/// <summary> /// Executes the command. /// Moves the joint according to a given scale factor and pivot point. /// </summary> /// <param name="services">CommandServices object to interact with the system</param> public override void Run(Canguro.Controller.CommandServices services) { List<Canguro.Model.Joint> selection = new List<Canguro.Model.Joint>(); List<Item> selectedItems = services.GetSelection(); if (selectedItems.Count == 0) return; foreach (Item item in selectedItems) { if (item is Joint) selection.Add((Joint)item); else if (item is LineElement) { LineElement l = (LineElement)item; if (!selection.Contains(l.I)) selection.Add(l.I); if (!selection.Contains(l.J)) selection.Add(l.J); } } Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3 piv; float scale = services.GetSingle(Culture.Get("getScale")); Controller.Snap.Magnet m = services.GetPoint(Culture.Get("pivotScalePoint")); if (m == null) return; piv = m.SnapPosition; foreach (Canguro.Model.Joint j in selection) { j.X = (j.X - piv.X) * scale + piv.X; j.Y = (j.Y - piv.Y) * scale + piv.Y; j.Z = (j.Z - piv.Z) * scale + piv.Z; } }
public override void Run(Canguro.Controller.CommandServices services) { Canguro.Model.UnitSystem.UnitSystemsManager.Instance.Enabled = false; try { Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3[] pivots = new Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3[3]; // Get 3 Points Joint j1 = services.GetJoint((IList<LineElement>)null); services.TrackingService = Canguro.Controller.Tracking.LineTrackingService.Instance; services.TrackingService.SetPoint(j1.Position); services.Model.ChangeModel(); Joint j2 = services.GetJoint((IList<LineElement>)null); services.TrackingService.SetPoint(j2.Position); services.Model.ChangeModel(); Joint j3 = services.GetJoint((IList<LineElement>)null); services.TrackingService = null; services.Model.ChangeModel(); pivots[0] = j1.Position; pivots[1] = j2.Position; pivots[2] = j3.Position; Vector3 v1 = pivots[0] - pivots[1]; Vector3 v2 = pivots[1] - pivots[2]; Vector3 N = Vector3.Cross(v1, v2); if (N.LengthSq() < 0.0001) // If Colinear, take perpendicular to the active view. System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(Culture.Get("ColinearPoints"), Culture.Get("error"), System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); else { int segments = (int)services.GetSingle(Culture.Get("getSplitParts") + " [2-100]"); Vector3 C = calcCenter(pivots[0], pivots[1], pivots[2]); MakeArc(services.Model, C, N, j1, j3, j2, segments); } } finally { Canguro.Model.UnitSystem.UnitSystemsManager.Instance.Enabled = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Executes the command. /// Gets a number of segments and divides all selected line elements in equal length segments. /// </summary> /// <param name="services">CommandServices object to interact with the system</param> public override void Run(Canguro.Controller.CommandServices services) { List<Item> selection = services.GetSelection(); if (selection.Count == 0) return; List<LineElement> lineList = new List<LineElement>(); foreach (Item item in selection) if (item != null && item is LineElement) lineList.Add((LineElement)item); if (lineList.Count == 0) lineList.Add(services.GetLine()); int parts = (int)services.GetSingle(Culture.Get("getSplitParts") + " [2-100]"); parts = (parts < 2) ? 2 : (parts > 100) ? 