private void Awake() { if (enabled) { _fadeToBlackImage.enabled = true; _fadeToBlackImage.color =; _bottomPanel.SetActive(true); _debugGUI = FindObjectOfType <OceanDebugGUI>(); if (_debugGUI) { _showGUI = _debugGUI._guiVisible; _showTargets = _debugGUI._showSimTargets; _debugGUI._guiVisible = false; _debugGUI._showSimTargets = false; } camController = GetComponent <CamController>(); if (camController) { camController.enabled = false; } } LoadEnvScene(); }
void Awake() { mainCamera.enabled = false; Camera.SetupCurrent(mainCamera); GameObject cameraCtrlGO = Instantiate(exResources.GetResource(ResourceType.OTHER, "CamController")) as GameObject; = "CameraCtrl 0"; if (cameraCtrlGO) { currentCtrl = cameraCtrlGO.GetComponent <CamController>(); cameraCtrlGO.SetActive(true); GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(cameraCtrlGO); } cameraCtrlGO = Instantiate(exResources.GetResource(ResourceType.OTHER, "CamController")) as GameObject; = "CameraCtrl 1"; if (cameraCtrlGO) { nextCtrl = cameraCtrlGO.GetComponent <CamController>(); cameraCtrlGO.SetActive(false); GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(cameraCtrlGO); } if (mapCamera == null) { GameObject obj = GameObject.Find("MapCamera"); if (obj != null) { mapCamera = obj.GetComponent <Camera>(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Provide controls for calling CamController functions /// </summary> void CameraControlsWindow(int windowID) { float lw = 200f; // camera perspective controls GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(UI_Toolbar.I.innerWidth)); GUILayout.Label("Camera Perspective: ", GUILayout.Width(lw)); if (GUILayout.Button(CamController.viewMode.ToString())) { CamController.CycleViewMode(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // camera render mode controls GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(UI_Toolbar.I.innerWidth)); GUILayout.Label("Render Mode: ", GUILayout.Width(lw)); if (GUILayout.Button(CamController.renderMode.ToString())) { CamController.CycleRenderMode(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // camera areas of interest GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(UI_Toolbar.I.innerWidth)); GUILayout.Label("Observing: ", GUILayout.Width(lw)); if (GUILayout.Button( { CamController.CycleAreaOfInterest(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
/// <summary> /// Exit BotNavSim.state behaviour: remove environment, clear paths /// </summary> public static void Exit() { CamController.ClearAreaList(); CamController.ClearViewModeList(); environment.transform.Recycle(); paths.Clear(); }
public void SwitchTo(SolarOrbit now) { curPlanet = now; cam.SetPlanetTarget(curPlanet.transform); cam.camRot.x = CamController.VYAngle(, curPlanet.transform.position); enabled = true; }
private void Awake() { Scene.ActiveMB = this; Scene.GameStats = this._gameStats; Scene.SceneTracker = this._sceneTracker; Scene.MutantControler = this._mutantControler; Scene.MutantSpawnManager = this._mutantSpawnManager; Scene.Yacht = this._yacht; Scene.PlaneCrash = this._plane; Scene.PlaneCrashAnimGO = this._planeCrashAnimGO; Scene.TriggerCutScene = this._triggerCutScene; Scene.RainFollowGO = this._rainFollowGO; Scene.RainTypes = this._rainTypes; Scene.WeatherSystem = this._weatherSystem; Scene.HudGui = this._hudGui; Scene.Cams = this._cams; Scene.Clock = this._clock; Scene.Atmosphere = this._atmos; Scene.WorkScheduler = this._workScheduler; Scene.LoadSave = this._loadSave; Scene.PlaneGreebles = this._planeGreebles; Scene.OceanFlat = this._oceanFlat; Scene.OceanCeto = this._oceanCeto; Scene.ShoreMask = this._shoreMask; Scene.SinkHoleCenter = this._sinkHoleCenter; Scene.CaveGrounds = this._caveGrounds; }
private void OnDestroy() { Scene.ActiveMB = null; Scene.GameStats = null; Scene.SceneTracker = null; Scene.MutantControler = null; Scene.MutantSpawnManager = null; Scene.Yacht = null; Scene.PlaneCrash = null; Scene.PlaneCrashAnimGO = null; Scene.TriggerCutScene = null; Scene.RainFollowGO = null; Scene.RainTypes = null; Scene.WeatherSystem = null; Scene.HudGui = null; Scene.Cams = null; Scene.Clock = null; Scene.Atmosphere = null; Scene.WorkScheduler = null; Scene.LoadSave = null; Scene.PlaneGreebles = null; Scene.OceanFlat = null; Scene.OceanCeto = null; Scene.ShoreMask = null; Scene.SinkHoleCenter = null; Scene.CaveGrounds = null; }
