Case[12, 12]; // une grille est un tableau de cases

            int x = 0, y = 0;

            foreach (Case cellule in grille) // On initialise chaque case de la grille
                grille.SetValue(new Case(x, y), x, y);
                x += 1;
                if (x == 12)
                    x = 0;
                    y += 1;
Пример #40
        bool matchNul; // True en cas de match nul

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // Construit le plateau
        public MyPlateau(Joueur joueur1, Joueur joueur2)
            //nbLignes = 6;
            //nbColonnes = 7;
            // Crée un tableau de 6 lignes, 7 colonnes
            lesCases = new Case[nbLignes, nbColonnes];

            // Alloue le tableau
            for (int i = 0; i < nbLignes; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < nbColonnes; j++)
                    lesCases[i, j] = new Case();

            // Initialise les joueurs
            this.joueur1 = joueur1;
            this.joueur2 = joueur2;

            etatPlateau = Etat.NonCommence;

            matchNul = false;
Пример #41
        // Constructeur par défaut
        public Jeu()
            // Initialisation des variables

            resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
            randNum = new Random();
            plateau = new Case[NB_CASE_HAUTEUR, NB_CASE_LARGEUR];
            estPerdu = false;
            waveOutDevice = new WaveOut();
            audioFileReader = new AudioFileReader("Musiques/Tetris.mp3");
            LoopStream loop = new LoopStream(audioFileReader);
            for (int i = 0; i < NB_CASE_HAUTEUR; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < NB_CASE_LARGEUR; j++)
                    plateau[j, i] = new Case(j, i);
            pieceCourante = pieceSuivante(); // On récupére la pièce suivante
            pieceApres = pieceSuivante(); // Déclaration de l'évenement
Пример #42
 public CarteEcran(int tailleX, int tailleY)
     this.iNombreCasesX = tailleX;
     this.iNombreCasesY = tailleY;
     this.cases_contenues = new Case[this.iNombreCasesX,this.iNombreCasesY];
Пример #43
 // constructeur du labyrinth
 public Maze(uint width, uint heigth)
     this.heigth = heigth;
     this.width = width;
     maze = new Case[this.width,this.heigth];
     exportetab = new float[this.width,this.heigth];
     for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < heigth; j++)
             maze[i, j] = new Case();
             exportetab[i, j] = new float();
     testaffiche = new string[2,2,2,2];
     testaffiche[1, 1, 1, 1] = "┼";
     testaffiche[1, 1, 1, 0] = "┤";
     testaffiche[1, 1, 0, 1] = "├";
     testaffiche[1, 0, 1, 1] = "┴";
     testaffiche[0, 1, 1, 1] = "┬";
     testaffiche[0, 1, 1, 0] = "┐";
     testaffiche[1, 0, 1, 0] = "┘";
     testaffiche[0, 1, 0, 1] = "┌";
     testaffiche[1, 0, 0, 1] = "└";
     testaffiche[1, 1, 0, 0] = "|";
     testaffiche[0, 0, 1, 1] = "─";
     testaffiche[0, 0, 0, 1] = "←";
     testaffiche[0, 0, 1, 0] = "→";
     testaffiche[0, 1, 0, 0] = "↑";
     testaffiche[1, 0, 0, 0] = "↓";
     testaffiche[0, 0, 0, 0] = "0";
Пример #44
 public void init(int x, int y)
     terrain = new Case[x,y];