public IHttpActionResult Put(CallViewModel callVm) { try { int retVal = callVm.Update(); switch (retVal) { case 1: return(Ok("Call " + callVm.Id + " updated!")); case -1: return(Ok("Call " + callVm.Id + " not updated!")); case -2: return(Ok("Data is stale for " + callVm.Id + ", Call not updated!")); default: return(Ok("Call " + callVm.Id + " Not updated!")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(BadRequest("Update failed - " + e.Message)); } }
public FriendViewModel(IDataService dataService, int friendNumber) { _toxModel = dataService.ToxModel; _avatarManager = dataService.AvatarManager; FriendNumber = friendNumber; Conversation = new ConversationViewModel(dataService, this); FileTransfers = new FileTransfersViewModel(dataService, friendNumber); Call = new CallViewModel(friendNumber); Name = _toxModel.GetFriendName(friendNumber); if (Name == string.Empty) { Name = _toxModel.GetFriendPublicKey(friendNumber).ToString(); } StatusMessage = _toxModel.GetFriendStatusMessage(friendNumber); if (StatusMessage == string.Empty) { StatusMessage = "Friend request sent."; } SetFriendStatus(_toxModel.GetFriendStatus(friendNumber)); IsConnected = _toxModel.IsFriendOnline(friendNumber); _avatarManager.FriendAvatarChanged += FriendAvatarChangedHandler; _toxModel.FriendNameChanged += FriendNameChangedHandler; _toxModel.FriendStatusMessageChanged += FriendStatusMessageChangedHandler; _toxModel.FriendStatusChanged += FriendStatusChangedHandler; _toxModel.FriendConnectionStatusChanged += FriendConnectionStatusChangedHandler; }
public dynamic acceptrejectcall(CallViewModel uM) { using (LystenEntities db = new LystenEntities()) { Calling_Request qs = db.Calling_Request.Where(x => x.Id == uM.Id).FirstOrDefault(); //TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(qs.AcceptDatetime.Value, qs.TimeZoneId, destinationTimeZone); var dt = DateTime.SpecifyKind(uM.AcceptDatetime == 1 ? qs.CallingDateTime1.Value : uM.AcceptDatetime == 2 ? qs.CallingDateTime2.Value : uM.AcceptDatetime == 3 ? qs.CallingDateTime3.Value : System.DateTime.Now, DateTimeKind.Local); qs.AcceptDatetime = uM.AcceptDatetime == 1 ? qs.CallingDateTime1 : uM.AcceptDatetime == 2 ? qs.CallingDateTime2 : uM.AcceptDatetime == 3 ? qs.CallingDateTime3 : System.DateTime.Now; TimeZoneInfo easternZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(qs.TimeZoneId); qs.AcceptDatetimeUTC = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(qs.AcceptDatetime.Value, easternZone); //= TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dt); qs.IsAccept = uM.IsAccept == 1 ? true : false; qs.IsReject = uM.IsAccept == 0 ? true : false; qs.RejectedNote = uM.RejectedNote; db.Entry(qs).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(qs); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "CallId,CongregationID,Title,nameFirst,nameLast,Street,Barangay,City,State,dateFirstVisit,dateLastVisit,Status,Remarks")] Call call) { /* This is an example of the magic of model binding, that is- * - An HTML form has been posted back in * - The system knows what a call object is * - Maps HTML form data (using Name attribute of an 'input' element, for example) to a call object * * Watch "Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Applications: (03) Developing MVC 4 Controllers". Jump to Time: 24:30 */ if (ModelState.IsValid) // Tip: Profuse model with validation attributes { try { db.Calls.Add(call); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("Error: ", ex.Message); return(View(call)); } } CallViewModel callViewModel = new CallViewModel(call); return(View(callViewModel)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(int?id) { /* * if (id == null) * { * return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); * } * Call call = await db.Calls.FindAsync(id); * if (call == null) * { * return HttpNotFound(); * } * return View(call); */ if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Call call = await db.Calls.FindAsync(id); if (call == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.InitialScreen = TempData["Set"]; CallViewModel callViewModel = new CallViewModel(call); return(View(callViewModel)); }
///GET: Manager/CallViewModels public ActionResult Index() { CallViewModel model = new CallViewModel(); var callData = db.Calls.ToList(); var itemsData = db.Items.ToList(); var custData = db.Customers.ToList(); var repData = db.Representatives.ToList(); var callDetails = db.CallDetails.ToList(); var result = from cd in callData join cust in custData on cd.CustomerID equals cust.CustomerID join rep in repData on cust.RepresentativeID equals rep.RepresentativeID select new { callID = cd.CallID, callDate = cd.CallDate.ToString(), callNumber = cd.DocNumber.ToString(), contractDate = cd.ContractDate.ToString(), docType = cd.DocType.ToString(), cName = cust.Name.ToString(), repFName = rep.FamilyName.ToString() }; var result2 = from cd in callDetails join itd in itemsData on cd.ItemID equals itd.ItemID select new { callID = cd.CallID, itemName = cd.Item.ItemName, itQty = cd.ItemQty }; ViewBag.CallData = result.ToList(); ViewBag.ItemData = result2.ToList(); return(View()); }
// 'DELETE' method to remove and employee from the database public IHttpActionResult Delete(int id) { try { // Create and EmployeeViewModel object to store the employee data CallViewModel call = new CallViewModel(); // The EmployeeViewModel Object ID is that of the ID past into the methods parameters // when called in the JavaScript call.Id = id; // If the number of employees deleted equals 1 then display the message that it was successful // else display a message that it was unsuccessful if (call.Delete() == 1) { return(Ok("Call " + call.Id + " deleted!")); } else { return(Ok("Call " + call.Id + " not deleted!")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest("Delete failed - Contact Tech Support")); } }
