Пример #1
    List <string> _allGuids = new List <string>();      // The list of Guids of all the cars increased

    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer(_layerHitName))                // If this object is a car
            CarUserControl car     = other.transform.root.GetComponent <CarUserControl>(); // Get the compoent of the car
            string         carGuid = car._guid;                                            // Get the Unique ID of the car

            if (!_allGuids.Contains(carGuid))                                              // If we didn't increase the car before
                _allGuids.Add(carGuid);                                                    // Make sure we don't increase it again
                car.OnCheckPoint();                                                        // Increase the car's fitness