// After leaving the park, car turns onto path
 private void AlignWithPath()
     // Gradually move forward and turn until a degree of rotation is achieved
     if (degreesOfRotation < 90)
         transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, PARK_ROTATION_SPEED * Time.deltaTime);
         transform.position += transform.rotation * forwardVector * Time.deltaTime;
         degreesOfRotation  += PARK_ROTATION_SPEED * Time.deltaTime;
         leavingState = CarLeavingState.AUTO;
 // Car reverses and turns to pull out of a car park
 private void ReverseAndTurnOutOfPark()
     // Gradually reverse and turn until a degree of rotation is achieved
     if (degreesOfRotation < 60)
         transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, PARK_ROTATION_SPEED * Time.deltaTime);
         transform.position += transform.rotation * reverseVector * Time.deltaTime;
         degreesOfRotation  += PARK_ROTATION_SPEED * Time.deltaTime;
         leavingState = CarLeavingState.FORWARD_TURN;
    // Car moves backward out of a car park
    private void ReverseOutOfPark()
        Ray rayBehind = new Ray(transform.position + Vector3.up, transform.rotation * Vector3.back * STOP_BACK_DISTANCE);

        Debug.DrawRay(transform.position + Vector3.up, transform.rotation * Vector3.back * STOP_BACK_DISTANCE, Color.red, 0.5f);

        bool allOtherCarsWaiting = true;

        isWaiting = CheckGiveway(rayBehind, ref allOtherCarsWaiting, STOP_BACK_DISTANCE);

        if (!isWaiting)
            // Reverse a fixed distance to a location
            if (distanceReversed < REVERSE_DISTANCE)
                transform.position += transform.rotation * reverseVector * Time.deltaTime;
                distanceReversed   += reverseVector.magnitude * Time.deltaTime;
                leavingState = CarLeavingState.REVERSE_TURN;