private void refreshInterface() { try { //Fins material and set density CarboMaterial material = materials.GetExcactMatch(cbb_MixMaterial.Text); if (material != null && cbb_MixMaterial.Text != "") { //Set the variables used later; double densityToMix = CarboLifeAPI.Utils.ConvertMeToDouble(txt_Density.Text); double densityBase = CarboLifeAPI.Utils.ConvertMeToDouble(txt_DensityBase.Text); if (cbb_Unit.Text == "m³/m³" && densityToMix > 1) { txt_Density.Text = "1"; } double result = 0; if (material != null && densityBase >= 0) { result = calculateMixedMaterial(material, densityBase, densityToMix, cbb_Unit.Text); txt_MixResult.Text = Math.Round(result, 3).ToString(); valueToBeMixed = result; selectedMaterialDescription = material.Name + "(" + densityToMix + " " + cbb_Unit.Text + ")"; } } } catch { // } }
public static DataTable ToDataTables(CarboMaterial material) { DataTable table = new DataTable(); PropertyInfo[] propertyValues = typeof(CarboMaterial).GetProperties(); table.Columns.Add("Property"); table.Columns.Add("Value"); for (int i = 0; i < propertyValues.Length; i++) { PropertyInfo property = propertyValues[i]; if (property.PropertyType != typeof(A1A3Element)) { table.Rows.Add(property.Name, property.GetValue(material)); } } /* * if (material.Properties.Count > 0) * { * foreach (CarboProperty cp in material.Properties) * { * table.Rows.Add(cp.PropertyName, cp.Value); * } * } */ return(table); }
public MaterialEditor(string materialName, CarboDatabase database) { //originalMaterial = material; //selectedMaterial = material; try { //originalDatabase = database; returnedDatabase = database; selectedMaterial = database.GetExcactMatch(materialName); if (selectedMaterial == null) { MessageBox.Show("This material could not be found in the database, the closest match will now be found"); selectedMaterial = database.getClosestMatch(materialName); } baseMaterials = new CarboDatabase(); baseMaterials = baseMaterials.DeSerializeXML("db\\BaseMaterials"); acceptNew = false; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } InitializeComponent(); }
private void refreshInterface() { double volume = CarboLifeAPI.Utils.ConvertMeToDouble(txt_Volume.Text); double thickness = CarboLifeAPI.Utils.ConvertMeToDouble(txt_Thickness.Text); if (cbb_ProfileMaterial != null && cbb_Profile != null) { CarboMaterial material = materials.GetExcactMatch(cbb_ProfileMaterial.Text); Profile selectedProfile = profileList.Find(x =>; if (material != null && txt_Volume.Text != "" && thickness != 0 && selectedProfile != null) { //=J13+((D13-K13)/1000) //=Constsnt+((Thickness-ProfileHeight)/1000) double area = volume / (thickness / 1000); double constant = selectedProfile.constant; double profileHeight = selectedProfile.profileHeight; double conVolPerM2 = constant + ((thickness - profileHeight) / 1000); double stlWeightPerM2 = selectedProfile.steel * 7850; lbl_CalcCon.Content = conVolPerM2 + " m³/m² x " + area + " m²"; lbl_CalcSteel.Content = Math.Round(stlWeightPerM2, 2) + " kg/m² x " + area + " m²"; txt_ConcreteVolume.Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round((conVolPerM2 * area), 2)); txt_SteelVolume.Text = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(((stlWeightPerM2 * area) / 7850), 2)); } } }
public MaterialEndofLifePicker(CarboMaterial material) { carboMaterial = material; eolProperties = material.materialC1C4Properties; noUpdates = true; InitializeComponent(); }
public MaterialBasePicker(CarboDatabase baseMaterials, string selection = "") { basematerials = baseMaterials; isAccepted = false; selectedBaseMaterial = basematerials.GetExcactMatch(selection); InitializeComponent(); }
public MaterialBasePicker(string selection = "") { isAccepted = false; basematerials = new CarboDatabase(); basematerials = basematerials.DeSerializeXML(""); selectedBaseMaterial = basematerials.GetExcactMatch(selection); InitializeComponent(); }
private void lib_Materials_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { CarboMaterial cm = lib_Materials.SelectedItem as CarboMaterial; if (cm != null) { txt_Search.Text = cm.Name; refreshInterface(); } }
private void Txt_Search_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { CarboMaterial material = basematerials.getClosestMatch(txt_Search.Text); selectedBaseMaterial = material; cbb_Categories.Text = selectedBaseMaterial.Category; //lib_Materials.SelectedItem = selectedBaseMaterial; //refreshInterface(); }
