Пример #1
        //When the user changes the selected combobox index
        private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Clear the data in the second combobox
            //Switch the selected table
            switch (comboBox1.Text)
            //If the selected table is this value: populate the second combobox with these values
            case "Bookings": comboBox2.Items.Add("Name"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Paid"); InnerJoinDBAccess booking = new InnerJoinDBAccess(db); createTableToShowBookings(booking.GetAllBooking()); break;

            case "Bus": comboBox2.Items.Add("Driver"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Route"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Time"); BusDBAccess BusdbAcess = new BusDBAccess(db); createTableToShowBus(BusdbAcess.getAllBus()); break;

            case "Cancellation": comboBox2.Items.Add("Reason"); CancellationDBAccess cdba = new CancellationDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowCancellation(cdba.getAllCancellation()); break;

            case "Children": comboBox2.Items.Add("Child Name"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Age"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Medical Problems"); ChildrenDBAccess chdba = new ChildrenDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowChildren(chdba.GetAllChildren()); break; break;

            case "Parent": comboBox2.Items.Add("Parent Name"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Parent Phone"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Parent Email"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Parent Address"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Parent Occupation"); ParentDBAccess pdba = new ParentDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowParent(pdba.SelectAllParents()); break;

            case "Schools": comboBox2.Items.Add("School Name"); comboBox2.Items.Add("School Location"); comboBox2.Items.Add("School Number"); SchoolDBAccess sdba = new SchoolDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowSchools(sdba.getAllSchools()); break;

            case "Staff": comboBox2.Items.Add("Staff Name"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Staff Voluntary"); StaffDBAccess stdba = new StaffDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowStaff(stdba.getAllStaff()); break;

            case "Parent & Child": comboBox2.Items.Add("Parent Name"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Child Name"); InnerJoinDBAccess injdba = new InnerJoinDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowChildAndParent(injdba.GetChildAndParent()); break;
Пример #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Creates a form to check if the user is sure they want to delete data or not
            using (var form = new DeleteValidate())
                var result = form.ShowDialog();
                //If the user clicks 'Yes'
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    //Make the form hide
                    BookingDBAccess bdba = new BookingDBAccess(db);

                    //If the user hasn't selected a row
                    if (Results.SelectedRows.Count == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("No Row Selected Was Selected", "Error");
                        new MainApp(db).Show();
                    //If there's more than one row selected, show an error message
                    else if (Results.SelectedRows.Count > 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("There are too many rows selected. Only select one please.", "Error");
                    //If the user has selected one row delete that row from the booking table and populate it in the cancelation table with the entered reason
                    else if (Results.SelectedRows.Count == 1)
                        int            rowNum         = Results.SelectedRows[0].Index;
                        int            cancellationId = int.Parse(Results.Rows[rowNum].Cells[0].Value.ToString());
                        int            childId        = int.Parse(Results.Rows[rowNum].Cells[1].Value.ToString());
                        DateTime       date           = Convert.ToDateTime(Results.Rows[rowNum].Cells[4].Value.ToString());
                        string         reason         = reasonBox.Text;
                        List <Booking> results        = new List <Booking>();
                        results = bdba.getBookWithID(cancellationId);

                        CancellationDBAccess cdba = new CancellationDBAccess(db);
                        cdba.InsertCancell(cancellationId, childId, date, reason);

                        foreach (Booking book in results)
                            //When the entry is deleted show a message saying 'Success'
                            new SuccessForm(db, "Success, Booking Cancelled").Show();
                            new MainApp(db).Show();

                    //If the user clicks 'No', make the form dissappear
                    else if (result == DialogResult.No)
                        new CancellForm(db).Show();
Пример #3
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //This shows all the cancellation which match the searched for name
            CancellationDBAccess cdba = new CancellationDBAccess(db);
            string reason             = textBox1.Text;

Пример #4
        //If the user decides to edit one of the entries, this code does it.
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CancellationDBAccess bbdba = new CancellationDBAccess(db);

            //These variables are passed into the updateProject method in the cancellationDBAcces class
            bbdba.updateProject(cancellationId, bookingId, childId, date, reason);
            MessageBox.Show("The row in the database has been updated.", "Success");
            //Make the grid have nothing in it. Bring the user back to the main menu
            dataGridView2.DataSource = null;

            new MainApp(db).Show();
Пример #5
        public CancellationTable(Database db)
            //Makes the forms borders disappear, puts it in the centre of the screen & makes the edges curved
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
            Region = System.Drawing.Region.FromHrgn(CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height, 20, 20));
            //Passes the database into a new object that lets it be called elsewhere in the form
            this.db = db;
            //Makes the grid show all the cancellations
            CancellationDBAccess cdba = new CancellationDBAccess(db);

