// pushes all what's required to perform a clr-to-script function call. function can be null if it's already
		// at vstack top.
		private int PushClrToScriptStackFrame(CallStackItemFlags flags, DynValue function, DynValue[] args)
			if (function == null) 
				function = m_ValueStack.Peek();
				m_ValueStack.Push(function);  // func val

			args = Internal_AdjustTuple(args);

			for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)

			m_ValueStack.Push(DynValue.NewNumber(args.Length));  // func args count

			m_ExecutionStack.Push(new CallStackItem()
				BasePointer = m_ValueStack.Count,
				Debug_EntryPoint = function.Function.EntryPointByteCodeLocation,
				ReturnAddress = -1,
				ClosureScope = function.Function.ClosureContext,
				CallingSourceRef = SourceRef.GetClrLocation(),
				Flags = flags

			return function.Function.EntryPointByteCodeLocation;
Пример #2
        // pushes all what's required to perform a clr-to-script function call. function can be null if it's already
        // at vstack top.
        private int PushClrToScriptStackFrame(CallStackItemFlags flags, DynValue function, DynValue[] args)
            if (function == null)
                function = m_ValueStack.Peek();
                m_ValueStack.Push(function);                  // func val
            args = Internal_AdjustTuple(args);

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)

            m_ValueStack.Push(DynValue.NewNumber(args.Length));              // func args count

            m_ExecutionStack.Push(new CallStackItem()
                BasePointer      = m_ValueStack.Count,
                Debug_EntryPoint = function.Function.EntryPointByteCodeLocation,
                ReturnAddress    = -1,
                ClosureScope     = function.Function.ClosureContext,
                CallingSourceRef = SourceRef.GetClrLocation(),
                Flags            = flags

Пример #3
        private int PushClrToScriptStackFrame(CallStackItemFlags flags, DynValue function, DynValue arg1, DynValue arg2, DynValue arg3, DynValue arg4, DynValue metafunction = default(DynValue))
            if (!function.IsValid)
                function = m_ValueStack.Peek();
                m_ValueStack.Push(function);  // func val
            int pushed = 0;

            if (metafunction.IsValid)
                m_ValueStack.Push(metafunction); pushed++;
            if (arg1.IsValid)
                m_ValueStack.Push(arg1); pushed++;
            if (arg2.IsValid)
                m_ValueStack.Push(arg2); pushed++;
            if (arg3.IsValid)
                m_ValueStack.Push(arg3); pushed++;
            if (arg4.IsValid)
                m_ValueStack.Push(arg4); pushed++;

            m_ValueStack.Push(DynValue.NewNumber(pushed));  // func args count

            m_ExecutionStack.Push(new CallStackItem()
                BasePointer      = m_ValueStack.Count,
                Debug_EntryPoint = function.Function.EntryPointByteCodeLocation,
                ReturnAddress    = -1,
                ClosureScope     = function.Function.ClosureContext,
                CallingSourceRef = SourceRef.GetClrLocation(),
                Flags            = flags