private void Liv_materialList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { selectedMaterial = liv_materialList.SelectedItem as CarboMaterial; //MaterialMap selectedFloorMap = GetMaterialMap(cbb_FloorTypes.Text); if (selectedMaterial != null) { UpdateSelectedMaterial(); } }
public MaterialTransportPicker(CarboA4Properties c2Properties, CarboMaterial materialToBeTransported) { this.a4Properties = c2Properties; if (c2Properties.materialDensity != materialToBeTransported.Density) { MessageBoxResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("The transportation density does not match the meterial density, would you like to use: " + materialToBeTransported.Density + " kg/m³ as a transportation density value?", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (dialogResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { this.a4Properties.materialDensity = materialToBeTransported.Density; } } InitializeComponent(); }
private void refreshInterface() { CarboMaterial material = materials.GetExcactMatch(cbb_ReinforcementMaterial.Text); double volume = CarboLifeAPI.Utils.ConvertMeToDouble(txt_Volume.Text); double density = CarboLifeAPI.Utils.ConvertMeToDouble(txt_Density.Text); if (material != null && txt_Volume.Text != "" && txt_Density.Text != "") { reinforcementGroup = calculateRebar(material, reinforcementGroup, volume, density); txt_VolumeRebar.Text = reinforcementGroup.Volume.ToString(); txt_WeightRebar.Text = reinforcementGroup.Mass.ToString(); } }
private void Btn_New_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ValueDialogBox vdb = new ValueDialogBox("New Material Name"); vdb.ShowDialog(); if (vdb.isAccepted == true) { CarboMaterial newMaterial = new CarboMaterial(); newMaterial.Name = vdb.Value; returnedDatabase.AddMaterial(newMaterial); RefreshMaterialList(); selectMaterial(vdb.Value); } }
private double calculateMixedMaterial(CarboMaterial material, double densityBase, double densityToMix) { double result = 0; try { result = (densityToMix * material.ECI) / densityBase; } catch { return(0); } return(result); }
private void Btn_Accept_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { isAccepted = true; CarboMaterial material = materials.GetExcactMatch(cbb_ProfileMaterial.Text); //concreteGroup.Volume = Utils.ConvertMeToDouble(txt_ConcreteVolume.Text); concreteGroup.Correction = "*" + Math.Round(convertionFact, 3).ToString(); concreteGroup.Description += " - Corrected volume"; profileGroup.Volume = Utils.ConvertMeToDouble(txt_SteelVolume.Text); profileGroup.Description = cbb_Profile.Text; profileGroup.Material = material; profileGroup.CalculateTotals(); this.Close(); }
private void btn_Duplicate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (selectedMaterial != null) { ValueDialogBox vdb = new ValueDialogBox("New Material Name"); vdb.txt_Value.Focus(); vdb.ShowDialog(); if (vdb.isAccepted == true) { CarboMaterial newMaterial = DeepCopy <CarboMaterial>(selectedMaterial); newMaterial.Name = vdb.Value; returnedDatabase.AddMaterial(newMaterial); RefreshMaterialList(); selectMaterial(vdb.Value); } } }
private CarboGroup calculateRebar(CarboMaterial material, CarboGroup reinforcementGroup, double volume, double density) { double steelDensity = material.Density; double steelWeight = volume * density; double steelVolume = steelWeight / steelDensity; reinforcementGroup.Volume = steelVolume; reinforcementGroup.Mass = steelWeight; reinforcementGroup.SubCategory = ""; reinforcementGroup.Category = "Reinforcement"; reinforcementGroup.Material = material; reinforcementGroup.MaterialName = material.Name; reinforcementGroup.Density = material.Density; reinforcementGroup.ECI = material.ECI; reinforcementGroup.Description = "Reinforcement of: " + volume + "m³ " + "/ With: " + density + " kg/m³ Reinforcement"; return(reinforcementGroup); }
