public async Task ChangeNonExistingDay()
            //Try to change day with id
            var controller = new CalendarController(unit.Context);
            int id         = 1000;

            Day day = new Day
                Id       = id,
                Employee = unit.Employees.Get(1),
                DayType  = unit.DayTypes.Get(1),
                Date     = DateTime.Now

            var response = await controller.Put(id, day) as ObjectResult;

            Assert.AreEqual(404, response.StatusCode);
        public async Task ChangeDay()
            //Try to change day with id 2
            var controller = new CalendarController(unit.Context);
            int id         = 2;

            Day day = new Day
                Id       = id,
                Employee = unit.Employees.Get(1),
                DayType  = unit.DayTypes.Get(1),
                Date     = DateTime.Now

            var response = await controller.Put(id, day) as ObjectResult;

            var value = response.Value as DayModel;

            Assert.AreEqual(200, response.StatusCode);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, value.Employee.Id);//id of the new day will be 3