Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a bew card to the panel
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cardBox">the card as a picture box</param>
 public void AddPlayingCard(CardPictureBox cardBox)
     lblNumberOfCards.Text = myPlayer.CardsRemaining().ToString();
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes the corresponding card from the panel and players hand
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="card"></param>
 public void RemovePlayingCard(CardPictureBox card)
     lblNumberOfCards.Text = myPlayer.CardsRemaining().ToString();
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets called when anywhere in the control gets clicked.
        /// Determines if a card was clicked and if so, calls the corresponding click event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void PlayerHandControl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool isClickedControl = false;  // determines if the card was found

            // runs through each control in the panel
            for (int controlCount = 0; controlCount < pnlHand.Controls.Count && !isClickedControl; controlCount++)
                // attemps to convert the control to a CardPictureBox
                CardPictureBox cbp = pnlHand.Controls[controlCount] as CardPictureBox;

                // if the control was converted
                if (cbp != null)
                    // if the mouse is within the card box location,
                    // fire the given cards event and set isClickecControl to true
                    if (MousePosition.X >= cbp.Location.X && MousePosition.X <= (cbp.Location.X + cbp.Width))
                        if (MousePosition.Y >= cbp.Location.Y && MousePosition.Y <= (cbp.Location.Y + cbp.Height))
                            Click(cbp, e);
                            isClickedControl = true;
Пример #4
 public GraphicCard(CardSuite suite, CardFigure figure) : base(suite, figure)
     Pb = new CardPictureBox(this)
         SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom,
         Image    = IsOpened ? images[this] : faceDownImage
Пример #5
 private void Mix()
     for (int i = 0; i < cards.Count; i++)
         int            rnd  = RANDOM.Next(i);
         CardPictureBox temp = cards[rnd];
         cards[rnd] = cards[i];
         cards[i]   = temp;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gives the player all the cards in the panel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pnl">the panel to remove the cards from</param>
        /// <param name="phc">the player hand control that will recieve the cards</param>
        private void RetrievePanelCards(Panel pnl, PlayerHand phc)
            string playerInformation = phc.PlayerName.ToString();

            // run through each card and move them to the player
            for (int cardCount = 0; cardCount < pnl.Controls.Count;)
                CardPictureBox cpb = pnl.Controls[cardCount] as CardPictureBox;
                WriteToFile(log_file_path, "\t" + playerInformation + " has taken the card " + cpb.PlayingCard.ToString() + " from the table");
                ChangeCardParameters(phc, ref cpb);

            // clears the panel
Пример #7
        private void InitDeck(List <int> figureSet, DurakGame durak)
            cards = new List <CardPictureBox>();

            foreach (var i in figureSet)
                foreach (var j in SUITS)
                    cards.Add(new CardPictureBox(j, i, durak));


            TrumpCard = cards[cards.Count - 1];
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the location of the cards in the panel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ph"></param>
        private void SetLocation(Panel ph)
            int numberOfControls = ph.Controls.Count;   // saves the number of cards

            // run through each control
            for (int count = 0; count < numberOfControls; count++)
                // attempt to convert it to a CardPictureBox
                CardPictureBox cpb = ph.Controls[count] as CardPictureBox;

                // if the control was converted, set the location
                if (cpb != null)
                    cpb.Location = new Point(count * CardPictureBox.cardSize.Width / 2, 0);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to move the given CardPictureBox to the given panel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="phc">the PlayerHand control that the card should be in</param>
        /// <param name="pnl">the panel the CardPictureBox will be moved to</param>
        /// <param name="cpb">the CardPictureBox that will be moved</param>
        private void MovePlayingCard(PlayerHand phc, Panel pnl, CardPictureBox cpb)
            // try to move the card to the panel

                WriteToFile(log_file_path, "\t" + phc.PlayerName + (pnl == pnlAttackCards ? " attacked " : " defended ") + "with " + cpb.PlayingCard.ToString());
            // if the card does not exist
            catch (CardDoesNotExistException ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ". Please select another card!", "Invalid Operation");
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the parameters on the CardPictureBox
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="phc"></param>
        /// <param name="cpb"></param>
        private void ChangeCardParameters(PlayerHand phc, ref CardPictureBox cpb)
            // removes the card click event (if it has one set)
            // NOTE: Done to remove the possibility of duplicate firing
            cpb.Click -= CardClick;

            // if the player is retiving the cards, add the click event
            if (phc == phcPlayer)
                cpb.Click += CardClick;
            // otherwise, make the card face down
                cpb.FaceUp = false;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the card's rank matches a previous one played
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pnl">the panel to check</param>
        /// <param name="card">the card to check</param>
        /// <returns>true if the card can be played</returns>
        private bool CheckPanelCards(Panel pnl, Card card)
            bool returnValue = false;   // determines if the card can be played. Defaulted to no