private void refreshInterface() { CarboMaterial material = materials.GetExcactMatch(cbb_ReinforcementMaterial.Text); double volume = CarboLifeAPI.Utils.ConvertMeToDouble(txt_Volume.Text); double density = CarboLifeAPI.Utils.ConvertMeToDouble(txt_Density.Text); if (material != null && txt_Volume.Text != "" && txt_Density.Text != "") { reinforcementGroup = calculateRebar(material, reinforcementGroup, volume, density); addtionalValue = calculateMixedMaterial(material, concreteGroup.Density, density); additionalDescription = reinforcementGroup.Description; txt_VolumeRebar.Text = reinforcementGroup.Volume.ToString(); txt_WeightRebar.Text = reinforcementGroup.Mass.ToString(); txt_MixResult.Text = Math.Round(addtionalValue, 3).ToString(); } }
private double calculateMixedMaterial(CarboMaterial material, double densityBase, double densityToMix, string unit) { double result = 0; try { if (unit == "m³/m³") { result = (((densityToMix / 1) * material.ECI) * material.Density) / densityBase; } else //kg/m³ { result = (densityToMix * material.ECI) / densityBase; } } catch (Exception ex) { selectedMaterialDescription = ex.Message; } return(result); }
public MaterialSelector(string selectedMaterialName, CarboDatabase database) { isAccepted = false; try { //originalDatabase = database; materialDatabase = database; currentMaterial = database.GetExcactMatch(selectedMaterialName); if (currentMaterial == null) { MessageBox.Show("This material could not be found in the database, a closest match will now be found for comparison"); currentMaterial = database.getClosestMatch(selectedMaterialName); } selectedMaterial = null; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } InitializeComponent(); }
private void btn_SyncFrom_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (liv_TemplateMaterials.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { try { MessageBoxResult result = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Do you want to update the project materials with the selected materials from the template?" + Environment.NewLine + "Materials with excact same name will be overwritten, others will be added to the project", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { CarboDatabase buffer = new CarboDatabase(); foreach (object item in liv_TemplateMaterials.SelectedItems) { CarboMaterial cm = item as CarboMaterial; if (cm != null) { buffer.AddMaterial(cm); } } projectDatabase.SyncMaterials(buffer); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } else { MessageBoxResult result = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Please select a material to syncronise", "Computer says no", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); } refreshTemplateMaterials(); refreshProjectMaterials(); }
private void btn_Delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool deletedSucces = false; int count = 0; if (liv_TemplateMaterials.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { try { CarboMaterial cm = liv_TemplateMaterials.SelectedItems[0] as CarboMaterial; if (cm != null) { deletedSucces = templateDatabase.deleteMaterial(cm.Name); if (deletedSucces == true) { count++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); deletedSucces = false; } } else { for (int i = liv_TemplateMaterials.SelectedItems.Count; i > 0; i--) { try { CarboMaterial cm = liv_TemplateMaterials.SelectedItems[i - 1] as CarboMaterial; deletedSucces = templateDatabase.deleteMaterial(cm.Name); if (deletedSucces == true) { count++; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); deletedSucces = false; } } // MessageBoxResult result = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Please select one material to delete", "Computer says no", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); } if (count == 1) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(count + " element deleted.", "Success", MessageBoxButton.OK); } else if (count > 1) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(count + " elements deleted.", "Success", MessageBoxButton.OK); } else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(0 + "elements deleted.", "Not a success", MessageBoxButton.OK); } refreshTemplateMaterials(); refreshProjectMaterials(); }