public void CreateCubeObj() { if (objects.Count != 0) { objects[dataIndex].active = false; } GameObject tmp = new GameObject("tmp" + datas.Count); GameObject tmpCam = GameObject.Instantiate(camPrefab); tmpCam.transform.parent = tmp.transform; CamController tmpCtl = tmpCam.GetComponent <CamController>(); tmpCtl.Target = tmp; Curve tmpCurve = tmp.AddComponent <Curve>(); tmpCurve.Initialize(cPointPrefab); objectCurves.Add(tmpCurve); objects.Add(tmp); dataIndex = datas.Count - 1; tmp.transform.position =; CreateCubeObjSub(datas[datas.Count - 1].joint, tmp.transform.position, tmp); if (dataIndex != 0) { SetObjectActive(dataIndex - 1, false); } SetObjectActive(dataIndex, true); }
void OnEnable() { // lookupPanel.SetActive (true); cam.SetPlanetTarget(curMoon.transform); cam.SetCamDistance(curMoon, false); cam.lockTarget = curMoon.transform.parent; cam.camRot.x = CamController.VYAngle(, curMoon.transform.position) - 90; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a path to paths list. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Path.</param> public static void AddPath(BotPath path) { if (!paths.Contains(path)) { paths.Add(path); } CamController.AddAreaOfInterest(path); }
/* ### Static Methods ### */ /// <summary> /// Enter this instance. /// </summary> public static void Enter() { CamController.AddViewMode(CamController.ViewMode.Birdseye); CamController.AddViewMode(CamController.ViewMode.FreeMovement); CamController.AddViewMode(CamController.ViewMode.Mounted); CamController.AddViewMode(CamController.ViewMode.Orbit); CamController.AddAreaOfInterest(testArea); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { seaPartOverTimeSprint.Stop(); cam = Camera.main; camController = cam.GetComponent <CamController>(); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); pc = GetComponent <PlayerController> (); usedStep = groundStep; }
private void Start() { myLabel.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sortingLayerName = "Default"; myLabel.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sortingOrder = 5; CC = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <CamController>(); GC = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <GameController>(); myLabel.text = ""; }
/// <summary> /// GUI window function: Display controls for loaded CSV files. /// </summary> private void Legend(int windowID) { // back button GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(UI_Toolbar.I.innerWidth)); if (GUILayout.Button("<", GUILayout.Width(30f))) { hidden = true; } if (GUILayout.Button("Load from CSV...")) { _windows.Push(CsvBrowser); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (LogLoader.paths.Count < 1) { GUILayout.Label("No paths loaded."); } // list botpaths Color c = GUI.contentColor; for (int i = 0; i < LogLoader.paths.Count; i++) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUI.contentColor = LogLoader.paths[i].color; if (GUILayout.Button(LogLoader.paths[i].csvName)) { LogLoader.paths[i].visible = !LogLoader.paths[i].visible; continue; } // highlight path if mouseover button // this event appears to be broken if (IsMouseOver()) { LogLoader.paths[i].highlight = true; } else { LogLoader.paths[i].highlight = false; } // observe button if (GUILayout.Button("O")) { CamController.SetAreaOfInterest(LogLoader.paths[i]); } // unload path button if (GUILayout.Button("X")) { LogLoader.RemovePath(LogLoader.paths[i]); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } // reset content color GUI.contentColor = c; }
void Start() { mainCamera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <CamController>(); player = GameObject.Find("edgarMCSkin"); playerMove = player.GetComponent <BasicMovement>(); rigidBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); SetWheels(); SetChasis(); }
void Start() { camCon = Camera.main.GetComponent <CamController> (); planetList = Planet.planetList; auxOrbit = GameObject.Find("AuxOrbit").GetComponent <AuxOrbit> (); messageQueue.Enqueue(initialMessage); messageQueue.Enqueue(secondMessage); messageQueue.Enqueue(thirdMessage); }
void Start () { camCon = Camera.main.GetComponent<CamController> (); planetList = Planet.planetList; auxOrbit = GameObject.Find ("AuxOrbit").GetComponent<AuxOrbit> (); messageQueue.Enqueue (initialMessage); messageQueue.Enqueue (secondMessage); messageQueue.Enqueue (thirdMessage); }
