Пример #1
        public static Vector3 UnitVector(CartesianDirections direction)
            switch (direction)
            case CartesianDirections.XNegative: return(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0));

            case CartesianDirections.XPositive: return(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));

            case CartesianDirections.YNegative: return(new Vector3(0, -1, 0));

            case CartesianDirections.YPositive: return(new Vector3(0, 1, 0));

            case CartesianDirections.ZNegative: return(new Vector3(0, 0, -1));

            default: return(new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the face outward by the provided distance (or inward if distance is negative)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="face">The face as defined by the CartesianDirections enumerator. This is the local x,y,z - not the global.</param>
        /// <param name="distance">The distance to move the face by (negative will move the face inward).</param>
        public override void MoveFaceOutward(CartesianDirections face, double distance)
            base.MoveFaceOutward(face, distance);
            if (distance.IsNegligible())
            var negativeFace = face < 0;
            var direction    = Math.Abs((int)face) - 1;

            if (PointsOnFaces != null)
                ///     direction1-high, direction2-low, direction2-high, direction3-low, direction3-high.
                var vertexOnPlaneIndex = 2 * direction + (!negativeFace ? 1 : 0);
                PointsOnFaces[vertexOnPlaneIndex] = Array.Empty <T>();
        public static List <PolygonLight>[] GetUniformlySpacedSlices(TessellatedSolid ts, CartesianDirections direction, double startDistanceAlongDirection = double.NaN, int numSlices = -1,
                                                                     double stepSize = double.NaN)
            if (double.IsNaN(stepSize) && numSlices < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Either a valid stepSize or a number of slices greater than zero must be specified.");
            var intDir         = Math.Abs((int)direction) - 1;
            var lengthAlongDir = ts.Bounds[1][intDir] - ts.Bounds[0][intDir];

            stepSize = Math.Abs(stepSize);
            if (double.IsNaN(stepSize))
                stepSize = lengthAlongDir / numSlices;
            if (numSlices < 1)
                numSlices = (int)(lengthAlongDir / stepSize);
            if (double.IsNaN(startDistanceAlongDirection))
                if (direction < 0)
                    startDistanceAlongDirection = ts.Bounds[1][intDir] - 0.5 * stepSize;
                    startDistanceAlongDirection = ts.Bounds[0][intDir] + 0.5 * stepSize;
            switch (direction)
            case CartesianDirections.XPositive:
                return(AllSlicesAlongX(ts, startDistanceAlongDirection, numSlices, stepSize));

            case CartesianDirections.YPositive:
                return(AllSlicesAlongY(ts, startDistanceAlongDirection, numSlices, stepSize));

            case CartesianDirections.ZPositive:
                return(AllSlicesAlongZ(ts, startDistanceAlongDirection, numSlices, stepSize));

            case CartesianDirections.XNegative:
                return(AllSlicesAlongX(ts, startDistanceAlongDirection, numSlices, stepSize).Reverse().ToArray());

            case CartesianDirections.YNegative:
                return(AllSlicesAlongY(ts, startDistanceAlongDirection, numSlices, stepSize).Reverse().ToArray());

                return(AllSlicesAlongZ(ts, startDistanceAlongDirection, numSlices, stepSize).Reverse().ToArray());
Пример #4
        public static CrossSectionSolid CreateFromTessellatedSolid(TessellatedSolid ts, CartesianDirections direction, int numberOfLayers)
            var intDir         = Math.Abs((int)direction) - 1;
            var lengthAlongDir = ts.Bounds[1][intDir] - ts.Bounds[0][intDir];
            var stepSize       = lengthAlongDir / numberOfLayers;
            var stepDistances  = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            //var stepDistances = new double[numberOfLayers];
            stepDistances.Add(0, ts.Bounds[0][intDir] + 0.5 * stepSize);
            //stepDistances[0] = ts.Bounds[0][intDir] + 0.5 * stepSize;
            for (int i = 1; i < numberOfLayers; i++)
                stepDistances.Add(i, stepDistances[i - 1] + stepSize);
            //stepDistances[i] = stepDistances[i - 1] + stepSize;
            var bounds = new[] { (double[])ts.Bounds[0].Clone(), (double[])ts.Bounds[1].Clone() };

            var layers    = CrossSectionSolid.GetUniformlySpacedSlices(ts, direction, stepDistances[0], numberOfLayers, stepSize);
            var layerDict = new Dictionary <int, List <PolygonLight> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++)
                layerDict.Add(i, layers[i]);
            var directionVector = new double[3];

            directionVector[intDir] = Math.Sign((int)direction);
            var cs = new CrossSectionSolid(directionVector, stepDistances, ts.SameTolerance, layerDict, bounds, ts.Units);

            //var cs = new CrossSectionSolid(stepDistances, layers, bounds, ts.Units);
            cs.TranformMatrix = StarMath.makeIdentity(4);
Пример #5
        public static CrossSectionSolid CreateFromTessellatedSolid(TessellatedSolid ts, CartesianDirections direction, int numberOfLayers)
            var intDir         = Math.Abs((int)direction) - 1;
            var max            = intDir == 0 ? ts.Bounds[1].X : intDir == 1 ? ts.Bounds[1].Y : ts.Bounds[1].Z;
            var min            = intDir == 0 ? ts.Bounds[0].X : intDir == 1 ? ts.Bounds[0].Y : ts.Bounds[0].Z;
            var lengthAlongDir = max - min;
            var stepSize       = lengthAlongDir / numberOfLayers;
            var stepDistances  = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            //var stepDistances = new double[numberOfLayers];
            stepDistances.Add(0, min + 0.5 * stepSize);
            //stepDistances[0] = ts.Bounds[0][intDir] + 0.5 * stepSize;
            for (int i = 1; i < numberOfLayers; i++)
                stepDistances.Add(i, stepDistances[i - 1] + stepSize);
            //stepDistances[i] = stepDistances[i - 1] + stepSize;
            var bounds = new[] { ts.Bounds[0].Copy(), ts.Bounds[1].Copy() };

            var layers    = ts.GetUniformlySpacedCrossSections(direction, stepDistances[0], numberOfLayers, stepSize);
            var layerDict = new Dictionary <int, IList <Polygon> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++)
                layerDict.Add(i, layers[i]);
            var directionVector = Vector3.UnitVector(direction);

            return(new CrossSectionSolid(directionVector, stepDistances, ts.SameTolerance, layerDict, bounds, ts.Units));