Пример #6
        //The constrcutor has the database and selected table passed in
        public SearchForm(Database db, string WhichTable)
            this.db = db;
            //Assign which table is being selected
            Table = WhichTable;
            //Makes border disappear and the form curved
            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
            Region = System.Drawing.Region.FromHrgn(CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height, 20, 20));
            //Fill the combo boxes
            comboBox1.Text = Table;

            //Check the selected table
            switch (Table)
            //If it's this table. Fill the grid with data from the chosen database table
            case "Parent & Child": InnerJoinDBAccess parentChild = new InnerJoinDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowChildAndParent(parentChild.GetChildAndParent()); break;

            case "Bookings": InnerJoinDBAccess booking = new InnerJoinDBAccess(db); createTableToShowBookings(booking.GetAllBooking()); break;

            case "Bus": BusDBAccess BusdbAcess = new BusDBAccess(db); createTableToShowBus(BusdbAcess.getAllBus()); break;

            case "Cancellation": CancellationDBAccess cdba = new CancellationDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowCancellation(cdba.getAllCancellation()); break;

            case "Children": ChildrenDBAccess chdba = new ChildrenDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowChildren(chdba.GetAllChildren()); break;

            case "Parent": ParentDBAccess pdba = new ParentDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowParent(pdba.SelectAllParents()); break;

            case "Schools": SchoolDBAccess sdba = new SchoolDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowSchools(sdba.getAllSchools()); break;

            case "Staff": StaffDBAccess stdba = new StaffDBAccess(db); CreateTableToShowStaff(stdba.getAllStaff()); break;
Пример #7
        //When the 'Search' button is clicked
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //The searched for name goes into the searcher variable
            string searcher = textBox1.Text;

            //If the user is searching for a child name in the Parent & Child table
            if (comboBox2.Text == "Child Name" && comboBox1.Text == "Parent & Child")
                //display the data which matches the searched for childs name
                InnerJoinDBAccess injdba = new InnerJoinDBAccess(db);
            //If the user is searching for the Parents name in the parent & child table
            if (comboBox2.Text == "Parent Name" && comboBox1.Text == "Parent & Child")
                //diaplay the data which matches the searched for parents name
                InnerJoinDBAccess injdba = new InnerJoinDBAccess(db);
            //If the user is searching for Driver
            if (comboBox2.Text == "Driver")
                //display the data which matches the searched for Bus drivers name
                BusDBAccess bdba = new BusDBAccess(db);
            // This repeats for the rest of the IF statements, the program will update the grid to show where the data in the table matches the value that the user is searching for
            if (comboBox2.Text == "Route")
                BusDBAccess bdba = new BusDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "Time")
                BusDBAccess bdba = new BusDBAccess(db);
                createTableToShowBus(bdba.getWhereTimeIs(comboBox3.Text, searcher));

            if (comboBox2.Text == "Reason")
                CancellationDBAccess cdba = new CancellationDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "Child Name")
                ChildrenDBAccess cdba = new ChildrenDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "Age")
                ChildrenDBAccess cdba = new ChildrenDBAccess(db);
                CreateTableToShowChildren(cdba.GetChildByAge(comboBox3.Text, searcher));

            if (comboBox2.Text == "Medical Problems")
                ChildrenDBAccess cdba = new ChildrenDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "Parent Name")
                ParentDBAccess pdba = new ParentDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "Parent Phone")
                ParentDBAccess pdba = new ParentDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "Parent Email")
                ParentDBAccess pdba = new ParentDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "Parent Address")
                ParentDBAccess pdba = new ParentDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "Parent Occupation")
                ParentDBAccess pdba = new ParentDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "School Name")
                SchoolDBAccess sdba = new SchoolDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "School Location")
                SchoolDBAccess sdba = new SchoolDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "School Number")
                SchoolDBAccess sdba = new SchoolDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "Paid")
                string reason = textBox1.Text.ToLower();
                int    num    = 0;
                //If the user types in false or true, the program creates a variable called num which stores 0/1 depeneding on if the user has typed true or false
                switch (reason)
                case "false": num = 0; break;

                case "true": num = 1;  break;
                InnerJoinDBAccess injdba = new InnerJoinDBAccess(db);

            if (comboBox2.Text == "Name")
                string            name   = textBox1.Text;
                InnerJoinDBAccess injdba = new InnerJoinDBAccess(db);