private void CleanUpCard(CardDef def) { if (def != null) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(def); } }
protected override void OnCardOver(object sender, CardsEventArgs e) { base.OnCardOver(sender, e); e.CardSize = CardSize; if (!Program.GameSettings.UseTwoSidedTable) { return; } CardDef cardDef = Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition; var cardCtrl = (CardControl)e.OriginalSource; Card baseCard = cardCtrl.Card; double mouseY = Mouse.GetPosition(cardsView).Y; double baseY = (cardCtrl.IsInverted || (Player.LocalPlayer.InvertedTable && !cardCtrl.IsOnTableCanvas)) ? mouseY - cardDef.Height + e.MouseOffset.Y : mouseY - e.MouseOffset.Y; if (baseCard == null) { return; } foreach (CardDragAdorner adorner in e.Adorners) { if (adorner == null || adorner.SourceCard == null || adorner.SourceCard.Card == null) { continue; } double y = baseY + adorner.SourceCard.Card.Y - baseCard.Y; adorner.OnHoverRequestInverted = IsInInvertedZone(y) ^ Player.LocalPlayer.InvertedTable; } }
private void SetInfo(string name, TAG_CLASS buttonClass, CardDef cardDef, int missionID, long deckID, bool flip) { this.SetMissionID(missionID); this.SetDeckID(deckID); this.SetButtonClass(buttonClass); Material practiceAIPortrait = cardDef.GetPracticeAIPortrait(); if (flip) { this.GetHiddenNameMesh().Text = name; if (practiceAIPortrait != null) { this.SetHiddenMaterial(practiceAIPortrait); } this.Flip(); } else { if (this.m_infoSet) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("PracticeAIButton.SetInfo() - button is being re-initialized!"); } this.m_infoSet = true; if (practiceAIPortrait != null) { this.SetShowingMaterial(practiceAIPortrait); } this.GetShowingNameMesh().Text = name; base.SetOriginalLocalPosition(); } this.m_covered = false; this.GetShowingCover().GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false; }
private void BuildReferences(AssestFile bundle) { foreach (var obj in bundle.Objects) { var unityClass = (UnityClass)obj.Info.ClassId; var data = BinaryBlock.Create(obj.Buffer); switch (unityClass) { case UnityClass.GameObject: _gameObjects[obj.Id] = new GameObject(data); break; case UnityClass.MonoBehaviour: // In this bundle, its a HS CardDef, SoundDef, HiddenCard var cd = new CardDef(data); if (!cd.FailedToLoad) // only want carddef (Hack) { _cardDefObjects[obj.Id] = cd; } break; case UnityClass.Material: _materialObjects[obj.Id] = new GameMaterial(data); break; default: break; } } }
private void UpdatePortrait() { if ((this.m_cardFlair != null) && (this.m_fullDef != null)) { CardDef cardDef = this.m_fullDef.GetCardDef(); if (cardDef != null) { Material deckPickerPortrait = cardDef.GetDeckPickerPortrait(); if (deckPickerPortrait != null) { DeckPickerHero component = base.GetComponent <DeckPickerHero>(); Material premiumPortraitMaterial = cardDef.GetPremiumPortraitMaterial(); if ((this.m_cardFlair.Premium == TAG_PREMIUM.GOLDEN) && (premiumPortraitMaterial != null)) { component.m_PortraitMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = premiumPortraitMaterial; component.m_PortraitMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTextureOffset = deckPickerPortrait.mainTextureOffset; component.m_PortraitMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTextureScale = deckPickerPortrait.mainTextureScale; component.m_PortraitMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetTexture("_ShadowTex", null); if (!this.m_seed.HasValue) { this.m_seed = new float?(UnityEngine.Random.value); } if (component.m_PortraitMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.HasProperty("_Seed")) { component.m_PortraitMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetFloat("_Seed", this.m_seed.Value); } } else { component.m_PortraitMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial = deckPickerPortrait; } } } } }
public List <int> CreateOnTable(string modelId, int x, int y, bool persist, int quantity) { var result = new List <int>(); Guid modelGuid; if (!Guid.TryParse(modelId, out modelGuid)) { return(result); // e.g. modelId may be null if the cloned card is face down. } _engine.Invoke(() => { CardModel model = Database.GetCardById(modelGuid); if (model == null) { } else { var ids = new int[quantity]; var keys = new ulong[quantity]; var models = new Guid[quantity]; int[] xs = new int[quantity], ys = new int[quantity]; CardDef def = Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition; if (Player.LocalPlayer.InvertedTable) { x -= def.Width; y -= def.Height; } var offset = (int)(Math.Min(def.Width, def.Height) * 0.2); if (Program.GameSettings.UseTwoSidedTable && TableControl.IsInInvertedZone(y)) { offset = -offset; } for (int i = 0; i < quantity; ++i) { ulong key = ((ulong)Crypto.PositiveRandom()) << 32 | model.Id.Condense(); int id = Program.Game.GenerateCardId(); new CreateCard(Player.LocalPlayer, id, key, true, model, x, y, !persist).Do(); ids[i] = id; keys[i] = key; models[i] = model.Id; xs[i] = x; ys[i] = y; result.Add(id); x += offset; y += offset; } Program.Client.Rpc.CreateCardAt(ids, keys, models, xs, ys, true, persist); } }); return(result); }