private void btn_OpenMaterialEditor_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { //Check if a group has been selected: CarboGroup PotentialSelectedCarboGroup = new CarboGroup(); PotentialSelectedCarboGroup.MaterialName = ""; if (dgv_Overview.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { var selectedItems = dgv_Overview.SelectedItems; IList <CarboGroup> selectedGroups = new List <CarboGroup>(); // ... Add all Names to a List. foreach (var item in selectedItems) { CarboGroup cg = item as CarboGroup; if (cg != null) { selectedGroups.Add(cg); } } if (selectedGroups.Count > 0) { PotentialSelectedCarboGroup = selectedGroups[0]; } } if (CarboLifeProject.CarboDatabase.CarboMaterialList.Count > 0) { CarboMaterial carbomat = CarboLifeProject.CarboDatabase.CarboMaterialList[0]; if (PotentialSelectedCarboGroup.MaterialName != "") { //A group with a valid material was selected carbomat = PotentialSelectedCarboGroup.Material; } if (carbomat == null) { carbomat = new CarboMaterial(); } MaterialEditor materialEditor = new MaterialEditor(carbomat.Name, CarboLifeProject.CarboDatabase); materialEditor.ShowDialog(); if (materialEditor.acceptNew == true) { CarboLifeProject.CarboDatabase = materialEditor.returnedDatabase; CarboLifeProject.UpdateAllMaterials(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("There were no materials found in the project, please re-create your project"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } CarboLifeProject.CalculateProject(); refreshData(); }
private CarboDatabase tryParseData(DataTable dt) { CarboDatabase result = new CarboDatabase(); //List<String> fieldNameList = new List<string>(); List <CarboMaterial> resultList = new List <CarboMaterial>(); //Reach row is one element //Loop through datatab;e //int newIdNr = 10000; //int columncount = 0; PropertyInfo[] propertyValues = typeof(CarboMaterial).GetProperties(); List <PropertyInfo> fullPropertyList = propertyValues.ToList(); int propertyValuesCount = propertyValues.Length; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { CarboMaterial newMaterial = new CarboMaterial(); List <PropertyInfo> propertyList = new List <PropertyInfo>(); foreach (PropertyInfo prInf in fullPropertyList) { propertyList.Add(prInf); } //Set Id; //newMaterial.Id = newIdNr; //columncount = 0; bool valueisParameter = false;; foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns) { string ccolumnName = dc.ColumnName.ToString().Trim(); string messageString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < propertyList.Count; i++) { PropertyInfo property = propertyList[i]; string propertyName = property.Name.ToString(); if (propertyName == ccolumnName) { string value = dr[dc].ToString(); //The column is a propery value, thus it need to be added as such try { //Improved: if (property.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { int parcedIntValue; bool isInt = false; isInt = int.TryParse(value, out parcedIntValue); if (isInt == false) { parcedIntValue = 0; } bool boolValue = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(parcedIntValue)); property.SetValue(newMaterial, boolValue); } else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(int)) { int parcedIntValue; bool isInt = false; isInt = int.TryParse(value, out parcedIntValue); if (isInt == false) { parcedIntValue = 0; } //must be int property.SetValue(newMaterial, parcedIntValue); } else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(double)) { double parsedDoubleValue = 0; bool isDouble = false; isDouble = double.TryParse(value, out parsedDoubleValue); if (isDouble == false) { parsedDoubleValue = 0; } property.SetValue(newMaterial, parsedDoubleValue); } else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { if (value == null) { value = ""; } property.SetValue(newMaterial, value); } else { //Skip } //OLD /* * if (isDouble == true) * { * //Handle as number or bolean * * if (property.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) * { * bool boolValue = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(value)); * property.SetValue(newMaterial, boolValue); * } * else * { * if (property.PropertyType == typeof(int)) * { * //must be int * property.SetValue(newMaterial, parcedIntValue); * } * else * { * //must be double * //parsedDoubleValue = Math.Round(parsedDoubleValue, 2); * property.SetValue(newMaterial, parsedDoubleValue); * } * //see if is int or double * } * } * else * { * //is string * property.SetValue(newMaterial, value); * } */ //Value Successfully added valueisParameter = false; //removethePropertyFromlistToSpeedThingsUpNextRound; propertyList.Remove(property); //End the loop and go to next column break; } catch (Exception ex) { messageString += value + " : " + ex.Message; } } else { valueisParameter = true; } } if (valueisParameter == true) { // If its not a property it will be added as a free parameter. /* * try * { * * CarboProperty newProperty = new CarboProperty(); * * string propertyValue = dr[dc].ToString(); * string propertyName = ccolumnName; * * newProperty.PropertyName = propertyName; * newProperty.Value = propertyValue; * * if (ccolumnName.StartsWith("_")) * { * //This is a material * newProperty.PropertyName = propertyName.TrimStart('_'); * newMaterial.Properties.Add(newProperty); * } * else * { * //This is a property * newMaterial.Properties.Add(newProperty); * } * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * messageString += ex.Message; * } */ } //columncount++; } newMaterial.CalculateTotals(); resultList.Add(newMaterial); //lbl_Status.Text = newOption.Name; //lbl_Status.Refresh(); //this.Refresh(); //Next Id Nr: //newIdNr++; } //result.Floortype = -1; //result.FloorTypeName = txt_TypeName.Text; //result.FloorTypeDescription = txt_Description.Text; result.setData(resultList); return(result); }
public static CarboElement getNewCarboElement(Document doc, Element el, ElementId materialIds, CarboRevitImportSettings settings) { CarboElement newCarboElement = new CarboElement(); try { int setId; string setName; string setMaterialName; string setCategory; string setSubCategory; double setVolume; double setLevel; bool setIsDemolished; bool setIsSubstructure; bool setIsExisting; // Material material = doc.GetElement(materialIds) as Material; //Id: setId = el.Id.IntegerValue; //Name (Type) ElementId elId = el.GetTypeId(); ElementType type = doc.GetElement(elId) as ElementType; setName = type.Name; //MaterialName setMaterialName = doc.GetElement(materialIds).Name.ToString(); CarboMaterial carboMaterial = new CarboMaterial(setMaterialName); //GetDensity Parameter paramMaterial = el.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.STRUCTURAL_MATERIAL_PARAM); if (paramMaterial != null) { Material material = doc.GetElement(paramMaterial.AsElementId()) as Material; if (material != null) { PropertySetElement property = doc.GetElement(material.StructuralAssetId) as PropertySetElement; if (property != null) { Parameter paramDensity = property.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.PHY_MATERIAL_PARAM_STRUCTURAL_DENSITY); if (paramDensity != null) { double density = paramDensity.AsDouble(); carboMaterial.Density = density; } } } } //Category setCategory = getValueFromList(el, type, settings.MainCategory, doc); //SubCategory setSubCategory = getValueFromList(el, type, settings.SubCategory, doc); //Volume double volumeCubicFt = el.GetMaterialVolume(materialIds); setVolume = Utils.convertToCubicMtrs(volumeCubicFt); newCarboElement.isDemolished = false; Level lvl = doc.GetElement(el.LevelId) as Level; if (lvl != null) { setLevel = Convert.ToDouble((lvl.Elevation) * 304.8); } else { setLevel = 0; } if (setLevel <= settings.CutoffLevelValue) { setIsSubstructure = true; } else { setIsSubstructure = false; } //Get Phasing; Phase elCreatedPhase = doc.GetElement(el.CreatedPhaseId) as Phase; Phase elDemoPhase = doc.GetElement(el.DemolishedPhaseId) as Phase; if (elDemoPhase != null) { setIsDemolished = true; } else { setIsDemolished = false; } if (elCreatedPhase.Name == "Existing") { setIsExisting = true; } else { setIsExisting = false; } //Makepass; //Is existing and retained if (setIsExisting == true && setIsDemolished == false) { if (settings.IncludeExisting == false) { return(null); } } //Is demolished if (setIsDemolished == true) { if (settings.IncludeDemo == false) { return(null); } } //If it passed it is either proposed, or demolished and retained. newCarboElement.Id = setId; newCarboElement.Name = setName; newCarboElement.MaterialName = setMaterialName; newCarboElement.Category = setCategory; newCarboElement.SubCategory = setSubCategory; newCarboElement.Volume = Math.Round(setVolume, 4); newCarboElement.Material = carboMaterial; newCarboElement.Level = Math.Round(setLevel, 3); newCarboElement.isDemolished = setIsDemolished; newCarboElement.isExisting = setIsExisting; newCarboElement.isSubstructure = setIsSubstructure; if (newCarboElement.Volume != 0) { return(newCarboElement); } else { return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { //TaskDialog.Show("Error", ex.Message); return(null); } }