Пример #1
        public int Run()
            int return_value = -1;

            cameraList.Selection.Mode = SelectionMode.Single;
            cameraList.AppendColumn(Catalog.GetString("Camera"), new CellRendererText(), "text", 0);
            cameraList.AppendColumn(Catalog.GetString("Port"), new CellRendererText(), "text", 1);

            ListStore tstore = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(string));

            for (int i = 0; i < camlist.Count(); i++)
                tstore.AppendValues(camlist.GetName(i), camlist.GetValue(i));

            cameraList.Model = tstore;
            ResponseType response = (ResponseType)this.Dialog.Run();

            if (response == ResponseType.Ok && cameraList.Selection.CountSelectedRows() == 1)
                TreeIter  selected_camera;
                TreeModel model;

                cameraList.Selection.GetSelected(out model, out selected_camera);
                return_value = camlist.GetPosition((string)model.GetValue(selected_camera, 0),
                                                   (string)model.GetValue(selected_camera, 1));


Пример #2
        // FIXME: The actual conditions for ignoring 'usb:' ones is
        // when it is the only entry for that device. I'm not 100% how
        // to handle to of the same device when they are represented by
        // 'usb:' as opposed to the fully qualified name
        private static CameraList RemoveDuplicates(CameraList cameras)
            CameraList list = new CameraList();

                int count = cameras.Count();
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    string name  = cameras.GetName(i);
                    string value = cameras.GetValue(i);

                    if (value == "usb:")

                    list.Append(name, value);

Пример #3
    private void GetFileList(string dir)
        if (camera_fs == null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException();

        //workaround for nikon dslr in ptp mode
        if (dir == "/special/")

        CameraList filelist = camera_fs.ListFiles(dir, context);

        for (int i = 0; i < filelist.Count(); i++)
            files.Add(new GPhotoCameraFile(dir, filelist.GetName(i)));

        CameraList folderlist = camera_fs.ListFolders(dir, context);

        for (int i = 0; i < folderlist.Count(); i++)
            GetFileList(dir + folderlist.GetName(i) + "/");
    public void SelectCamera(int index)
        selected_camera__camera_list_index = index;

        selected_camera__abilities_list_index = abilities_list.LookupModel(camera_list.GetName(selected_camera__camera_list_index));
        camera_abilities = abilities_list.GetAbilities(selected_camera__abilities_list_index);

        camera = new Camera();

        string path = camera_list.GetValue(selected_camera__camera_list_index);

        System.Console.WriteLine("Testing gphoto path = {0}", path);
        selected_camera__port_info_list_index = port_info_list.LookupPath(path);

        port_info = port_info_list.GetInfo(selected_camera__port_info_list_index);
        System.Console.WriteLine("PortInfo {0}, {1}", port_info.Name, port_info.Path);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects all usable cameras which are connected to the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A list containing all cameras which can be connected to</returns>
        public static List <Camera> Detect()
            if (Utilities.Is64Bit && Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Unix)
                Console.WriteLine("A 64bit windows system has been detected. This is not supported");
                Console.WriteLine("due to the complexity of interoperating with libgphoto2");
                Console.WriteLine("as it exposes variable length 'long' types in it's API.");
                Console.WriteLine("The API is unlikely to change before version 3 of the library");
                Console.WriteLine("The current status of this can be found on the libgphoto2");
                Console.WriteLine("mailing list. A detailed explanation can be found in the");
                Console.WriteLine("README file for libgphoto2-sharp");
                return(new List <Camera>());

            List <Camera> cameras = new List <Camera>();
            Context       c       = new Context();

            using (CameraAbilitiesList abilities = new CameraAbilitiesList())
                using (PortInfoList portInfoList = new PortInfoList())
                    using (CameraList cameraList = new CameraList())
                        // Get the list of all devices that are currently supported

                        // Get the list of all the (usb?) ports that are currently available

                        // Create the list of all the connected devices which can be used
                        abilities.Detect(portInfoList, cameraList, c);

                        // Scan through all the detected cameras and remove any duplicates
                        using (CameraList cams = RemoveDuplicates(cameraList))
                            int count = cams.Count();
                            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                CameraAbilities ability  = abilities.GetAbilities(abilities.LookupModel(cams.GetName(i)));
                                PortInfo        portInfo = portInfoList.GetInfo(portInfoList.LookupPath(cams.GetValue(i)));
                                cameras.Add(new Gphoto2.Camera(ability, portInfo, c));
