private void CallToLogin(string login) { StopBackgroundWorker(); ReadFriendDataRequest tmp = MainModel.RestWebApiRequest.ReadFriendData(MainModel.UserData.Login, MainModel.UserData.Password, login); //AudioManager.BeginCall(""); if (tmp.read_data) { string avatar = tmp.avatar; string address_ip = tmp.address_ip;// ""; string call_id = MainModel.RestWebApiRequest.CreateCall(MainModel.UserData.Login, MainModel.UserData.Password, login); if (call_id != "0") { CallWindow callWindow = new CallWindow(MainModel.UserData.Login, MainModel.UserData.Password, avatar, login, address_ip, call_id, "create", udpClient); if (!callWindow.cvm.CallModel.IsNotInLocalNewtwork) { callWindow.ShowDialog(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Nieudało się wywołać połączenia."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Użytkownik o podanym loginie prawdopodobnie nie istnieje."); } UpdateCallList(); StartBackgroundWorker(); }
public void ReceiveCall(string login, string avatar, string address_ip, string call_id) { StopBackgroundWorker(); CallWindow loginnWindow = new CallWindow(MainModel.UserData.Login, MainModel.UserData.Password, avatar, login, address_ip, call_id, "select", udpClient); loginnWindow.ShowDialog(); UpdateCallList(); StartBackgroundWorker(); }
public void Start() { try { Global.Busy = true; Global.dir = "->"; // Create a TcpClient. IPAddress ip = IPAddress.Parse(callIPAddress); IPEndPoint address = new IPEndPoint(ip, 16000); client = new TcpClient(callIPAddress, 16000); sp.Play(); myPort = RandomPort(); // Get a client stream for reading and writing. NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); // Send the message to the connected TcpServer. sentPSSP = new PSSP(PSSP.Type.CALL, Global.GetLocalIPAddress(), myPort); Byte[] data = sentPSSP.ToBytes(); stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); // Buffer to store the response bytes data = new Byte[1024]; // String to store the response ASCII representation. String responseData = String.Empty; // Read the first batch of the TcpServer response bytes. int bytes = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); responseData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, 0, bytes); Console.WriteLine("Received: {0}", responseData); recvPSSP = new PSSP(data); sp.Stop(); // Checking if other user has answered or rejected our call if (recvPSSP.getOP() == "ACK-") { MainWindow.instance.Invoke((System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker) delegate { MainWindow.instance.DisableTimer(); MainWindow.instance.LockUI('l'); }); CallWindow callWindow = new CallWindow(recvPSSP.getIP(), recvPSSP.getPORT(), sentPSSP.getIP(), myPort, client); callWindow.ShowDialog(); } else { MainWindow.instance.Invoke((System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker) delegate { MainWindow.instance.UnlockUI(); }); Global.Busy = false; Global.AddtoHistory(new HistoryRecord(new Contact("Me", Global.GetLocalIPAddress()).ToString(), "->", new Contact(Global.GetContactName(callIPAddress), callIPAddress).ToString(), DateTime.Now, "00:00:00", "Missed")); if (recvPSSP.getOP() == "BUSY") { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} is busy!", Global.GetContactName(callIPAddress))); } if (recvPSSP.getOP() == "NACK") { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} rejected the call!", Global.GetContactName(callIPAddress))); } } stream.Close(); client.Close(); } catch (SocketException se) { Global.Busy = false; if (MainWindow.locked) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} is unavailable!", Global.GetContactName(callIPAddress))); } MainWindow.instance.Invoke((System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker) delegate { MainWindow.instance.DisableTimer(); MainWindow.instance.UnlockUI(); }); } catch (Exception e) { Global.Busy = false; Console.WriteLine(e); } }
static void ClientHandler(object obj) { //var param = client as object; object[] args = obj as object[]; TcpClient client = (TcpClient)args[0]; bool busy = (bool)args[1]; byte[] buffer = new byte[34]; PSSP pssp = new PSSP(); bool dialogshown = false; try { while (true) { int l = client.GetStream().Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Console.WriteLine("Serwer otrzymal: " + new ASCIIEncoding().GetString(buffer).Substring(0, l)); PSSP receive_pssp = new PSSP(buffer); if (!busy) { Global.Busy = true; if (receive_pssp.getOP() == "CALL" && !dialogshown) { Global.dir = "<-"; Global.Busy = true; MainWindow.instance.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { MainWindow.instance.LockUI('l'); }); string ip = receive_pssp.getIP(); Global.remoteAddress = ip; IncomingCallMessageBox incomingCallMessageBox = new IncomingCallMessageBox(ip, client); incomingCallMessageBox.ShowDialog(); dialogshown = true; //komunikat o połączeniu // jeśli Yes to wyślij ACK- // połącz udp if (Global.CallAnswered == Global.AnswerType.YES) { int port = receive_pssp.getPORT(); myPortNumber = RandomPort(receive_pssp.getPORT()); pssp = new PSSP(PSSP.Type.ACK, Global.GetLocalIPAddress(), myPortNumber); client.GetStream().Write(pssp.ToBytes(), 0, pssp.ToBytes().Length); Console.WriteLine("Serwer wyslal: " + pssp.ToString()); CallWindow callWindow = new CallWindow(receive_pssp.getIP(), port, pssp.getIP(), pssp.getPORT(), client); callWindow.ShowDialog(); // w oknie rozmowy czeka na END break; } // jeśli No to wyślij NACK if (Global.CallAnswered == Global.AnswerType.NO) { pssp = new PSSP(PSSP.Type.NACK); client.GetStream().Write(pssp.ToBytes(), 0, 34); Global.Busy = false; MainWindow.instance.UnlockUI(); client.Close(); break; } if (Global.CallAnswered == Global.AnswerType.NOINFO) { Global.Busy = false; client.Close(); break; } } if (receive_pssp.getOP() == "END-") { // zakończ UDP // wykonuje się w oknie rozmowy Global.Busy = false; client.Close(); break; } Array.Clear(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } else { pssp = new PSSP(PSSP.Type.BUSY); client.GetStream().Write(pssp.ToBytes(), 0, 33); Console.WriteLine("Wysłano BUSY do {0}", client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString()); Global.AddtoHistory(new HistoryRecord(new Contact("Me", Global.GetLocalIPAddress()).ToString(), "<-", new Contact(Global.GetContactName(receive_pssp.getIP()), receive_pssp.getIP()).ToString(), DateTime.Now, "00:00:00", "Missed")); client.Close(); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { client.Close(); Global.Busy = false; Console.WriteLine("Zamknieto klienta"); } }