public IHttpActionResult Delete(string id) { try { CallViewModel call = new CallViewModel(); call.Id = id; long delRetCall = call.Delete(); switch (delRetCall) { case 1: return(Ok("Ok! Call has been deleted!")); case 2: return(Ok("Error! Call does not Exist!")); default: return(Ok("Call not Deleted!")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest("Update Failed - Contact Tech Support")); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Call(CallViewModel callViewModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { var errors = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(m => m.Errors) .Select(e => e.ErrorMessage) .ToList(); var errorMessage = string.Join(". ", errors); return(Json(new { success = false, message = errorMessage })); } var twilioNumber = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TwilioNumber"]; var uriHandler = GetUri(callViewModel.SalesNumber); try { await _notificationService.MakePhoneCallAsync(callViewModel.UserNumber, twilioNumber, uriHandler); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); return(Json(new { success = false, message = "Twilio API Error: " + e.Message })); } return(Json(new { success = true, message = "Phone call incoming!" })); }
public IHttpActionResult Put(CallViewModel call) { try { int retVal = call.Update(); switch (retVal) { case 1: return(Ok("Ok! Call updated!")); case -1: return(Ok("Call not updated!")); case -2: return(Ok("Data is Stale, Call not updated")); default: return(Ok("Call not updated!")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest("Update Failed - Contact Tech Support")); } }
internal bool TerminateCall(CallViewModel viewModel, string message) { //********************************************************************************************** // Terminate/End call. //******************************************************************************************** lock (CallsViewModelList) { if (FindCallViewModel(viewModel)) { if (viewModel.CallState != VATRPCallState.Declined) { LOG.Info(String.Format("Terminating call for {0}. {1}", viewModel.CallerInfo, viewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr)); try { _linphoneService.TerminateCall(viewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr, message); } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceManager.LogError("TerminateCall", ex); } return(true); } } } return(false); }
// 'PUT' method to be called when the user wants to update an employee that // is already in the database. public IHttpActionResult Put(CallViewModel call) { try { // Retrieves the update status from the EmployeeViewModel, to say whether the update // was good, didn't happen or that the user had stale data which also would not update // the employee information. Then displays a message based on the value returned, saying // whether or not the update happened. int retVal = call.Update(); switch (retVal) { case 1: return(Ok("Call " + call.Id + " updated!")); case -1: return(Ok("Call " + call.Id + " not update!")); case -2: return(Ok("Data is stale for " + call.Id + ", Call not update!")); default: return(Ok("Call " + call.Id + " not update!")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest("update failed - " + ex.Message)); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var call = new Call { Number = "001337", CustomerNumber = "000001" }; var op = new Operation { ID = 1, CallNumber = "001337", TimeFrom = "08:00" }; var customer = new Customer { Number = "000001", Name = "John Doe" }; var model = new { Call = call, Customer = customer, Operation = op }; var viewModel = new CallViewModel(); viewModel.InjectFrom <FlatLoopValueInjection>(model); Console.WriteLine("Number:\t\t\t" + viewModel.CallNumber); Console.WriteLine("CustomerName:\t\t" + viewModel.CustomerName); Console.WriteLine("OperationTimeFrom:\t" + viewModel.OperationTimeFrom); Console.ReadLine(); }
//accept an object and return a result to represent if the update is successful public IHttpActionResult Put(CallViewModel cal) { try { int retVal = cal.Update(); switch (retVal) { case 1: return(Ok("Call updated!")); case -1: return(Ok("Call not updated")); case -2: return(Ok("Call is stale! Call not updated")); default: return(Ok("Call not updated!")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest("Update failed - " + ex.Message)); } }
internal bool SwitchCall(CallViewModel pausedCallViewModel, CallViewModel activeCallViewModel) { LOG.Info(String.Format("Switching call. Main call {0}. {1}. Secondary call {2} {3}", activeCallViewModel.CallerInfo, activeCallViewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr, pausedCallViewModel.CallerInfo, pausedCallViewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr)); if (activeCallViewModel.CallState == VATRPCallState.LocalPaused && activeCallViewModel.PauseRequest) { if (pausedCallViewModel.CallState == VATRPCallState.LocalPaused && pausedCallViewModel.PauseRequest) { return(false); } ResumeCall(pausedCallViewModel); } else { //var textBlock = FindChild<TextBlock>(newCallAcceptWindow.TransparentWindow, "NewCallerInfoLabel"); //if (textBlock != null) // textBlock.Text = callerInfo; // ShowNewCallSwapWindow(true); PauseCall(activeCallViewModel); } return(true); }
public IHttpActionResult Delete(CallViewModel call) { try { long retVal = call.Delete(); switch (retVal) { case 1: return(Ok("Call " + call.Notes + " Deleted!")); case -1: return(Ok("Call " + call.Notes + " not deleted!")); case -2: return(Ok("Data is stale for " + call.Notes + ", Call already deleted!")); default: return(Ok("Call " + call.Notes + " not deleted!")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest("Retrieve failed - " + ex.Message)); } }
/* * protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e) * { * if (!pleaseClose) * {cvm.sck.Close(); * base.OnClosing(e); * e.Cancel = true; * } * }*/ public CallWindow(string login, string password, string friendAvatar, string friendLogin, string address_ip, string call_id, string state, UdpClient udp) { InitializeComponent(); var hwnd = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle; SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & ~WS_SYSMENU); //audioManager = new AudioManager(); //audioManager.Initialize(login); //audioManager.StartCall(address_ip); NotWaitToCallButton.IsEnabled = false; SendButton.IsEnabled = false; NotReceiveButton.IsEnabled = false; StartCallButton.IsEnabled = false; cvm = new CallViewModel(login, password, friendAvatar, friendLogin, address_ip, call_id, state, this, udp); cvm.RequestClose += new EventHandler(CloseWindow); DataContext = cvm; if (!cvm.CallModel.IsNotInLocalNewtwork) { cvm.sendHi(); System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer dispatcherTimer = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer(); dispatcherTimer.Tick += dispatcherTimer_Tick; dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1); dispatcherTimer.Start(); } else { pleaseClose = true; Close(); } }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { await base.OnInitializedAsync(); var connectionParameters = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <ConnectionParameters>(ConnectionParametersJson); await CallViewModel.OnPageAppearingAsync(connectionParameters, ReRender); }
internal void AcceptCall(CallViewModel viewModel) { //********************************************************************************************** // Incoming Call Accepted //******************************************************************************************** lock (CallsViewModelList) { if (FindCallViewModel(viewModel)) { LOG.Info(String.Format("Accepting call call for {0}. {1}", viewModel.CallerInfo, viewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr)); viewModel.AcceptCall(); bool muteMicrophone = false; bool muteSpeaker = false; //bool enableVideo = true; if (App.CurrentAccount != null) { muteMicrophone = App.CurrentAccount.MuteMicrophone; muteSpeaker = App.CurrentAccount.MuteSpeaker; // enableVideo = App.CurrentAccount.EnableVideo; } try { _linphoneService.AcceptCall(viewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr, ServiceManager.Instance.ConfigurationService.Get(Configuration.ConfSection.GENERAL, Configuration.ConfEntry.USE_RTT, true), muteMicrophone, muteSpeaker, true); } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceManager.LogError("AcceptCall", ex); } } } }
public IHttpActionResult Put(CallViewModel call) { try { //Use the EmployeeViewModel's Update method to update the employee int retVal = call.Update(); switch (retVal) { case 1: return(Ok("Call updated!")); case -1: return(Ok("Call not updated!")); case -2: return(Ok("Data is stale, call not updated!")); default: return(Ok("Call not updated!")); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest("Update Failed - " + ex.Message)); } }
public IActionResult Put([FromBody] CallViewModel viewModel) { try { int retVal = viewModel.Update(); switch (retVal) { case 1: return(Ok(new { msg = "Call " + viewModel.Id + " updated!" })); case -1: return(Ok(new { msg = "Call " + viewModel.Id + " not updated!" })); case -2: return(Ok(new { msg = "Data is stale for " + viewModel.Id + ", Call not updated!" })); default: return(Ok(new { msg = "Call " + viewModel.Id + " not updated!" })); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("Problem in " + GetType().Name + " " + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " " + ex.Message); return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError)); } }
public void ShouldStartCallWithRealNumber() { var mockNotificationService = new Mock <INotificationService>(); var mockControllerProperties = new ControllerPropertiesMock(); var controller = new CallCenterController(mockNotificationService.Object) { ControllerContext = mockControllerProperties.ControllerContext, Url = mockControllerProperties.Url(RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes) }; var callViewModel = new CallViewModel { UserNumber = "user-number", SalesNumber = "sales-number" }; controller .WithCallTo(c => c.Call(callViewModel)) .ShouldReturnJson(data => { Assert.That(data.message, Is.EqualTo("Phone call incoming!")); }); const string expectedUriHandler = ""; mockNotificationService.Verify( s => s.MakePhoneCallAsync("user-number", "twilio-number", expectedUriHandler), Times.Once()); }
public async Task <CallViewModel> SelectAsync(Guid CallId) { CallViewModel Call = this._mapper.Map <CallViewModel>(await this._callRepository.SelectAsync(CallId)); Call.Timeline = this._mapper.Map <IEnumerable <CallTimelineViewModel> >(await this._callTimelineRepository.SelectAllByCallIdAsync(CallId)); return(Call); }
internal int RemoveCalViewModel(CallViewModel callViewModel) { lock (CallsViewModelList) { CallsViewModelList.Remove(callViewModel); OnPropertyChanged("CallsViewModelList"); return(CallsViewModelList.Count); } }
public void ComprehensiveVMTests() { CallViewModel cvm = new CallViewModel(); EmployeeViewModel evm = new EmployeeViewModel(); ProblemViewModel pvm = new ProblemViewModel(); cvm.DateOpened = DateTime.Now; cvm.DateClosed = null; cvm.OpenStatus = true; evm.Lastname = "Jarocki"; evm.GetByLastname(); cvm.EmployeeId = evm.Id; evm.Lastname = "Burner"; evm.GetByLastname(); cvm.TechId = evm.Id; pvm.Description = "Memory Upgrade"; pvm.GetByDescription(); cvm.ProblemId = pvm.Id; cvm.Notes = "Kevin has bad RAM, Burner to fix it"; cvm.Add(); Console.WriteLine("New Call Generated - Id = " + cvm.Id); int id = cvm.Id; //need id for delete later cvm.GetById(); cvm.Notes += "\n Ordered new RAM!"; if (cvm.Update() == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Call was updated " + cvm.Notes); } else { Console.WriteLine("Call was not updated!"); } cvm.Notes = "Another change to comments that should not work"; if (cvm.Update() == -2) { Console.WriteLine("Call was not updated data was stale"); } cvm = new CallViewModel(); cvm.Id = id; cvm.GetById(); if (cvm.Delete() == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Call was deleted!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Call was not deleted"); } cvm.GetById(); }