            // run through each card in the panel
            for (int cardCount = 0; cardCount < pnl.Controls.Count && !returnValue; cardCount++)
                // save the current card as a picture box
                CardPictureBox currentCard = pnl.Controls[cardCount] as CardPictureBox;

                // if the ranks match, save the value to true
                if (card.Rank == currentCard.PlayingCard.Rank)
                    returnValue = true;

            return(returnValue); // return the result
Пример #12
 public CardPictureBox UseCard(CardPictureBox card)
Пример #13
 public GraphicCard(CardPictureBox pb, CardSuite suite, CardFigure figure) : base(suite, figure)
     Pb          = pb;
     Pb.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
     Pb.Image    = IsOpened ? images[this] : faceDownImage;
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Dispenses the cards to each player
        /// </summary>
        private void DisperseCards()
            // if the atttack and defend panels are empty
            if (pnlAttackCards.Controls.Count == 0 && pnlDefendCards.Controls.Count == 0)
                // if cards are able to be used
                if (dealer.CurrentCardIndex < dealer.NumberOfCards)
                    WriteToFile(log_file_path, "\nPlayers are drawing cards");
                    bool cardsLeft = true;  // determines if the player still has cards left in their hand

                    // counts how many PlayerHandControls there are
                    int numberOfPlayers = Controls.OfType <PlayerHand>().Count();

                    // saves each player hand control to an array
                    PlayerHand[] panels = new PlayerHand[numberOfPlayers];
                    panels[0] = phcComputer;
                    panels[1] = phcPlayer;

                    // runs through each hand
                    for (int playerCount = 0; playerCount < numberOfPlayers && cardsLeft; playerCount++)
                        PlayerHand currentPHC = panels[playerCount];    // gets the corresponding control

                        // runs until the player reachers the required number of cards
                        for (int count = currentPHC.PlayerInformation.CardsRemaining(); count < MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CARDS && cardsLeft; count++)
                            // draws the next card and adds it to the appropriate hand
                            CardPictureBox cardBox = new CardPictureBox(dealer.GetNextCard());
                            cardBox.FaceUp = currentPHC.FaceUp;   // sets the faceup orientation based on what the player has set

                            // if its the player who is recieving the card, add the click event
                            if (playerCount == 1)
                                cardBox.Click += CardClick;

                            // add the playing card to the correct control

                            // if there are no cards left, set the bool to false
                            if (dealer.CurrentCardIndex >= dealer.NumberOfCards)
                                cardsLeft = false;

                            WriteToFile(log_file_path, "\tPlayer " + currentPHC.PlayerName.ToString() + " has drawn the card " + cardBox.PlayingCard.ToString() + " from the deck");

                    // updates the cards remaining label
                    lblCardsRemaining.Text = (dealer.NumberOfCards - dealer.CurrentCardIndex).ToString();
                // else if there are no cards remaining and the notification hasnt been sent
                else if (!noCardsRemainingNotification)
                    // display 0 cards and make the deck invisible
                    lblCardsRemaining.Text = "0";
                    cpbDeck.Visible        = false;

                    // send the notification and set the boolean to true
                    MessageBox.Show("There are no cards remaining", "No Cards");
                    noCardsRemainingNotification = true;
                // otherwise check if a player has won
                    // if the computer won
                    if (phcComputer.PlayerInformation.CardsRemaining() == 0)
                    // if the player won
                    else if (phcPlayer.PlayerInformation.CardsRemaining() == 0)
            // otherwise the round is still in play
                MessageBox.Show("You cant draw as you are currently in the middle of a round!", "Invalid Operation");
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Event called when a CardPicture box is clicked
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void CardClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // if its the player's turn to go
            if (currentPlayer == 1)
                // convert the object to a card box
                CardPictureBox cpb = sender as CardPictureBox;

                // if the conversion was successful
                if (cpb != null)
                    // set the size of the cardbox
                    cpb.Size = new Size(CardPictureBox.cardSize.Width / 2, CardPictureBox.cardSize.Height / 2);

                    // states if a player played successfully
                    bool playedSuccessfully = false;

                    // if the player is attacking
                    if (playerAttacking)
                        // if the card can be played as an attack card
                        if (CheckAttackCard(cpb.PlayingCard))
                            MovePlayingCard(phcPlayer, pnlAttackCards, cpb);
                            playedSuccessfully = true;
                        // otherwise advice the user the card is not a valid move
                            MessageBox.Show(cpb.PlayingCard.ToString() + " cannot be played" + Environment.NewLine + "Card must match a previously selected rank.",
                                            "Invalid Move");
                    // otherwise the player is defending
                        // if the card is a valid defence card
                        if (CheckDefendCard(cpb.PlayingCard))
                            MovePlayingCard(phcPlayer, pnlDefendCards, cpb);
                            playedSuccessfully = true;
                        // otherwise, notify the user the card is not a valid move
                            MessageBox.Show("The card cannot be played. Must be a higher card in the same suit or be within the trump suit.", "Invalid Move");