public void Initialize() { cards = new List <CardDef>(); cardDefsDict = new Dictionary <string, CardDef>(); CardDefCollection cardDefs = JsonUtility.FromJson <CardDefCollection>(Resources.Load <TextAsset>("cards").text); foreach (CardDef def in { cardDefsDict[] = def; } StartingCards startingCards = JsonUtility.FromJson <StartingCards>(definition.text); foreach (string card in { cards.Add(cardDefsDict[card]); } System.Random rng = new System.Random(); int n = cards.Count; while (n > 1) { n--; int k = rng.Next(n + 1); CardDef temp = cards[k]; cards[k] = cards[n]; cards[n] = temp; } count.Initialize(; }
private void FinishSettingUpActor(Actor actor, CardDef cardDef) { CardRewardData data = base.Data as CardRewardData; actor.SetCardDef(cardDef); actor.SetCardFlair(new CardFlair(data.Premium)); actor.UpdateAllComponents(); }
public static CardPortraitQuality GetFromDef(CardDef def) { if (def == null) { return(GetDefault()); } return(def.GetPortraitQuality()); }
public CardDef(CardDef def) { Atlas = def.Atlas; Stock = def.Stock; Text = def.Text; Symbol = def.Symbol; Pattern = def.Pattern; Grade = def.Grade; }
public void UpdatePortrait(EntityDef entityDef, CardDef cardDef) { this.m_heroActor.SetEntityDef(entityDef); this.m_heroActor.SetCardDef(cardDef); this.m_heroActor.UpdateAllComponents(); this.m_heroActor.SetUnlit(); this.m_currentEntityDef = entityDef; this.m_currentCardDef = cardDef; }
private void OnCardDefLoaded(string cardID, CardDef cardDef, object callbackData) { if ((this.m_entityDef != null) && (this.m_entityDef.GetCardId() == cardID)) { this.m_cardDef = cardDef; this.InitDeckTileActor(); this.InitCardActor(); } }
private void OnCardDefLoaded(string cardID, CardDef def, object userData) { this.m_cardsToLoad--; this.CleanUpCard(def); if (this.m_cardsToLoad <= 0) { this.FinishVerification(); } }
public void ClearCardDef(string cardID) { if (this.m_cachedCardDefs.ContainsKey(cardID)) { CardDef def = this.m_cachedCardDefs[cardID]; this.m_cachedCardDefs.Remove(cardID); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(def.gameObject); } }
public FullDef GetFullDef(string cardId, CardPortraitQuality quality = null) { EntityDef entityDef = this.GetEntityDef(cardId); CardDef cardDef = this.GetCardDef(cardId, quality); FullDef def3 = new FullDef(); def3.SetEntityDef(entityDef); def3.SetCardDef(cardDef); return(def3); }
private void ComputeChildWidth(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var panel = sender as VirtualizingWrapPanel; CardDef cardDef = Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition; if (panel != null) { panel.ChildWidth = panel.ChildHeight * cardDef.Width / cardDef.Height; } }
public bool HasCardDef(GameObject go) { CardDef def = SceneUtils.FindComponentInThisOrParents <CardDef>(go); if (def == null) { return(false); } return(this.m_cachedCardDefs.ContainsValue(def)); }
private void OnCardDefLoaded(string cardID, CardDef cardDef, object userData) { RDMDeckEntry entry = (RDMDeckEntry)userData; ActorLoadCallback callbackData = new ActorLoadCallback { choice = entry, cardDef = cardDef }; AssetLoader.Get().LoadActor(ActorNames.GetHandActor(entry.EntityDef, entry.Flair.Premium), new AssetLoader.GameObjectCallback(this.OnActorLoaded), callbackData, false); }
private void OnVanillaHeroCardDefLoaded(string cardId, CardDef def, object userData) { if (def == null) { Debug.LogError("GoldenHeroEvent.LoadDefaultHeroTexture() faild to load CardDef!"); } else { this.m_VanillaHeroCardDef = def; } }
public CardDef Pop() { int last = m_cards.Count - 1; if (last >= 0) { CardDef result = m_cards[last]; m_cards.RemoveAt(last); return(result); } return(null); }
protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint) { img.Measure(constraint); if (img.Clip != null) { CardDef cardDef = Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition; var clipRect = ((RectangleGeometry)img.Clip); clipRect.Rect = new Rect(img.DesiredSize); clipRect.RadiusX = clipRect.RadiusY = cardDef.CornerRadius * clipRect.Rect.Height / cardDef.Height; } return(img.DesiredSize); }
public CardDef Draw() { if (cards.Count <= 0) { return(null); } CardDef output = cards[0]; cards.Remove(output); count.Increment(-1); return(output); }