public void Dispose() { Task.Run(async() => await CallViewModel.OnPageDisappearingAsync()); //// TODO: How to call async in Dispose??? Currently fire and forget!!! //Task.Run(async () => await SignallingServerService.DisposeAsync()); //_webRtcMiddleware.Dispose(); }
public void Call_ComprehensiveVMTest() { CallViewModel cvm = new CallViewModel(); EmployeeViewModel evm = new EmployeeViewModel(); ProblemViewModel pvm = new ProblemViewModel(); cvm.DateOpened = DateTime.Now; //cvm.DateClosed = null; cvm.OpenStatus = true; evm.Email = "*****@*****.**"; evm.GetByEmail(); cvm.EmployeeId = evm.Id; //evm.Lastname = "Park"; evm.Email = "*****@*****.**"; evm.GetByEmail(); cvm.TechId = evm.Id; pvm.Description = "Memory Upgrade"; pvm.GetByDescription(); cvm.ProblemId = pvm.Id; cvm.Notes = "Jimin has bad RAM, Burner to fix it"; cvm.Add(); output.WriteLine("New Call Generated - Id = " + cvm.Id); int id = cvm.Id; cvm.GetById(); cvm.Notes += "\n Ordered new RAM!!"; if (cvm.Update() == 1) { output.WriteLine("Call was updated " + cvm.Notes); } else { output.WriteLine("Call was not updated!"); } //cvm.Notes = "Another change to comments that should not works"; //if (cvm.Update() == -2) { // output.WriteLine("Call was not updated data was stale"); //} //cvm = new CallViewModel(); //cvm.Id = id; //cvm.GetById(); //if (cvm.Delete() == 1) //{ // output.WriteLine("Call was deleted!"); //} //else { // output.WriteLine("Call was not deleted!"); //} //Exception ex = Assert.Throws<NullReferenceException>(() => cvm.GetById()); //Assert.Equal("Object reference not set to an instance of an object.", ex.Message); }
public void ComprehensiveVMTests() { CallViewModel cvm = new CallViewModel(); EmployeeViewModel evm = new EmployeeViewModel(); ProblemViewModel pvm = new ProblemViewModel(); cvm.DateOpened = DateTime.Now; cvm.DateClosed = null; cvm.OpenStatus = true; evm.Lastname = "Pollock"; evm.GetByLastname(); cvm.EmployeeId = evm.Id; evm.Lastname = "Burner"; evm.GetByLastname(); cvm.TechId = evm.Id; pvm.Description = "Memory Upgrade"; pvm.GetByDescription(); cvm.ProblemId = pvm.Id; cvm.Notes = "Chris has bad RAM, Burner to fix it"; cvm.Add(); Console.WriteLine("New Call Generated - Id = " + cvm.Id); int id = cvm.Id; // need Id for delete later cvm.GetById(); cvm.Notes += "\n Ordered new RAM!"; if (cvm.Update() == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Call was updated " + cvm.Notes); } else { Console.WriteLine("Call was NOT updated!"); } cvm.Notes = "Another change to comments that should not work."; if (cvm.Update() == -2) { Console.WriteLine("Call was NOT updated, data was stale."); } cvm = new CallViewModel(); // need to reset because of Concurrency cvm.Id = id; cvm.GetById(); if (cvm.Delete() == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Call was deleted!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Call was NOT deleted!"); } cvm.GetById(); // should throw expected exception }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "CallID,ItemID,CallDate,Number,ContractDate,DocType,RepFamilyName,RepFirstName,RepMidName,RepPosition,RepPhoneNumber,JudicialStatus,CustomerName,CustomerAddress,TaxID,BIC,CustomerPhoneNumber,OKPO,CustomerBankAccount,BankBranch,BranchAddress,BankCode,MPhoneNumber,FamilyName,FirstName,MidName,PositionDescr,AffidavitNum,AffidavitDate,ItemName,ItemProducer,ItemQty,Comments,Image,Additional,ProgramNameFull,ProgramNameShort")] CallViewModel callViewModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(callViewModel).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(callViewModel)); }
public void Call_ComprehensiveVMTest() { CallViewModel cvm = new CallViewModel(); EmployeeViewModel evm = new EmployeeViewModel(); ProblemViewModel pvm = new ProblemViewModel(); cvm.DateOpened = DateTime.Now; cvm.DateClosed = null; cvm.OpenStatus = true; evm.Email = "*****@*****.**"; evm.GetByEmail(); cvm.EmployeeId = evm.Id; evm.Lastname = "*****@*****.**"; evm.GetByEmail(); cvm.EmployeeName = evm.Lastname; cvm.TechId = evm.Id; pvm.Description = "Memory Upgrade"; pvm.GetByDescription(); cvm.ProblemId = pvm.Id; cvm.Notes = "Sonia has bad RAM, Burner to fix it"; cvm.Add(); output.WriteLine("New Call Generated - Id = " + cvm.Id); int id = cvm.Id; cvm.GetById(); cvm.Notes += "\n Ordered new RAM!"; if (cvm.Update() == 1) { output.WriteLine("Call was updated " + cvm.Notes); } else { output.WriteLine("Call was not updated!"); } cvm.Notes = "Another change to comments that should not work"; if (cvm.Update() == -2) { output.WriteLine("Call was not updated data was stale"); } cvm = new CallViewModel();// need to reset because of concureency error cvm.Id = id; cvm.GetById(); if (cvm.Delete() == 1) { output.WriteLine("Call was deleted"); } else { output.WriteLine("Call was not deleted"); } Exception ex = Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => cvm.GetById()); // should throw expected exception Assert.Equal("Object reference not set to an instance of an object.", ex.Message); }