                    // if the player succesfully played a card
                    if (playedSuccessfully)
                        // if the layer has no cards left
                        if (phcPlayer.PlayerInformation.CardsRemaining() == 0)
                            // if dealer has no cards left, the player has won
                            if (dealer.CurrentCardIndex >= dealer.NumberOfCards)
                            // if they were attacking and the defn
                            else if (playerAttacking)
                                WriteToFile(log_file_path, playerNames[1] + " has successfully defended");
                                MessageBox.Show("Defence wins as there are no more cards to defend with", "Defence Wins");

                    /*// if the player successfully played
                     * if (playedSuccessfully)
                     * {
                     *  // if there are no cards left to play
                     *  if (phcPlayer.PlayerInformation.CardsRemaining() == 0 && dealer.CurrentCardIndex >= dealer.NumberOfCards)
                     *  {
                     *      UpdatePlayerStats(WIN_OPTIONS[0]);
                     *      GameOver(playerNames[1]);
                     *  }
                     *  // otherwise, let the ai play
                     *  else
                     *      AI_Logic();
                     * }*/
            // other, the player cannot play
                MessageBox.Show("It is not your turn. Please wait until the other plays", "Unable to play");
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new card to the panel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="card">the playing card to add</param>
        public void AddPlayingCard(Card card)
            CardPictureBox cardBox = new CardPictureBox(card);

Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// The AI (Computer) Logical thinking
        /// </summary>
        private void AI_Logic()
            // the number of cards in teh computers hand
            int            numberOfCards = phcComputer.PlayerInformation.CardsRemaining();
            bool           cardPlayed    = false; // determines if the computer played a card. Defaulted to false
            CardPictureBox bestCard      = null;  // stores the best possible card to play

            // AI DEFEND LOGIC
            if (playerAttacking)
                // run through each card in the hand
                for (int count = 0; count < numberOfCards; count++)
                    // stores the current card
                    CardPictureBox currentCard = phcComputer.RetrieveCardBox(count);

                    // if the card can be played as a defence
                    if (CheckDefendCard(currentCard.PlayingCard))
                        // if the best card has not been set yet, store this card as the best
                        if (bestCard == null)
                            bestCard = currentCard;
                        // if the card is lower than the previously played card, store this card as the best
                        else if (currentCard.PlayingCard < bestCard.PlayingCard)
                            bestCard = currentCard;

                // if there was no card found
                if (bestCard == null)
                    // display the message to the log and messagebox
                    WriteToFile(log_file_path, "\n" + phcPlayer.PlayerName.ToString() + " has won the round as the computer was not able to defend");
                    MessageBox.Show("Unable to Defend. Player wins round!", "Round Over");
                    // the computer retrieves all the cards and the next turn occurs
                // otherwise, the card is played
                    cardPlayed      = true;
                    bestCard.FaceUp = true;
                    MovePlayingCard(phcComputer, pnlDefendCards, bestCard);

            // AI ATTACK LOGIC
                // run through each card
                for (int count = 0; count < numberOfCards; count++)
                    // save the card in the corresponding index
                    CardPictureBox currentCard = phcComputer.RetrieveCardBox(count);

                    // if the card can be used for an attack
                    if (CheckAttackCard(currentCard.PlayingCard))
                        // if the best card hasnt been set yet, make this card the best card
                        if (bestCard == null)
                            bestCard = currentCard;
                        // if this card is higher
                        else if (currentCard.PlayingCard > bestCard.PlayingCard)
                            // if this card is not trump, set it
                            // otherwise, keep the trump card
                            if (currentCard.PlayingCard.Suit != Card.TrumpSuit)
                                bestCard = currentCard;

                // if no card was selected
                if (bestCard == null)
                    // notify the player that the computer ended the round
                    WriteToFile(log_file_path, "\nComputer decided to end the round without doing another attack");
                    MessageBox.Show("Computer is finishing the round", "Round Over");

                    // make the player attack and move to the next turn
                    playerAttacking = true;
                // otherwise, play the card
                    cardPlayed      = true;
                    bestCard.FaceUp = true;
                    MovePlayingCard(phcComputer, pnlAttackCards, bestCard);

            // if there are no cards left and the deck is empty, they have won

            /* if (cardPlayed && phcComputer.PlayerInformation.CardsRemaining() == 0 && dealer.CurrentCardIndex >= dealer.NumberOfCards)
             * {
             *   UpdatePlayerStats(WIN_OPTIONS[1]);
             *   GameOver(playerNames[0]);
             * }*/

            if (cardPlayed)
                if (phcComputer.PlayerInformation.CardsRemaining() == 0)
                    if (dealer.CurrentCardIndex >= dealer.NumberOfCards - 1)
                    else if (playerAttacking)
                        WriteToFile(log_file_path, playerNames[0] + " has successfully defended");
                        MessageBox.Show("Defence wins as there are no more cards to defend with", "Defence Wins");