Пример #1
        public void PostFix_EvaluateTests()
            Queue <string> expr1_pf      = new Queue <string>(new[] { "2", "2", "+" });
            double         res1_expected = 4;
            double         res1_actual   = CalcuNOT.PostFix_Evaluate(expr1_pf);

            Assert.AreEqual(res1_expected, res1_actual);

            Queue <string> expr2_pf      = new Queue <string>(new[] { "153", "32", "+", "1", "89", "-", "*", "1324", "+", "88", "499", "+", "/" });
            double         res2_expected = -25.4787;
            double         res2_actual   = CalcuNOT.PostFix_Evaluate(expr2_pf);

            Assert.AreEqual(res2_expected, res2_actual);

            //Invalid expression
            Queue <string> expr3_pf = new Queue <string>(new[] { "3", "+", "26", "12", "*" });
            double         expr3_res;

            Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => expr3_res = CalcuNOT.PostFix_Evaluate(expr3_pf));

            //Invalid Token, shouldnt happen in real calculator app but should still be tested
            Queue <string> expr4_pf = new Queue <string>(new[] { "3", "a", "+", "12", "*" });
            double         expr4_res;

            Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => expr4_res = CalcuNOT.PostFix_Evaluate(expr4_pf));

            Queue <string> expr5_pf = new Queue <string>(new[] { "1", "0", "/" });
            double         expr5_res;

            Assert.ThrowsException <DivideByZeroException>(() => expr5_res = CalcuNOT.PostFix_Evaluate(expr5_pf));
Пример #2
        public void TokenizeTests()
            string        expr1          = "2+2";
            List <string> expr1_expected = new List <string>()
                "2", "+", "2"
            List <string> expr1_actual = CalcuNOT.Tokenize(expr1);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expr1_expected, expr1_actual);

            string        expr2          = "(2)+2/6*(8-4)";
            List <string> expr2_expected = new List <string>()
                "(", "2", ")", "+", "2", "/", "6", "*", "(", "8", "-", "4", ")"
            List <string> expr2_actual = CalcuNOT.Tokenize(expr2);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expr2_expected, expr2_actual);

            string        expr3          = "\t/89&a\n**";
            List <string> expr3_expected = new List <string>()
                "\t", "/", "89&a\n", "*", "*"
            List <string> expr3_actual = CalcuNOT.Tokenize(expr3);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expr3_expected, expr3_actual);

            string        expr4          = "abcdef*66..2~~//((((4h_<#";
            List <string> expr4_expected = new List <string>()
                "abcdef", "*", "66..2~~", "/", "/", "(", "(", "(", "(", "4h_<#"
            List <string> expr4_actual = CalcuNOT.Tokenize(expr4);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expr4_expected, expr4_actual);

            string        expr5          = "";
            List <string> expr5_expected = new List <string>();
            List <string> expr5_actual   = CalcuNOT.Tokenize(expr5);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expr5_expected, expr5_actual);
Пример #3
        public void WrongAnswer_OutTests()
            //How many times to check for wrong answer
            int    wc_amt = 100;
            int    cntr   = 0;
            double tmp_ans;

            //Wrong answer checkers
            double ans1 = 153;

            for (cntr = 0; cntr < wc_amt; cntr++)
                tmp_ans = CalcuNOT.WrongAnswer_Out(ans1);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(ans1, tmp_ans);

            double ans2 = 3798.88891;

            for (int i = 0; i < wc_amt; i++)
                tmp_ans = CalcuNOT.WrongAnswer_Out(ans2);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(ans2, tmp_ans);

            //Boundary checks
            double ans3 = Double.MaxValue;


            double ans4 = Double.MinValue;


            double ans5 = 0;

Пример #4
        public void SY_ConvertTest()
            List <string> expr1_tokens = new List <string>()
                "2", "+", "2"
            Queue <string> expr1_expected = new Queue <string>(new[] { "2", "2", "+" });
            Queue <string> expr1_actual   = CalcuNOT.SY_convert(expr1_tokens);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expr1_expected, expr1_actual);

            List <string> expr2_tokens = new List <string>()
                "(", "2", ")", "+", "2", "/", "6", "*", "(", "8", "-", "4", ")"
            Queue <string> expr2_expected = new Queue <string>(new[] { "2", "2", "6", "/", "8", "4", "-", "*", "+" });
            Queue <string> expr2_actual   = CalcuNOT.SY_convert(expr2_tokens);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expr2_expected, expr2_actual);

            List <string> expr3_tokens = new List <string>()
                "(", "(", "153", "+", "32", ")", "*", "(", "1", "-", "89", ")", "+", "1324", ")", "/", "(", "88", "+", "499", ")"
            Queue <string> expr3_expected = new Queue <string>(new[] { "153", "32", "+", "1", "89", "-", "*", "1324", "+", "88", "499", "+", "/" });
            Queue <string> expr3_actual   = CalcuNOT.SY_convert(expr3_tokens);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expr3_expected, expr3_actual);

            //Exception, extra left parenthesis
            List <string> expr4_tokens = new List <string>()
                "(", "3", "+", "(", "26", "*", "12", ")"
            Queue <string> expr4_res;

            Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => expr4_res = CalcuNOT.SY_convert(expr4_tokens));

            //Exception, extra right parenthesis
            List <string> expr5_tokens = new List <string>()
                "3", "+", "26", "*", "12", ")"
            Queue <string> expr5_res;

            Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => expr5_res = CalcuNOT.SY_convert(expr5_tokens));

            //Exception, invalid token
            List <string> expr6_tokens = new List <string>()
                "3", "+", "26", "*", "ab`"
            Queue <string> expr6_res;

            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => expr6_res = CalcuNOT.SY_convert(expr6_tokens));

            //Exception, invalid token and extra left parenthesis.
            //Should throw argument exception first
            List <string> expr7_tokens = new List <string>()
                "(", "3", "+", "26", "*", "ab`"
            Queue <string> expr7_res;

            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => expr7_res = CalcuNOT.SY_convert(expr7_tokens));