private void OnCallStateChanged(VATRPCall call) { if (this.Dispatcher == null) return; if (this.Dispatcher.Thread != Thread.CurrentThread) { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => this.OnCallStateChanged(call))); return; } if (call == null) return; lock (deferredLock) { if (deferredHideTimer != null && deferredHideTimer.IsEnabled) deferredHideTimer.Stop(); } if (_mainViewModel == null) return; if (_mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel != null && _mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel.CallState == VATRPCallState.Declined) { _mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel.DeclinedMessage = string.Empty; _mainViewModel.RemoveCalViewModel(_mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel); } CallViewModel callViewModel = _mainViewModel.FindCallViewModel(call); if (callViewModel == null) { callViewModel = new CallViewModel(_linphoneService, call) { CallInfoCtrl = _callInfoView }; callViewModel.CallQualityChangedEvent += OnCallQualityChanged; callViewModel.VideoWidth = (int)CombinedUICallViewSize.Width; callViewModel.VideoHeight = (int)CombinedUICallViewSize.Height; _mainViewModel.AddCalViewModel(callViewModel); } if ((call.CallState == VATRPCallState.InProgress) || (call.CallState == VATRPCallState.StreamsRunning)) { _mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel = callViewModel; } if (callViewModel.Declined) { // do not process declined call _mainViewModel.RemoveCalViewModel(callViewModel); return; } if (_mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel == null) _mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel = callViewModel; LOG.Info(string.Format("CallStateChanged: State - {0}. Call: {1}", call.CallState, call.NativeCallPtr)); ctrlCall.SetCallViewModel(_mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel); VATRPContact contact = null; var stopPlayback = false; var destroycall = false; var callDeclined = false; bool isError = false; switch (call.CallState) { case VATRPCallState.Trying: // call started, call.RemoteParty = call.To; callViewModel.OnTrying(); _mainViewModel.IsCallPanelDocked = true; if (callViewModel.Contact == null) callViewModel.Contact = ServiceManager.Instance.ContactService.FindContact(new ContactID(string.Format("{0}@{1}", call.To.Username, call.To.HostAddress), IntPtr.Zero)); if (callViewModel.Avatar == null && callViewModel.Contact != null) { callViewModel.LoadAvatar(callViewModel.Contact.Avatar); } if (callViewModel.Contact == null) { var contactID = new ContactID(string.Format("{0}@{1}", call.To.Username, call.To.HostAddress), IntPtr.Zero); callViewModel.Contact = new VATRPContact(contactID) { DisplayName = call.To.DisplayName, Fullname = call.To.Username, SipUsername = call.To.Username, RegistrationName = contactID.ID }; } break; case VATRPCallState.InProgress: WakeupScreenSaver(); this.ShowSelfPreviewItem.IsEnabled = false; call.RemoteParty = call.From; ServiceManager.Instance.SoundService.PlayRingTone(); if (callViewModel.Contact == null) callViewModel.Contact = ServiceManager.Instance.ContactService.FindContact(new ContactID(string.Format("{0}@{1}", call.From.Username, call.From.HostAddress), IntPtr.Zero)); if (callViewModel.Avatar == null && callViewModel.Contact != null) { callViewModel.LoadAvatar(callViewModel.Contact.Avatar); } if (callViewModel.Contact == null) { var contactID = new ContactID(string.Format("{0}@{1}", call.From.Username, call.From.HostAddress), IntPtr.Zero); callViewModel.Contact = new VATRPContact(contactID) { DisplayName = call.From.DisplayName, Fullname = call.From.Username, SipUsername = call.From.Username, RegistrationName = contactID.ID }; } callViewModel.OnIncomingCall(); if (_linphoneService.GetActiveCallsCount == 2) { ShowOverlayNewCallWindow(true); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetNewCallerInfo(callViewModel.CallerInfo); } else { callViewModel.ShowIncomingCallPanel = true; } if (WindowState != WindowState.Minimized) _mainViewModel.IsCallPanelDocked = true; if (_flashWindowHelper != null) _flashWindowHelper.FlashWindow(this); if (WindowState == WindowState.Minimized) this.WindowState = WindowState.Normal; Topmost = true; Activate(); Topmost = false; break; case VATRPCallState.Ringing: this.ShowSelfPreviewItem.IsEnabled = false; callViewModel.OnRinging(); _mainViewModel.IsCallPanelDocked = true; call.RemoteParty = call.To; ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallerInfo(callViewModel.CallerInfo); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallState("Ringing"); if (callViewModel.Contact == null) callViewModel.Contact = ServiceManager.Instance.ContactService.FindContact(new ContactID(string.Format("{0}@{1}", call.To.Username, call.To.HostAddress), IntPtr.Zero)); if (callViewModel.Avatar == null && callViewModel.Contact != null) { callViewModel.LoadAvatar(callViewModel.Contact.Avatar); } if (callViewModel.Contact == null) { var contactID = new ContactID(string.Format("{0}@{1}", call.To.Username, call.To.HostAddress), IntPtr.Zero); callViewModel.Contact = new VATRPContact(contactID) { DisplayName = call.To.DisplayName, Fullname = call.To.Username, SipUsername = call.To.Username, RegistrationName = contactID.ID }; } ServiceManager.Instance.SoundService.PlayRingBackTone(); break; case VATRPCallState.EarlyMedia: callViewModel.OnEarlyMedia(); break; case VATRPCallState.Connected: if (ServiceManager.Instance.ConfigurationService.Get(Configuration.ConfSection.GENERAL, Configuration.ConfEntry.USE_RTT, true)) { _mainViewModel.IsRTTViewEnabled = true; ctrlRTT.SetViewModel(_mainViewModel.RttMessagingModel); _mainViewModel.RttMessagingModel.CreateRttConversation(call.RemoteParty.Username, call.NativeCallPtr); } else { _mainViewModel.IsRTTViewEnabled = false; } callViewModel.OnConnected(); if (_flashWindowHelper != null) _flashWindowHelper.StopFlashing(); stopPlayback = true; callViewModel.ShowOutgoingEndCall = false; callViewModel.IsRTTEnabled = ServiceManager.Instance.ConfigurationService.Get(Configuration.ConfSection.GENERAL, Configuration.ConfEntry.USE_RTT, true) && callViewModel.ActiveCall != null && _linphoneService.IsRttEnabled(callViewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr); ShowCallOverlayWindow(true); ShowOverlayNewCallWindow(false); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallerInfo(callViewModel.CallerInfo); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallState("Connected"); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.ForegroundCallDuration = callViewModel.CallDuration; if (_linphoneService.GetActiveCallsCount == 2) { CallViewModel nextVM = _mainViewModel.GetNextViewModel(callViewModel); if (nextVM != null) { ShowOverlaySwitchCallWindow(true); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetPausedCallerInfo(nextVM.CallerInfo); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.BackgroundCallDuration = nextVM.CallDuration; ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.StartPausedCallTimer(ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.BackgroundCallDuration); ctrlCall.BackgroundCallViewModel = nextVM; } } else { ShowOverlaySwitchCallWindow(false); } ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.StartCallTimer(ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.ForegroundCallDuration); _callOverlayView.EndCallRequested = false; if (_selfView.IsVisible) { _selfView.ResetNativePreviewHandle = false; _selfView.Hide(); } ctrlCall.ctrlVideo.DrawCameraImage = false; ctrlCall.AddVideoControl(); ctrlCall.RestartInactivityDetectionTimer(); ctrlCall.UpdateVideoSettingsIfOpen(); ctrlCall.UpdateMuteSettingsIfOpen(); // MuteCall(createCmd.MuteMicrophone); // MuteSpeaker(createCmd.MuteSpeaker); break; case VATRPCallState.StreamsRunning: callViewModel.OnStreamRunning(); ShowCallOverlayWindow(true); // VATRP-1623: we are setting mute microphone true prior to initiating a call, but the call is always started // with the mic enabled. attempting to mute right after call is connected here to side step this issue - // it appears to be an initialization issue in linphone if (_linphoneService.GetActiveCallsCount == 1) { ServiceManager.Instance.ApplyMediaSettingsChanges(); } ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallState("Connected"); ctrlCall.UpdateControls(); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.ForegroundCallDuration = _mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel.CallDuration; ctrlCall.RestartInactivityDetectionTimer(); ctrlCall.UpdateVideoSettingsIfOpen(); // VATRP-1899: This is a quick and dirty solution for POC. It will be funational, but not the end implementation we will want. if ((App.CurrentAccount != null) && App.CurrentAccount.UserNeedsAgentView) { _mainViewModel.IsMessagingDocked = true; } break; case VATRPCallState.RemotePaused: callViewModel.OnRemotePaused(); callViewModel.CallState = VATRPCallState.RemotePaused; ShowCallOverlayWindow(true); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallerInfo(callViewModel.CallerInfo); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallState("On Hold"); ctrlCall.UpdateControls(); break; case VATRPCallState.LocalPausing: callViewModel.CallState = VATRPCallState.LocalPausing; break; case VATRPCallState.LocalPaused: callViewModel.OnLocalPaused(); callViewModel.CallState = VATRPCallState.LocalPaused; callViewModel.IsCallOnHold = true; bool updateInfoView = callViewModel.PauseRequest; if (_linphoneService.GetActiveCallsCount == 2) { if (!callViewModel.PauseRequest) { CallViewModel nextVM = _mainViewModel.GetNextViewModel(callViewModel); if (nextVM != null) { ShowOverlaySwitchCallWindow(true); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetPausedCallerInfo(callViewModel.CallerInfo); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.BackgroundCallDuration = callViewModel.CallDuration; ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.StartPausedCallTimer(ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.BackgroundCallDuration); ctrlCall.BackgroundCallViewModel = callViewModel; ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.ForegroundCallDuration = nextVM.CallDuration; ctrlCall.SetCallViewModel(nextVM); if (!nextVM.PauseRequest) _mainViewModel.ResumeCall(nextVM); else updateInfoView = true; } } } if (updateInfoView) { ShowCallOverlayWindow(true); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallerInfo(callViewModel.CallerInfo); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallState("On Hold"); ctrlCall.UpdateControls(); } break; case VATRPCallState.LocalResuming: callViewModel.OnResumed(); callViewModel.IsCallOnHold = false; ShowCallOverlayWindow(true); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallerInfo(callViewModel.CallerInfo); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallState("Connected"); ctrlCall.UpdateControls(); if (_linphoneService.GetActiveCallsCount == 2) { CallViewModel nextVM = _mainViewModel.GetNextViewModel(callViewModel); if (nextVM != null) { ShowOverlaySwitchCallWindow(true); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetPausedCallerInfo(nextVM.CallerInfo); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.BackgroundCallDuration = nextVM.CallDuration ; ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.StartPausedCallTimer(ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.BackgroundCallDuration); ctrlCall.BackgroundCallViewModel = nextVM; ctrlCall.SetCallViewModel(callViewModel); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.ForegroundCallDuration = callViewModel.CallDuration; if (ServiceManager.Instance.ConfigurationService.Get(Configuration.ConfSection.GENERAL, Configuration.ConfEntry.USE_RTT, true)) { _mainViewModel.RttMessagingModel.CreateRttConversation(call.RemoteParty.Username, call.NativeCallPtr); } } else { ShowOverlaySwitchCallWindow(false); } } else { ShowOverlaySwitchCallWindow(false); } ctrlCall.ctrlVideo.DrawCameraImage = false; ctrlCall.AddVideoControl(); break; case VATRPCallState.Closed: if (_flashWindowHelper != null) _flashWindowHelper.StopFlashing(); LOG.Info(string.Format("CallStateChanged: Result Code - {0}. Message: {1} Call: {2}", call.SipErrorCode, call.LinphoneMessage, call.NativeCallPtr)); callDeclined = call.SipErrorCode == 603; callViewModel.OnClosed(ref isError, call.LinphoneMessage, call.SipErrorCode, callDeclined); stopPlayback = true; destroycall = true; callViewModel.CallQualityChangedEvent -= OnCallQualityChanged; if (ServiceManager.Instance.ConfigurationService.Get(Configuration.ConfSection.GENERAL, Configuration.ConfEntry.USE_RTT, true)) { _mainViewModel.RttMessagingModel.ClearRTTConversation(call.NativeCallPtr); ctrlRTT.SetViewModel(null); } ShowOverlayNewCallWindow(false); ShowOverlaySwitchCallWindow(false); ctrlCall.BackgroundCallViewModel = null; if (callDeclined) { _mainViewModel.IsRTTViewEnabled = false; this.ShowSelfPreviewItem.IsEnabled = true; _callInfoView.Hide(); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.StopCallTimer(); ShowCallOverlayWindow(false); _mainViewModel.IsMessagingDocked = false; if (_mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel.DeclinedMessage.NotBlank()) _mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel.ShowDeclinedMessage = true; else { _mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel.WaitForDeclineMessage = true; } if (deferredHideTimer != null) { lock (deferredLock) { deferredHideTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(DECLINE_WAIT_TIMEOUT); deferredHideTimer.Start(); } } } else { int callsCount = _mainViewModel.RemoveCalViewModel(callViewModel); if (callsCount == 0) { _mainViewModel.IsRTTViewEnabled = false; this.ShowSelfPreviewItem.IsEnabled = true; _callInfoView.Hide(); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.StopCallTimer(); if (!isError) { this.SizeToContent = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight; ctrlCall.SetCallViewModel(null); _mainViewModel.IsCallPanelDocked = false; } else { if (deferredHideTimer != null) { lock (deferredLock) { deferredHideTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(DECLINE_WAIT_TIMEOUT); deferredHideTimer.Start(); } } } ShowCallOverlayWindow(false); _mainViewModel.IsMessagingDocked = false; _mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel = null; OnFullScreenToggled(false); // restore main window to dashboard if (this.ShowSelfPreviewItem.IsChecked && !_selfView.ResetNativePreviewHandle) { _selfView.ResetNativePreviewHandle = true; deferredShowPreviewTimer.Start(); } } else { var nextVM = _mainViewModel.GetNextViewModel(null); if (nextVM != null) { // defensive coding here- do not try to operate on an errored call state object if (nextVM.CallState != VATRPCallState.Error) { _mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel = nextVM; nextVM.CallSwitchLastTimeVisibility = Visibility.Hidden; if (ServiceManager.Instance.ConfigurationService.Get(Configuration.ConfSection.GENERAL, Configuration.ConfEntry.USE_RTT, true)) { _mainViewModel.IsRTTViewEnabled = true; ctrlRTT.SetViewModel(_mainViewModel.RttMessagingModel); _mainViewModel.RttMessagingModel.CreateRttConversation( nextVM.ActiveCall.RemoteParty.Username, nextVM.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr); } else { _mainViewModel.IsRTTViewEnabled = false; } ShowCallOverlayWindow(true); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallerInfo(nextVM.CallerInfo); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.ForegroundCallDuration = _mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel.CallDuration; ctrlCall.SetCallViewModel(_mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel); ctrlCall.UpdateControls(); if (nextVM.ActiveCall.CallState == VATRPCallState.LocalPaused) { if (!nextVM.PauseRequest) _mainViewModel.ResumeCall(nextVM); else { ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.SetCallState("On Hold"); } } } } } } if ((registerRequested || signOutRequest || defaultConfigRequest) && _linphoneService.GetActiveCallsCount == 0) { _linphoneService.Unregister(false); } break; case VATRPCallState.Error: destroycall = true; if (_flashWindowHelper != null) _flashWindowHelper.StopFlashing(); ctrlCall.BackgroundCallViewModel = null; isError = true; callViewModel.OnClosed(ref isError, call.LinphoneMessage, call.SipErrorCode, false); callViewModel.CallSwitchLastTimeVisibility = Visibility.Hidden; stopPlayback = true; if (ServiceManager.Instance.ConfigurationService.Get(Configuration.ConfSection.GENERAL, Configuration.ConfEntry.USE_RTT, true)) { _mainViewModel.RttMessagingModel.ClearRTTConversation(call.NativeCallPtr); ctrlRTT.SetViewModel(null); } if (_linphoneService.GetActiveCallsCount == 0) { _mainViewModel.IsRTTViewEnabled = false; this.ShowSelfPreviewItem.IsEnabled = true; if (this.ShowSelfPreviewItem.IsChecked && !_selfView.ResetNativePreviewHandle) { _selfView.ResetNativePreviewHandle = true; deferredShowPreviewTimer.Start(); } if (callViewModel.CallState != VATRPCallState.Declined) _mainViewModel.RemoveCalViewModel(callViewModel); _callInfoView.Hide(); ctrlCall.ctrlOverlay.StopCallTimer(); ShowCallOverlayWindow(false); _mainViewModel.IsMessagingDocked = false; if (deferredHideTimer != null) { lock (deferredLock) { deferredHideTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(DECLINE_WAIT_TIMEOUT); deferredHideTimer.Start(); } } _mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel = null; OnFullScreenToggled(false); // restore main window to dashboard } else { _mainViewModel.RemoveCalViewModel(callViewModel); } break; default: break; } if (stopPlayback) { ServiceManager.Instance.SoundService.StopRingBackTone(); ServiceManager.Instance.SoundService.StopRingTone(); } if (destroycall) { if (_linphoneService.GetActiveCallsCount == 0) { if (_mainViewModel.IsCallPanelDocked) { ServiceManager.Instance.LinphoneService.SetVideoCallWindowHandle(IntPtr.Zero, true); if (_remoteVideoView != null) { _remoteVideoView.DestroyOnClosing = true; // allow window to be closed _remoteVideoView.Close(); _remoteVideoView = null; } if (deferredHideTimer != null && !deferredHideTimer.IsEnabled) { _mainViewModel.IsMessagingDocked = false; _mainViewModel.IsCallPanelDocked = false; } } if (!callDeclined) _mainViewModel.ActiveCallModel = null; } } }