100 : parts; foreach (LineElement line in lineList) { Joint ji = line.I; Joint jj = line.J; Joint last = jj; Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3 v = new Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3(jj.X - ji.X, jj.Y - ji.Y, jj.Z - ji.Z); v.Multiply(1.0f / parts); if (parts > 1 && v.LengthSq() > 0) { LineElement newLine = line; for (int i = 0; i < parts - 1; i++) { jj = new Joint(ji.X + v.X, ji.Y + v.Y, ji.Z + v.Z); services.Model.JointList.Add(jj); newLine = Split(newLine, jj, services.Model); services.Model.LineList.Add(newLine); ji = jj; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Executes the command. /// Copies the selected Items in a series around a given rotation axis. /// </summary> /// <param name="services">CommandServices object to interact with the system</param> public override void Run(Canguro.Controller.CommandServices services) { Dictionary<Joint, Joint> joints = new Dictionary<Joint, Joint>(); Dictionary<Joint, Joint> jSelection = new Dictionary<Joint, Joint>(); List<LineElement> lines = new List<LineElement>(); List<LineElement> lSelection = new List<LineElement>(); List<AreaElement> areas = new List<AreaElement>(); List<AreaElement> aSelection = new List<AreaElement>(); ItemList<Joint> jList = services.Model.JointList; ItemList<LineElement> lList = services.Model.LineList; ItemList<AreaElement> aList = services.Model.AreaList; Joint nJoint; LineElement nLine; AreaElement nArea; List<Item> selection = services.GetSelection(); if (selection.Count == 0) return; foreach (Item item in selection) { if (item is Joint) { jSelection.Add((Joint)item, null); joints.Add((Joint)item, null); } else if (item is LineElement) { LineElement l = (LineElement)item; lSelection.Add(l); lines.Add(l); if (!jSelection.ContainsKey(l.I)) { jSelection.Add(l.I, null); joints.Add(l.I, null); } if (!jSelection.ContainsKey(l.J)) { jSelection.Add(l.J, null); joints.Add(l.J, null); } } else if (item is AreaElement) { AreaElement a = (AreaElement)item; aSelection.Add(a); areas.Add(a); if (!jSelection.ContainsKey(a.J1)) { jSelection.Add(a.J1, null); joints.Add(a.J1, null); } if (!jSelection.ContainsKey(a.J2)) { jSelection.Add(a.J2, null); joints.Add(a.J2, null); } if (!jSelection.ContainsKey(a.J3)) { jSelection.Add(a.J3, null); joints.Add(a.J3, null); } if (a.J4 != null && !jSelection.ContainsKey(a.J4)) { jSelection.Add(a.J4, null); joints.Add(a.J4, null); } } } Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3 v, v2; uint n = (uint)services.GetSingle(Culture.Get("getArrayRepetition")); float dAngle = float.Parse(services.GetString(Culture.Get("getPolarArrayAngle"))); dAngle *= (float)Math.PI / 180.0F; float angle = 0.0F; Controller.Snap.Magnet m = services.GetPoint(Culture.Get("getPolarRotationCenter")); if (m == null) return; v = m.SnapPosition; services.TrackingService = LineTrackingService.Instance; services.TrackingService.SetPoint(m.SnapPositionInt); m = services.GetPoint(Culture.Get("getPolarRotationCenter")); if (m == null) return; v2 = m.SnapPosition; if (v2.Equals(v)) { Canguro.View.GraphicView view = Canguro.View.GraphicViewManager.Instance.ActiveView; Vector3 v1Tmp = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); Vector3 v2Tmp = new Vector3(0, 0, 1); view.Unproject(ref v1Tmp); view.Unproject(ref v2Tmp); v2 = v2 + v1Tmp - v2Tmp; } services.TrackingService = null; List<Joint> newJoints = new List<Joint>(); List<LineElement> newLines = new List<LineElement>(); List<AreaElement> newAreas = new List<AreaElement>(); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { angle += dAngle; Matrix trans1 = new Matrix(); trans1.Translate(-v); Matrix rot = new Matrix(); rot.RotateAxis(v2 - v, angle); Matrix trans2 = new Matrix(); trans2.Translate(v); rot = trans1 * rot * trans2; foreach (Joint j in joints.Keys) { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(j.X, j.Y, j.Z); pos.TransformCoordinate(rot); jList.Add(nJoint = new Joint(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z)); nJoint.Masses = j.Masses; nJoint.DoF = j.DoF; jSelection[j] = nJoint; newJoints.Add(nJoint); } foreach (LineElement l in lines) { lList.Add(nLine = new LineElement(l, jSelection[l.I], jSelection[l.J])); newLines.Add(nLine); } foreach (AreaElement a in areas) { aList.Add(nArea = new AreaElement(a, jSelection[a.J1], jSelection[a.J2], jSelection[a.J3], (a.J4 != null) ? jSelection[a.J4] : null)); newAreas.Add(nArea); } } JoinCmd.Join(services.Model, newJoints, newLines, newAreas); }