protected override void OnCardOver(object sender, CardsEventArgs e) { base.OnCardOver(sender, e); // Set overlay card size CardDef cardDef = Program.Game.Definition.CardDefinition; e.CardSize = new Size(cardDef.Width * 100 / cardDef.Height, 100); if (IsAlwaysUp) { e.FaceUp = true; } // Drop is forbidden when not ordered by position if (SortByName) { e.CanDrop = false; return; } // When the list is restricted to some cards only, // one cannot drop cards from outside this list if (RestrictDrop && !e.Cards.All(c => Cards.Contains(c))) { e.CanDrop = false; return; } // Display insert indicator _wrapPanel.DisplayInsertIndicator(e.ClickedCard, _wrapPanel.GetIndexFromPoint(Mouse.GetPosition(_wrapPanel))); // Scroll the scroll viewer if required double pos = Mouse.GetPosition(scroller).Y; if (pos <= ScrollMargin || pos >= scroller.ActualHeight - ScrollMargin) { if (_scrollTimer == null) { _scrollSpeed = ScrollInitialSpeed; _scrollDirectionUp = pos <= ScrollMargin; _scrollTimer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ScrollTimeInterval) }; _scrollTimer.Tick += DragScroll; _scrollTimer.Start(); } } else { StopDragScroll(); } }
private void OnCardPrefabLoaded(string cardID, CardDef cardDef, object callbackData) { if (cardDef == null) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("CollectionCardCache.OnCardPrefabLoaded() - asset for card {0} has no CardDef!", cardID)); } else { this.AddCard(cardID, cardDef); CallbackData data = (CallbackData)callbackData; data.callback(cardID, cardDef, data.callbackData); } }
public void Shuffle() { for (int i = 0; i < m_cards.Count; ++i) { int other = Random.Range(0, m_cards.Count); if (other != i) { CardDef swap = m_cards[i]; m_cards[i] = m_cards[other]; m_cards[other] = swap; } } }
public CardDef Pop() { Debug.Log("Pop Youxi"); int last = m_cards.Count - 1; if (last >= 0) { CardDef result = m_cards[last]; m_cards.RemoveAt(last); return(result); } return(null); }
public CardDef Wujiangpop() { Debug.Log("Pop Wujiang"); int last = Wujiang_cards.Count - 1; if (last >= 0) { CardDef result = Wujiang_cards[last]; Wujiang_cards.RemoveAt(last); return(result); } return(null); }
//下面这个函数WujiangShuffle()是用来洗武将牌的 public void WujiangShuffle() { for (int i = 0; i < Wujiang_cards.Count; ++i) { int other = Random.Range(0, Wujiang_cards.Count); if (other != i) { CardDef swap = Wujiang_cards[i]; Wujiang_cards[i] = Wujiang_cards[other]; Wujiang_cards[other] = swap; } } }
public override void Initialize() { if (Atlas == null) { Debug.LogError("CardAtlas is not initialized."); } if (Stock == null) { Debug.LogError("CardStock is not initialized."); } Debug.Log("Atlas = " +; string [] suits = new string[] { "Heart", "Spade", "Diamond", "Club" }; string [] prefixes = new string[] { "H-", "S-", "D-", "C-" }; List <CardDef> defs = new List <CardDef>(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { //int ii = i*13; string symbol = suits[i]; defs.Add(new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "A", symbol, 1)); defs.Add(new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "2", symbol, 2)); defs.Add(new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "3", symbol, 3)); defs.Add(new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "4", symbol, 4)); defs.Add(new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "5", symbol, 5)); defs.Add(new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "6", symbol, 6)); defs.Add(new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "7", symbol, 7)); defs.Add(new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "8", symbol, 8)); defs.Add(new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "9", symbol, 9)); defs.Add(new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "10", symbol, 10)); string prefix = prefixes[i]; CardDef jj = new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "J", symbol, 0); jj.Image = prefix + "Jack"; defs.Add(jj); CardDef qq = new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "Q", symbol, 0); qq.Image = prefix + "Queen"; defs.Add(qq); CardDef kk = new CardDef(Atlas, Stock, "K", symbol, 0); kk.Image = prefix + "King"; defs.Add(kk); } m_itemList = new DeckItem[52]; for (int i = 0; i < defs.Count; ++i) { DeckItem item = new DeckItem(); item.Count = 1; item.Card = defs[i]; m_itemList[i] = item; } }
private void OnFullDefLoaded(string cardId, FullDef fullDef, object userData) { if (fullDef == null) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("RewardCard.OnFullDefLoaded() - FAILED to load \"{0}\"", cardId)); } else { this.m_entityDef = fullDef.GetEntityDef(); this.m_cardDef = fullDef.GetCardDef(); string handActor = ActorNames.GetHandActor(this.m_entityDef, this.m_cardFlair.Premium); AssetLoader.Get().LoadActor(handActor, new AssetLoader.GameObjectCallback(this.OnActorLoaded), null, false); } }