private void Awake() { if (instance != null && instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } instance = this; cam = GetComponent <Camera>(); camPlanes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(cam); group = groupCam.GetComponent <CinemachineTargetGroup>(); player.OnPlayerChangePlanet += ChangeCam; mainCamNoise = mainCam.GetCinemachineComponent <CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin>(); groupCamNoise = groupCam.GetCinemachineComponent <CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin>(); }
/// <summary> /// Points the cam to spawn. /// </summary> private void pointCamToSpawn() { var cam = GetComponentInChildren <Camera> (); if (cam != null) { cam.transform.parent = null; CamController cc = cam.GetComponent <CamController> (); if (cc != null) { cc.startPoint = this.transform.position; cc.inTransistion = true; } } }
protected void StopCrossFade() { if (crossFading) { fadeTimer = fadeDuration; crossFading = false; CamController tmp = currentCtrl; currentCtrl = nextCtrl; nextCtrl = tmp; nextCtrl.gameObject.SetActive(false); curCamPosition = currentCtrl.transform.position; curCamRotation = currentCtrl.transform.rotation; BlackCoverAll(false); } }
void Start() { mainCamera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera").GetComponent <CamController>(); charController = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); discCastHeight = charController.height * discCastHeightFraction; discCastNum = discCastNum % 2 == 0 ? discCastNum / 2 : (discCastNum + 1) / 2; discRaysDirections = new Vector3[discCastNum]; discCastOrigin = transform.position + (Vector3.up * discCastHeight); float degreeDif = (180 / discCastNum) * Mathf.Deg2Rad; float angle = 0; for (uint a = 0; a < discCastNum; a++) { angle = a * degreeDif; discRaysDirections[a] = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(angle), 0, Mathf.Cos(angle)); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the environment. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name.</param> private static void LoadEnvironment(string name) { EnvLoader.SearchForEnvironments(); if (environment) { environment.transform.Recycle(); } environment = EnvLoader.LoadEnvironment(name); = name; // avoids: Unity appending "(Clone)" to instance names Debug.Log(environment); Bounds b = new Bounds(); foreach (Renderer r in environment.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>()) { b.Encapsulate(r.bounds); } Instance.bounds = b; CamController.SetViewMode(CamController.ViewMode.Birdseye); }
/// <summary> /// Exit simulation. /// </summary> public static void Exit() { Debug.Log("Simulation Exit."); Instance.StopAllCoroutines(); settings = null; if (Log.logging) { Log.Stop(StopCode.Unspecified); } if (robot) { robot.Recycle(); } if (environment) { environment.transform.Recycle(); } CamController.ClearAreaList(); CamController.ClearViewModeList(); state = State.inactive; }
void Awake() { if (mainCamera != null && mainCamera != this) { Debug.LogWarning("Replacing main camera!"); } mainCamera = this; if (onCamSwitch != null) { onCamSwitch(); } SetColors(); GameManager.Instance.ProgressChanged += () => { Debug.Log("Updating camera colors..."); SetColors(); }; }
/// <summary> /// Halt current simulation. /// Load the next simulation in batch, or /// change state to State.end if at the end of batch. /// </summary> public static void NextSimulation() { // stop current simulation if (state == State.simulating) { Halt(StopCode.Unspecified); } // next in batch simulationNumber++; if (simulationNumber > batch.Count) { // end of batch Halt(StopCode.Unspecified); End(); return; } Debug.Log("Simulation NextSimulation: " + simulationNumber + " of " + batch.Count); // load simulation settings settings = batch[simulationNumber - 1]; Log.Settings(); // load environment EnvLoader.SearchForEnvironments(); environment = EnvLoader.LoadEnvironment(settings.environmentName); destination.transform.position = RandomInBounds(Instance.bounds); // load robot if (robot) { CamController.RemoveAreaOfInterest(robot); } BotLoader.SearchForRobots(); robot = BotLoader.LoadRobot(settings.robotName); robot.navigation = NavLoader.LoadPlugin(settings.navigationAssemblyName); // configure camera CamController.AddAreaOfInterest(robot); CamController.SetViewMode(CamController.ViewMode.Birdseye); CamController.SetAreaOfInterest(robot); // reset test number testNumber = 0; NextTest(); }