internal bool SwitchCall(CallViewModel pausedCallViewModel, CallViewModel activeCallViewModel) { LOG.Info(String.Format("Switching call. Main call {0}. {1}. Secondary call {2} {3}", activeCallViewModel.CallerInfo, activeCallViewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr, pausedCallViewModel.CallerInfo, pausedCallViewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr)); if (activeCallViewModel.CallState == VATRPCallState.LocalPaused && activeCallViewModel.PauseRequest) { if (pausedCallViewModel.CallState == VATRPCallState.LocalPaused && pausedCallViewModel.PauseRequest) return false; ResumeCall(pausedCallViewModel); } else { PauseCall(activeCallViewModel); } return true; }
public CallProcessingBox() : base(VATRPWindowType.CALL_VIEW) { DataContext = new CallViewModel(); InitializeComponent(); }
internal void AcceptCall(CallViewModel viewModel) { lock (CallsViewModelList) { if (FindCallViewModel(viewModel)) { LOG.Info(String.Format("Accepting call call for {0}. {1}", viewModel.CallerInfo, viewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr)); viewModel.AcceptCall(); bool muteMicrophone = false; bool muteSpeaker = false; //bool enableVideo = true; if (App.CurrentAccount != null) { muteMicrophone = App.CurrentAccount.MuteMicrophone; muteSpeaker = App.CurrentAccount.MuteSpeaker; // enableVideo = App.CurrentAccount.EnableVideo; } try { _linphoneService.AcceptCall(viewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr, ServiceManager.Instance.ConfigurationService.Get(Configuration.ConfSection.GENERAL, Configuration.ConfEntry.USE_RTT, true), muteMicrophone, muteSpeaker, true); } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceManager.LogError("AcceptCall", ex); } } } }
internal void DeclineCall(CallViewModel viewModel, string message) { lock (CallsViewModelList) { if (FindCallViewModel(viewModel)) { LOG.Info(String.Format("Declining call for {0}. {1}", viewModel.CallerInfo, viewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr)); var contactID = new ContactID( string.Format("{0}@{1}", viewModel.ActiveCall.RemoteParty.Username, viewModel.ActiveCall.RemoteParty.HostAddress), IntPtr.Zero); var contact = ServiceManager.Instance.ContactService.FindContact(contactID); if (contact == null) { contact = new VATRPContact(contactID) { Fullname = viewModel.ActiveCall.RemoteParty.Username, DisplayName = viewModel.ActiveCall.RemoteParty.Username, SipUsername = viewModel.ActiveCall.RemoteParty.Username, RegistrationName = contactID.ID }; ServiceManager.Instance.ContactService.AddContact(contact, string.Empty); } viewModel.DeclineCall(false); try { _linphoneService.DeclineCall(viewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr); } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceManager.LogError("DeclineCall", ex); } if (message.NotBlank()) { if (_simpleMessageViewModel != null) { _simpleMessageViewModel.SetActiveChatContact(contact, IntPtr.Zero); _simpleMessageViewModel.SendMessage(string.Format("{0}{1}", VATRPChatMessage.DECLINE_PREFIX, message)); } } } } }
internal void AddCalViewModel(CallViewModel callViewModel) { if (FindCallViewModel(callViewModel)) return; lock (CallsViewModelList) { CallsViewModelList.Add(callViewModel); OnPropertyChanged("CallsViewModelList"); } }
internal void EndAndAcceptCall(CallViewModel viewModel) { lock (CallsViewModelList) { CallViewModel nextCall = GetNextViewModel(viewModel); if (nextCall != null) { TerminateCall(nextCall); AcceptCall(viewModel); } } }
internal bool FindCallViewModel(CallViewModel callViewModel) { lock (CallsViewModelList) { foreach (var callVM in CallsViewModelList) { if (callVM.Equals(callViewModel)) return true; } } return false; }
internal CallViewModel GetNextViewModel(CallViewModel skipVM) { lock (CallsViewModelList) { foreach (var callVM in CallsViewModelList) { if (!callVM.Equals(skipVM)) return callVM; } } return null; }
internal int RemoveCalViewModel(CallViewModel callViewModel) { lock (CallsViewModelList) { CallsViewModelList.Remove(callViewModel); OnPropertyChanged("CallsViewModelList"); return CallsViewModelList.Count; } }
internal void TerminateCall(CallViewModel viewModel) { lock (CallsViewModelList) { if (FindCallViewModel(viewModel)) { if (viewModel.CallState == VATRPCallState.Declined) { } else { LOG.Info(String.Format("Terminating call call for {0}. {1}", viewModel.CallerInfo, viewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr)); try { _linphoneService.TerminateCall(viewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr); } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceManager.LogError("TerminateCall", ex); } } } } }
internal void ResumeCall(CallViewModel viewModel) { lock (CallsViewModelList) { if (FindCallViewModel(viewModel)) { LOG.Info(String.Format("Resuming call for {0}. {1}", viewModel.CallerInfo, viewModel.ActiveCall.NativeCallPtr)); viewModel.ResumeCall(); } } }
public void SetCallViewModel(CallViewModel viewModel) { lock (_viewLock) { if (_viewModel == viewModel) return; DataContext = viewModel; _viewModel = viewModel; } UpdateControls(); }