public override void Update(GameSettings settings) { PointFloat vel = GetVelocity(); float rotV = GetRotationVelocity(); rotV = rotV - (rotV / 50); if (ControlKeys.IsKeyDown("s")) { vel = MoveBackward(vel); } if (ControlKeys.IsKeyDown("w")) { vel = MoveForward(vel); //Console.WriteLine(GetPosition().x + " " + GetPosition().y); } if (ControlKeys.IsKeyDown("d")) { rotV = rotV + (0.05f - rotV); } if (ControlKeys.IsKeyDown("a")) { rotV = rotV + (-0.05f - rotV); } if (ControlKeys.IsKeyDown("e")) { gun.SetPos(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.OffsetPosition(GetPosition(), 2.0f, GetRotation() + (float)Math.PI * 0.5f)); gun.SetRot(GetRotation()); gun.SetSpread(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.PI * 2); gun.SetLifeTime(100, 200); gun.Blow(1f, 100, false); } SetVelocity(vel); SetRotationVelocity(rotV); base.Update(settings); engineFirePar.SetPos(Helpers.PhysicsAndPositions.OffsetPosition(GetPosition(), 1.0f, GetRotation() + (float)Math.PI * 1.5f)); engineFirePar.SetRot(GetRotation() + 3.14f); CamController.SetPos(GetPosition()); }
void LateUpdate() { if (crossFading) { fadeTimer += Time.deltaTime; float ratio = fadeTimer / fadeDuration; ratio = exEase.Smooth(ratio); curCamPosition = Vector3.Lerp(srcCamPosition, nextCtrl.transform.position, ratio); curCamRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(srcCamRotation, nextCtrl.transform.rotation, ratio); if (fadeTimer >= fadeDuration) { crossFading = false; CamController tmp = currentCtrl; currentCtrl = nextCtrl; nextCtrl = tmp; nextCtrl.gameObject.SetActive(false); curCamPosition = currentCtrl.transform.position; curCamRotation = currentCtrl.transform.rotation; BlackCoverAll(false); } } else { if (currentCtrl != null && currentCtrl.gameObject.activeSelf) { curCamPosition = currentCtrl.transform.position; curCamRotation = currentCtrl.transform.rotation; } } mainCamera.transform.position = curCamPosition; mainCamera.transform.rotation = curCamRotation; }
void Awake() { if (mainCamera != null && mainCamera != this) { Debug.LogWarning("Replacing main camera!"); } mainCamera = this; if (onCamSwitch != null) { onCamSwitch(); } var factors = palettes[GameManager.Instance.Progress]; var postFX = GetComponent <ColorPostFX>(); postFX.fac1 = factors[0]; postFX.fac2 = factors[1]; postFX.fac3 = factors[2]; postFX.gray = grays[GameManager.Instance.Progress]; }
///<summary>Initializing system varables.</summary> public void Academy_Initialize() { print("Initializing Game System"); levelData = Resources.Load("Level data") as LevelData; //double the grid size so it's always even gridSize = levelData.gridSize * 2; gridCenter = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <EnemyArmy>().gameObject.transform.position; //get the grid center by taking the opposite of the the enemy army position gridCenter = new Vector3(-gridCenter.x, gridCenter.y, gridCenter.z); //if the level exists, show some level info, else load the end screen if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("level") >= levelData.levels.Count) { Debug.LogError("Invalid level data, Load default level - " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("level")); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("level", 0); } else { levelInfo.text = "Level " + (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("level") + 1) + " - " + levelData.levels[PlayerPrefs.GetInt("level")].scene; } characterStats = true; switchPanelContent(false); characterStatsPanel.SetActive(false); //enables minimap topDownMapPanel.SetActive(true); leftPanelAnimator.SetBool("hide instant", true); EmptyUnit = new GameObject(); EmptyUnit.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform; inspector = new UnitInspect(this); cam = FindObjectOfType <CamController>(); = cam; DebugInner = new DebugInfo(inspector); AcademyInner = FindObjectOfType <MyAcademy>(); area = FindObjectOfType <WalkArea>(); }
private void Awake() { Grid = GetComponent <grid>(); //getting the gride script MS = MeshG.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshGenerator>(); CC = CCobject.gameObject.GetComponent <CamController>(); }
private void Awake() { playerController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <PlayerController>(); camController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CamPivot").GetComponent <CamController>(); }